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So I was watching a video regarding superbosses on video games and ended up thinking: 'Wouldn't it be great to have a hidden world boss behind a hard jumping puzzle, but was designed so it could not be beaten like... at all?'

I'm not talking about the invulnerability buff, but for the boss to be legitimately so hard that it's impossible to beat with a full map, having hard challenging mechanics and insane stats.


Would people eventually stop trying? Or having a rumor that it drops something amazing, make them keep trying to beat it anyways?

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> @Raven.1524 said:

> So I was watching a video regarding superbosses on video games and ended up thinking: 'Wouldn't it be great to have a hidden world boss behind a hard jumping puzzle, but was designed so it could not be beaten like... at all?'

> I'm not talking about the invulnerability buff, but for the boss to be legitimately so hard that it's impossible to beat with a full map, having hard challenging mechanics and insane stats.


You are definitely talk about the Pre Nerf Spellbreaker.

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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

>If it was truly unbeatable, what the heck is the point of it?

Stuff like this is usually used as a stage hazard, preventing people from accessing / making it hard to access a certain area (at a given time depending on wether or not it's moving around) without actually closing it off.

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> @Tails.9372 said:

> > @Fluffball.8307 said:

> >If it was truly unbeatable, what the heck is the point of it?

> Stuff like this is usually used as a stage hazard, preventing people from accessing / making it hard to access a certain area (at a given time depending on wether or not it's moving around) without actually closing it off.


Once again... super stupid.


Also, if I really wanted to, I could just get me and a group of other thieves and some Holosmiths and just stealth around the damn thing and see what it's "guarding". Unless it's some kind of door/area/something.

Then people would just datamine and/or hack to find out what's there and spill "oh there's nothing there" or "Can't beat it, but so-and-so is here" and no matter the answer, people move on and not bother with it.



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> @Raven.1524 said:

> So I was watching a video regarding superbosses on video games and ended up thinking: 'Wouldn't it be great to have a hidden world boss behind a hard jumping puzzle, but was designed so it could not be beaten like... at all?'

> I'm not talking about the invulnerability buff, but for the boss to be legitimately so hard that it's impossible to beat with a full map, having hard challenging mechanics and insane stats.


> Would people eventually stop trying? Or having a rumor that it drops something amazing, make them keep trying to beat it anyways?


I don't think it's a good idea to waste time on literally unbeatable content. However, WoW did a clever variation on that concept once. When they released the Ice Crown Citadel raid during their Wrath of the Lich King expansion, they intentionally over-tuned the Lich King encounter so that even the best pro guilds during WoW's peak were unable to beat the 25-man heroic mode. They then introduced a raid-wide buff to basically everything (health, damage, healing) that began at 5% and increased by 5% every so many weeks until it eventually capped out at 30%.


As I recall, it wasn't until that buff reached 10% that a guild finally beat the Lich King on the highest difficulty mode. Meanwhile, I led a small, semi-casual guild to a 10-man normal mode LK kill by that time, and began progressing through 10-man heroic (the 25-man versions were more difficult). So I think their design worked pretty well. It provided that near-impossible challenge with an added race-against-the-clock element for the pros, but with 4 difficulty modes and this incremental buff over time, the raid was about as accessible as pre-LFR raids could be (although keep in mind, WoW is not a casual game - even 10-man normal Lich King was tuned to be a 15-20 minute mechanics bonanza with many phases where any mistake by anyone could potentially wipe you!).


If you're going to make an impossible fight, I think that's a better way of doing it.

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There was something like this in BDO, some giant troll...I forgot. Everyone in the community said it was unbeatable, and it was, no one knew what loot it dropped or anything. But then there was one recorded kill of it, and that was it, no one else ever killed it, many tried with huge guilds and failed...


I feel like having something like that is a very end game goal and would be nice for this game, having something that is nearly impossible to defeat just there somewhere in the world.

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you know what would motivate people to try and kill the super boss?


If anet put BLTC gems as a daily chest reward. impossibly hard boss (all hits instant kill players - not down, kill - , has a tiny window frame to interrupt before it recovers all health - 4 stages of them. all hits ignore evade/block and invul so you need to time things perfectly to stay alive.)


about 50-100 gems would be enough i think.

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To be fair, Tripple Trouble is pretty unbeatable outside of the Teamspeak servers, and nobody complains about them "closing off an area".


I do think motivation would be a big factor though - if it was widely considered "unbeatable", I doubt many people would be inclined to try without being rewarded for the effort.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> To be fair, Tripple Trouble is pretty unbeatable outside of the Teamspeak servers, and nobody complains about them "closing off an area".


> I do think motivation would be a big factor though - if it was widely considered "unbeatable", I doubt many people would be inclined to try without being rewarded for the effort.


It's not that hard, honestly. Every TT run I was in didn't involve TS. You just need a commander who knows what to do, for each wurm.

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> @Raven.1524 said:

> So I was watching a video regarding superbosses on video games and ended up thinking: 'Wouldn't it be great to have a hidden world boss behind a hard jumping puzzle, but was designed so it could not be beaten like... at all?'

> I'm not talking about the invulnerability buff, but for the boss to be legitimately so hard that it's impossible to beat with a full map, having hard challenging mechanics and insane stats.


> Would people eventually stop trying? Or having a rumor that it drops something amazing, make them keep trying to beat it anyways?


Link to said video? I'm curious.


As for your suggestion, I'm not a fan to be honest. That kind of design doesn't have the same impact today as it had in the past, and I would rather resources go to proper content.


> @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> > @Raven.1524 said:

> > So I was watching a video regarding superbosses on video games and ended up thinking: 'Wouldn't it be great to have a hidden world boss behind a hard jumping puzzle, but was designed so it could not be beaten like... at all?'

> > I'm not talking about the invulnerability buff, but for the boss to be legitimately so hard that it's impossible to beat with a full map, having hard challenging mechanics and insane stats.

> >

> > Would people eventually stop trying? Or having a rumor that it drops something amazing, make them keep trying to beat it anyways?


> I don't think it's a good idea to waste time on literally unbeatable content. However, WoW did a clever variation on that concept once. When they released the Ice Crown Citadel raid during their Wrath of the Lich King expansion, they intentionally over-tuned the Lich King encounter so that even the best pro guilds during WoW's peak were unable to beat the 25-man heroic mode. They then introduced a raid-wide buff to basically everything (health, damage, healing) that began at 5% and increased by 5% every so many weeks until it eventually capped out at 30%.


> As I recall, it wasn't until that buff reached 10% that a guild finally beat the Lich King on the highest difficulty mode. Meanwhile, I led a small, semi-casual guild to a 10-man normal mode LK kill by that time, and began progressing through 10-man heroic (the 25-man versions were more difficult). So I think their design worked pretty well. It provided that near-impossible challenge with an added race-against-the-clock element for the pros, but with 4 difficulty modes and this incremental buff over time, the raid was about as accessible as pre-LFR raids could be (although keep in mind, WoW is not a casual game - even 10-man normal Lich King was tuned to be a 15-20 minute mechanics bonanza with many phases where any mistake by anyone could potentially wipe you!).


> If you're going to make an impossible fight, I think that's a better way of doing it.


That is really clever. Great way to subtly improve narrative and highlight a important encounter.

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> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > To be fair, Tripple Trouble is pretty unbeatable outside of the Teamspeak servers, and nobody complains about them "closing off an area".

> >

> > I do think motivation would be a big factor though - if it was widely considered "unbeatable", I doubt many people would be inclined to try without being rewarded for the effort.


> It's not that hard, honestly. Every TT run I was in didn't involve TS. You just need a commander who knows what to do, for each wurm.


Even if you werent on ts there is for sure that most of the people in each commanders squad were and each commander aswell to coordiante the kill since you have think a 1 min to cap all heads

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> @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> > @Raven.1524 said:

> > So I was watching a video regarding superbosses on video games and ended up thinking: 'Wouldn't it be great to have a hidden world boss behind a hard jumping puzzle, but was designed so it could not be beaten like... at all?'

> > I'm not talking about the invulnerability buff, but for the boss to be legitimately so hard that it's impossible to beat with a full map, having hard challenging mechanics and insane stats.

> >

> > Would people eventually stop trying? Or having a rumor that it drops something amazing, make them keep trying to beat it anyways?


> I don't think it's a good idea to waste time on literally unbeatable content. However, WoW did a clever variation on that concept once. When they released the Ice Crown Citadel raid during their Wrath of the Lich King expansion, they intentionally over-tuned the Lich King encounter so that even the best pro guilds during WoW's peak were unable to beat the 25-man heroic mode. They then introduced a raid-wide buff to basically everything (health, damage, healing) that began at 5% and increased by 5% every so many weeks until it eventually capped out at 30%.


> As I recall, it wasn't until that buff reached 10% that a guild finally beat the Lich King on the highest difficulty mode. Meanwhile, I led a small, semi-casual guild to a 10-man normal mode LK kill by that time, and began progressing through 10-man heroic (the 25-man versions were more difficult). So I think their design worked pretty well. It provided that near-impossible challenge with an added race-against-the-clock element for the pros, but with 4 difficulty modes and this incremental buff over time, the raid was about as accessible as pre-LFR raids could be (although keep in mind, WoW is not a casual game - even 10-man normal Lich King was tuned to be a 15-20 minute mechanics bonanza with many phases where any mistake by anyone could potentially wipe you!).


> If you're going to make an impossible fight, I think that's a better way of doing it.


Lich King rocked but BC was by far the best ever!! ;)


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