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[Suggestion] Being able to block people on the forums.


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I believe it would be great to be able to block people on the forums, this would prevent you from seeing any threads they start, or seeing their replies to threads you have an interest in. Now I'm not being offended/hurt/harassed, however there has been this one member of these forums in particular that their responses to any threads about, "Condition damage being broken/too strong", ect. just makes my stomach churn and roll my eyes in disgust.


Also since I didn't see a suggestions forum, I posted this here.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Obvious facts about conditions situation apart, can't you simply avoid cleary complain threads?


I could, but here is the thing, I want to be able to read through peoples thoughts/opinions towards these subjects, however there is one person in particular that just, responds to these threads with the same excuses/reasons why conditions can be the way they are, and how certain gear sets aren't broken and it's fine for conditions to only require one stat, ect. that I could do without reading through the came copy/paste responses she/he gives to these threads.


Now I could just put my big boy pants on and look past his/her responses/threads, but a block function would just allow me and perhaps others who have similar experiences with posters here on the forums, to just straight up not see their stuff in general.


I mean, we have this function in-game, why not bring it to the game's forums as well, is what I am trying to say.

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The problem is that there are plenty threads about conditions imho ( like for example "fractals too hard" or "raid too hard" ).

Given the players a generic thread where to talk about conditions, then the function would be imho perfect if not a must.


I don't know if you already noticed, but some devs managed to create dedicated threads in the SPvP sections about different subjects.

Imho that was a good call, but also the more the threads get bigger, the more would be needed a suggestion like yours.


The only reason because i am not totally sure now is that it seems to be only a SPvP section peculiarity.

If somehow it will be extend to all sections then you'll have my axe \o

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Regarding the _actual_ topic of your thread, here are some of my thoughts on it and the likelihood of this request being implemented:


The way comments are listed in threads has your entire comment block titled as "Comment_304958", and then your specific author elements and post content are just filled in. So it goes by comment number of the forum, not by the author and then their comment number.


Unfortuantely, as it isn't structured in a way where a comment block is titled based on the creator of the comment, such as "Odokuro.5049" > "comment_00053" and then the elements filled in, not much can be done to add a block aspect to the forums without quite a bit of redesign and likely a load of database adjustments as well.


If it did have comment blocks based on user display names, it would be fairly easy for them (or even a private browser addon) to alter thread loading to where a query could be run on each thread load to match against a database of user names and then set the comment blocks for matching names to "display: none" to hide them.


It might be possible in the current form to create a browser addon where you could manually add an author user name to a list and on each page load of the forums it would look for any matching elements to those in the list and hide the parent data block. Would take a bit of effort to make if one is not familiar with creating addons for browsers. Could always find an existing one (like a youtube comment author blocker addon) and then alter it to fit this forum and its structure. I actually made something like this for myself on the old forums a long time ago but never ported it over from Opera when I switched from it to Firefox (yeah, a _really_ long time ago). In fact, I don't even know if it actually is possible any longer due to Firefox (and I guess some other browsers) having moved to WebExtensions or something. I use a forked browser where old addons still work so I haven't looked much into what is possible under the new limitations in branded browsers.


Regardless of whether it would be possible, it is highly unlikely to be implemented here in the backend due to Vanilla Forums (the host of ArenaNet's forums) being quite restrictive in what changes they can or are willing to make. Apparently they have some excuse where their making a change to the design also alters it for every other website they host, which is utterly ridiculous.



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> @Odokuro.5049 said:

> > @Zedek.8932 said:

> > So you want to create your own little filter bubble?

> >


> I'm not the type of person who wants to live in a, "Bubble", I would just prefer not seeing the same tired threads/responses made by the same people saying the same things over and over.


That's the same thing. I am not saying is wrong wanting that but it is pointless to do so in a forums. The forums is regulated to a certain extend, so it isn't toxic while it can be annoying due to some people.

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I _kind of agree_ with OP. There are a select few posters on this forum that, for whatever reason, seem to post a lot of passive aggressive negativity mixed in with I'm-always-right-ness. I see their name and think "here we go again, and start reading their post. Sure enough, it's their usual negativity.


Of course, as an adult, I just scroll past and don't deal with it, but some kind of block feature would be nice too.

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It's part of the internet, and just like in the real world, "filth" exists, and now I will slide it from your perspective to mine...

What would be the point to use forums anymore then?

If some people select that they will not see any comments from me, I would not see any reason to write at all.

Forums would become pointless.

I begin to feel unwanted, and that there is something wrong about me.

This kind of setting can bring about depression, wich might escalate into something nobody really intended to happen.


If this suggestion comes through, that's it. There will be no more need to write here.

Expect this to become a vast desert.

Don't say I didn't warn you. :/

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I'm sure I'd make use of a forum /block feature if one existed. And I'm also sure that it wouldn't be a good thing for the forum in the long run. I've seen really helpful posts from people who I perceive to be nattering nabobs of negativity and I've seen deliberately insulting posts from folks I normally think of as friendly and/or helpful.


ANet has always been keen to make sure this is a safe place to discuss ideas. Blocking won't make it safer.


Instead, report posts that you think undermine discussions, including ones that involve trolling, personal attacks, derailing, responses designed to keep bumping the thread, etc.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I _kind of agree_ with OP. There are a select few posters on this forum that, for whatever reason, seem to post a lot of passive aggressive negativity mixed in with I'm-always-right-ness. I see their name and think "here we go again, and start reading their post. Sure enough, it's their usual negativity.


> Of course, as an adult, I just scroll past and don't deal with it, but some kind of block feature would be nice too.



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Blocking discussions is not a good policy for a forum to pursue. Bad idea.


Remember every topic on something you disagree with is an opportunity to voice your opposition, you may get new viewers who like your arguments and agree with you. If you block someone who proposes something bad for the game then all you're doing is conceding that discussion and people might not then be aware of the arguments against them.

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I see no one that I would block on here.

Any offensive or vulgar or over-sexual or trollish or flat out annoying types usually get removed/deleted/warned. Even if it's something small and simple.


Yeah, there's a few that repeat themselves at times, but I don't see the issue. If I see something that I don't like, I simply just read whatever it was up to the point I go "okay, don't like this", and then scroll to the next post.


If this was another video game board that I won't name, then I could see the point of a block option.

I have just enough tolerance on certain topics on there like "Pics of your favourite **** Series Girl Here!"

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> @"Pockethole.5031" said:

> It's part of the internet, and just like in the real world, "filth" exists, and now I will slide it from your perspective to mine...

> What would be the point to use forums anymore then?

> If some people select that they will not see any comments from me, I would not see any reason to write at all.

> Forums would become pointless.

> I begin to feel unwanted, and that there is something wrong about me.

> This kind of setting can bring about depression, wich might escalate into something nobody really intended to happen.


> If this suggestion comes through, that's it. There will be no more need to write here.

> Expect this to become a vast desert.

> Don't say I didn't warn you. :/


People would still see your threads/replies, it's just the people who don't care for your attitude/bullcrap/same garbled responses/passive-aggressiveness or obvious talking out of your butt sort of responses, wouldn't have to deal with you anymore, and be able to enjoy a forum.


If you go to your block list in-game, I'm guessing there isn't anyone one it, right?

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I _kind of agree_ with OP. There are a select few posters on this forum that, for whatever reason, seem to post a lot of passive aggressive negativity mixed in with I'm-always-right-ness. I see their name and think "here we go again, and start reading their post. Sure enough, it's their usual negativity.


> Of course, as an adult, I just scroll past and don't deal with it, but some kind of block feature would be nice too.


So much this. If nothing else, a block would probably do wonders in keeping me from passing out report flags like karma during Wintersday.

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Try this:

1) Download some browser extension that will run JavaScript on specific pages -- something like this must exist...

2) Press F12 and figure out what jQuery Selector to write to get the containing element for a post of a given user (use .parents() to traverse up the dom. https://api.jquery.com/parents/ )

3) Have some JavaScript that has an array of users you want to block.

4) Loop through the array of names, find the matching element, use .parents() to get some higher level element, and then call .hide()

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> I believe it would be great to be able to block people on the forums, this would prevent you from seeing any threads they start, or seeing their replies to threads you have an interest in. Now I'm not being offended/hurt/harassed, however there has been this one member of these forums in particular that their responses to any threads about, "Condition damage being broken/too strong", ect. just makes my stomach churn and roll my eyes in disgust.


> Also since I didn't see a suggestions forum, I posted this here.


Censorship of people with other opinions than yourself. Its almost looks like modern day politics/news media. Thats not what a forum is for, its a platform to share different constructive opinions/feedback.

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> @"Pockethole.5031" said:

> It's part of the internet, and just like in the real world, "filth" exists, and now I will slide it from your perspective to mine...

> What would be the point to use forums anymore then?

> If some people select that they will not see any comments from me, I would not see any reason to write at all.

> Forums would become pointless.

> I begin to feel unwanted, and that there is something wrong about me.

> This kind of setting can bring about depression, wich might escalate into something nobody really intended to happen.


> If this suggestion comes through, that's it. There will be no more need to write here.

> Expect this to become a vast desert.

> Don't say I didn't warn you. :/


This has been done for years in many different forums. It's a common feature and has not stopped them from being very active and productive.

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I'm confused, it's like people think me wanting to block users on the forums so I don't see their replies or threads, is somehow going to block it for everyone else or make it so they never post again or something like that?


I just have found a few people on this forum as distasteful and not seeing their replies or threads they start (Me only, not everyone else, seeing as how people think I want to censor people for everyone not to see....) would improve my reading/viewing pleasure on these forums, it's not them having a different opinion, or them hurting my feelings or anything like that, it's just you have people who's posts/threads are obviously there to irritate/troll people but they present their responses in such a way as to not cross any "Line" that would warrant a report.

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I also want to ignore one or the other person in a forum from time to time, because sometimes there are persons who don't write one single post where I feel I don't wasted my time by reading their post. They are not offensive, but they only write stuff I'm not interested in, only stuff that does not help any discussion, and only make me angry. They simply waste my time. To keep my mental sanity, I ignore those persons.


If you use uBlock Origin, you are able to make posts invisible from specific persons in this forum. Use this rule to block posts from "Joe Test User.1234", for example:

`guildwars2.com##ul.MessageList.DataList.Comments > li.Item:has(a[title^=Joe Test User.1234])`

Change the account name accordingly. You can add as many rules with different names as you wish. It only removes follow-up posts, not threads and not thread opening posts, and it also don't mess with PMs. Works only with uBlock Origin; Adblock plus lacks the :has() function.

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> I'm confused, it's like people think me wanting to block users on the forums so I don't see their replies or threads, is somehow going to block it for everyone else or make it so they never post again or something like that?


> I just have found a few people on this forum as distasteful and not seeing their replies or threads they start (Me only, not everyone else, seeing as how people think I want to censor people for everyone not to see....) would improve my reading/viewing pleasure on these forums, it's not them having a different opinion, or them hurting my feelings or anything like that, it's just you have people who's posts/threads are obviously there to irritate/troll people but they present their responses in such a way as to not cross any "Line" that would warrant a report.


That's exactly what I thought you wanted and I still don't think ANet should spend a moment considering making it available. Even the most odious person can make a strong point; even the most helpful and kind person can say something distasteful. Sure, it's your choice if you want to ignore them (in which case: see the specific suggestion by @"Silmar Alech.4305"), but that doesn't mean that ANet should be in the business of making that easy for us.

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