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What things should you do every day?


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An hour eh..


* Try to do 1 PVP match to finish the dailies (10 min or so, generally 3/3 dailies done, or at least 2/3). WvW vet slayer/land claimer/etc for the last ones.

* If you can log in during reset, the VB meta boss which is a free Gemstone (1.7g) for 5 minutes on Matriarch. TD meta right after if you have time.

* LWS3 quick daily run (collecting magic, easy dailies, etc) which should take 10ish minutes to do every map

* Istan Great Hall event + chest daily (10m if you get there as it starts) for loots

* Fractal dailies in a good group that only takes ~30 min for all 3



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also, go to your guild hall for the mats

and check youtube there are more guides there then in the forms


I would say the map currency takes priority - it is the one that is hard to catch up in

it is hard to answer this question bc I don't know what goals you have in-game?

the world boss train is good for new players and encourages map completion but after a while most ppl route what they do

*your daily = 2 gold

* if you like dungeons you get extra tokens for each path if it is your first time that day

* fractals same reason

* daily on living story 3 maps bc some take a month to get 250 if you plan on using them

* a simple harvest farm at like orr near the mel statue

* a fast karka train for powerful blood

* the packing supply to get mats

* try to get a mastery in hot or pof or core tyria


even a tier 1 guild mission could be done weekly for your guild accommodation


I would skip wvw only bc the ave run there is 3 hours to have it be meaning full



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Unless you log in and feel aimless, not sure what to do at all, I wouldn't bother with even a loose schedule. It just gets grindy and annoying. I log in and go do something fun and then log out. I don't even bother with the 2 gold from dailies a lot of times, because it's often annoying to get. I don't feel like looking for wood nodes in the Silverwastes unless I wanted to play the Silverwastes.

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- Dailies

When selecting your 3 dailies from the list, make sure to have a look on the WvW list as well. The missions: Monuments, Veteran Creature Slayer, Big Spender, Land Claimer, Guard Killer. Those are the fastest to complete and require 0 interaction with players. If none of these are on the tab, skip the WvW tab. If you want to do the Land Claimer or Guard Killer and you realize you are teamed up against powerful enemies, skip the WvW dailies as well. It is not worth to ruin your mood and fun. The majority of players who are in the WvW, are there to fight other players. They will not allow you to get your daily done. So if your path is blocked by a player, scrap that daily. Why should you do the WvW dailies?

1.) You get badges of honor, a very useful currency which is required for the big spender.

2.) There is a cultural armor vendor at every base, who offers you cultural armor of all races/tiers/weights for badges. So if the Big Spender is up, you can get the daily + a free racial armor skin. It takes more than a year to unlock all T1-T2 with that method and you always have feel a great success when unlocking one. Normally you can buy cultural armor in the cities for very high ammounts of gold.

3.) You get potions to progress your WvW Reward Track. Before you start doing the WvW dailies, look through all available Reward Tracks and pick the one, which looks most useful to you. If you plan to craft a legendary weapon one day, the Gift of Battle path is useful (it grants you extra obsidian shards + mystic clovers). If you are into armor skins, take a look at the legacy armor path. If you like dungeon stuff but have no time to run them, pick one of the dungeon tracks. If you like the skins from the living story meta events but hardly have any time to hunt the achievements, do the track of the LS chapters. There is a reward track for nearly every need.

4.) If you do not want to spend the potions because you have all items already and feel no need of anything, keep them in your bank. They are also required for special guildhall upgrades. You can either use them for your own guild, or try to sell them to other guilds. (same works for the potions you receive from the PvP dailies)



This depends on your karma and your tyrian mastery level. If you have Tier 3 unlocked, you can use the Pact Supply Network Agents. This is a group of 6 NPCs which change their location daily. You can purchase one item per day, all items are sold for karma. Reasons to check the PSNA daily:

1.) They offer very unique and rare recipes, once in a while. Some of the recipes sell for several golds on TP, others are account bound on aquisition and can no longer be obtained from anything - historical content. Some of the account bound recipes are extremely valuable, even if you are not much into crafting.

2.) Pact Scout's Mapping Materials: These are the major reason most of us do the PSNA daily. When you open your worldmap ingame, you may have noticed a list of items once you mouseover a map name. Those items are map-rewards. The rewards are different on each map and remain for one week. Then the rewards change. You can get these items either by completing any event on the map or by using one of the Mapping Materials (instantly), if you are in that map. You can either use this method to aquire certain materials quickly (e. g. charged lodestones - which are horrible to farm) or you can check the LIST, and make some quick gold out of them.

However, you need good loads of karma for this. Lucky for you, wintersday is up at 12th december ^^. So we can make great ammounts of karma in short time. Hopefully.


- Home Instance

This is another thing that depends on your account and what you have unlocked. There are several nodes/objects worth to include into a daily visit.

a.) Quartz Node: It can be obtained via the Gift of Quartz from a laurel vendor for 25 laurels + 15 gold. Quartz may not look like much to you. But it is a rare material. There are just a few nodes in the entire game, refining the quartz increases its value a lot, because it is a time-gated material. Once you have 25 pieces of Quartz, you can talk to any touch-Heropoint and fuse them into 1 Charged Quartz. Charged Quartz are accound bound, required for celestial stats and a lot of cool items, which sell good on TP. There are people, who farm the regular quartz nodes daily as well, but the home instance version is a thing you can do in a single run with the other nodes.

b.) Sprocket Generator: It can be obtained via the Gift of Sprockets from a laurel vendor for 25 laurels + 15 gold. The node grants you two materials. Sprockets which are currently very expensive and Blade Shards, which are used to craft the Spinal Blades Backpack.

c.) LS3 nodes for unbound magic/ascended trinkets with selectable stats/ascended backpieces with selectable stats. This depends on which LS episodes you have unlocked. The winterberry-node is one of the best options. You loot it with a single gather-strike, you farm enough to unlock the daily Winterberry gatherer always which means a bonus of 1500 karma, daily. That is pretty impressive for not setting a toe into BFF xD.

d.) Chests/Boxes from Heart of Thorns (Airship Cargo from Verdant Brink, Exalted Chest from Auric Basin, Chack Cache from Tangled Depths) and the Found Bandit Chest (after completion of Point of No Return - LS2). The HoT boxes award you with equipment and map-currencies, the banit chest gives you a champion bag + a rare item (= chance for a free glob of ectoplasm).


I would not do more than 3-4 tasks as a daily routine. It should not consume your entire online time, 1/4 to 1/3 but not more. Else it feels too repetitive. You can do a lot of stuff within an hour and make loads of money. But keep in mind what you are doing. This is not a job. You bought GW2 to have fun and relax.

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If you mean you have 1 hour out of your total playtime to dedicate to time-gated stuff, or that on some days you only have time to play for 1 hour and want to focus on the daily stuff, then any/all of the stuff in the lists already given is great.


But if you mean you typically only have time to play for 1 hour total each day I recommend completely forgetting about time-gated content like daily achievements and world bosses. Otherwise it's very easy to end up in a situation where you do the same things every day and never have time for anything else, and that's a great way to get bored with the game very quickly.


Instead focus on whatever you want to do. If that's Fractals or crafting or world bosses or whatever then great, do that. But if you want to do a bit of the story, or map completion or level up a new character you should focus on that and not worry about missing the time-gated stuff, you can always do that tomorrow instead. You won't earn gold as fast as the people who can do every single time-gated thing every day, but you wouldn't earn as much as they do even if you spent your entire hour gold farming and you'd also miss out on the majority of the game.

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Do your dailies. It doesn't take long. 2 quick gold.

During Wintersday, do two bell choir songs, the first two are worth 6K karma each, after that it drops off.

For daily PvP Reward Earner, don't consume all your PvP potions, you can get this achievement just from potions.

Once that is done, do whatever boss is on the timer, or do other fun stuff.



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