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Remove desert border completly


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I think it's about time this map gets removed completly. Despite some good adjustments it's simply not doable to have the weakest server have the hardest map to defend. Most towers and keeps dont have any real good siege spots to counter enemy siege. With them being so large it also requires alot more siege to properly set it up. I think if you check activity on all maps you will notice DBL is by far the least played map. To help keep WvW fair everyone should have the same map as their home border. There are countless more reasons why this map is far inferior compared to alpine border.


WvW nearly got destroyed when we only had desert maps so i dont see the reason to even keep 1 desert map open. Alot of players prefer not playing over playing in desert border. Does anyone know a dedicated WvW player that enjoys desert more then alpine? I havent met them yet...

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We have a Commander on our server that dedicated most of his playtime to this border. I personally voted for this map and I too enjoy it. I don't know how it is on your server but in our situation dbl isn't bad whether or not we are any color. Even if we lose it's still fun. I'm sorry you don't find the map fun, I heard a lot of people changed their minds once gliding was introduced. I can only say stick to the maps you like if you are red and don't like dbl for now. It's not a bad map really, but I do understand that not everyone may not like it.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> We have a Commander on our server that dedicated most of his playtime to this border. I personally voted for this map and I too enjoy it. I don't know how it is on your server but in our situation dbl isn't bad whether or not we are any color. Even if we lose it's still fun. I'm sorry you don't find the map fun, I heard a lot of people changed their minds once gliding was introduced. I can only say stick to the maps you like if you are red and don't like dbl for now. It's not a bad map really, but I do understand that not everyone may not like it.


Problem is you should either have all desert maps or all alpine maps. A difference in maps creates a unfair advantage to the already stronger servers. It's easier to defend north of Alpine then it is to defend north of desert bl.

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> @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> Problem is you should either have all desert maps or all alpine maps. A difference in maps creates a unfair advantage to the already stronger servers. It's easier to defend north of Alpine then it is to defend north of desert bl.


then give DBL to green instead of red

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> @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > We have a Commander on our server that dedicated most of his playtime to this border. I personally voted for this map and I too enjoy it. I don't know how it is on your server but in our situation dbl isn't bad whether or not we are any color. Even if we lose it's still fun. I'm sorry you don't find the map fun, I heard a lot of people changed their minds once gliding was introduced. I can only say stick to the maps you like if you are red and don't like dbl for now. It's not a bad map really, but I do understand that not everyone may not like it.


> Problem is you should either have all desert maps or all alpine maps. A difference in maps creates a unfair advantage to the already stronger servers. It's easier to defend north of Alpine then it is to defend north of desert bl.


If there’s a reason to defend north towers on dbl in the first place.

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Yeah I agree that it should just be removed at this point. It's still too big despite the hacks to add hay bales and jump pads. The objectives need to be moved closer together and the middle is just a waste of space for the amount of map it takes up.


I thought it could grow on me but I avoid it like the plague. I only enter it due to queues on the other maps or if we are unlucky enough to roll red.

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> @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> Problem is you should either have all desert maps or all alpine maps. A difference in maps creates a unfair advantage to the already stronger servers. It's easier to defend north of Alpine then it is to defend north of desert bl.


Well, though unlikely they could make 2 more new maps, one for green that is more forest based and a new Blue map with loads of water. Now THAT (if done right!) would be cool


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> @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> I think it's about time this map gets removed completly. Despite some good adjustments it's simply not doable to have the weakest server have the hardest map to defend. Most towers and keeps dont have any real good siege spots to counter enemy siege. With them being so large it also requires alot more siege to properly set it up. I think if you check activity on all maps you will notice DBL is by far the least played map. To help keep WvW fair everyone should have the same map as their home border. There are countless more reasons why this map is far inferior compared to alpine border.


> WvW nearly got destroyed when we only had desert maps so i dont see the reason to even keep 1 desert map open. Alot of players prefer not playing over playing in desert border. Does anyone know a dedicated WvW player that enjoys desert more then alpine? I havent met them yet...


They're both bad in similar ways. Both have waste of space middle areas, and in the corners. How many of you cared about the centaurs and skritt? I didn't. Alpine is just slightly more tolerable due to the strategical significance of northern towers with respect to other objectives. Home borderlands as a concept are more than likely going to have repeated issues with the centers and the top corners no matter the map, new or old. It just comes with the territory of 1v1v1's: you're limited in variation.

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> @"Dagger.2035" said:

> Yeah I agree that it should just be removed at this point. It's still too big despite the hacks to add hay bales and jump pads. The objectives need to be moved closer together and the middle is just a waste of space for the amount of map it takes up.


> I thought it could grow on me but I avoid it like the plague. I only enter it due to queues on the other maps or if we are unlucky enough to roll red.


Same. I tried to like it, I really did. Now, I won’t mind going to dbl if I HAVE to, but if I have a choice between dbl and abl, I will always undoubtfully choose abl to go to.

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> > I think it's about time this map gets removed completly. Despite some good adjustments it's simply not doable to have the weakest server have the hardest map to defend. Most towers and keeps dont have any real good siege spots to counter enemy siege. With them being so large it also requires alot more siege to properly set it up. I think if you check activity on all maps you will notice DBL is by far the least played map. To help keep WvW fair everyone should have the same map as their home border. There are countless more reasons why this map is far inferior compared to alpine border.

> >

> > WvW nearly got destroyed when we only had desert maps so i dont see the reason to even keep 1 desert map open. Alot of players prefer not playing over playing in desert border. Does anyone know a dedicated WvW player that enjoys desert more then alpine? I havent met them yet...


> They're both bad in similar ways. Both have waste of space middle areas, and in the corners. How many of you cared about the centaurs and skritt? I didn't. Alpine is just slightly more tolerable due to the strategical significance of northern towers with respect to other objectives. Home borderlands as a concept are more than likely going to have repeated issues with the centers and the top corners no matter the map, new or old. It just comes with the territory of 1v1v1's: you're limited in variation.


Alpine you can glide in the northern towers. And true skritt/centaurs are a waste of space but there is no need ot get into those far corners. On DBL the north towers are in those far corners.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Indeed, Anet gave us a choice - remove or keep DBL. Under the threat of never doing another map again, the community voted to keep DBL.


> If you dont like DBL, blaim the community. Personally I voted to remove it alltogether. But its here, deal with it.


> Be thankfull we dont have 3 months of all 3 DBL borders because the community came scarily close to destroying WvW.


First sentence exactly shows they knew it was a shitty map and had ot make a threat for people to believe they will make another WvW map. Its been a long time since that vote and still no new WvW map. Pof would have been perfect for a 3rd map.


Least they can do is change DBL to green team as DBL is hardest to defend.

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Also everyone knows what maps get queued first and DBL is always last. Doesnt that say enough that something still is seriously wrong with that border despite all the additional changes?


I know WvW is never balanced and will never be and thats not a problem at all. But a different home BL as a map makes no sense to me at all. Rather even have 1 week all dbl and 1 week all alpine but everyone knows the DBL week will have extremely low WvW participation.


Edit: Would be great to see total activity per border accross all servers. 100% sure DBL is the least active map.

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> @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Indeed, Anet gave us a choice - remove or keep DBL. Under the threat of never doing another map again, the community voted to keep DBL.

> >

> > If you dont like DBL, blaim the community. Personally I voted to remove it alltogether. But its here, deal with it.

> >

> > Be thankfull we dont have 3 months of all 3 DBL borders because the community came scarily close to destroying WvW.


> First sentence exactly shows they knew it was a kitten map and had ot make a threat for people to believe they will make another WvW map. Its been a long time since that vote and still no new WvW map. Pof would have been perfect for a 3rd map.


> Least they can do is change DBL to green team as DBL is hardest to defend.


That vote choice wasn't a choice at all. I'm still pissed at them over that poll for threatening to never make another map if we voted to remove DBL. Awesome way to show you care about wvw players.


That being said, DBL is much better now, though I personally dislike the map. Gliding has made it tolerable, but I do not understand why they force it on the "bottom/weakest" server each week. Give it to the server that moves down and will theoretically be the strong and winning server for the week (unless tanking continues, but that's another story).

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I like the desert map, it is fun, after years of EBG and Alpine, is nice to play something else...agree with the part that the objectives are to spread out, making harder to defend it, which is why in my opinion is not fair to give this map to red server...they should give this map to green server that is supposed to be the stronger server, and it should have a easier time defending it.

About the pool that Anet made to remove or keep the map...i havent voted, but people are saying that Anet threatned to never make another wvw map is they removed this one? Well, cant really blame em...they gave us Edge of the Mist first...nobody took the map serious, and the the community dont even treat it as WvW map...then they made DBL...and again the community hate it...how much resourses and time they put on the map? What is the point to make another map if the WvW community gonna hate it anyway? Lets face it, you guys dont want new maps, no new mechanics, no new desingns, no new ways to play the game..why waste time making Eternal Battlegrounds 2.0?

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I find DBL quite a change to the usual maps. Whilst I did not enjoy the map at first, I would say that gliding has made it much nicer. It is still maye a bit too big for my liking, but preferable over another alpine map. The tower/keep lords are also much nicer to fight against too.

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Actually RED side itself is being very punished, DBL itself looking at the map **only* isnt that bad, issue are the mechanics existent on the game do not offer decent gameplay, but that is cause ANET wants strucutres to flip and be ktrained IMO.


The 3 keeps are a bit to large, for the current mechanics of blob empty stuff.. wich is all that wvw is about, been like it for quite some years already.

Defender'sare extreemlly punished to defense on wall, it is more a trap for the team on the offense to farm the defending team than anythign else.

Time crossing the map is slighly a bit more than alpine but as well not that much of a diference for who knows how to navigate on it.


Map is way to large for the population game has but so EB and AB are, wich end with blobs of 50+ farming one unique structure... in wich will be a easy cap before enemy blob arrives or by the other hand will make smaller server non care about stuff and the massive group can cap w/o any resistance.


> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> I like DBL because of the variety it adds to WvW - even if it feels like a PvE map.


> Alpine is incredibly boring after 5 years - I think I already would have quit the game if this was the only BL map could play.


Comment like this are quite entertaining, calling PVE map cause they make people walk...and dont reduce the effort, GvG maps had mechanics where even guilds could adopt a strategie of kill a lava boss to counter other team trough its backdoor, and that lane worked both ways, had lava pits, even map with miasma... all about tactics and players choices.


Just because makes u think and move a bit more, that does not means it is PVE design, that is actually what makes a pvp map good, ready for several tactics and strategies, instead of push always on the same way with the same gimmick.


I can imagine players like you "OMG i have to take damage crossing this pvp map THIS IS PVE MAP" well... actually it isnt... its just an obstackle


Skip to minute 8 if u may....

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**I agree. Desert borderland should be removed from rotation.**


After few years of learning the map, the vast majority of players still prefer Alpine and EBG, which have more action.


Especially the earth keep is nightmare to defend (ramps, cannons, everything placed wrong). Red is at disadvantage having only 1 easily defended tower (Veloka) at EBG and having desert borderland, which is very difficult to defend properly if you have only couple of players on the map. Towers serve no tactical purpose on Desert BL, where as every tower has a tactical purpose on Alpine (which is so much better map, despite its weaknesses).

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