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[Suggestion] Stop making Story Bosses Hard (LS4 Spoilers)

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @Soulentra.7180 said:

> > **Maybe Arena net could give us option to play trought all stories on "Easy", "Normal" and "Hardcore" mode? So people who don't care about their gear and build at all could go with easy mode (and get less rewards)? And ppl who want some challenge and better rewards they would go on Normal/Hardcore mode?**

> >


> Yes please. I rarely care about the bags of loot or whatever. As long as I get whatever unlocks (sometimes the treasure is worth it, but usually it is 2 blues and a green), like waypoints, I am happy. Spotting purple gems in a purple forcefield with a purple background with purple lights all around is not worth a few pieces of silver.

But the unlocks (especially waypoints and map access) are part of the rewards, and a much more substantial part than the two blues and a green you get from the loot bags. As others said before in this thread, this is a game, not an interactive movie. Getting places and unlocking content is a major part of the reward scheme.


That said, this game already offers you a variety of ways to reach your goals and get access to maps, waypoints and more:

* you can play the game, figure out the fight mechanics and win

* you can adjust your equipment, traits, and utility skills to overcome fights easier

* you can party up with 1-4 other players to make the fight easier


What you can't do (at least not everywhere) is go into the story instances any old way and progress through them with just running around randomly and press whatever button appeals to you at the moment. Admittedly that's a exaggerated, but if you really want all story instance fights to be winnable in a short amount of time by just any player in any equipment, any trait setup , any utility setup, and making use of their skills in any way, then that's basically what ANet would have to do, design the fights so you could win with a totally random setup and skill usage.


First round through the instance in question took a while for me, too. I am among those who missed the markers on the minimap in the first spinning ball phase, and it took me a round or two following the spinning balls to realize I wasn't getting anywhere and check the rest of my ui for clues on how to proceed. The fight itself seemed a bit long, too, but then I was on a healing druid that isn't really build for max damage output, so that's to be expected ;) . I later joined a couple of guildies for the same instance on my assassin chrono and the final fight went by so quickly that you couldn't even see all the mechanics Scruffy brought to the table.

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> > @Pifil.5193 said:

> > > @flog.3485 said:

> > > > @kharmin.7683 said:

> > > > IMO a "personal" story should not _require _LFG assistance. It should be something that can be done solo.

> > >

> > > That is the thing though. Many people claim here that it can be done solo.

> > >

> > > Anyway the personal story will never be truly personal because you can always invite people to join your party. And if you couldn't, much would be saying that it is a shame that you can't play with friends/people in personal story.

> >

> > It can be done solo by many people. However there are many situations where that's a lot harder. Unsuitable classes and builds, control issues due to disability or poor pings, other technical issues, skill atrophy due to the fact that for 99% of the game you basically only need to be facing the right direction and so on.

> >

> > I did it without a death but it was long and kinda tedious and I was on my Deadeye Thief main who is almost indestructible while dishing out lots of damage. (I spent quite a while dodging about wondering where the bloody power conduits were, trying to get the thrown lightning bolts to hit the rotating orb things). I can see how I'd have a lot more difficulty on my Sword Weaver (I know, I know, you have to switch builds blah, blah, blah).

> >

> > IMO though the length of the fight just made it a bit tedious and undermined the idea that we had to race the clock to save Taimi. Again. Can we superglue a bodyguard to her?

> >

> > Regardless, I'm all for a story mode for those who struggle with these encounters more, after all they paid their money too. Like Healix said they could just give the opposite of the Challenge Mote, something that gives a huge buff while in the instance, no achievements (apart from the one for completing the story instance) and even worse rewards for completion than normal.

> >

> >


> If it gives a huge buff, what do you do in the story mode then ? You just stand around on a corner, facing the mobs, ignoring aoes, auto-attacking until all mobs are cleared ? Why go into the trouble of Anet designing this kind of feature, if someone can just watch a video of the encounter to know about the story ? And after all that you are going to tell me that they are enjoying the story ? By participating in downgraded fight that doesn't even use the potential and specs of the class people play ? and you propose that they give less rewards ? I mean the rewards for completing the normal story without the achievements are already abysmal.


Firstly, I deliberately didn't give examples so your idea of what a "huge buff" is might be different to what my idea of what a "huge buff" is.


What do they get? They get to play through the story. The way they want. On their own characters. Getting the achievement for finishing the story instance but little else. They get to play the game and enjoy the story. This is an interactive medium: watching a video where someone else runs through the instance is in no way an alternative to that. In much the same way that watching a video of someone on a roller-coaster is nothing like riding that roller-coaster.


And yeah the rewards for story instances are poor, that's why I said this mode should give "_even worse_ rewards".


> Sorry but personally, I can't get behind the idea of unsuitable classes and builds. I would get behind this idea if we had classes that only had melee weapons or ranged weapons and vice-versa. Or classes who did not have access to aoes and others who did. As for disabilities, pings, skill atrophy due to only facing the right direction, I mean how can you account Anet responsible for all of that ? Your comment about skill atrophy is the one gameplay exemple that I think is necessary to have control over imo simply because we are playing an action focused game.


Woah, you seem to be reading a whole lot into my post there. I'm not holding ArenaNet responsible for _anything_ I'm just pointing out that these are the situations that some of their customers are in. It's not ArenaNet's _fault_ and nowhere in my post did I suggest it was.


Anyway, it doesn't matter. You don't have to use this kind of feature. You don't have to like it. You don't have to agree with it. You don't even have to _understand_ why some people want this kind of thing. It's not for you and it doesn't affect you (much the same way that Infantile Mode existing in SAB doesn't affect those who only want to do Tribulation Mode).


A buff like Healix suggested seems like the simplest way to provide an "easy mode"; buffing the player means it won't have to re-balance (nerf) all the mobs and encounters.

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Story is about story-telling. If you can stand still, facetank every attack and easily succeed while doing nothing else than pressing 111111 - how would you as a player get the impression that what you are fighting actually has some kind of power? That you fought a powerful boss and not a lvl 2 spider in a starting zone?


I would agree that PoF has stepped up in terms of difficulty, but it is in no way impossible to do solo on any class. Locate your dodge key and maybe ask for some help with your build?

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Have to agree with the OP on this one. To the people stating they like the challenge, isnt that where challenge mode could come in to give you those extra thrills?


I can think of at least a dozen challenge mode challenges that were easier than this story mode fight... thats an issue to me (and Im speaking as someone who does both).

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The difficulty is okay-ish but yes it is slightly harder than most of the previous bosses as this is one of the few bosses that actually fights back :) but after 1-2 attempt you will be able to grasp its pattern. Do you know, that in some of the previous stories you could actually AFK and let your immortal NPC allies to clear the entire field? Plus fights in POF actually requires effort to suicide if there's Rytlock & Cananch as they constantly tank & rally you. And try to get connected with people; friends; get their help, don't treat an online MMO as a Solo player game. The community in Gw2 is kind, nice and polite compared to many others MMO. But I'm not sure if I can say it's friendly. There's very little interaction between players, you may get to know and adds a player into friend list after but it ends there, never a word after. Most of the guilds are quiet or majority of its members doesn't even remembers one another.


Back to topic, the final boss is do-able and its a joke fight if you attempt it with a friend(s). If you're having trouble surviving, you must be running 0 toughness which I'm guessing zerkers. Since the boss does go down quicker with condi, and do noticed my zerker classes does lower dmg. (Similar to those Dummy Training Golem: Heavy in The Mist(PvP)). Overall, the boss did covers everything as whole(counters) as some of the bosses in the stories with certain equipment say focusing on healing and toughness, will make one immortal with regen which makes it kinda silly.

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I didn't plan on giving more comments in this thread, cause I felt like we pretty much said everything, but lets think about our ROLE in this world a bit?


> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> IMO a "personal" story should not _require _LFG assistance. It should be something that can be done solo.


**I mean do u guys actually feel that any of the personal story quests over all expansions and living stories actually required you to invite a friend?**

Because if I don't count some specifique achievements I don't feel like I ever felt like I can't do it solo.


I mean after all...

## **You are The Commander, you are Hero of Tyria and You are the GODKILLER!**

I don't want to feel harsh, but at this point, where we are the Godslayers(I probably missed a lot of other titles we have), we should know how to fight, dodge, see things on map, read dialogs and be capable of playing our class.





I still think it would be nice if each story had more modes to be played on, the thing is that would require like 2x more time (= delay) to get each chapter developed.

Maybe they will consider doing this in later, but for now I just think you guys should consider what your character is to Tyria right now and be able to act like it!

(or just bring friends/strangers with you ^_^)


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There has to be a balance between easy, challenging and plastering the ground with AOE effect clutter. This has nothing to do with "NERF PLX", dear "GIT GUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" faction. I did defeat the LS4 finale boss without it being an embarrasing sight as my p*ss poor battle against Balthy, but I cannot say that I have actually improved between LS3's later-on gimmicky fights to PoF's AoE effect clutter madness. I honestly don't care about a theoretical non-existance of the difficulty as I usually differentiate between story and boss battles (i.e. even if the battle's a joke I can still completely enjoy the story. For me difficulty has hardly anything to do with it).


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> @"Mahou.3924" said:

> even if the battle's a joke I can still completely enjoy the story


Exactly. I want to enjoy a story for the story's sake. If I am spending all my time concentrating on the boss battle that is ALL I am paying attention to and the story is meaningless. Just as people say 'a nerfed boss in the story does not convey the import' I say the same thing about one that is artificially high. To me the point of the story is the story and any fights or whatever are just incidental things. If you like the fight that much there are plenty of boss fights in the game to entertain you.


Say you are reading a James Bond novel. Do you REALLY want to read a 300-page description of a single fight scene or would you rather that scene was short and they got on to the next part of the story?



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I feel the OP's pain, I had 2 problems with the LW4 missions myself (although I attribute them to being full-Zojja decked out)


1. The SWARM at the asura gate, I felt like I was not getting supported by my NPC allies and was not comfortable rushing through _that_ many hostiles to complete the task. I did it without dying, but I didn't feel like it was something I could approach and was frustrated by it.

2. Scruff 2.0, I finished... I didn't even dye to the normal fight, but I truly feel that there was not much in the way of guidance as to how to proceed in a fight you are timed on. I did not _die_ but I wouldn't say I survived (downed to red circle) from the final barrage. Given the achive related to it I would have prefered that those kinds of attacks be telegraphed from the fighting we did and not feel like they were coming from left field about how to survive it all.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"flog.3485" said:

> > > @Pifil.5193 said:

> > > > @flog.3485 said:

> > > > > @kharmin.7683 said:

> > > > > IMO a "personal" story should not _require _LFG assistance. It should be something that can be done solo.

> > > >

> > > > That is the thing though. Many people claim here that it can be done solo.

> > > >

> > > > Anyway the personal story will never be truly personal because you can always invite people to join your party. And if you couldn't, much would be saying that it is a shame that you can't play with friends/people in personal story.

> > >

> > > It can be done solo by many people. However there are many situations where that's a lot harder. Unsuitable classes and builds, control issues due to disability or poor pings, other technical issues, skill atrophy due to the fact that for 99% of the game you basically only need to be facing the right direction and so on.

> > >

> > > I did it without a death but it was long and kinda tedious and I was on my Deadeye Thief main who is almost indestructible while dishing out lots of damage. (I spent quite a while dodging about wondering where the bloody power conduits were, trying to get the thrown lightning bolts to hit the rotating orb things). I can see how I'd have a lot more difficulty on my Sword Weaver (I know, I know, you have to switch builds blah, blah, blah).

> > >

> > > IMO though the length of the fight just made it a bit tedious and undermined the idea that we had to race the clock to save Taimi. Again. Can we superglue a bodyguard to her?

> > >

> > > Regardless, I'm all for a story mode for those who struggle with these encounters more, after all they paid their money too. Like Healix said they could just give the opposite of the Challenge Mote, something that gives a huge buff while in the instance, no achievements (apart from the one for completing the story instance) and even worse rewards for completion than normal.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > If it gives a huge buff, what do you do in the story mode then ? You just stand around on a corner, facing the mobs, ignoring aoes, auto-attacking until all mobs are cleared ? Why go into the trouble of Anet designing this kind of feature, if someone can just watch a video of the encounter to know about the story ? And after all that you are going to tell me that they are enjoying the story ? By participating in downgraded fight that doesn't even use the potential and specs of the class people play ? and you propose that they give less rewards ? I mean the rewards for completing the normal story without the achievements are already abysmal.


> Firstly, I deliberately didn't give examples so your idea of what a "huge buff" is might be different to what my idea of what a "huge buff" is.


> What do they get? They get to play through the story. The way they want. On their own characters. Getting the achievement for finishing the story instance but little else. They get to play the game and enjoy the story. This is an interactive medium: watching a video where someone else runs through the instance is in no way an alternative to that. In much the same way that watching a video of someone on a roller-coaster is nothing like riding that roller-coaster.


> And yeah the rewards for story instances are poor, that's why I said this mode should give "_even worse_ rewards".


> > Sorry but personally, I can't get behind the idea of unsuitable classes and builds. I would get behind this idea if we had classes that only had melee weapons or ranged weapons and vice-versa. Or classes who did not have access to aoes and others who did. As for disabilities, pings, skill atrophy due to only facing the right direction, I mean how can you account Anet responsible for all of that ? Your comment about skill atrophy is the one gameplay exemple that I think is necessary to have control over imo simply because we are playing an action focused game.


> Woah, you seem to be reading a whole lot into my post there. I'm not holding ArenaNet responsible for _anything_ I'm just pointing out that these are the situations that some of their customers are in. It's not ArenaNet's _fault_ and nowhere in my post did I suggest it was.


> Anyway, it doesn't matter. You don't have to use this kind of feature. You don't have to like it. You don't have to agree with it. You don't even have to _understand_ why some people want this kind of thing. It's not for you and it doesn't affect you (much the same way that Infantile Mode existing in SAB doesn't affect those who only want to do Tribulation Mode).


> A buff like Healix suggested seems like the simplest way to provide an "easy mode"; buffing the player means it won't have to re-balance (nerf) all the mobs and encounters.


Sorry for my assumption, I got carried away in my interpretation of your words.

Your lack of ideas of what this huge buff may be is imo why it is so hard design an easy mode story in the first place, even for the devs, because your idea of buff or Healix's idea of buff doesn't represent the majority of any player struggling with story content. And anyway the players complaining here about the story doesn't gather a huge pool of players like any other hige complaint thread like the mountgate.


I am sorry but I can complain and yes it will affect me. Any new system introduced withing the game such as the system proposed by you or Healix will affect anyone. You can't just stack system over system and expect everything to magically run without any problem. It will take time to develop and as a result it will also affect the release schedule of living story.


I am against that system because I don't want to wait for one, two or three more months for story to be released just because a very vocal minority of players only play one build and never want to change anything. Unless you can prove me that this sytem won't delay the delivering of LW of course.


This argument of story shoud only be solo and nothing else, I find it ridiculous as well. I have seen people asking for help to do stuff in the game. I did use that kind of help long time ago before NPE in GW2 was released because I had trouble completing personal story at one time and frankly it also happened that I helped a random player in that same periof of time like I could help anyone now during the era of HoT for a hero point. In a MMO, I found this to be a pretty standart attitude, since in this MMO you can put an LFG for pretty much any thing, or better, ask a guildie.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Mahou.3924" said:

> > even if the battle's a joke I can still completely enjoy the story


> Exactly. I want to enjoy a story for the story's sake. If I am spending all my time concentrating on the boss battle that is ALL I am paying attention to and the story is meaningless. Just as people say 'a nerfed boss in the story does not convey the import' I say the same thing about one that is artificially high. To me the point of the story is the story and any fights or whatever are just incidental things. If you like the fight that much there are plenty of boss fights in the game to entertain you.


> Say you are reading a James Bond novel. Do you REALLY want to read a 300-page description of a single fight scene or would you rather that scene was short and they got on to the next part of the story?



This is a game, not a book. The story serve no other purpose than to bring us around and make us fight things.


But you're lucky. Here's daybreak story without big scary fights.



Soon after Balthazar's defeat at the Kodash Bazaar, Rytlock Brimstone, Canach, and Taimi procured a dolyak ranch outside the Free City of Amnoon where they could make necessary repairs to Taimi's golem before resuming our search for Aurene. Taimi contacted me with a progress report.


Cavalier Captain Rahim generously allowed Taimi, Canach and Rytlock to have use of the dolyak ranch as a base camp from which to search for Aurene, track Kralkatorrik's activities, and figure out what to do next. The location provides easy access to Amnoon's bustling marketplace while allowing us to keep a low profile.


When I arrived at the ranch, Taimi updated me on her progress outfitting Scruffy, her mobile lab/golem. She also relayed a message from Majory Delaqua and Kasmeer Meade regarding Kralkatorrik's current location and activity. Their update was interrupted by a Brandstorm that appeared without warning and engulfed Amnoon. We put our search for Aurene on hold to investigate.


Rytlock Brimstone, Canach and I fought waves of Branded laying siege to the Free City of Amnoon and rescued as many Elonians as possible. The Brandstorm concealed a Branded wyvern: Kralkatorrik was clearly experimenting with new powers acquired after the deaths of Balthazar and the two Elder Dragons.


We also found our search for Aurene rendered unexpectedly moot, as she was already in Amnoon protecting its citizens. She appeared to be substantially larger and more powerful than when we last saw at the Kodash Bazaar, and her temperament seemed erratic. My concern about the effect of Aurene's proximity to Balthazar at his death has only increased after this encounter.


Aurene sent us a vision of widespread chaos and destruction, and a ruined city that Agent Kito identified as Fahranur. Agent Kito and I are proceeding to Istan to contact the Sunspears, who may know of a way into Fahranur. Rytlock, Canach, and Taimi will remain in Amnoon to clean up after the attack by Kralkatorrik's minions.


At Agent Kito's direction, I was able to arrange for passage to Istan by stowing away abroad a small fishing vessel.


In Istan, I proceeded to the Astralarium, where Agent Kito suggested I might be able to contact the Sunspears. This remarkable conservatory was teeming with scholars dedicated to the study of astronomy and the history of Istan, but the academic fervor was somewhat dimmed by the presence of Mordant Crescent agents pushing the scholars to limit the history they teach and record to Joko's propaganda.


I made contact with the head archivist, Rhadha, who was fearful that my presence might draw undue attention and requested that I disguise myself as a visiting scholar. This was the only way I could gain access to the archives where the entrance to the Sunspear base was located without arousing the suspicion of the many pro-Joko researchers or the Mordant Crescent patrols who monitored the facility.


After posing as a scholar to deflect the suspicions of the Mordant Crescent guards and pro-Joko reseachers at the Astralarium, I sought out Head Archivist Rhadha, who told me the key to locating the secret Sunspear base was contained in a book called "Nightfall," located in the main archives. Rhadha advised me to contact Archivist Salwa, who controlled access to these archives.


Archivist Salwa was understandably hesitant to allow me to enter the sanctum until I could prove to her that I supported those seeking to end the vicious rule of the lich king, Palawa Joko.


I made my way to the bottom floor of the Astralarium libray. Using the key given to me by Archivist Rhadha, I deduced the incantation required in order to gain access to the archives. Saying "Joko is false" while standing in front of the door transported me into a secret Sunspear base, where I was greeted by Agent Kito and First Spear Hakima. Hakima informed me that only Spearmarshal Zaeim, the leader of the Istani Sunspears, knows the way in to Fahranur, and I should seek him out in Champion's Dawn.


I am aiding Sunspear recruitment efforts in the town of Champion's Dawn, which is being ravaged by Mordant Crescent agents and Joko's living loyalists in retribution for supporting the Sunspears. First Spear Hakima indicated I should seek out Priest Sazeer, who might be able to help me locate Spearmarshal Zaeim. I've made contact with Priest Sazeer and his father, who informed me that Zaeim was captured by a corsair named Sayida.


Generations ago, Sayida's ancestor lost a coin to a now-Awakened Sunspear. If I can reobtain this family heirloom, it may give me the leverage I need to get the corsairs to release Zaeim. Defeating the Awakened Sunspear, however, may prove to be something of a challenge.


Koss is something of a local legend, having imprisoned himself in a cave to avoid giving in to the Awakened compulsion to obey Joko's orders. I managed to defeat him in combat, and the Awakened Sunspear has given me the coin. Now I only need to convince Sayida the Sly and her corsair crew to trade me Zaeim for the coin.


I proposed a trade to Sayida the Sly, who informed me that while she felt honor bound to aid me in exchange for her coin, she had already turned Zaeim in to the Mordant Crescent for the bounty. We came up with an alternate plan. She'll turn me in for the bounty on my head, and I'll break Zaeim out from inside the prison at the Mordant Crescent Great Hall. Kito will summon Sunspear forces to help from the outside, and Sayida will ply the Awakened with corsair grog, which is apparently strong enough to leave even the undead incapacitated. I obtained the ingredients for this legendary brew, a quest that proved challenging since they're distributed among feuding corsair crews.


I've obtained the ingredients for the corsair grog. All the pieces are in place. Now I just need to let Sayida turn me in to the Mordant Crescent.


I met with Sayida and her crew just outside the entrance to the Mordant Crescent Great Hall. She clapped me in irons and escorted me inside.


Sayida handed me over to Warden Amala, and with scores of Awakened looking on, she sweet-talked the warden into a toast to Joko, slyly handing over the spiked grog. All was going smoothly until Taimi called me over my communicator, raising the warden's suspicions. Amala cracked me over the head, and everything went black.


I came to in a dungeon cell next to Zaeim, the Hero of Istan. After the jailer outside toppled over from the spiked grog, Zaeim and I escaped and reached the stairwell leading out of the dungeons.


I must still make it past Warden Amala, and time is of the essence: Joko is back from the Domain of the Lost. And he has Taimi.


Amala put up a difficult fight: a dervish who had once dedicated her life to opposing Joko, she'd been executed and Awakened by the lich. Even under his control, she was still able to channel the power of the gods, but with the help of Sayida and her corsairs, Zaeim and I brought her down at last.


The skirmish outside the prison is still something of a haze: the Sunspears burst through the Great Hall's main gate with Rytlock and Canach to reunite with their Spearmarshal, while Aurene strafed the overwhelmed Mordant Crescent from above.


But it's hard to enjoy our triumph when Joko has Taimi. Zaeim has offered to guide us into Fahranur and has directed us to meet him at a cave on Issnur Bay. There's no time to waste.


With the help of Zaeim, I was able to find the entrance to Fahranur in an old underground tunnel system. Next up: rescue Taimi.


Zaeim, Rytlock, Canach, and I survived the foes and traps within Fahranur to make it deep in the heart of the First City, only to confront a bone wall guarded by an awakened abomination. Canach's explosives brought down the bone wall, along with the ceiling of the chamber. We would have been smashed if Braham and Rox hadn't appeared and saved us.


I can only hope Braham is ready to cooperate with us now.


With Braham and Rox's help, we made it through waves of Awakened and discovered that Palawa Joko forced Taimi to open the gates to Tyria so he could invade. We found Taimi just in time to see an Awakened army pass through the gates into a range of locations in Tyria.


We were greeted by a chorus of Awakened asura, who delivered a vengeful message from Joko and revealed that Taimi was trapped inside her golem, Scruffy, which had been rigged to suffocate her.


Our only choice now is to take down Scruffy and get Taimi out of there before it's too late.


We survived Scruffy's meltdown, took out the asura gates that were being used to invade locations across Tyrica, and saved Taimi, She's clearly weakened and frightened from the experience, but she insists she will be okay.


We asked Taimi what she learned while she was with Joko, and it sounds like he's researching bugs of some kind. We'll need to figure out where he is so we can stop him for good.


**— My story**






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Long duration fights are boring, yes.


Hard? _Hard_? Can you imagine people back then complaining because mario bros was too hard, and demanding nintendo to let you start with 10 lives and remove enemies from levels, because it was already hard enough to jump?


This generation makes me laugh so much sometimes.

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Yeah this bosses are tough to take down...Warden Amala keep jumping all around the area, its more annoying than a staff daredevil, if thats not enough, she have passive might generation with other boons, so yeah, she hits damn hard if you dont have a corrupt or remove boon...even worst is that every attack that she does is a AOE with CC...this is not a hard fight, only bad designed, big diference.

Scruffy 2.0 is pure cancer...AOE and CC everywhere and he is also completely immune to CC...again, not a hard fight, just really bad designed.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Long duration fights are boring, yes.


> Hard? _Hard_? Can you imagine people back then complaining because mario bros was too hard, and demanding nintendo to let you start with 10 lives and remove enemies from levels, because it was already hard enough to jump?


> This generation makes me laugh so much sometimes.


Neither you nor I know ANYTHING about the generation the "complainers" belong to. But it's the cheap way out of generalizing an issue and make indirect fun of it. But it's always easier to be a jerk than a useful member of society. See? I can do that as well. O M G!

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> @"Healix.5819" said:


> ArenaNet has never been about easy content however, so I'm not sure if they care about losing players to the difficulty wall, unlike back in 2012 when they heavily nerfed the core game. What they do offer to make the content easier is grouping, which in most cases trivialize it. The problem with that however, is that most people don't want to group, especially for the story. The other option is playing one of the easier professions, necro being the most casual overall.


Guild wars 2 is of the most casual successful MMOs in the market when it comes to solo and Open PvE. If you think this is hard then you definitely have not seen how other games are doing it. There is absolutely no reason to group for any story ever brought in-game. Only some achievements require you to group up and these are really very few. The personal story is probably the easiest content in game. Especially since there is no real penalty from dying most of the time. Many encounters do not even reset when you die.

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> @"Mahou.3924" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > Long duration fights are boring, yes.

> >

> > Hard? _Hard_? Can you imagine people back then complaining because mario bros was too hard, and demanding nintendo to let you start with 10 lives and remove enemies from levels, because it was already hard enough to jump?

> >

> > This generation makes me laugh so much sometimes.


> Neither you nor I know ANYTHING about the generation the "complainers" belong to. But it's the cheap way out of generalizing an issue and make indirect fun of it. But it's always easier to be a jerk than a useful member of society. See? I can do that as well. O M G!


How are you being useful by complaining about easy stuff?

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Healix.5819" said:

> >

> > ArenaNet has never been about easy content however, so I'm not sure if they care about losing players to the difficulty wall, unlike back in 2012 when they heavily nerfed the core game. What they do offer to make the content easier is grouping, which in most cases trivialize it. The problem with that however, is that most people don't want to group, especially for the story. The other option is playing one of the easier professions, necro being the most casual overall.


> Guild wars 2 is of the most casual successful MMOs in the market when it comes to solo and Open PvE. If you think this is hard then you definitely have not seen how other games are doing it. There is absolutely no reason to group for any story ever brought in-game. Only some achievements require you to group up and these are really very few. The personal story is probably the easiest content in game. Especially since there is no real penalty from dying most of the time. Many encounters do not even reset when you die.


the closest thing to GW2 stories was prolly SWTOR stories at launch, AFAIK no other big mmos have the same

SWTOR had to nerf most of it , AND implement STORY mode for it all

but its prolly too late for this game to do the same now, and its doubtful, that anet has the resources left to do it

some of the stories are even harder, than scholomance raids back in BC

its actually way easier to raid in my current mmo, than stories was in this one

yes, they just lost one customer, but bad word of mouth spreads

even the best marketing campaign cant keep up with that

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> @"Nikal.4921" said:

> This is story content. To tell a story, not prepare you for raids. I am thoroughly discouraged by the difficulty of story bosses and so hardly bother with them. I'd like to get the story line, so it's a real disappointment.


It's even worse now than in PoF.

I sure love how NPCs telling me something (which i completely miss of course) while i'm in a seizure inducing rings and beams fest. Great design Anet.

Did Daybreak once and don't feel like doing it again with my other characters. Just casually doing map completion on all.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Long duration fights are boring, yes.


And THAT is the problem with the last fights in LW or POF. They are boring, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG fights that are not fun or challenging, where you have to repeat the same actions for half an hour with the same boss "mechanics" where you bring him down to a specific amount of hp and...oh..."surprise!..."

a shitty attack from the boss and....repeat. It could be a little more fun if your allies would actually do more than just watch (has the AI become more stupid in time, in this game?) and stand still, but no, apparently we can't have that. I have played the first story mission and never touched it again, for now. Like I said, it's not fun, it's not challenging, it's just tedious...half an hour for that shitty mission? are they serious? WTH they have to give shitloads of hp to a boss just to prolong the fight? Make it shorter and more challenging, but not this shit that are these last boss fights.


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