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So... CANTHA? Would you like to explore Cantha in the next expansion!?


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Supreme Marine.5948" said:

> > I have used the search function and I didn't any other specific threads or a mega thread you both are speaking of.

> > So if you would be so kind to link the thread that would be more helpfull.

> > Thanks! :)

> Sorry, no. Just typing Cantha in the search bar gives me 51 pages of threads that include Cantha. Which is why I didn't think we needed another one.



True, I did type "Cantha" and it gave me alot of threads but none of them really appealed to me in terms of what I was looking.

And lots of those threads also had the word "Cantha" in them without having any connection in terms of a next expansion.

So I made my own.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> The mega thread was on old forum. You can't add to it so its a moot point there, however I also have no idea how to find it since it was archived. Someone can link it I'm sure if you fancy reading it


I'd definitely would tbh.

This is the best I found for now:




Worst part is, I found it easier through Google than the forum search function. /facepalm


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I never played GW1, but as much as I appreciate a good throwback Thursday, I'd rather see some unexplored new lands. Feels much more organic than the Devs continuosly rehashing old memories into the current game. Maybe in a future expansion sure... but for now the focus needs to be into new and unseen lands. Don't give ANET an excuse to take the easy way out. **WE WANT SOMETHING NEW AND ORIGINAL!**

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> @"Supreme Marine.5948" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > let's do something else.

> >

> > don't need to play into gw1 nostalgia every xpac


> How would it be playing into nostalgia when it's part of the established lore? Cantha is part of the Guild Wars universe so I don't follow you into your argument.


because the reason Cantha is so popular is because of it's gw1 counterpart. i rather we leave gw1 behind us for a while (now that pof took us to elona) and explore yet unseen areas like blood/ash legion homelands, the isles of jantir or even the yet unnamed areas to the east.



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Two things,

1.) "Catha or just road to Cantha", that is stops/locations/stations on the way. (maybe with on the road to the far Silverpeaks and several other such re-explorable places)

2.) An extension with "life" additions to all the major city's, That is Districts with character, for example the upside and downside neighborhoods of Lions Arch expanded with portals in and out. They would have an ongoing stream of life events, homes or property from rundown to gaudy , with events like landlord issues, bar riots, thieves guild politics/memberships,, temple and other beggars, help for retired mercenary's, etc.


The problem of needing a large area for the home nodes will need to be solved by adding a purchasable "investment manager" that does the gathering for a cut,

(I've been playing for 6 years and I have 29 separate 'press F' node operations in my home instance. )

We deserve a view of character life involvement(s) that is more unique, personal and with depth.

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A place does not have to be "more significant" to be favored. Lots of people speculated and would like to see an underwater expansion and there are indications that it might happen (people said/thought underwater combat/content was long dead and abandoned, and then we got a skill rework _and the addition of swim speed infusions_).


I am not too familiar with the long stories and lore of GW1 but is there a dragon in Cantha? Because there supposedly is a dragon somewhere underwater. Just saying :)

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I want Cantha. Have said that. I still play it in GW, in fact it's where I go to if i fancy doing something on the game (other than old Ascalon, pre).

However, I can't see it happening. Why? Because I think this game is getting too P.C regards to a lot of areas. They have already had an 'upset' from the Canthan area in DR, so for hells sake they wouldn't *dare* to bring out an expansion based on it upsetting someone. Now don't get me wrong, I'm MORE than happy to explore other areas and see what other places look like. But there's a difference between just not wanting to go there, and not doing it because they feel they can't go there. I find it all very frustrating that in today's world one person can make such a difference. And it won't be any of us who want Cantha, that's for sure.

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I want to get Cantha so badly for years now.

It was an absolutely fantastic setting in the first Guild Wars game, with the big city Kaineng, the plague running through their lands and the war between the Luxon and the Kurzick.


I want these features back. Let us chose to become a Luxon pirate again. Give us new interesting elite specs inspired by the old campaign, like Necromancers utilising the horrors of the plague. Luxon war turtle pets for the Rangers. New unknown ways to utilize alchemy in a new Engineer elite spec. And so on.


And show Kaineng as a largely progressed city with a lot of technology. While there are still isles living naturally and in harmony with magic and nature.

If the next expansion still doesn't take us to Cantha, I will be highly disappointed.

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> @"Supreme Marine.5948" said:

> I agree with people saying we should explore more of the Charr homelands and Northern Shiverpeaks. I mean I'd love to get there as well at some point.

> But Guild Wars without Cantha is like spaghetti without cheese to me.

> Hence my vote.


Id be bored to see more Charr badland or Snowy Moutains, i mean there's already so many maps are like that. we can have new locations like that but not for a new expansion, for expansion we need new visual, what can beat the athetics of Cantha!!!

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> I never played GW1, but as much as I appreciate a good throwback Thursday, I'd rather see some unexplored new lands. Feels much more organic than the Devs continuosly rehashing old memories into the current game. Maybe in a future expansion sure... but for now the focus needs to be into new and unseen lands. Don't give ANET an excuse to take the easy way out. **WE WANT SOMETHING NEW AND ORIGINAL!**


I feel that nothing is that Original, all worlds in games are inspired by real life, what kind of original thing youd like to see?

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> @"jciardha.1936" said:

> No, absolutely not. If we never go back to Cantha it’ll be too soon. As an Asian-American, my encounters with racist weeabos and “fried eggs” back in GW1 Factions is enough to permanently turn me off to any western interpretation othe Far East.


Noting racist about it, i'm a Chinese and i love Ionian in League of Legends, which is a faction inspired by eastern asian athetics and cultures. I'm really looking forward to Cantha in GW2

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> @"thesilverdragoon.3078" said:

> I'm not against Cantha, however, I'd much rather have an expansion that focuses on another race. HoT was sylvari and PoF was humans. An expansion focusing on the charr, asura, or norn is in order to maintain a balance to not favor humans.


HoT was not about Sylvari, it's about the Jungle Environment, there's a lot of races live in there, PoF is about Desert Environment, they are all new visuals that adds to the existing GW2 world, Cantha will be perfect to add next for look and feel, while industrial/snowy/techno are already have alot of maps in the game.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Why do the Chinese have a problem with it again? >.>


> Can we like... not ruin the game for kitten China please? They made WoW remove all skulls and death references lol... total joke.


China dont have problem with that, it's some people's assumption, League of Legends has amazing Ionian faction that's combined Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc, and It's one of the most played game there. They introduced character like Wukong etc and we Chinese people are so cheered up!

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> @"Sombra.3246" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > would like but i know Anet can't do it, they then have to exclude china from the expansion and they don't want that.


> Why do you say that? does China have a problem with Cantha?


nonsense, we chinese people would love to see the oriental culture and visual athetics in this game.

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> @"Krysiza.9760" said:

> I would personally enjoy going back to the Eye of the North expansion concept. Where we got to travel between asura, norn, and charr areas and help the factions with their own problems. Whether these need to be expansions of their own, or Living world, would depend on if they plan to incorporate multiple storylines into one for a greater purpose.


> Either way, the idea of traveling north from our current map is intriguing both for nostalgia, and for new players who didnt get a chance to experience the Charr and Norn lore as much as us veterans did.


> But regardless, Cantha does open up a huge new storyline, whether it is human or not, it will definitely change the scenery and enemies, as well as hopefully a new race (tengu). So I will vote yes for Cantha, even though it is more of my second choice.



If it's an expansion with all the same old landscapes and visuals and factions, im not even interested. HoT gave us Jungle, PoF gave us Desert, now we need some new look of the GW2, the Cantha

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Actually, the portion of the map for eye of the north content is already there, I'd rather get some nice snowy areas first, we have a lot of grass/ jungles, far too much sand, a small portion of snow, Cantha was always ugly/ghetto, too much junk packed in a tight space, I'd rather see prettier places such as eotn.

off topic I'd give up both to have a tricycle toy with tassels to ride in wvw while flying my kites.

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Cantha is my favorite region of the world and i've been itching to go back there ever since it was confirmed that Gw2 will launch without Cantha and Elona as explorable regions.


I don't understand why some Gw1 players don't want to go back there specially when they got so excited for Elona.

Tyria changed a lot in 250 years.. as did Elona.. and I really want to see how much Cantha changed as well.

It's a great region with so much lore and locations that are unlike anything else in the Guildwars franchise.

Cantha is a totally unique and wonderful region of the world and even though I explored it in Gw1.. I would gladly choose to explore it again in Gw2 than go somewhere new.


Some will disagree with me and say we wanna go somewhere new but at the end of the day a lot of Gw2 players never played Gw1.. so to them Cantha is a new place they've never been to and experienced before.. so going to Cantha is absolutely worth doing in Gw2.

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Is GW2 still a thing in china? I mean is their playerbase big?

I know that ANet is concerned about releasing Cantha because of how badly it was received from the asian community in GW1.

They seem to be super touchy when it comes to their culture, even tho this is a fantasy game and everything should be an option.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> Is GW2 still a thing in china? I mean is their playerbase big?

> I know that ANet is concerned about releasing Cantha because of how badly it was received from the asian community in GW1.

> They seem to be super touchy when it comes to their culture, even tho this is a fantasy game and everything should be an option.


It's a bit different. According to some old posts in the old forum someone from NCsoft (the Korean based parent company) some executives there were against a mix of different Asian cultures. It's a pretty Asian thing since - at least the older generation - from Asia all have some deep cultural issues with each other (we would call it racism). Since the old generation have the saying and nothing else there are still some concerns about this. Hence they 'prohibited' Anet most references to Cantha hence the removing of the Canthan district in Divinity's Reach after beta phase.


We don't know if this is still an issue today though. Anet and NCsoft is very secretive about this topic.

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Well places in the world are dirty, full of rubbish and junk, dirty pools of water. It's not all swept streets and pretty front gardens, and I think that what KC was about.

Anyway no point harping on about it, If it isn't going to be done because a couple of people in suits said ni, then so be it.



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