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Sand Savant Desert Shroud on Max Height Charr vs Min Height Asura


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Necro Mark Indicator vs Detonated Mark 3 (300 radius)



For a bit of context, normally Desert Shroud has a radius of 180 and is increased by 120 by traiting into Sand Savant, making it a grand total of 300... but for comparison, necro marks have a radius of 240. It is several times larger on the max height (far outside of what would be considered a 300 radius) Charr pictured in image two, but significantly smaller on a minimum height Asura. Is Desert Shroud size unintentionally scaling with character height? Image 3 is comparing a 240 radius mark indicator with a 300 radius detonated mark.

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The thing about gw2 is that the largest Norn / the smallest Asuran have the same hitbox as a human toon. Best example of this is the GS F1 of Warrior, if your enemy is an asuran, the radius of the skill will still hit you even though it appears you are out of range cause the hitbox is based on human. This might be the same thing where skills appear smaller or larger but still have the same hitbox because of toon race. My suggestion is to use standard enemy models to avoid these kind of things from happening.

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This has been an unaddressed bug since release. I think the biggest evidence for this used to be asura and charr using old Plague next to each other. The red circle applied around the Plague-user was entirely off-target for both models (not to mention entirely different in size). It's easy to see this sort of stuff if you use skills like Elementalist Fire Grab. The cone for charr is huge while the cone for asura is tiny despite the invisible hitbox remaining the same size for both. This is also tied into the same reason why Sigil of Fire (PvE) will trigger titanic, screen-wide flame blasts on large targets (happened a lot when fighting bosses in Orr; shoutout to Dwayna event). Top tier coding, anet.

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