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What builds do you wish were meta?


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A lot of great things already mentioned, I wish every class had at least a few competitive sustained dps builds (burst too, burst at this point its so broken that it might not be realistic to fix). One unique build I will mention is, I wish something like a seraph's chrono was good.

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> @"UnbentMars.9126" said:

> I wish spellbreaker had a tank build that could compete with Chronotank


Technically, all professions can tank in this game, Firebrand might even be better than Chronotank since it's easier to apply boons with the cones AOEs as a tank and the healing is way better, the only issue is that you sacrifice one DPS slot but if your group is competent enough, then there's no reason not to go for it instead of Chronotank (which turns into a 2nd Chrono DPS).

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> @"Bish.8627" said:

> T U R R E T E N G I N E E R


> But seriously. I wish they fixed turrets.


They will never do it, they are there as a reminder of what happens when engies have fun with a cheesy viable build.


The odds say that med kit has a better chance of receiving a buff than turrets have, this also means that our only viable turret, the healing turret, is doomed to receive nerfs only, soon or later, leaving it useless just like the rest of his family, it might take years for that, but it will happen thats for sure.

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> @"Ivantreil.3092" said:

> **Healer Engi**


> If Engineers could have a chance of being a support, it would be the most happiest day of my life, my fav role with my fav class, together.


> Other support types i would love to see meta:


> **Cleanser Engineer**


> **Boonshare Engineer**


Kitty's pretty much combined those into one with her heal-engi build.


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I'd be happy if any Ele weapon besides staff was still good, all the others are kinda just sitting in my bank looking sad and sub-par. Some love for those weapons would be very welcome. Also worth mentioning that the new sword is still pretty much unusable for me; ele is too squishy for melee and nothing about sword changes that.


As mesmer is my other main, I'd actually like to see buffs to it's staff for pve specifically, since staff is actually not bad in pvp/wvw.

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Imo the biggest problem is not the builds but the DMG METTER... ppl should play whatever build they want. I don't wanna play meta DD staff build and auto attack for 1h dodging every now and then... it's boring as hell. I bought the game, I payed for it and I should be able to play anyway I want.

With dmg meter ppl keep kicking me out of parties cuz in their opinion I'm not doing enough dmg. Although I'm sharing buffs with the party to allow THEM to do more msg...


So if a dev is reading this pls disable the use of dmg meter... it's a ego buster for hard core pve players but ruining the game experience for everyone else.

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