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Anet, you want to destroy the PUG raiding or what?!

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Every PUG group wants greens done, when almost none of us really learned it, how to control our energy ball or what the kitten is called, and even if you try it for the 3-4 time in your life, and do the first green, then fail your next green, you get kicked, by a commander, who never in his life will try to do it! Anet, tell us how to control that fucking thing, or let us control it like up down when we want, it's now a floating shit, even if the balls are near you you can't get them! Fix this shit!

So after 2 fails kicked, like every time, when guilds played it non-stop 16 hours to learn it, or more!

This mechanic is harder than the boss, I didn't payed for this game to play and be a fucking glowing orb! At least let us control it!


But it's better for you guys ain't it, so players buy it from raiders for 1,2-2k gold (atm), so ppl buy from you gems?!


I will eventually do this shit boss once, after 2-3 months, with training and guild, but you will see, this is promoting the elitist players to get richer, to ask for harder content, and for other players to pay really money for that content!

Again, another idiotic boss mechanic like this and PUG raiding groups will be gone, for good! And don't tell me that it's the community's fault, I payed to play my profession and character, not a stupid ball! (+800 li here)


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First ill say i support you.

Now, im quite sure anet will not do anything. If you check several highly vocal ppl here ull notice several raid selling ppl , static group and those so called pro raiders.

All of them have reason why simple pug should not have the kill, for sellers is clear, for silly “pro” raiders its prestige .

I hope in time ull mange to get ur kills , but for now dont give them joy by upsetting urself.

Wish u luck !



Dont buy raids , ever :-)



I think in time anet wil realize how badly this will affect them. I know at least one other company who had to change from this path ;-)

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> Community: "Raids are too easy we want harder raids"


You mean 5-10 same people every time?


> Community: "this raid is too hard what is this kitten?"


These are different people.


You have to understand this game doesn't have unified comunity. I dare to say this game doesn't have a community at all, it's a gathering of individuals and small groups that play together because game is designed this way :)

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And to make harder content they introduce energy balls?! The boss is doable without them, they couldn't make harder content, and they introduced a content, were your skill doesn't count, at all! Getting orbs can't be called skill, can't be called get gut, I've learned all professions, I can play on mounts, I can't learn to float like a monkey on the air, without controlling it! I just won't do it! That is horrible idea!

Just look at Deimos for example, most of the people rely on BK and HK, I have to do BK every single time any pug team, 'cause nobody can, and we one shot him, then they tell how ez it is, when it's not! Every HK and BK worked hard to perfect that skill, while ppl are doing dps and getting carried! Look at Sabetha people even at 250 li need kiter, or cannons, 'cause most of them didn't do that, because we, the +700 li ppl go and pug with them and one shot it!

Look at Matthias, when I pugged and commanded ppl with auramancer for the first time, everyone was like how low dps, why, idiot, and we one shotted him, then became meta, and even now I one shot him with even 100-150 li ppl with support firebrand, because I carry them!

Dhuum can't be carried, there everyone has to be expert, and these +150-300 li ppl, 75% of them will just simply will try to only dps and hope for a kill!

Today even the commander at dhuum made a shit cdps class on dhuum, and just did dps, and that's all, and they rely on skilled ppl! Well I won't be that idiot, anymore, to make effort on greens for example, and carry dps checkers, or lazy ppl!


And if you want you can all put me in block list, for saying what I believe, who played with me know, that I one shot bosses, and I'm not a monster PUG commander or PUG team player! I just got enough, energy ball is not skill! The end! Never do such a mechanic ever!


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> @Evolute.6239 said:

> I wasn't sure if you were talking about Dhuum greens or failing to Distort VG greens. We're talking Dhuum, yeah?


> I wouldnt pug W5 right now. Probably miserable to do outside of the first boss.


I really help pugs, and we did w5 ( I killed them twice, both week) boss 1 cm too, we did b2, b3, played with this name and Death NatureStar (druid), those who remember me, and approve that I really helped do the statues, how the minotaur works, what to do there, and I really think I carried ppl there, and now they know better that boss!


I helped at Dhuum to phase 90% pugs too, what to do at first try! And I say now, that I won't, ever, never, ever do greens in my life! I can kite, I can dps, heal, that is my skill, not hunting with a floating object some balls!

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Let me tell you a story, most of the people can't afford the time for guild clears, because they jsut simply go home, have 3 hours to play, they do it with different people! Those are like the 90% of the raid player base! If those people decide, that I have to pay for a boss kill, because it's hardcore boss, then maybe they will say, yes ok, because it's that hard, while the hard thing there is not related to gw2 skill at all, it is related on 3 person floating monkey skill, if they fail everything fails fast! So after this people will say ok, I can't kill this boss, no problem, i can manage, or buy it, or wait 2-3 month carry party or something, anything, just to do it once in my life and never again! This boss, for me at least, that green mech is not fun, it's a joke, hard mech what you can't control with gw2 profession skill, it's like a hole new game, at least for me and not for all, but people will always want other ppl to do greens, and that tells a lot...!


So everything will be ok with raid, with raid pugs, but when the w6 will come, and another mech like this will pop up, then pug people will say fuck it, I will not play raid at all, let the guilds do it, they say this is good, and let max 50 guilds play raid and 40-80% of the pugs, who will remain! This is not a problem yet, but you will see, it will become a major problem! And when the people won't pay the raid guilds for boss kills, then you will go cry and go to Anet, to give them advice....


I like raids, don't fuck it up with flying monkey things, I want profession skills, my skills from gw2, I can chase energy balls with a big floating ball on other games, but I won't...(few people will and are doing it), believe me!

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Idk why you're blaming arenanet... How do so many threads like this get put up in raids/fractals .....like what are you even complaining about? If you were Truely doing bad at greens (sounds like you were) then practice, and you won't get kicked. If the commander was just a toxic waste, then it doesn't matter how good you are, you'll probably be kicked. In either case it's not anets fault though...


What does this ridiculous thread accomplish? Selling raids is a whole separate issue intirely, but it's not the reason you're bad at greens or the reason you're comms a toxic leader..


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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @kiranslee.4829 said:

> > Pps.

> > I think in time anet wil realize how badly this will affect them. I know at least one other company who had to change from this path ;-)


> Tanking bets... it' after it's done irreparable damage to their brand.



Their brand's integrity requires raids to be pugged by people who are bad at the mechanics within a week? I don't think GW2 was advertised this way.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Linken.6345 said:

> > Raids were never meant to be puged, so how can they destroy something that wasent intended?


> Raids at the beginning weren't meant to be pugged. Since introduction of raid LFG they are now, by design :)


That's rather backwards way of looking at it. Raid LFG if anything is meant to fill small holes in groups, not to make entire groups for raids. It just happens that Anet has never been good at balancing anything so the original raids are too easy. The current wing is much more in line with where difficulty should be, Dhuum is realistically the first real raid boss.

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> @LordOtto.2650 said:

> And to make harder content they introduce energy kitten?! The boss is doable without them, they couldn't make harder content, and they introduced a content, were your skill doesn't count, at all! Getting orbs can't be called skill, can't be called get gut, I've learned all professions, I can play on mounts, I can't learn to float like a monkey on the air, without controlling it! I just won't do it! That is horrible idea!

> Just look at Deimos for example, most of the people rely on BK and HK, I have to do BK every single time any pug team, 'cause nobody can, and we one shot him, then they tell how ez it is, when it's not! Every HK and BK worked hard to perfect that skill, while ppl are doing dps and getting carried! Look at Sabetha people even at 250 li need kiter, or cannons, 'cause most of them didn't do that, because we, the +700 li ppl go and pug with them and one shot it!

> Look at Matthias, when I pugged and commanded ppl with auramancer for the first time, everyone was like how low dps, why, idiot, and we one shotted him, then became meta, and even now I one shot him with even 100-150 li ppl with support firebrand, because I carry them!

> Dhuum can't be carried, there everyone has to be expert, and these +150-300 li ppl, 75% of them will just simply will try to only dps and hope for a kill!

> Today even the commander at dhuum made a kitten cdps class on dhuum, and just did dps, and that's all, and they rely on skilled ppl! Well I won't be that idiot, anymore, to make effort on greens for example, and carry dps checkers, or lazy ppl!


> And if you want you can all put me in block list, for saying what I believe, who played with me know, that I one shot bosses, and I'm not a monster PUG commander or PUG team player! I just got enough, energy ball is not skill! The end! Never do such a mechanic ever!



Well its a gerneal problem that most raid bosses only rely on a few chossen people (mostly chrono + druids) and the other classes are "only there to do golem rotation".

I think its refreshing that EVERYONE has to do mechanics.

Regarding the "energy ball is not skill" part. What other mechanics are hyper skill based in this game except doing sick dps or distort on special occasions? throwing bombs with a simple click? Not standing in shiny fields? Use a block skill if needed? They are all quite trivial to be honest.

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I kind of wonder why anyone would expect pugs to be able to perform the "greens" perfectly so soon after the release. And why would anyone who has already killed Dhuum and therefor has mastered the mechanics have to pug it now outside of some rare cases? Just give it time. People have claimed the "Boss X will never be pugable" before. It never happened and will not happen with Dhuum either. I am pretty happy bosses are being designed around mechanics rather than simple tank and spank.

One of my favorites now even after I spend five hours kiting Messengers only.

All though, I am not surprised to see the regular doomsayers jump on this topic. I remember someone who claimed that the game already died back in 2012 thus nobody should bother to play it. Wonder why all of us bother to play a dead game.

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> @Henry.5713 said:

> I kind of wonder why anyone would expect pugs to be able to perform the "greens" perfectly so soon after the release. And why would anyone who has already killed Dhuum and therefor has mastered the mechanics have to pug it now outside of some rare cases? Just give it time. People have claimed the "Boss X will never be pugable" before. It never happened and will not happen with Dhuum either. I am pretty happy bosses are being designed around mechanics rather than simple tank and spank.

> One of my favorites now even after I spend five hours kiting Messengers only.

> All though, I am not surprised to see the regular doomsayers jump on this topic. I remember someone who claimed that the game already died back in 2012 thus nobody should bother to play it. Wonder why all of us bother to play a dead game.


So you are saying you kite it, I can kite it too, then who will do the greens? Few elite floating experts?! So the LFG will be 7 friends, and 3 green floating expert! How I now see it on LFG, every time they need 1-2 person (greens)! So you should make a research on it!

Please go and do greens for 3 hours or more, please just try it in a PUG!

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> @Raguel.9402 said:

> Wow, you must have had a bad day to open two separate threads xD


Please tell us more about your self then!

I won't let Raid get destroyed in the future, I PUG it, I guild play it, it's my favorite game mode! It's not crying for sheep, it's crying for a serious conversation, that discuss what mechanics are healthy and what are not, for us!

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> @LordOtto.2650 said:

> It's not crying for sheep, it's crying for a serious conversation, that discuss what mechanics are healthy and what are not, for us!


Speak for yourself, please. If you fail on greens, don't trash the mechanic. And expecting a serious conversation starting from your 3 pages of mimimi is just ridiculous.

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