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Which of these "impossible" changes to the game would you pick?


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> Every Legendary that exists and every one to come for free in your inventory

Don't care for them no more.

> Complete and satisfying balance in all 3 gameplay modes for all professions

I only play PvE.

> Ability to use multiple elite specializations at once

I rather they just unlock the weapon to the class. I would like to use a Longbow and an Axe on Guardian.

> Black Lion Chests will allow you to choose any item you want from it as long as you have a key.


> Braham killed off.

I hate him, but I wouldn't waste a vote on him. I also hate Taimi more.

> All gliders and mount skins can all be acquired in game through collections and achievements

Seeing some things like core mastery and HoT masteries, I can see them being insane to get which would mean in the end, I might probably just buy the damn thing if I really wanted it.

> The character "E" is finally revealed

Not sure how this one is impossible.

> Charr cars become a mount

What's a Charr Car?

> Tengu, Largos, and other races are now playable

Only if Kodan is part of this. No interest in Tengus and Largos are just light armoured humans with blue infusion auras on and a mask that bought the Largos wings pack long before it was released in the Gem Store. Damn hackers.

> The Legendary Wyvern becomes a ridable mount with the same attacks usable as skills on it. Dracarys!

I don't find it cute and I've seen games where you can play as "bosses" or "usually unplayable" characters... or hacks that allow it and the controls are usually atrocious when put in the hands of the player.

Master Hand in Smash Brothers or Forged Cannonade... I mean Ganon in Hyrule Warriors.

The flying and fire coming out of it's mouth looks cool, but I can see in control of the cockpit making it be a horrid mess to deal with with the camera. It swoops one way, then back down the other, then around and back the next again... and that's if automatic.

If it's manual... imagine a uncontrollable swooping fire breathing Griffon that's even harder to make turns and climbs and twirls with.

That and the Wyvern minus certain times is quite slow...


If I knew what a Charr Car is, that might be my option, but I can see it becoming a 2000 mount skin which would put it also on my no list.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Every Legendary that exists and every one to come for free in your inventory

> Don't care for them no more.

> > Complete and satisfying balance in all 3 gameplay modes for all professions

> I only play PvE.

> > Ability to use multiple elite specializations at once

> I rather they just unlock the weapon to the class. I would like to use a Longbow and an Axe on Guardian.

> > Black Lion Chests will allow you to choose any item you want from it as long as you have a key.

> Meh

> > Braham killed off.

> I hate him, but I wouldn't waste a vote on him. I also hate Taimi more.

> > All gliders and mount skins can all be acquired in game through collections and achievements

> Seeing some things like core mastery and HoT masteries, I can see them being insane to get which would mean in the end, I might probably just buy the kitten thing if I really wanted it.

> > The character "E" is finally revealed

> Not sure how this one is impossible.

> > Charr cars become a mount

> What's a Charr Car?

> > Tengu, Largos, and other races are now playable

> Only if Kodan is part of this. No interest in Tengus and Largos are just light armoured humans with blue infusion auras on and a mask that bought the Largos wings pack long before it was released in the Gem Store. kitten hackers.

> > The Legendary Wyvern becomes a ridable mount with the same attacks usable as skills on it. Dracarys!

> I don't find it cute and I've seen games where you can play as "bosses" or "usually unplayable" characters... or hacks that allow it and the controls are usually atrocious when put in the hands of the player.

> Master Hand in Smash Brothers or Forged Cannonade... I mean Ganon in Hyrule Warriors.

> The flying and fire coming out of it's mouth looks cool, but I can see in control of the cockpit making it be a horrid mess to deal with with the camera. It swoops one way, then back down the other, then around and back the next again... and that's if automatic.

> If it's manual... imagine a uncontrollable swooping fire breathing Griffon that's even harder to make turns and climbs and twirls with.

> That and the Wyvern minus certain times is quite slow...


> If I knew what a Charr Car is, that might be my option, but I can see it becoming a 2000 mount skin which would put it also on my no list.


Lol I always enjoy your posts dissecting the choices :p


This is a charr car:




Some of the choices are a joke about how Anet refuses to do or reveal things. Such as kill off Braham or reveal E.

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I was torn between this and mount skins obtainable in-game, but I don't mind paying for cosmetics (the collections would be fun though) and I do hate RNG so I went with this one.


My first choice would actually be the return of Season 1. In full, with all previously open-world content in shared instances (like the way guild missions work, except anyone can enter it) and with all achievements, items etc. included.


My second choice would be underwater content re-worked.


Most of these things would be way down at the bottom of my list, if they were on it at all. Especially perfect balance. Even if it was possible people wouldn't believe it. If the game only had 1 profession with 1 skill and everyone has to use it some people would insist that shorter characters get faster animations or your graphics settings can make it better or whatever. If the devs said that wasn't the case they'd be lying or refusing to admit the problem.

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Not all of these are equally impossible...


**Every Legendary that exists and every one to come for free in your inventory**

This is just rubbish...


**Complete and satisfying balance in all 3 gameplay modes for all professions**

Depending on what you consider complete and satisfying balance, this shouldn't be an "impossible" change, but one of Arena Net's main goals.


**Ability to use multiple elite specializations at once**

Again, depends on what you want. I'd like to see weapons being unlocked, and a way to pick which weapon specialization you equip (so that, for example they can add new staff skills for elementalist, and the player can choose which version they want, depending on which weapon specialization you equip)


**Black Lion Chests will allow you to choose any item you want from it as long as you have a key**

Heh, good luck with that... Especially if all it requires is A key... I mean if you needed like 100-1000 keys for the permanent contracts and such...


**Braham killed off.**

Not entirely impossible... Just unlikely. And honestly i'd rather see a well done redemption story, or just a satisfying chastisement from the Commander.


**All gliders and mount skins can all be acquired in game through collections and achievements**

Hold on, don't be greedy!! Arena Net needs to make some money. I'd like to see a lot of them, like at least half as many as there are in the Gemstore (and that's being nice, since most games do the inverse). I mean stuff like the Phoenix Kite, the Classical Glider, the Shinning Blade and White Mantle Glider could all be in-game rewards.

I'd love to see them Create a Glider version of the Tempered Spinal Blades (it's so much a glider material), even Mawdrey could have a Vine Glider associated with it.

Also about 2/5 of the Mount Adoption License mounts **should** have been in-game rewards.


**The character "E" is finally revealed**

Be patient.


**Charr cars become a mount**

That would be **awesome** racial mounts would be an awesome addition. Can even be used as a sink for surplus Core tyria masteries.


**Tengu, Largos, and other races are now playable**

More playable races would be awesome, but this is, of the sensible wishes, the most unlikely of all, they've already said that a new race is more work than it offers in terms of gameplay options. And honestly, seeing how broken Revenant is, i don't know if Arena Net still has what it takes to make a whole new race justice.


**The Legendary Wyvern becomes a ridable mount with the same attacks usable as skills on it. Dracarys!**

And call it Aurene. ^_^


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I got dissapointed when i bought a mount skin and it was not the one i wanted, but there are skins that i really want so i will keep buying because im a sick consumist and wanna look pretty. RNG should be stated in united nations and human rights organizations as illegal...... like nazism or people traffic.


I would like to kill Braham but... that would be too boring, i just want to humilliate him, i want to make him regret that dragons can be killed easily because he chiped a tooth.

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