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Suggestion - Health and Race skill slots

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I've always thought it odd that the health skills aren't bound to the prominent health indicator in the center of the skills bar. If the health skills were moved to the center health indicator the skill slot could be freed up for a dedicated race skill slot. I don't see many people using race skills out in the world. If the race skills had their own dedicated slot it would give players a reason to use those skills more. I played with some screen shots and come up with this image as an example:



![](https://scontent-dft4-2.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s1080x1080/e15/fr/24254397_378842492573692_8987975805757816832_n.jpg "")




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The reason people don't use racial skills very much is they're usually much weaker and less useful than profession skills. If they had a dedicated slot it would require everyone to carry one, but it wouldn't require them to use it and it's unlikely many people would suddenly start using it just because it's sat on their bar.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> The reason people don't use racial skills very much is they're usually much weaker and less useful than profession skills. If they had a dedicated slot it would require everyone to carry one, but it wouldn't require them to use it and it's unlikely many people would suddenly start using it just because it's sat on their bar.


Then they need to be balanced like other skills, maybe even new ones added to go with the HoT and PoF elite specs.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Nope. Racial skills are meant to offer something fun and not viable. They are needed to be underpower if compared to any class skill.


> You must be able to chose the aesthetic you want for your character. Racial skill mustn't be a thing like wow or others mmo.



Then why waste the programming on them when they first developed GW2?


I would like to see them updated and highlighted so they get used more. We call them race differences but they are really different species with different cultures. It makes no sense to me for them to not figure more prominent in combat. Species specific unarmed combat skill could be added also. Something like brutish brawler attacks for norns, claw based attacks for charr, martial art like skills for humans, etc.


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> @Tekoneiric.6817 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > I do agree with you that they were not needed.


> With who? I think they are needed and need to be updated because it adds a level of flavor to the game and complexity to combat.


About the


> Then why waste the programming on them when they first developed GW2?

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> I don't think it works without a major overhaul of the skills. They should either all be something easy and minor to add to the fight, or be on par with the others skills. Now they are just too weak and too much all over the place.


Have they even been updated since the game was released in 2012? This is part of the reason for this suggestion. Pull them together into a dedicated slot and there would be a reason to update them.

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> @Tekoneiric.6817 said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > I don't think it works without a major overhaul of the skills. They should either all be something easy and minor to add to the fight, or be on par with the others skills. Now they are just too weak and too much all over the place.


> Have they even been updated since the game was released in 2012? This is part of the reason for this suggestion. Pull them together into a dedicated slot and there would be a reason to update them.


You keep getting it the other way around.

They first need to be of importance to have a dedicated slot. But in it is a risk. When you make them important, you make a difference between races. You add racism to the game. Is classism not bad enough?


Orwell's 1984 thought us that by removing words and meanings, you remove the difference they create. By giving meaning to those skills you add words (or skill slots) that are creating difference. Balance will never be perfect so one race will never be the same as another if these skills matter, So you create difference and so racism.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I would not like the skills set up to cover the HP orb/bar/sphere/whatever.

> That just makes it harder to read as I at times won't go by numbers but by how much "black space" is in the circular area.

> With that big square in the centre of it, it would be harder to quickly notice now.


That was just a crude graphic of what could be. A game UI gfx artist could do a much better job of merging the two. If done right it would be just as visible on the UI. Most people set their favorite healing skill and forget it anyway. Maybe just a setting up arrow at the bottom to select the healing skill then it's hidden.


I just think it's a waste not to free up that slot for something more useful. If not a dedicated race skill slot then something else; maybe move everything over and tag a second elite slot at the end.

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> @DarcShriek.5829 said:

> The problem with making racial skills useful is that it could make a particular race meta. Who wants a world where all anyone plays are norns. No one wants that.


That wouldn't happen if things were balanced out properly. If what you said was true then everyone would be playing one profession which doesn't happen because everyone has their favorite professions. I tend to play engineer and ranger most, another might play other professions. It would be the same with cultural based skills if they were better.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Moving the heal skill to the HP indicator only frees up space if you're a skill clicker. Otherwise you still have to find yet another button to map, at which point we're creeping ever closer to WoW-clone levels of hotkey mappings.


They really should have set the mount action skills to replace the inactive weapon skills using the same keybinds.

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> @Tekoneiric.6817 said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > Moving the heal skill to the HP indicator only frees up space if you're a skill clicker. Otherwise you still have to find yet another button to map, at which point we're creeping ever closer to WoW-clone levels of hotkey mappings.


> They really should have set the mount action skills to replace the inactive weapon skills using the same keybinds.


Racials are underpowered so people dont get locked from content like being an asura warrior means you get kicked for being wrong race

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