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[Suggestion] Stop making Story Bosses Hard (LS4 Spoilers)

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Personally, I found the PoF and LS4 boss fights much easier and less stressful than the LS3 boss fights. There was that weird elemental thing we faced with Marjory and Kasmeer, and it took over two hours before I figured out the mechanics of it. There was that fight where we had to glide and drop bombs on the hellhounds. And I died so often fighting Lazarus that every single bit of my armor was gone and I walked away in my swimsuit. (Forgot I had repair canisters because they had never been needed before!) And I originally joined GW2 during Head of the Snake, and fought Cadeucus and his jade constructs without even knowing that a Counter Magic mastery existed in the then-locked chapters of LS3.


Rather than nerfing the battles for everyone, since some people love challenging fights, if it's not possible to make difficulty levels, maybe you could have some sort of emergency overrride that lets people who have reached the end of their frustration limit to simply skip to the end of the battle and go on with the story.

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Did Ls4 part 1 (Part 1 for all the following as well) on my Weaver ascended somewhat proper gear and it was challenging. Mirage mesmer ascended somewhat proper gear and it was ok. Scourge and it was a joke.

I can't imagine doing LS4 staff build, Chrono or core mesmer. Minion or power reaper is still a joke.


While I'm not super experienced with the game (Maybe 500 hours) it seems really off that certain bosses & events destroy some but not others.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Personally, I found the PoF and LS4 boss fights much easier and less stressful than the LS3 boss fights. There was that weird elemental thing we faced with Marjory and Kasmeer, and it took over two hours before I figured out the mechanics of it. There was that fight where we had to glide and drop bombs on the hellhounds. And I died so often fighting Lazarus that every single bit of my armor was gone and I walked away in my swimsuit. (Forgot I had repair canisters because they had never been needed before!) And I originally joined GW2 during Head of the Snake, and fought Cadeucus and his jade constructs without even knowing that a Counter Magic mastery existed in the then-locked chapters of LS3.


> Rather than nerfing the battles for everyone, since some people love challenging fights, if it's not possible to make difficulty levels, maybe you could have some sort of emergency overrride that lets people who have reached the end of their frustration limit to simply skip to the end of the battle and go on with the story.


Then the fight is kinda pointless for most would skip it

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I think it's safe to say that a lot of people think the fights drag on for too long (based on the comments here). That said, I agree with the people who say the fights should be challenging. You are fighting Gods and Elder dragons, they aren't just going to roll over the moment you appear. Make them too easy and you reduce the impact of the whole story.

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> @Drew.1865 said:

> If I want a challenge I’ll raid or run a dungeon. The difficulty and health pools of the living story bosses are ridiculous in my opinion. Difficulty should also be tied to an actual reward. If I was rewarded it would be worth it.


Dungeons, really? They feel seriously nerfed, specially after the release of elite specs that seems to destroy every dungeon out there. (Unless you are referring to fractals, in which case you could just ignore this comment)

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This is really odd, because Braham is immune to damage and he always comes to revive when you are downed.

If you were talking about the earlier fight with the Warden, then yes that fight has a boss with CC that can knock the npc trying to revive you, or you can be far away of them and they can't come on time. But Scruffy 2.0 has an immortal npc ready to help you at any time, and the platform is small enough that he is always available. Maybe try staying closer to him next time?



Plus, Scruffy's attacks can't even reach you outside the platform, so you can move out, regenerate your health out of combat (Scruffy doesn't regenerate), then go back in. I used that "trick" to get the achievement that requires you not to get downed during his burst phase. I fought him normally, then when he was at low health, I went outside to change my entire build to 100% survival focus, since you can't damage Scruffy at that point. Got the achievement really easily.


Scruffy has more than enough fail safes for players who are not "skilled" enough to fight him, so I don't understand the complaint for Scruffy. The Warden had no fail safes and was a far more difficult fight.

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I'd be down to see a difficulty selection option introduced to the story panel. You play on story mode for no challenge, achievements disabled & minimal rewards, normal mode for one-off rewards/achievements, and challenge mode for special achievements and repeatable rewards.

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> @Narrrz.7532 said:

> I'd be down to see a difficulty selection option introduced to the story panel. You play on story mode for no challenge, achievements disabled & minimal rewards, normal mode for one-off rewards/achievements, and challenge mode for special achievements and repeatable rewards.


I'd love a challenge mode version of Scruffy where there is a force field around the central platform so you can't just move out when you want. Also, no Braham to keep Scruffy in combat and no revives for the player.

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> @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> While I'm not super experienced with the game (Maybe 500 hours) it seems really off that certain bosses & events destroy some but not others.


That's the idea. If you see a boss that you cannot defeat, try changing your build to something more suited to fighting that boss.


The only way for all builds to defeat all enemies equally would be if everything died in one hit.

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In some ways I support the OP. Did some bosses on my own and the biggest problem I found was the fact that everything was targeted on you and you were so busy dodging you could no see the tells or anything else. If I looked I could not dodge and then died - if dodged could not look. Yes would like a easy to see hint if you die to often eg your NPC muttering about some stones they saw or something. You still need to do that but helps if feeling swamped and don't want to go to wiki for every battle.


When I was with a friend who was the target I suddenly had a chance to see what was happening outside the spam of attack circles and could start to target some of the weaknesses. Sometimes just a chance to look makes a world of difference.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> I didnt find the Scruffy fight to be particularly difficult, but it was annoying. I detest the invulnerability stage concept. If Scruffy can be made to be invulnerabble to the point that only a specific item, which is highly unlikely to be present on any other battlefield, then why not build an army of scruffies and never worry about any enemy again?


Plot armour is truly the finest armour.


"Hey Taimi, make me a Scruffy, and add a mechanical or explosive emergency eject mechanism".


I'm impressed at her ability to design and pack in so much weaponry and defensive power into such a small golem whilst also running a number of very important experiments and an entire research staff.


As a fellow Asura and a Snaff Savant to boot, I must say I feel a little... what's the word we use for all other races in this situation... no, I mean the polite one... yes, inadequate.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> I disagree with you guys. I think the story content should have a level of difficulty that provides a challenge to the player. If you, the player, can't figure out how to beat a fight then you die. That's how games should work; you should be rewarded to overcoming a challenge and punished for failing. The punishment in this game isn't drastic, either. You get to restart at checkpoints, you come back with your health, you don't lose items and the bosses seldom recover health in story content. You guys have it easy.


> If you're incapable of beating content on your own consider the following:

> 1) Change your build. I can't think of a single class that doesn't have a good build for PvE content. That means you might need to change your weapon set, specializations or skills. When you die and respawn at a checkpoint you can make changes (in most cases) to help overcome obstacles in the current fight.

> 2) Take some instant repair canisters with you. When you die so much that your armor is broken then you're not very effective. Repair before getting back into the fight.

> 3) Party up with some friends. If you can't do it by yourself then bring others along.


> I'm not going to "git gud" or anything like that... but, the content isn't that hard. I think some people just need to learn to use all of the tools they have at their disposal and go into fight with the right gear and skill. For what it's worth, I run around in full exotics on all my characters (at best) and change my skills/weapons frequently to match whatever situation I find myself in. You guys should try that sometime.


I did die once, and I agree that maybe the fight was a bit too long, but I chalked that up to me being melee and not having many opportunities to actually hit the boss. Once I figured out what I had to do it was easiER, but still not straight up easy. Maybe if the stupid platform things weren't there that you had to jump just right to get over it would be less stressful. I don't think the fight needs to be made "easier," just shorter.


I just last night finally got around to finishing my griffon mount and I thought the elite ghost thing in the library was harder to kill than Scruffy. I actually did have to switch my build up a bit to beat that thing.

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Skimming the other comments, I may repeat some voice opinions but: In many console games I've played, they have a 'Difficulty Level" you can select before you play. Easy, Moderate, Hard, and OMG We're all going to die. If they implemented this feature into the Story Instances in GW2, it could alleviate some of the issues people complain about. It would lower the HP pool of bosses, perhaps take a way a certain attack for a boss or any other combination of changes. Alter the Achievement process that you can only complete certain Achievements based on the level you play each story, and you can change said difficulty level before going into any story instance, whether it's your first or tenth attempt. This would motivate the "Get Better" approach as you start out easy and get to experience the story and then move into the challenge mode of completing it at the level Anet seems to want them to be now.



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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> I think it's safe to say that a lot of people think the fights drag on for too long (based on the comments here). That said, I agree with the people who say the fights should be challenging. You are fighting Gods and Elder dragons, they aren't just going to roll over the moment you appear. Make them too easy and you reduce the impact of the whole story.


To be honest, I found the LS4 generic unnamed Wyvern to be tougher than the god of war himself. Is this what the story is supposed to be? Does Kralkatorrik have the power to send out god-like minions via mass production? If so, then only Scruffy V2.5 can help us...

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We could always get a "skip fight button", like the skip cut-scene one? That way people could just mash skip through the story and get the rewards and be happy. I think they should even add an achievement for skipping the story in less than 5 seconds.


Story fights never stray from being soloable. And do remember you can party through the story!

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> We could always get a "skip fight button", like the skip cut-scene one? That way people could just mash skip through the story and get the rewards and be happy. I think they should even add an achievement for skipping the story in less than 5 seconds.


> Story fights never stray from being soloable. And do remember you can party through the story!


I think it would be better to have to do the fight to get the rewards. Then there is motivation to at least try. And the people who skip over the fight would be able to come back and attempt it again any time for the rewards.

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Pretty much every LS boss as had people making claims that they’re too tough. Only the Caudecus has its challenges with the CC spam until they tweaked it.


As for Scruffy 2.0, I don’t find it challenging at all. If someone intends to just stand in one place and facetabk it, sure it will be difficult. None of the attacks are over the top that an average player can avoid. The fight is more tedious (annoying) with having to get the power cores than anything.

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Making story bosses hard is good. It is correct. What is wrong is making unbalanced, buggy, unintelligible or flawed fights in general.

Hard means you have to commit and focus and think and get good. When this is not enough and you depend on luck, a perfect ping or a mere miracle, then there is a problem, and Anet needs to solve it ASAP. Sadly, people tend to mix both, precisely because Anet takes so long on fixing really stupid mistakes and bugs.


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You have gotten a guildy to run with you? Have you switched up your build? There are some encounters where your build and the encounter will just not go together.


There was merit in the LS2 method of challenge moots. Could see future ones where there are multiple levels of challenge moots with differing mechanics. Agains rick/reward would have to be considered here if that method was taken. Question is how much extra development would that require? I don't want anyone to not be able to complete content but I also don't want people to see story arcs as a cakewalk.

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