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Core Masteries needs adjustment


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I'm wondering why are Fractals part of the Core Masteries. Fractals are like Dungeons and Raids, and certainly not played by everyone. I gave Fractals a couple of tries and never liked it. Because of that, all the XP's I earn in Core are simply wasted and go to trash. Perhaps Fractals, like Raids, should have its own set of separate Masteries, and a lot of players would stop wasting XP's while playing Core.

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Just train the core Tyria masteries and be done with it.

With the newly added [core-Tyrian mastery insights](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_Insights_(Central_Tyria) "core-Tyrian mastery insights") it should not be too difficult anymore.


See [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks "Yes, here. Click click.") for a full list of where you can get mastery points via other ways.

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I'm aware of that page and to be honest, apart from the 15 that are exclusive to the Fractals, getting some of those Core Masteries is nothing short of a grind since a lot are attached to the Story Journal where you need, in each chapter, to complete a set of achievements to simply earn a Mastery Point, as opposed to HoT or PoF where you simply need to reach a designated area. Never had any trouble maxing out, or exceeding, the HoT and PoF Mastery Points but Core really needs a makeover in that regard.

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I can't agree. It's already possible to gain full Core mastery without stepping foot into fractals. Even if it weren't, losing out on some spirit shards isn't a strong enough reason to spend all that time on an "overhaul" or adjustment.


While it's true that PoF masteries are nearly trivial to max, HoT masteries aren't particularly easy to max, especially before LS3 and especially for those who hate adventures. I don't see anything wrong with expecting people to stretch themselves to go outside their comfort zone to max masteries.


Or put another way: maxing masteries should involve mastering a maximum variety of things; it's shouldn't be easy.

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Disagree also, not only did I max out all Core masteries it wasn't difficult at all...and I don't even plan on using either Fractal or Legendary(come to think of it, I stopped adding to that one even though I have to do absolutely nothing to max it out, already had enough mastery points to begin with).

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Many people, me among them, haven't been able to max out Core. Time constraints are a major factor and, like many other players, do not have the luxury of investing the necessary time playing/replaying the same chapters,working on 8 or 9 achievements only to get one measly MP. As it is, and for its size, Core contains 82 masteries, 15 of which are locked behind Fractals. HoT, in stark contrast, and for a much smaller size, has 198. That's more than double, while PoF has 86. The discrepancy between Core and HoT/PoF is quite evident and in my opinion should be re-balanced in order to benefit more players, namely those who can't spent countless hours playing. Furthermore, starting with HoT, Anet decided to change the way MP could be obtained by offering more options, and easier methods to max the masteries and they continued with PoF, and to this day. Last summer they added 9 easily obtainable MP in Tyria, but a few more would not hurt, on the contrary, or put Fractals in its own category.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I can't agree. It's already possible to gain full Core mastery without stepping foot into fractals. Even if it weren't, losing out on some spirit shards isn't a strong enough reason to spend all that time on an "overhaul" or adjustment.


> While it's true that PoF masteries are nearly trivial to max, HoT masteries aren't particularly easy to max, especially before LS3 and especially for those who hate adventures. I don't see anything wrong with expecting people to stretch themselves to go outside their comfort zone to max masteries.


> Or put another way: maxing masteries should involve mastering a maximum variety of things; it's shouldn't be easy.



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> @Noa.7490 said:

> Many people, me among them, haven't been able to max out Core.

Not everyone is going to be able to.


> Time constraints are a major factor and, like many other players, do not have the luxury of investing the necessary time playing/replaying the same chapters,working on 8 or 9 achievements only to get one measly MP.

Are you suggesting that time shouldn't be a factor?


> As it is, and for its size, Core contains 82 masteries, 15 of which are locked behind Fractals.

> HoT, in stark contrast, and for a much smaller size, has 198. That's more than double, while PoF has 86.

> The discrepancy between Core and HoT/PoF is quite evident

There's more wiggle room in Core than you think... and less in HoT. (And it's well established that PoF has the most wiggle room, and easiest to reach max; some have argued it's too easy.)


* Central Tyria requires 49 points out of 82 possible

* HoT requires 112 out of 132 possible, of which 30 points are from adventures.

* HoT with LS3 requires 136 out of 184


> and in my opinion should be re-balanced in order to benefit more players, namely those who can't spent countless hours playing.

It depends on whether one agrees that maxing masteries is something that shouldn't require investing extra time or effort, while choosing to ignore an entire aspect of the game (in this case: fractals).


> Furthermore, starting with HoT, Anet decided to change the way MP could be obtained by offering more options, and easier methods to max the masteries and they continued with PoF, and to this day. Last summer they added 9 easily obtainable MP in Tyria, but a few more would not hurt, on the contrary, or put Fractals in its own category.


I'm not opposed to changing the system, I just don't think that this is a strong argument for ANet spending extra time/energy to change things. Would it be helpful to people if there were more Central Tyria masteries? Of course. Is it important that it be easier? That's not clear to me. What other suggestions or features would we be willing to give up in order to have this? That's how doing thing might hurt, because there's only so much time in the day for ANet to add things to the game.



I went through the list of Core Masteries and rated the difficulty of each, looking at: how accessible, how grindy, how difficult, and how much depended on right-time/right-place. I rated 13 of the 15 fractal masteries as "easy" in that: they only require that you show up with a group that's willing to help you get the mastery. (If you're good at games, you'll get them practically through osmosis.)


I don't mean to suggest that this means that it will be easy for the OP to find such a group (although: worth trying in LFG and in Players-Helping-Players here on the forums). I mean that the only thing blocking the OP from 13 specific points is the self-imposed requirement that fractals not be part of core masteries. If the OP is willing to drop that restriction, I'm confident that they can max Core with a lot less headache than worrying about LS2 or other tricky achievements.



The problem here is that the OP has time constraints (which isn't within their control) and is also choosing to avoid fractals (something entirely within their control). I'm not convinced that's a problem that ANet should be addressing.



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I personally don't find it that hard to max, but then I have been playing for so long I gotten alot of the achievements which give mastery points, before masteries were a thing.


I don't believe the masteries need to be hard to obtain, but taking at least some time to do. If you still can get masteries from personal story then you definitely could do those quite easily. Especially with tomes and birthday scrolls. On the other hand, those mastery points that require you to do a whole weaponset shouldnt really give mastery points. They should be purely optional imo.


I see the masteries as an extension of the levelling system. Its there to guide you through content and provide meaningful progession goals. It gives new ways to play through content, provide alternative exploration and convenience. Anything too grindy isnt necessary imo.

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> @Noa.7490 said:

> What I'm saying is: more choices and more options to get the Core masteries.


I get that, but you're saying ANet should make such changes because you find it too hard, while at the same time you've imposed restrictions on your own gaming that makes it difficult. Further, given all the gazillion things we'd like to see changed, why should ANet prioritize this suggestion over others, when there are already work-arounds?


And even if none of that matters and ANet agreed with you today, it would be months (if not years) before ANet changes this. It took them 2 years to add the Mastery Insights to Core and 1.5 years to adjust HoT masteries so that you didn't need to raid to unlock the spirit shard rewards. During that time, I hope you can consider the possibility of looking for people to help you with the fractal mastery unlocks; there are some really trivial ones, some that are trivial with a supportive group, and some that are easy enough, even without being good at GW2's mechanics. I'll add a post in [Players Helping Players](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/players-helping-players) with some details, if you're interested.


Added the list: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/19601/easy-easier-mastery-unlock-points-in-fractals

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Noa.7490 said:

> > What I'm saying is: more choices and more options to get the Core masteries.


> I get that, but you're saying ANet should make such changes because you find it too hard.


Not too hard as the time required. Some can spend hours and hors on end playing, others simply don't. But thanks for the suggestions. I'll check it out.



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