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Anyone will still love passive 25% Movement Speedon DH?


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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > nope

> > You don't get to be fast, and strong, and have crazy survivability tools.

> >

> > You can only get 2 of the 3.


> Sb?


DH need to be squishy for massive powercreep momentum.. Any heavy hard hitter will melt it...

Just reach 250% crit.

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This is certainly an idea I would have been interested to see implemented in the past. Less bothered about it now.

There are several active skills guards have which give a speed increase and usually to more than 1 target - just making a passive for it could be too simple. We've already established that Lynx Rune is there in PVP but for those who want it in PvE - my question is - why? in which areas of the game are you specifically looking for this? All open world content has access to mounts, are we looking for the speed increase in fractals and raids?

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Symbol of Blades, Leap of Faith, Symbol of Swiftness, Wings of Resolve, Jugde's Intervention, Retreat, Save Yourselfs, Merciful Intervention. These are skills you can use. Not to mention mounts for open world pve. Guardian has more mobility skills then you think. Your move chum...

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> Symbol of Blades, Leap of Faith, Symbol of Swiftness, Wings of Resolve, Jugde's Intervention, Retreat, Save Yourselfs, Merciful Intervention. These are skills you can use. Not to mention mounts for open world pve. Guardian has more mobility skills then you think. Your move chum...


The same useless comment in every thread.


Nobody says guardian has no mobility skills, all professions have some. The point has always been that guardian has no +25% movement speed buff, the only profession that doesn't have one, and no easy access to swiftness (easy being using a maximum of 2 skill/traits). Firebrand changes the latter with the F2 and F3 tomes, but that's not applicable in pvp, where you can't afford to waste your defensive/supportive tomes for swiftness.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> The same useless comment in every thread.


> Nobody says guardian has no mobility skills, all professions have some. The point has always been that guardian has no +25% movement speed buff, the only profession that doesn't have one, and no easy access to swiftness (easy being using a maximum of 2 skill/traits). Firebrand changes the latter with the F2 and F3 tomes, but that's not applicable in pvp, where you can't afford to waste your defensive/supportive tomes for swiftness.


The same Nonsense as always? I'm sorry. But my point being is that guardian does not need it. Sure you don't have a passive 25% perma buff. But the skills do make up for it. You just have to use them actively. I do agree that it can be annoying in wvw when you roam since there are huge open areas. But outside of that, I personally never felt the need for it. Not even in pvp, where you can basically just use your sword 2 and Judge Intervention to port around. Maps are small enough there to move around quickly. And that comes from someone that basically mains a guardian.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"GWMO.4785" said:

> > Symbol of Blades, Leap of Faith, Symbol of Swiftness, Wings of Resolve, Jugde's Intervention, Retreat, Save Yourselfs, Merciful Intervention. These are skills you can use. Not to mention mounts for open world pve. Guardian has more mobility skills then you think. Your move chum...


> The same useless comment in every thread.


> Nobody says guardian has no mobility skills, all professions have some. The point has always been that guardian has no +25% movement speed buff, the only profession that doesn't have one, and no easy access to swiftness (easy being using a maximum of 2 skill/traits). Firebrand changes the latter with the F2 and F3 tomes, but that's not applicable in pvp, where you can't afford to waste your defensive/supportive tomes for swiftness.


Revenant also has no passive movement speed increase, and only herald has easy access to permanent swiftness. Unless you want to be pigeonholed into running mace/staff+Jalis, and blast a lightning field every 10 seconds. Also, revenant only has one mobility skill that can be used without a target, and it's barely faster than just running with swiftness.

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> > @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > The same useless comment in every thread.

> >

> > Nobody says guardian has no mobility skills, all professions have some. The point has always been that guardian has no +25% movement speed buff, the only profession that doesn't have one, and no easy access to swiftness (easy being using a maximum of 2 skill/traits). Firebrand changes the latter with the F2 and F3 tomes, but that's not applicable in pvp, where you can't afford to waste your defensive/supportive tomes for swiftness.


> The same Nonsense as always? I'm sorry. But my point being is that guardian does not need it. Sure you don't have a passive 25% perma buff. But the skills do make up for it. You just have to use them actively. I do agree that it can be annoying in wvw when you roam since there are huge open areas. But outside of that, I personally never felt the need for it. Not even in pvp, where you can basically just use your sword 2 and Judge Intervention to port around. Maps are small enough there to move around quickly. And that comes from someone that basically mains a guardian.


Guardan doesn't have the most mobility skills in the game, yet it's the only profession without a +25% passive. If guardian doesn't need it, then no class in the game does, yet they still have it.

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Generally speaking, in real life, those who wear heavy armor can't run as fast as those in cloth or leather.

Gw2, like life, is a game of tradeoffs. I mentioned Rune of Traveler, which I use for my 2nd account guardian. They give it permanent 25% run speed gain at a loss of something from not using the de'jour best in the game runes. In this case, I can't stand his fat self lumbering around the game and he's never going to be soloing a champion anyway.

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> Symbol of Blades, Leap of Faith, Symbol of Swiftness, Wings of Resolve, Jugde's Intervention, Retreat, Save Yourselfs, Merciful Intervention. These are skills you can use. Not to mention mounts for open world pve. Guardian has more mobility skills then you think. Your move chum...


In your infinite wisdom please explain to us why in sPvP every single build outside bunker FB use lynx runes? How many guardian skills can be used to move outside of combat (hint: only 1 WoR)?


If you do not know what the kitten you are talking about, do not..

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> In your infinite wisdom please explain to us why in sPvP every single build outside bunker FB use lynx runes? How many guardian skills can be used to move outside of combat (hint: only 1 WoR)?


> If you do not know what the kitten you are talking about, do not..


Yeah... cause sharing an opinion is wrong right? plz man. leave your toxicity at home. Funny thing is that most players just copy paste builds from metabattle or w/e, without even knowing the details nor the alternatives you can make to it, in order to adjust corresponding to the situation or the playstyle one might like more. Which is not a bad thing. Dont get me wrong. But it just proofs the general way of how people pick and set a build. For example i can mis out on the 25% speed. So instead of the Lynx rune. I probably would pick berserker rune instead. Or Balthazar.. idk. Condi guard is not really my thing.


Im just saying that you can use those skills to make up for the mobility. Again i never felt the need for 25% passive mobility. The sword 2 "symbol of blades" and "Judge's Intervention" felt always enough for me to go from a to b. And that comes from someone that mainly plays guardian. Well.. (power) DH mostly.. but still. Not like guardian's job is to decap far constantly like a thief anyway... so yeah... those two skills are usually enough. For me at least.

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > In your infinite wisdom please explain to us why in sPvP every single build outside bunker FB use lynx runes? How many guardian skills can be used to move outside of combat (hint: only 1 WoR)?

> >

> > If you do not know what the kitten you are talking about, do not..


> Yeah... cause sharing an opinion is wrong right? plz man. leave your toxicity at home. Funny thing is that most players just copy paste builds from metabattle or w/e, without even knowing the details nor the alternatives you can make to it, in order to adjust corresponding to the situation or the playstyle one might like more. Which is not a bad thing. Dont get me wrong. But it just proofs the general way of how people pick and set a build. For example i can mis out on the 25% speed. So instead of the Lynx rune. I probably would pick berserker rune instead. Or Balthazar.. idk. Condi guard is not really my thing.


> Im just saying that you can use those skills to make up for the mobility. Again i never felt the need for 25% passive mobility. The sword 2 "symbol of blades" and "Judge's Intervention" felt always enough for me to go from a to b. And that comes from someone that mainly plays guardian. Well.. (power) DH mostly.. but still. Not like guardian's job is to decap far constantly like a thief anyway... so yeah... those two skills are usually enough. For me at least.


You have the right to your opinion and the right to express it on the forms. But when you act as a know it all, undermining that metabattle indicate otherwise and add: "your move chum," you are not demonstrating your opinion, but trying to say that everyone else is wrong, and you are the only one who is right. That is an egocentric tone and statement. And no offense, you have limited understanding of the issue. The 25% move speed is not for decaping, but for mobility during combat itself and the ability to switch to the points being attacked. For decaping you need out of combat mobility skills and 100% swiftness, things that guardian clearly lack, not guardian role to begin with and not why the there is a request for the 25% movement speed.



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I may have interpret it wrong. My apologies for that i suppose. Regardless, i still do stand at my point. Given both Symbol of Blades and Judge's Intervention are "blinks", you can either use it to close gaps. Or create them by targetting something in the distance. Or use WoR as DH / other skills called earlier. Again.. you **could**. Not saying that you should. That is completely on the player themselves. And there is no right or wrong in that.


I am just saying that there are alternatives available to make up for the mobility. Regardless of how and where (for) it is, effective or not. Yes i would appreciate the 25% passive mobility too. But unlike many, i would consider it as a nice bonus rather then something that is actually required for the class. Again i personally just dont feel the need for it.

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> Symbol of Blades, Leap of Faith, Symbol of Swiftness, Wings of Resolve, Jugde's Intervention, Retreat, Save Yourselfs, Merciful Intervention. These are skills you can use. Not to mention mounts for open world pve. Guardian has more mobility skills then you think. Your move chum...


Only 2 items you listed are meta for DH so... why post utilities that cripple an already optimized meta build?


Quality of life 25% movement speed is what Guardians have been asking for a long time; adding it to some trait in a Grandmaster tree wouldn't break us.

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