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What keeps you from raids?


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Interestingly (but it could already be noted from the Raid forums), it's indeed the "group with 10 people and commit time for it" aspect that seems to drive people away first and foremost. Also people definitely want the rewards.


Now I know exp raiders conclude that "obviously" it's because the population doesn't know how to play/doesn't deserve if they don't want to work the social part, but consider at least just how huge the disparity between this mode and others (even Fractals) is. In conventional MMOs you are pushed basically 24/7 into finding a community, a guild, an alliance, etc. and all high level content is supposed to be played alongside closer friends, to the point that pugging is always second option. Here you are going to find much more people that _barely_ have enough time to just log in and immediately rush into content they want to do. I don't think many of these people are particularly angry that they can't raid, but a little bittersweet feeling that you're losing out on rewards is comprehensible. The feeling is more comprehensible for these with an average amount of LIs struggling with pugs because they cannot commit a particular time of the day for a static, but this group is probably very small.


In sum, this problem is hard without tackling it the WoW-way and as the number of Raids increase and population is spread out, Anet might _probably_ have to do something about it even if the mode's players don't recognize the group aspect as a problem (I bet they see it as an advantage even).

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I must admit I have preconceived notions about Raids and the community around them from other games in the past, which has been mostly a negative experience. And so far from what I have observed Gw2 isn't any better (or worse). It also feels like the introduction of Raids has been more about checking it off some kind of to-do list ("Look, this game finally have Raids!").


Sure I might jump in with some friends or guildies where we are all equal amounts of jackasses and terrible, but I wouldn't pug Raids. I've had enough of that kind of experience over the years.

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I didn't vote because my answer isn't one of the choices -


I don't do raids because, unlike other mmos, I don't actually HAVE to do them to keep myself in the best gear available. The result is that I haven't given a whole lot of thought into getting a team together to do them, and I spend all my time doing things I want to do at the time, whether that's just exploring, finishing things I haven't got around to completing yet, WvW, etc.


I want to do them, but it's not really a pressing matter for me.

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> @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> > @"Polarfairy.8046" said:

> > I was always given the impression that guild wars was a game for all levels of interest and skill but it feels like they massively leave out their disabled fans which really saddens me.


> I don't mean this in a mean way, (and it probably will sound mean ). But I don't think many games are developed with disabled people in mind, purely because it doesn't make sense when 90% of the players will not be disabled. Gw2 is the most casual game I've ever played, if it was any more low effort and inclusive i really don't think i'd take any enjoyment from it at all, while i am understanding of your plight, i am happy that the game is designed as is, keeping some challenge in some content.


I completely understand what you're saying and I probably left out some information in my post, sorry :s I actually really appreciate the challenges as I feel a tremendous amount of personal achievement when I beat them! I complain about it when I'm doing it to no end but once it's done It's a proper ego boost haha. My main issue is that things like legendary armor is locked behind raids which obviously, I'm never going to get. I stay far away from PvP and WvW these days because I struggle in those game modes the most so any Pve legendary armor is all I can get. Other issues like their very heavy amount of boss skills and Aoe's that spiral me into a panic attack even in story that really arn't super necessary and also effect people out there with epilepsy and visual problems. It's just little things they could do, making visual sliders for effect lights, making sure everyone has a fair way to get the highest tiered gear in some way even if it takes forever (like the griffon collection, I wanted it so i farmed the heck out of that 250g), perhaps a nice paced easy training room with each raid boss mechanics so we can practice in a space that's not the raid (they have the models and mechanics so they could just pop them in a new environment) and isn't wasting nine other players time when I die and hear the heart crushing sigh and "let's wipe and start again". It's really just the little things that make the game that tiny bit more accessible. I am however extraordinarily grateful for the players out there like Wooden Potatoes who put the raids on youtube so I can see the story! You guys make my day <3

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You needed an option "ALL OF THE ABOVE"...

1. Ridiculous time-sink for meager rewards

2. Boring

3. Group dynamics (egomaniac raid leaders and "class experts" who know how everyone else should play their class, as if this wasn't a game but was instead "real life")

4. Rigidly channeled into doing just the right thing at just the right time at just the right location in just the right sequence as opposed to experimenting or playing to enjoy the game

5. Did I mention "boring"?

6. Did I mention "group dynamics"? Why should I tolerate other players' attitudes when they are hostile, arrogant, unfriendly, only focused on their own needs and applying huge double-standards to the gameplay so they get what they want and everyone else is screwed?

7. Let me mention "boring" and "group dynamics" again...

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Instanced content I can't do alone cause me simply more stress than they should (and should be worth). Reasons for that are whatever you want to imagine, but no matter how facerolling-easy the instance actually was by whatever means that might apply, the feeling afterwads was no positive stress of "Yay, that was cool, can't wait to see more", but rather the exact opposite and are causing light nausea. And that was simply not worth it. Strangely, I was fine with some LFG dungeoning in mid-game of BnS for a bit. But yeah, I'm also not a general fan of it. As it's more or less THE endgame content (and in most MMOs the only "valid one), I've no qualms to simply ignore it and either move on or play until I feel is enough. No hard feelings (intended).

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A combination of the options:

* The unforgiving nature of the raids (tactics, little room for mistakes)

* The Difficulty level (tactics)

* The demanding attitude of the raid player scene

* The lack of freedom of playing your own builds


Of course, all of these are linked together in a demanding game type and the player base who is attracted to them.

I did one raid mission attempt, just to unlock mastery, Escort raid. It went quite well.

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As I've said before, all of these "raid easy/hard mode" threads will keep on coming up every week no matter what you do, until they implement what the playerbase is asking for.

This game needs an easy mode and a hard mode for raids. Look at the numbers... as of this moment, 57% of the participants can not enter raids due to the time commitment required. More than 57% percent of the GW2 population has never in these 5 years entered a raid before!

Anet is basically making content that will be consumed by much less than half of the game population. This is literally BAD INVESTMENT and the profit is obviously expectedly low.

So what would be the solution? To stop making raids?? NO!!

The solution as has been said countless times before, is to appeal to different fragments of your community. Different difficulty modes.

Easy mode for the casual players who want to experience the story and unlock the achievements and hard mode for the powergamers who wants shiny rewards and titles and fame.

They did that in GW1 and every one was satisfied. Casuals did normal mode with heroes and henchmen and endgamers farmed Hard Mode with specialized builds.


I keep reading posts about people mentioning how casual GW2 is and how raids are the only challenge, and how they will lose the challenge if we add easy mode.

You will NOT lose any of your challenge, raids will not become easier, raids will still be challenging. There will only be a different option, with toned down mob HPs, damage and less AoE to dodge for other players. This will also not affect your rewards if implemented properly.

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Oh I totally forgot to add, and also you should have put this on the poll.


I HATE pve bullet sponge "bosses" with millions of hp requiring indefinite "rotation" gameplay of skills. It bores me to tears.


Much prefer fast bursty gameplay of pvp and wvw smallscale, and even open world pve mobs which you can burst down quite fast - its more fun than chipping away at some stupid boss for half an hour repeating a set of memorised skill rotations.


I tolerate t4 fractals for the rewards but that's about as much pve boss gameplay as I can stand.

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Time commitment and group-aspect. You spend more time finding groups, waiting for groups to fill, preparing, and waiting in front of the boss for people to get ready than actually being in combat. This is true for pug and non-pug situations. The only situation where you don't have more wait time than combat time is when you have a fixed team where everyone finished training and everyone always shows up for every date, but to get there is ... too much time commitment!


The second thing is not on the list: **training is not fun.** During training you have no success. For evening after evening, you only fail, retry, fail, retry. You get absolutely nothing for your time investment: neither a feeling of success, nor some loot. That's not fun. And as soon as you eventually succeed, you cannot continue training with the same boss, because the boss vanished for this team for the week.

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I'd love to get into raids, so far I've only killed a couple bosses on training runs.


The thing that keeps me from them are the requirements. I want to be geared properly, but as mostly a WvW/open world player who doesn't like crafting, my ascended drops are very scarce. I know that full ascended is not mandatory, but nevertheless I want to be fully geared and effective when I start raiding, and that's going to take dedication.


I've almost reached my current long-time goals, thus so my next one will be completing all of the fractals and hoping to get full ascended from there. Then I'm going to farm all the necessary sigils and runes, practice my rotations and learn the mechanics, and hopefully find a nice training guild.

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I've tried to, but these super elites only seek for other elites who know what to do, have the right build, armorrunes, weapons, profession or else you're out!!!!1

Pretty much why I dislike raid and raiders overrall. Toxic and evil people.

I hope and pray to the Six that ANet will change their mind regards creating an easy mode to Raiders, similar to Dungeons, so that **everyone** are able to play the content no matter what you are, who, which build or profession you are- just enjoy the goddamn locked content.

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> @"Ahlen.7591" said:

> The biggest problem with GW2 raids is that if a player didn't start raiding near the beginning, good luck finding a pug/group. If your LI is low or non existent no groups will want you.


Yeah pretty silly, gw2 is a pretty casual game, even end game raiding compared to other MMOS, the whole "no group" if low Li is nuts. With that said there are tons of experienced guilds taking new people for raids. Getting full ascended gear to be raid ready is sooo easy these days, all a group has to do is teach a new player mechanics.

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i dont pve, cause in gw1 i could use my pvp builds on pve and even hard mode, on this game everything u do u need diferent builds and i only have y WvW gear on my toon.


I dont like to swap build for everything i do, in search of a broken n stacks gimmick with placebo roles. (wich is how i view the class concept)

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