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> @Carighan.6758 said:

> I do 4 times more damage doing everything and going crazy on the keyboard than a thief in one of the worst PvE specs does sitting there using **one** skill.


> I feel even worse now. Great. I wasn't depressed about my classes' "design" enough yet. :disappointed:


Well if it makes you feel better, said thief can still change his build to condi spam viper and deal more dps. Not like rotation is complicated xD

Btw said 50k spike comes from multiple skills, just saying..<_<

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... so a thief does 6.3K dps vs a Mirage at 31K dps?


Seems a bit off. Unless you are implying that a thief puts the mark on a foe and then go "wait for it... wait for it... cant auto-attack... need to keep full dots... waaaaaaait... almost fully buffed now... dont. make. one. move... aaaaaaaaand... OMGFULLBUFFEDMARK **KABLAM**" in PvE.


Also in WvW DJ can hit for ~25K damage on heavily armoured builds. It *is* stupid OP even if the rest of the rifle is unimpressive. Ironically it's really only challenged by a mesmer shatter spike in terms of how OP it is.

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> @Levetty.1279 said:

> Turns out OP is just another thief troll. The poster he is talking about is Burnfall who has bumped the thread over here to talk about how Mesmer mesmer is OP after it has just been nerfed.


I'm not a troll as I said "Sorry for bothering" twice. And I'm not making threads every hour so... You're just being a.. Nevermind. Sorry ;_;

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> I'm really struggling to come up with a reason for this thread having been created.


Same, especially when the scenario listed has no relevancy in **ANY** game mode in GW2.


They are comparing burst damage from WvW

to continuous damage to a test golem in PvE


and then mashing them both together like it's some new golden goose with a tinfoil hat and a briefcase of confirmed conspiracies


But this is what happens when you try and make logical arguments outta troll posters like burnfall.



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> @Imperadordf.2687 said:

> Sorry for bothering you guys. There is a kitten on the Thief forum which claims Deadeye is too OP. LOL! He was crying about Death's Judgement( Kneel 4) doing 50K damage(Which it does not. That's another LOL). And saying that;


> Mesmer does 31K DPS. Thief does 50K damage. When we said "One is DPS, other one is Spike" he responded as "Both of them are damage so what's your point" then I did a rough calculation, and found out Thief deals 50K damage in 8 seconds while Mirage is doing 240K in 8 seconds! What a coincidence! Am I right?


> He asked me to post this calculation on Mesmer forums for a reason I don't know.


> Anyway, sorry for bothering again. Have a great day/night!


You surprise me: you actually created a thread about what we spoke about.


**'All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident'**


take care




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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @Imperadordf.2687 said:

> > Sorry for bothering you guys. There is a kitten on the Thief forum which claims Deadeye is too OP. LOL! He was crying about Death's Judgement( Kneel 4) doing 50K damage(Which it does not. That's another LOL). And saying that;

> >

> > Mesmer does 31K DPS. Thief does 50K damage. When we said "One is DPS, other one is Spike" he responded as "Both of them are damage so what's your point" then I did a rough calculation, and found out Thief deals 50K damage in 8 seconds while Mirage is doing 240K in 8 seconds! What a coincidence! Am I right?

> >

> > He asked me to post this calculation on Mesmer forums for a reason I don't know.

> >

> > Anyway, sorry for bothering again. Have a great day/night!


> You surprise me: you actually created a thread about what we spoke about.


> **'All truth passes through three stages.

> First, it is ridiculed.

> Second, it is violently opposed.

> Third, it is accepted as being self-evident'**


> take care





You seem pretty opposed to accepting that you don't have a clue about mesmer, at all. Maybe soon you'll accept the truth about the class that everyone has been trying to tell you.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @Imperadordf.2687 said:

> > Sorry for bothering you guys. There is a kitten on the Thief forum which claims Deadeye is too OP. LOL! He was crying about Death's Judgement( Kneel 4) doing 50K damage(Which it does not. That's another LOL). And saying that;

> >

> > Mesmer does 31K DPS. Thief does 50K damage. When we said "One is DPS, other one is Spike" he responded as "Both of them are damage so what's your point" then I did a rough calculation, and found out Thief deals 50K damage in 8 seconds while Mirage is doing 240K in 8 seconds! What a coincidence! Am I right?

> >

> > He asked me to post this calculation on Mesmer forums for a reason I don't know.

> >

> > Anyway, sorry for bothering again. Have a great day/night!


> You surprise me: you actually created a thread about what we spoke about.


> **'All truth passes through three stages.

> First, it is ridiculed.

> Second, it is violently opposed.

> Third, it is accepted as being self-evident'**


> take care




Your statements and 'wise' quotes are hilarious.

Also, you spit them out like there's no tomorrow, yet you never apply them to yourself , and you really should sometimes. Everyone's telling you you're wrong, but you won't accept it, as if you are blinded by whatever you believe to be true.


Even if you are a troll (because I'm so confused with your strange behavior that I don't even know anymore): just stop your bullshit already. We have enough of your threads/comments stating the same (wrong) things over and over.

It ain't fun anymore, really.


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> @Imperadordf.2687 said:

> I main both mesmer and thief to be honest :v


And I main Resto Shaman, your point being?


> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> You surprise me: you actually created a thread about what we spoke about.


> **'All truth passes through three stages.

> First, it is ridiculed.

> Second, it is violently opposed.

> Third, it is accepted as being self-evident'**



True, and just like that, flame-baiters will eventually get banned. It happened to... I genuinely forgot his name already. But he was banned recently, finally, because he tried to incite the forums once too often. :tongue:


The problem of course not being whether someone is OP and should be nerfed (frankly **no** DPS spec should be dealing >30k DPS, and they should all have quite a margin below it, >30k DPS just makes PvP situations silly because you're dead before the engine started displaying combat effects), but that you post about it in a way where you know you'll entice others to come in and protest. Demonizing the opposition (or whatever it is called in english) is a common tactic of trying to force people into a binary opinion system, but for good reason not allowed in many online communities.


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Dear TC,


I do share your concern that Mirage might be outperforming deadeye, so I took it upon myself to pull the latest available deadeye benchmark from quantify (last benchmark of deadeye was at release of PoF). It puts deadeye at 31k dps with a very simple rotation. This obviously can't be true since your deadeye comparison puts the class at 6-7k dps.


I'd hate for your math to be off TC, so I recommend we reduce deadeye damage down to 10k dps so your statement may remain true (slightly above what you gave it cause we should be generous). Then once deadeye is in the benchmark range you described we should focus on how to re-balance the class so it performs on a mesmer level.


For reference deadeye benchmark: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/benchmarks-path-of-fire/

The build going along with that benchmark: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/thief/power-deadeye/


Next step after that, we compare spike damage of both classes. I feel deadeye might be over-performing there. No worries, reducing damage numbers to manageable levels across the board should make every one happy.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> Dear TC,


> I do share your concern that Mirage might be outperforming deadeye, so I took it upon myself to pull the latest available deadeye benchmark from quantify (last benchmark of deadeye was at release of PoF). It puts deadeye at 31k dps with a very simple rotation. This obviously can't be true since your deadeye comparison puts the class at 6-7k dps.


> I'd hate for your math to be off TC, so I recommend we reduce deadeye damage down to 10k dps so your statement may remain true (slightly above what you gave it cause we should be generous). Then once deadeye is in the benchmark range you described we should focus on how to re-balance the class so it performs on a mesmer level.


> For reference deadeye benchmark: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/benchmarks-path-of-fire/

> The build going along with that benchmark: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/thief/power-deadeye/


> Next step after that, we compare spike damage of both classes. I feel deadeye might be over-performing there. No worries, reducing damage numbers to manageable levels across the board should make every one happy.


In the end, There it is

The Truth


**Thank You**

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> You surprise me: you actually created a thread about what we spoke about.


> **'All truth passes through three stages.

> First, it is ridiculed.

> Second, it is violently opposed.

> Third, it is accepted as being self-evident'**


> take care





Do you taky any pills ? I read all of that and dont get any point what exactly you want compare... pve mirage dps on golem ... with dmg from one skill in wvw ?

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > Dear TC,

> >

> > I do share your concern that Mirage might be outperforming deadeye, so I took it upon myself to pull the latest available deadeye benchmark from quantify (last benchmark of deadeye was at release of PoF). It puts deadeye at 31k dps with a very simple rotation. This obviously can't be true since your deadeye comparison puts the class at 6-7k dps.

> >

> > I'd hate for your math to be off TC, so I recommend we reduce deadeye damage down to 10k dps so your statement may remain true (slightly above what you gave it cause we should be generous). Then once deadeye is in the benchmark range you described we should focus on how to re-balance the class so it performs on a mesmer level.

> >

> > For reference deadeye benchmark: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/benchmarks-path-of-fire/

> > The build going along with that benchmark: https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/thief/power-deadeye/

> >

> > Next step after that, we compare spike damage of both classes. I feel deadeye might be over-performing there. No worries, reducing damage numbers to manageable levels across the board should make every one happy.


> In the end, There it is

> The Truth


> **Thank You**


He proofed u wrong, and you say Thank you xD

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