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The real reason behind the condi meta


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You might as well stop complaining about the condition meta, it is NOT going to go away.


There is a simple mechanical and practical reason for this. Anet is dead set on fights lasting UNDER 10-15 seconds. In that context Conditions have to do upwards of 20-25k damage in under 10-15 seconds, all this while overriding cleansing.


This adds upwards of 1666 damage per second.


Learn to live with it, the condition meta is here to STAY.


It sucks balls yes, but until ANET decides that finally wants to listen to the player base and slow the game down, there is really no way around it.

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> @Rodzynald.5897 said:

> As much as we might not like it, this is the lesser evil. I don't think anyone want to come back to bunker chrono kind of games.


Thats what you might think, i have stated for a loooooong while now, that the game needs to slow down A LOT.


Condition damage doing similar or higher spike and dps than physical damage, is just a symptom that further confirms what i have stated all along.


And the game has not gotten either better or more popular for having a faster pace, if anything it has killed off a good portion of its player base.

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> @Apolo.5942 said:

> > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

> > As much as we might not like it, this is the lesser evil. I don't think anyone want to come back to bunker chrono kind of games.


> Thats what you might think, i have stated for a loooooong while now, that the game needs to slow down A LOT.


> Condition damage doing similar or higher spike and dps than physical damage, is just a symptom that further confirms what i have stated all along.


> And the game has not gotten either better or more popular for having a faster pace, if anything it has killed off a good portion of its player base.


Correction it killed off a good portion of it's PvP and WvW player base. Which ArenaNet views as rejects that should just leave GW2, or go play PvE and RP.


We are the players ANet wishes that would just leave the game without a trace. Hell they've already pocketed and spent the money we gave them. Therefore they do not feel obligated to serve us proper entertainment henceforth.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @Apolo.5942 said:

> > > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

> > > As much as we might not like it, this is the lesser evil. I don't think anyone want to come back to bunker chrono kind of games.

> >

> > Thats what you might think, i have stated for a loooooong while now, that the game needs to slow down A LOT.

> >

> > Condition damage doing similar or higher spike and dps than physical damage, is just a symptom that further confirms what i have stated all along.

> >

> > And the game has not gotten either better or more popular for having a faster pace, if anything it has killed off a good portion of its player base.


> Correction it killed off a good portion of it's PvP and WvW player base. Which ArenaNet views as rejects that should just leave GW2, or go play PvE and RP.


> We are the players ANet wishes that would just leave the game without a trace. Hell they've already pocketed and spent the money we gave them. Therefore they do not feel obligated to serve us proper entertainment henceforth.


Don't attribute to maliciousness what you can attribute to laziness or incompetence.. Anet doesn't hate PvP players, wish you'd quit already, etc. They're just devoting very little effort to balance for all game modes in general.

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Anet Lame Wars2 $pam edition

"We carry the game for u" can u smash the keyboard as fast???





> @Chaith.8256 said:

> > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > > @Apolo.5942 said:

> > > > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

> > > > As much as we might not like it, this is the lesser evil. I don't think anyone want to come back to bunker chrono kind of games.

> > >

> > > Thats what you might think, i have stated for a loooooong while now, that the game needs to slow down A LOT.

> > >

> > > Condition damage doing similar or higher spike and dps than physical damage, is just a symptom that further confirms what i have stated all along.

> > >

> > > And the game has not gotten either better or more popular for having a faster pace, if anything it has killed off a good portion of its player base.

> >

> > Correction it killed off a good portion of it's PvP and WvW player base. Which ArenaNet views as rejects that should just leave GW2, or go play PvE and RP.

> >

> > We are the players ANet wishes that would just leave the game without a trace. Hell they've already pocketed and spent the money we gave them. Therefore they do not feel obligated to serve us proper entertainment henceforth.


> Don't attribute to maliciousness what you can attribute to laziness or incompetence.. Anet doesn't hate PvP players, wish you'd quit already, etc. They're just devoting very little effort to balance for all game modes in general.



That's because balancing means change quite some stuff or class behavior on pve, they have stated that if that happens classes wont be touched, reason it ended with some trinkets being removed from spvp, than rather balance/tweak the class for better balance.

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People keep throwing around "condi meta", even though there's no real big imbalance between meta builds that are condi vs those that aren't. There's actually more meta builds that aren't condi than there are of condi builds.


Scourges just make it seem like there's an abundance of condi because stepping anywhere within a 10 mile radius stacks you with 20 different conditions.

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> @Dahkeus.8243 said:

> People keep throwing around "condi meta", even though there's no real big imbalance between meta builds that are condi vs those that aren't. There's actually more meta builds that aren't condi than there are of condi builds.


> Scourges just make it seem like there's an abundance of condi because stepping anywhere within a 10 mile radius stacks you with 20 different conditions.


This thing called disproportionate representation of Condi Mirage and Condi Scourge. Two builds average 50% of the DPS slots, and there exists a possibility that one of the other 2 may play a condi based build too.

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> @Apolo.5942 said:


> This adds upwards of 1666 damage per second.


Considering warriors ( and physicals in general) have to _get close_, **actually hit** ( past all the blodge/blur/invincibles) and keep chasing people to do generally way less than 1666 when using #1 on most mainhand weapons, and suddenly it's easy to see why things are going as badly as they do.


Right now spvp has devolved into ultrabunkers + ultracondi + ultrazerk ridiculousness .

Season NINE : balance NEIN!

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> @Apolo.5942 said:

> > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

> > As much as we might not like it, this is the lesser evil. I don't think anyone want to come back to bunker chrono kind of games.


> Thats what you might think, i have stated for a loooooong while now, that the game needs to slow down A LOT.


> Condition damage doing similar or higher spike and dps than physical damage, is just a symptom that further confirms what i have stated all along.


> And the game has not gotten either better or more popular for having a faster pace, if anything it has killed off a good portion of its player base.


It's not about pacing, it's about how basically everything that's strong requires very little skill or knowledge of other professions to pull off, and an overwhelming majority of potency is coming from passives or downright un-fun mechanics.


I don't really care if my opponent can kill me fast or vice versa. I just want the ability to

1.) See him coming

2.) Know what to expect from each skill cast.

3.) Be rewarded for playing well/punished for playing poorly and have my opponent have the same thing happen to him.

4.) Have some degree of interaction between myself and my opponent where contemplating resources matters in securing a win (keeping track of cooldowns, swaps, etc.) such that every move is at least somewhat calculated, rather than haphazard spam.

5.) have builds not be oppressively hard-countered by not pursuing dominant mechanics or pigeon-holed into trying to spread myself thin to pass a stat/skill spread check (boons/conditions).


GW2 lost its PvP base because it lacks diversity and rewarding gameplay. You have instant-cast nuking skills on barely any cooldown. Things like DH traps that you can't even tell are there until it's too late. Passive procs up the yingyang. Massive chain invuln that makes playing against the builds super boring to fight.


GW2's combat isn't about skill at this point so much as it is denying your opponent the ability to play the game. And we *play* games for fun. So what's the fun in not being able to play? There's no interaction. It's just Rock Paper Scissors for the most part, except even then it's not even balanced in fairness to the three.



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> @Apolo.5942 said:

> You might as well stop complaining about the condition meta, it is NOT going to go away.


> There is a simple mechanical and practical reason for this. Anet is dead set on fights lasting UNDER 10-15 seconds. In that context Conditions have to do upwards of 20-25k damage in under 10-15 seconds, all this while overriding cleansing.


> This adds upwards of 1666 damage per second.


> Learn to live with it, the condition meta is here to STAY.


> It sucks kitten yes, but until ANET decides that finally wants to listen to the player base and slow the game down, there is really no way around it.


I am not surewhat fights you are doing, but no team fight on equal footing last under a minute or solo under 30 secs. Heck, it usually take middle contested node over two minutes for first capture. Not to mention that damage type here is as irrelevant as it gets.

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It's really Condi scourge and mirage, and the problem with scourge is that it's a walking giant aoe that shits out too many cover conditions. (I have no problem with necors doing dps but it should be smaller and do less cover conditions) Invw they need to make trailblazers into it's PVP equivalent.

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Condi is strong not just because of dmg


1) It means you are playing **red squares the game**, the UI is horrible for this. Almost as bad as looking for stability on your target.


2) Condi doesn't care about crap hitboxes


3) Condi doesn't care about laughable 130 melee range (LOL). This is probably one of the biggest, in WoW 2006 they made it so melee had more range to account for lag. GW2 with super movement speed + low melee range = lolz Melee


4) Condi doesn't care about lag (West Coast plz)


Y play Core Guardian when I can have a torch that sets someone on fire for 10k dmg a second from 10000 meters away with 999 ping?



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