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What to do about conditions?


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> @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

> > @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > Pls show video of single player condi bombing your non-zerker character in 2 seconds.


> I was once burst by 2 condi mesmers with 14 confusions and billions of other condi. I panicked spammed by cleanse and heal skills. Confusion killed me pretty much immediately for playing at 300 ping


2 mesmer compared to a single power mes who can 1-shot a trailblazer character. Pls. Doesn't take much to see where the power really lies.

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> @DeadlySynz.3471 said:


> 1. 100% condition immunity can be maintained (yet we don't see the possibility of 100% physical immunity uptime). This either needs to go or change resistance to reduce incoming condition damage.

> 2. Players refusal to get onto classes that can easily deal with other classes running condition builds (even tanky ones)


1) No class be 100% immune to conditions long enough to threaten any bunker condition build, except maybe Scourge/Reaper/Necro due to them having no stability, mobility or defense. Anyone else can and will just easily kite around until the VERY few access to immunity wares off because NO class can be 100% immune to conditions all the time.


Closest thing i could guess would be a Ele who is built specifically for anti conditions with Water but even they wouldnt be able to last long enough, remove a condition with every application of regen - get applied with another 3. In melee they would melt as well.


2) So because of how badly balanced this game is, players should be FORCED to stop playing the class they enjoy to go on one which they dont enjoy to still die to conditions because conditions are just that strong. No class is immune to conditions, some will be better at fighting some conditions but will be weaker at fighting against others.


What class are you thinking about that can "easily deal" with condition builds? Because, i would love to see these builds you are talking of that are immune to conditions.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Ubi.4136 said:

> > Read the Wintersday Forum patch, condi nerf is in it. They are shifting it from burst to sustain.


> So... I'll bite as I've likely been trolled, but could you post the link? I've been looking for the thread and can't find it..( also why I think I am being trolled lol)


How can you miss it when is literally on the same page?



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