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Please relocate NA servers - - Unplayable in Asia after moving

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> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> A change 5 years after the fact that undermines their ability to play the game is clearly not in line with the reassurances they were given to encourage them to spend money on the game.

But _does_ it undermine the ability of players to play the game? Yes, for OP it seems to be true, but notice, that there are other regions on that list as well -for example Africa region and former Soviet Union. Since (by the link you brought up) they all are supposed to connect to the NA servers, not to the (closer) European ones, moving the datacenter to East Coast (place that has a much better connectivity with Europe and averything around it) is actually beneficial for players from all those places.


There's no reason at all to suspect that the change was, on average, a loss for the Non-NA players connecting to the NA servers.



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> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> > @"PopeUrban.2578" said:

> > The entire point of having regional servers is to serve players in that region.

> >

> > The intent of the NA servers is for NA users, the same way the intent of EU servers is for EU users, and Chinese servers is for that market.

> >

> > Your particular use case here is outside all of the intended goals of the game's server structures. I don't see any clear reason to request changing the US servers in a way that makes them better performers for Asian users.


> That is incorrrect. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201862738-Game-Regions


> > There will be 3 major regional designations for the release of Guild Wars 2:

> > Europe: Defined as Western Europe and Eastern Europe. Players in these regions connect to the European datacenter.

> > North America: Defined as Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Players in these regions connect to the North American datacenter.

> > Other: Players in countries not listed above will connect to the North American datacenter.


> The page also has a list of dozens of such "other" countries explicitly indicating they are, or were, supported. They were absolutely not told that their region was "outside the intended goals" of the game service, that is a fabrication invented by you. A change 5 years after the fact that undermines their ability to play the game is clearly not in line with the reassurances they were given to encourage them to spend money on the game.


Respectfully disagree.


Other regions connect to those servers because Anet doesn't view them as big enough markets to have their own regional data hubs and Anet can choose to either prevent those connections entirely, or route them somewhere. In this case they route them to NA. They're "supported" only in that the NA cluster is the default cluster for places that don't fall under the EU cluster. The fact that severaly locations that are physically closer to, and experience better pings with the EU datacenter is pretty obvious evidence of this.


The changes made to the NA datacenter were made for better performance for their intended region. The reason you're being negatively effected is that, sadly, Anet doesn't think SEA/OCX is a large enough market to invest in a regional datacenter. The reason they didn't take the connection speed of your market in to account when making the change that affected you is pretty obvious. You're "supported" because they want the option of still collecting your money. You're screwed because your "supported" region isn't really a priority for them. If it were they would have listened to the repeated calls for a dedicated cluster in the region.


And that sucks for you, but the obvious answer isn't "make the cluster that wasn't designed with my region in the first place work less well for users in its intended region" it's "Hey so since you changed the NA servers in a way that makes it harder for SEA players to actually play on, and your new cloud servers are apperantly very cheap to set up and move around on amazon's system, maybe now is a good time to finally give us a proper server." because you're not asking Anet to displace a larger and more profitable market in order to better serve a smaller and less profitable market.


What you're asking for doesn't make sense for a business perspective. You're literally asking them to undo a thing they did specifically to improve their service for a vast majority of users on the cluster in order to return service to what was already substandard levels to a much smaller number of users. Asking them to properly launch a new regional server because your NA connection has become unplayable just makes more sense as it seems a lot of their cost barriers to doing so may be much cheaper now.

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Keep in mind, with your own Data Center, you will only be able to play with others in the same Data Center. As the population will likely be smaller, there won't be a WvW option, or, if there are enough players for 3 separate Worlds, you will always face the same opponents.


Also, all players, no matter the region, have the option of choosing their Data Center, NA or EU.

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When it comes to better berformance in games most of the time the difference is not a few thousand miles .... it is a few feet.


Are you using wifi or ethernet to connect to your router? If wifi, just buy a cat5 cable. All sorts of things you might not think of will interfere with wifi and it may even look fine on most of your other network applications. For some unknown reason my cable company hooked my new tv up over wifi even though at the same time they were setting up a MOCA device next to it. After getting all sorts of dropped connections I just dropped a piece of ethernet in there to link the two things. Games are the same (but more sensitive to missing packets) .... many people think their wifi is great because their web browser still works.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> Where in Asia? I was playing in South Korea a couple months ago and it was still pretty fast.


The complete move is more recent. Previously only some instances were running on Amazon servers, I guess as a form of testing. During last week's match the WvW matches were also still on ANet's servers but it looks like with this week's match it has also moved to Amazon servers.


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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I took a break for a while and was wondering why it became so awful. I've been playing since the original launch of the game other than taking a few brief breaks. Since I live in Taiwan, it's now just too laggy to play other than very casual open world stuff. Since GW2 only has EU and NA servers, there isn't an option to just not play with my friends in NA and settle for a local or oceanic server, and China isn't even connected to the rest of the game and I believe it only allows Chinese players and IPs (not to mention I can't read Chinese.


Ultimately it's up to Arenanet to do what they feel is best, but given that the server was in central US (Texas) it must have worked fine for all North Americans, but now moving it East is bad for West Coast and Hawaii, but also hits all Asian and Aussie players extremely hard. I've seen so many AUS/ASIA players and guilds over the years, this definitely isn't an insignificant number of people.


I'm not sure why they had to move the servers but it's really odd that they chose Virginia rather than a really solid central node like Chicago. For example, I ping Chicago at 180ms. I won't be winning any pvp tournaments and will still need to preemptively dodge in both pve and pvp, but 180 ms is pretty much the far edge of what still "feels good" in terms of latency. Even though my ping is "only" increased by 40-80 ms, every bit of latency you're adding onto that feels increasingly worse until the point where you just can't realistically keep up with a fast game like this.


I missed all the details on this server move, was there a reason behind it? As it stands it looks like I'll have to just give up the game other than living world. I was really into spvp wvw roaming, and was tempted to even get into raiding too. Unfortunately all of those types of gameplay all require fast reactions and the latency increase just ultimately puts a damper on the fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> Um, if you are outside of the US maybe the best solution would be not to play on US servers?


Perhaps the US servers are closer than the ones in Europe for the OP (as they are for me playing from Oceania).

Having said that, I don't expect ANet to move the location of their servers just to suit OCX/SEA players.

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