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If you had infinite gold, what would you do with it?

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I would buy things on the: "I would like this..." wishlist. After that, I'd help out my guild and get things for friends. Then, well then I'd probably randomly give gold to the new people and the veterans, too, especially if they don't have a lot of time to play or they're having financial troubles at the time. For myself, I'd buy cute minis, (keep rolling for that mini-Trahearne (Commander, please stop stepping on me. :( ) and then _beg_ for a mini- Canach. (Also, I'd find someone that wants to marry that adorable Laranthir, he deserves happiness, too, darn it!) Aside from that, I'd just play it by ear.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.


> What would you do with it?


I’d buy the infinite contracts I would like then ask them politely to remove it all. All the gold in the game will never make you happy, it’s the playing that’s the enjoyable part.


Though I’d be mighty tempted to see just how high an agony resistance I could make and see if it broke the game.

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Edit: Actually, I'd buy a house. Log Horizon style.


Well since my gold want would be fulfilled, I would then stress about fulfilling my other-currencies want.

And assuming that ANet's generosity doesn't go public, I would also not tell anyone that I have infinite gold and keep all of my wealth to myself so as to avoid wrecking havoc ~.^

... too bad no one would love my plain old-fashioned leather Charr wardrobes that much...

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> @Palador.2170 said:

> I'd buy a few minor things, and then try to master Scribe before the gold runs out.


It isn't that expensive anymore that infinite gold would run out while working on it. ^_^


@topic: To be honest, I would have no idea what to do if I had infinite gold. I always liked working hard whenever I wanted some shiny stuff or new equipment for a character/build. I would most likely buy some gifts for a good friend of mine and then ask them to "bless" someone else or my friend with infinite gold.

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Probably the same thing I do now, honestly. Stress over what to spend it on to the point of not spending it, or spending it grudgingly as little as possible. Cause you never know when 'unlimited' could get changed to 'limited.'


Or just stressing over where to start spending it. Again, resulting in the same outcome.


Getting anything done that requires me to spend gold is such a struggle...

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All the things.


Buy some really expensive dyes I always wanted but could never justify the price they are going for.

Get my Bank and Inventory for all my Characters maxed.

Buy some more character slots and gear all existing and new characters with all meta or close to builds and have fun checking all of them out, giving me better understanding to playing with those classes as well as a great variety to what I can play.

Buy all the cool skins I ever wanted and go on all the legendary journeys I'm interested it, but could never justify spending that kind of gold on.


Honestly as the kind of player (and person) who always stockpiles stuff so "I can have fun in the future", instead of just buying cool stuff and having fun now, with the risk of regretting investments or missing out on something new which I then can't afford, having endless gold would actually improve the game massively for me, as it would just allow me to go for the content I always wanted to get, but wouldn't because of the sinks involved.


I'm not the type of person who always needs a carrot, quite the opposite. I can start to have fun when I know I can get all the things, just in case something better comes around.

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1- Begin exchanging super expensive stuff for real life goodwill tasks. Like giving someone a bunch of legendaries if they pay a visit with cake to the children's hospital, or things like that.

2- Organize creative activities within the game, like dancing flash mobs in Rata Sum and 50+ people RP activities in Lion's Arch. Collaborators and best players would receive plentiful incentive.

3- Obtain and max 100 guild halls and pay people in game to create the most wild and amazing jumping puzzles inside them. I would pay prizes for the construction and for the faster runs of every one of them.

3b- I would add 1 gold to every JP chest in the game for every minute it takes to be completed on average. I would give legendaries to a development team to create an app that can verify if a player completed said JP without aid.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.


> What would you do with it?


Quit the game. Acquiring resources to fund the rest of the game is a big part of the game itself, remove that and you remove a major challenge which then reduces goals for other aspects of the game. It would be time to move onto something more challenging.

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