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Can we have practical-styled outfits?


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> @"MidnightX.6294" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/kKoodXr.jpg "")

> This. And the Pirate-Outfit is from the perso Story with Tybalt. Its already in the game! Make it happen anet.


I need this girl's top as a light armor piece, badly. :open_mouth: Some proper pants for light armor would be cool too. And no more buttcapes for medium. Please, please, please.


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To play devil's advocate, I'm pretty sure the idea/concept is that Light classes uses their magic and other abilities to protect themselves from harm.


If anything, the Heavy classes are a bit stupid since despite all our plate armour, you really cannot take hits that much better than someone wearing bra and panties.



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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Bring back Town Clothes, one way or another!


> :shatteredlove:


Or, let us pick some old town clothes to put together to have made into an outfit. Would happily pay (if available before the end of my time).


![](https://i.imgur.com/CCFa7ON.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/AVfz61C.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/OQmLwFt.jpg "")



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I wouldn't say all the new outfits are bad. I'm a fan of the zealot's and ice encasement outfits. But i agree about the glowie bits. I like form fitting with style and am averse to glowing particles. Lots of npcs around wearing regular or simple clothing that i'd like my hands on. Even if they pulled 30+npc outfits and put them behind random outfit tickets, i just want them lol.


Also, more outfits that bare some skin would be nice too.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > Bring back Town Clothes, one way or another!

> >

> > :shatteredlove:


> Or, let us pick some old town clothes to put together to have made into an outfit. Would happily pay (if available before the end of my time).


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/CCFa7ON.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/AVfz61C.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/OQmLwFt.jpg "")



That outfit is completely pointless though. All I'm looking at is the giant candy corn.


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I would love if the elonian cavalier clothes became heavy armor skin pieces. I guess I'd settle for it as an outfit, but it would be much nicer to have stuff in parts. There are so many outfits I don't buy cause I like one piece of them but hate the rest cause it's too skimpy or bulky of charr or too gaudy or etc. If I got to pick parts I would buy so much more

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the last outfit is almost perfect for me, the only thing they need to remove are the side flaps, shoulder spikes and the weird throat spiky things.

> > it's getting really annoying that a perfectly nice outfit is ruined with yet to much fluff.


> My issue is the heels. I could've lived with everything else as they could've been hidden.


Actually having heels on that outfit was a clincher for me. There are so many outfits with flats that it is nice that occasionally they make such outfits with heels for females. This is a fantasy game after all and it should cater to all types.

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> @"Teleoceras.1298" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > the last outfit is almost perfect for me, the only thing they need to remove are the side flaps, shoulder spikes and the weird throat spiky things.

> > > it's getting really annoying that a perfectly nice outfit is ruined with yet to much fluff.

> >

> > My issue is the heels. I could've lived with everything else as they could've been hidden.


> Actually having heels on that outfit was a clincher for me. There are so many outfits with flats that it is nice that occasionally they make such outfits with heels for females. This is a fantasy game after all and it should cater to all types.


Which they should've just made 2 versions. Already only see one outfit made for me which is the Jungle Explorer.

Just a shame the next one that looked perfect for me also has a thing I'm not a fan of.


It's okay though, just no purchase from me.

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Seems the new outfits had a good start and the designers keep adding more stuff and keep adding, and keep adding, and keep adding, until you get a ugly conglomerate that destroyed their original idea and turned it into a tornado hit a glue factory and swept through a flea market. Remove all the extra spikes and weird flanges and bizarre accouterments and go "hey" I didn't need to add all this stuff til my character 20 steps away looks like a pile of rubbish.

- "There is a simple beauty in simplicity"-

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#Can we have practical-styled outfits?#


Sounds like this game is a lot like Final Fantasy 14, where they couldn't just make t-shirts, jeans, and wife-beaters, they have to even make the lowly peasants look like royalty. That said, yes I'd agree (only WoW and Runescape seemed to have gotten this right). Some of us want to thwart **The Ultimate Evil Demonic Entity** while wearing jogging pants and a Fruit of the Loom. Call it a quirk.



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