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When are they going to fix WvW ?


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The WvW has to many servers . The server i represent i has merged with other servers. So its basically dead. i use to like going to WVW on occasion. But now its just a waste of time. Are there anything going to be changed or is the WVW system still going to be broken for me ? This is very disappointing.. All this cool stuff coming out yet the game has been lacking the ability to give me the full experience as it is.......

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> @AlbinoSnowWhite.4189 said:

> WVW system still going to be broken for me ?


I think it’s safe to say that the WvW system is broken for everyone.








As much as I want to be wrong, but given the track record of anet’s WvW attention, it’s safe to say you will be seeing this for quite a while.


I shouldn’t be this surprised, given the president of this company is on the record of making statements that portrays his disconnection with the WvW community, and infuriates us all.



Oh that’s not to mention tons of other issues such as class balance.

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They wont. They have made the game worse with very pathetic attempt at balance "update" they have released. They dont care about the game or the playerbase. As long as people are spending on the gemstore. That is all that matters to them. They have shown time and time again they dont care about balance. The KEY aspect of any MMO. They went with the quantity over player, over the quality of player. Because quantity means more chance of gemstore sales.


WvW these days: Go in groups. jump anyone and spam everything you have. No point in roaming because you will just find broken Condi builds and broken cheese builds with broken burst and even more broken sustain/escape ability only for them to return seconds later to spam the same attacks again and again. Zerg fights is basically spam all the AoE and ranged you have and wait until one side has enough people to actually try to push and then wait for the lagfest that will occur. Small groups is basically the same with just loads of loads of Condi and AoE spamming.


Before fixing matchup and everything, they need to fix the balance. That is the biggest issue and why WvW is dying (if not dead for quite a few) it doesnt matter if they fix the matchup system when when balance is total trash and the game mode promotes nothing more than get in groups and spam the crap out of everything you have as quick as you can.

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when i first started I was able to go to WvW and look for a group of people to wvw with. Now its dead. if i go to WvW, im a sitting duck. Not asking it to be influanced to fit my casual needs. I am asking for it to be populated so i can get owned and squashed by the accual players and feel like i have a chance. Aeolus, im guessing you are either on an active server or new... Try it out.... you will see. it definitely not what it use to be 2 years ago.

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> @AlbinoSnowWhite.4189 said:

> when i first started I was able to go to WvW and look for a group of people to wvw with. Now its dead. if i go to WvW, im a sitting duck. Not asking it to be influanced to fit my casual needs. I am asking for it to be populated so i can get owned and squashed by the accual players and feel like i have a chance. Aeolus, im guessing you are either on an active server or new... Try it out.... you will see. it definitely not what it use to be 2 years ago.


At release and for like the first year or so, WvW was huge amounts of fun. The problem was with things like the VERY stupid insane buffs that conditions got, the insane amounts of power creep they added. They just didnt know when to stop. Now its SO far out of control. I dont think even they know how to fix it. It would take more skill, time and effort that Anet have to be able to fix WvW.


All skills. of all weapons. Of all classes would need to be looked at and adjusted (nerfed in most cases) heals, utilities and elites would all also need to be looked at and fixed. When you have more than 3,000Armour and lose 1/4 of your health in a SINGLE auto attack - what exactly are you meant to do? taking 5-6k+ Auto attack damage when you have 3k Armour is simply put insane.


Anet simply doesnt have the ability and skill to be able to fix all the things they have managed to break since the release of the game and personally, i think they have given up entirely and liking writing the rest of the game off, hugely buffing new specs up to sell copies of new expansions and then nerfing them before the next expansion to to sell copies of the new one because power creep if the way to go, rather than making FUN and skill based specs. Why go that route? when you just just make them flat out better in. Every. Single. Way :/

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I really missed that brief moment where WvW was getting the most communication it ever had with Tyler. There may be some controversy with the wording on new maps, but it really was one of the few best times anet had with the community.


Anet want us to stop the pessimism and work with the devs, but how do we work with the devs when they are always silent?

Anet want us to leave feedbacks, but most of the time they are never heard. Unheard/invalidated constructive feedback will eventually lead to sarcastic inflammatory remarks.


I know some feedbacks may seem ridiculous sometimes, but at least communicate with us and tell us we’re wrong, maybe we will eventually come up with a good idea together. I know some of us can be offensive and immature, but we have nothing personal against you and your family. So please talk to us and just ignore the trolls.


Then anet proceeds to ignore this post, and every other player feedbacks and make changes no one asked for, while leaving tons of other issues unresolved.


Please current anet WvW devs. Despite the inflammatory remarks tyler might have gotten in some of his posts, he was well loved by the community. Just look at this, he was well respected:


How do you want to be remembered?

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> Anet simply doesnt have the ability and skill to be able to fix all the things they have managed to break since the release of the game and personally, i think they have given up entirely and liking writing the rest of the game off, hugely buffing new specs up to sell copies of new expansions and then nerfing them before the next expansion to to sell copies of the new one because power creep if the way to go, rather than making FUN and skill based specs. Why go that route? when you just just make them flat out better in. Every. Single. Way :/


You're optimistic in that ! With PoF, they've been building hype on Scourge and Mirage, with all those insane giggles from WP and the devs, during beta, to eventually get the nerf hammer... Sorry... Fix bugs ! I bitterly remember that video with the scourge using portal from a kind of bridge to the floor below. Now, it's LoS. I remember all the burning ticks popping off the pack of golems in the PvP lobby. It has been nerfed. Sorry. Bug fixed. (I just can't seem to get along with that)


All of this to say : they're not waiting for XPack 3 to nerf elite specs ! They just wait for release...


_Disclaimer : I quoted scourge and mirage because these were the most obvious examples of what I'm saying. I'm not saying here that any of those elite specs are balanced or any kind of fine for WvW._



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> @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

> I really missed that brief moment where WvW was getting the most communication it ever had with Tyler. There may be some controversy with the wording on new maps, but it really was one of the few best times anet had with the community.


> Anet want us to stop the pessimism and work with the devs, but how do we work with the devs when they are always silent?

> Anet want us to leave feedbacks, but most of the time they are never heard. Unheard/invalidated constructive feedback will eventually lead to sarcastic inflammatory remarks.


> I know some feedbacks may seem ridiculous sometimes, but at least communicate with us and tell us we’re wrong, maybe we will eventually come up with a good idea together.


> Then anet proceeds to ignore this post, and every other player feedbacks and make changes no one asked for, while leaving tons of other issues unresolved.


They SAY they want our feedback, but if it doesnt fall in line with THEY want, it gets ignored. They pick and choose the feedback they listen to and most of the time, they adjust the game and balance for all the wrong reasons. It doesnt help that they no longer (did they ever!?) play the gamemode themselves? let alone with all the classes?


the Devs and Balance team ARE the reason for all the pessimism, each and every "balance" update makes the game worse. The Dev team seem to take ZERO interest in WvW from a gamemode perspective, barley making any changes, when they do they make the same mistakes over and over again. Edge of the Mists was hated a lot for just all the running and everything then they made the Desert map with the exact same issues (just less PvE feeling)



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> @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

> > @AlbinoSnowWhite.4189 said:

> > WVW system still going to be broken for me ?


> I think it’s safe to say that the WvW system is broken for everyone.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18446/problems-with-1-up-1-down-match-manipulation

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18784/welcome-to-the-ultimate-competition-in-gw2-tanking-wars

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17427/concerning-intentionally-tanking-maguuma

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18886/servers-all-over-tanking-this-month

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18262/nobody-cares-anymore

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17134/wvw-servers-unlock-please


> As much as I want to be wrong, but given the track record of anet’s WvW attention, it’s safe to say you will be seeing this for quite a while.


> I shouldn’t be this surprised, given the president of this company is on the record of making statements that portrays his disconnection with the WvW community, and infuriates us all.






> Oh that’s not to mention tons of other issues such as class balance.


Every time I see this, I raise my hand as an exception as well. Most people I know and play with are also WvW ONLY, sure they go into PvE, however it is because for many things you have to. Outside of that, they might play expansions, but once they complete it, they are done and never go back until the next expansion.

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mmo's where guilds figthing over structures population imbalance or group size diference is something that hapens, issue is ANet made that the mechanics to a easy win + imbalanced and vertical class design to make them the new kewl kid gimmick, they cant balance the gameplay, since game was made to carry the pve players that tend to be awfull on other mmo's/rpg's... wich makes the game very very weak on its pvp components.


If they fix things as players want:

-Balance will affect pve classes, and will make alot of players QQ since even pvp players want to be easilly rewarded with their build and believe they are skillfull.


-Balance the population servers will be another problem for Anet, WvW is ment to flip ktrain system to avoid stallness, ANet does not like with large groups defending structures... since avoids or makes cap harder, where the game was made to be a low effort game on offensive.


-The population balance will create tons of lag, with the current spam and ANet will make next expantion more spam able and more dumb to make them better and look kewl, population balance on fights is not a good thing as well, so servers fighting ktraining with their own timezone, rewards players wich is what this game was ment to do only.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

> > I really missed that brief moment where WvW was getting the most communication it ever had with Tyler. There may be some controversy with the wording on new maps, but it really was one of the few best times anet had with the community.

> >

> > Anet want us to stop the pessimism and work with the devs, but how do we work with the devs when they are always silent?

> > Anet want us to leave feedbacks, but most of the time they are never heard. Unheard/invalidated constructive feedback will eventually lead to sarcastic inflammatory remarks.

> >

> > I know some feedbacks may seem ridiculous sometimes, but at least communicate with us and tell us we’re wrong, maybe we will eventually come up with a good idea together.

> >

> > Then anet proceeds to ignore this post, and every other player feedbacks and make changes no one asked for, while leaving tons of other issues unresolved.


> They SAY they want our feedback, but if it doesnt fall in line with THEY want, it gets ignored. They pick and choose the feedback they listen to and most of the time, they adjust the game and balance for all the wrong reasons. It doesnt help that they no longer (did they ever!?) play the gamemode themselves? let alone with all the classes?


> the Devs and Balance team ARE the reason for all the pessimism, each and every "balance" update makes the game worse. The Dev team seem to take ZERO interest in WvW from a gamemode perspective, barley making any changes, when they do they make the same mistakes over and over again. Edge of the Mists was hated a lot for just all the running and everything then they made the Desert map with the exact same issues (just less PvE feeling)




Yea. Even if the devs don’t play and understand the game mode, they really should still get feedbacks from what the general community thinks. All of us will have our own opinions that could be contradicting to each other. Don’t just take whatever one you think is right. Let us know what you think is right and some of your ideas on tackling the issue, so we can discuss, improve, or discard any ideas.


Or the alternative is deal with the inflammatory in the forums after updates and complain why WvW players all want different things, which doesn’t help with anything.

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> @ThomasC.1056 said:

> You're optimistic in that ! With PoF, they've been building hype on Scourge and Mirage, with all those insane giggles from WP and the devs, during beta, to eventually get the nerf hammer... Sorry... Fix bugs ! I bitterly remember that video with the scourge using portal from a kind of bridge to the floor below. Now, it's LoS. I remember all the burning ticks popping off the pack of golems in the PvP lobby. It has been nerfed. Sorry. Bug fixed. (I just can't seem to get along with that)


> All of this to say : they're not waiting for XPack 3 to nerf elite specs ! They just wait for release...


> _Disclaimer : I quoted scourge and mirage because these were the most obvious examples of what I'm saying. I'm not saying here that any of those elite specs are balanced or any kind of fine for WvW._



Outside of Mesmer (i dont play Mirage) those nerfs to Scourge were VERY much needed. Now, what they should have done is fix them BEFORE they released the game. Waiting SO long into the game before fixing/nerfing them is whats wrong. If they were "bugged" why did it take them SO long to see it!? If it was "Bugged" why wasnt it fixed during the betas and everything!?



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> @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

> > @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

> > > @AlbinoSnowWhite.4189 said:

> > > WVW system still going to be broken for me ?

> >

> > I think it’s safe to say that the WvW system is broken for everyone.

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18446/problems-with-1-up-1-down-match-manipulation

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18784/welcome-to-the-ultimate-competition-in-gw2-tanking-wars

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17427/concerning-intentionally-tanking-maguuma

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18886/servers-all-over-tanking-this-month

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18262/nobody-cares-anymore

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17134/wvw-servers-unlock-please

> >

> > As much as I want to be wrong, but given the track record of anet’s WvW attention, it’s safe to say you will be seeing this for quite a while.

> >

> > I shouldn’t be this surprised, given the president of this company is on the record of making statements that portrays his disconnection with the WvW community, and infuriates us all.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Oh that’s not to mention tons of other issues such as class balance.


> Every time I see this, I raise my hand as an exception as well. Most people I know and play with are also WvW ONLY, sure they go into PvE, however it is because for many things you have to. Outside of that, they might play expansions, but once they complete it, they are done and never go back until the next expansion.


I only go to PVE to gear for WvW, earn gold for cool skins to flash in WvW, world completion for legendaries to flash in WvW and stat change, play story when I’m resting from WvW and also earning skins and reward to flash and use in WvW. I think it’s safe to say I still play the game because of WvW. But in anet’s eye, this makes me a PvE player who plays WvW.

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> @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

> > @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

> > > @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

> > > > @AlbinoSnowWhite.4189 said:

> > > > WVW system still going to be broken for me ?

> > >

> > > I think it’s safe to say that the WvW system is broken for everyone.

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18446/problems-with-1-up-1-down-match-manipulation

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18784/welcome-to-the-ultimate-competition-in-gw2-tanking-wars

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17427/concerning-intentionally-tanking-maguuma

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18886/servers-all-over-tanking-this-month

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18262/nobody-cares-anymore

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17134/wvw-servers-unlock-please

> > >

> > > As much as I want to be wrong, but given the track record of anet’s WvW attention, it’s safe to say you will be seeing this for quite a while.

> > >

> > > I shouldn’t be this surprised, given the president of this company is on the record of making statements that portrays his disconnection with the WvW community, and infuriates us all.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Oh that’s not to mention tons of other issues such as class balance.

> >

> > Every time I see this, I raise my hand as an exception as well. Most people I know and play with are also WvW ONLY, sure they go into PvE, however it is because for many things you have to. Outside of that, they might play expansions, but once they complete it, they are done and never go back until the next expansion.


> I only go to PVE to gear for WvW, earn gold for cool skins to flash in WvW, world completion for legendaries to flash in WvW and stat change, play story when I’m resting from WvW and also earning skins and reward to flash and use in WvW. I think it’s safe to say I still play the game because of WvW. But in anet’s eye, this makes me a PvE player who plays WvW.


Pretty much. I used to do the same, getting the same items would take many fold the hours to get in WvW, if it was possible at all and before the gains to WvW rewards it was impossible for most things. Now with work, I don't have time, so I just buy gems for anything I need, I have not even stepped foot into any HoT or PoF content, but I had to buy it because other wise I would have been left out of the power creep.

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> @AlbinoSnowWhite.4189 said:

> The WvW has to many servers . The server i represent i has merged with other servers. So its basically dead. i use to like going to WVW on occasion. But now its just a waste of time. Are there anything going to be changed or is the WVW system still going to be broken for me ? This is very disappointing.. All this cool stuff coming out yet the game has been lacking the ability to give me the full experience as it is.......


Nothing will happen ever for WvW, read it and weep for the death of WvW

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @ThomasC.1056 said:

> > You're optimistic in that ! With PoF, they've been building hype on Scourge and Mirage, with all those insane giggles from WP and the devs, during beta, to eventually get the nerf hammer... Sorry... Fix bugs ! I bitterly remember that video with the scourge using portal from a kind of bridge to the floor below. Now, it's LoS. I remember all the burning ticks popping off the pack of golems in the PvP lobby. It has been nerfed. Sorry. Bug fixed. (I just can't seem to get along with that)

> >

> > All of this to say : they're not waiting for XPack 3 to nerf elite specs ! They just wait for release...

> >

> > _Disclaimer : I quoted scourge and mirage because these were the most obvious examples of what I'm saying. I'm not saying here that any of those elite specs are balanced or any kind of fine for WvW._



> Outside of Mesmer (i dont play Mirage) those nerfs to Scourge were VERY much needed. Now, what they should have done is fix them BEFORE they released the game. Waiting SO long into the game before fixing/nerfing them is whats wrong. If they were "bugged" why did it take them SO long to see it!? If it was "Bugged" why wasnt it fixed during the betas and everything!?


If I was paranoid, and an adept of conspiracy theories, I'd say that they purposely shown big numbers in order to build hype over OP elite specs, and then, they "fixed the bugs" in a shameless demonstration that those "bugs" were actually what the elite specs efficiency was built upon.


Fortunately, I'm not a paranoid adept of conspiracy theories, and I'm therefore concluding that they just oversaw it because of sheer ineptitude.

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> @cpchow.7416 said:

> WvW content release on its own schedule. (Soon) / (GW3) / (year 3k17)

> 15 charrs.


better not do a gw3. . id stop playing. they need to continue to do what Wow is doing. To come out iwth a new game, im not going to chase this. i spent thousands on this game. im not going to start all over again. Stop with this trash talk.

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> @AlbinoSnowWhite.4189 said:

> > @cpchow.7416 said:

> > WvW content release on its own schedule. (Soon) / (GW3) / (year 3k17)

> > 15 charrs.


> better not do a gw3. . id stop playing. they need to continue to do what Wow is doing. To come out iwth a new game, im not going to chase this. i spent thousands on this game. im not going to start all over again. Stop with this trash talk.


You've... spent.... thousands??


Man. That is the most distressing thing I've heard all day...








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