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tell the truth i love all main comp we have and all have there unique personality

same as in real life or its get totaly boring if every1 are the same


about bram most pll hate him and i dunno why

but to tell the truth he was always there for taimi and try his best to protect her

and what wil you do if you see your mother get killt in front of you how wil you act ??

be anger or cry in a corner ??


and taimi is just great to listen to same as can Canach there both so funny

and the soft and sexy voice of majory i love it


so yea all are difrent in the own way and i love it :)

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> My guess is that the same people that hate Taimi in GW2 also hate(and make fun of) people in real life that have terminal debilitating diseases.


Oh yes, because I hate her for her disease and not as a person.

I guess any person out there that just don't like Steven Hawkings don't like him because of his disease too?


I guess because I like Tybalt, I like everyone who had a hand injury.

I reaaaally like Captain Hook.

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I do not hate or dislike her at all, but I do have some issues with the role she has in the narration. Her character is of that of a very smart teenager. She looks at the world with amazement and sees everything as a challenge.


The total narration has several points of view. However she is getting more and more the lead in the narration. This is from a narrative perspective imo the short route. Her character and place makes her ideal to tell parts of the story without the broader picture. So it helps to create a flow in the narration. However, with PoF it went too far where it gets annoying.


I do see a shift in LS4E1. This is also the thing with narration, specially in computer gaming. As the narration is part of the story and as this is the core of the development, it is developed early on (atleast the rough outlines). So feedback from PoF is likely not fully used in LS4E1.


Thats why I not only look at the narration itself, but also to the flow (or direction) it takes. With the return of Braham who like Taime has encountered some traumatic stuff at young age, it is likely that there is going to be more balance in the narration.


I just wish we would see more of Canach at the heart of the narration. I know it isn't needed for the story, but the perspective of a drunk brawler is way too much fun. Specially cause he is not a typical protagonist or antigonist, but just him.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > My guess is that the same people that hate Taimi in GW2 also hate(and make fun of) people in real life that have terminal debilitating diseases.


> *thumbs down*


For real, going to assume they tumblr a lot.

>! Trahearne had no legs, but that was the last time I felt emotion for a character.



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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > > Its because she is an annoying teenager who thinks she knows it all.

> >

> > Have you ever met other teenagers? Even 20-somethings?

> >


> Yes? Not sure why that matters.


Almost all teens think they know everything.


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I don’t hate Taimi. It’s not her fault the writers use her as a deus ex machina whenever they paint themselves into a corner through poor storytelling.


If this was a tabletop game, she’d be that one NPC the DM uses to drive home how dumb he thinks his players are. Blame the DM, not the NPC.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > She is the story writers plot device. She's Star Trek: The Next Generation's Weasly Crusher. The young know-it-all who has whatever piece of knowledge is needed or can whip up whatever techno bauble is needed to move the story along. Plot devices like this quickly become boring.

> >

> > Inferior writers make inferior characters.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/T0QTcxG.gif "")



Well i love Taimi and i loved Wesley too. i guess its not so much inferior writing as its different tastes for diff people.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > My guess is that the same people that hate Taimi in GW2 also hate(and make fun of) people in real life that have terminal debilitating diseases.


> *thumbs down*


You and the other 3 people that replied specifically to my comment aren't very good at spotting sarcasm...when I post sarcasm I don't identify it as I think people should be able to spot sarcasm from a mile away, but then again, it doesn't matter what I think.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > Not sure why people are hating on Taimi.

> >

> > I find the Asura NPCs to be the most entertaining and likable.


> Taimi is the only Asura I can think of I loathe actually.

> I honestly can not think of another Asura I don't find awesome.


Taimi is just OK with me, but your answer doesn't answer the question of WHY you hate Taimi.

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> @"jheryn.8390" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > Not sure why people are hating on Taimi.

> > >

> > > I find the Asura NPCs to be the most entertaining and likable.

> >

> > Taimi is the only Asura I can think of I loathe actually.

> > I honestly can not think of another Asura I don't find awesome.


> Taimi is just OK with me, but your answer doesn't answer the question of WHY you hate Taimi.


Right in this comment:



I'm sure I could add more to the list but yeah.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > My guess is that the same people that hate Taimi in GW2 also hate(and make fun of) people in real life that have terminal debilitating diseases.

> >

> > *thumbs down*


> You and the other 3 people that replied specifically to my comment aren't very good at spotting sarcasm...when I post sarcasm I don't identify it as I think people should be able to spot sarcasm from a mile away, but then again, it doesn't matter what I think.


You're in luck, there is no thumbs down button so your feelings won't get hurt.

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> @"Nilson.9865" said:

> **Because of:**

> * Her ego

> * Too much talking

> * Her vocal identity crisis because she switch voices every few lines (i personally LOVE IT LOVE LOVE ITTT)

> * her control over situation. Your main character can only agree with her.

> It took ~ 5 min for me to think what can be annoying in Taimi. I like her character.

> **But to find out the truth you have to...** Think of that)))))) To avoid spoiler there will be too much some words.

> >! 1. Some female character stole something from you,

> >! 2. Some female character**S** was involved in the death of some other character

> >! 3. Some female characters are villains, zealots - raid bosses.

> >! 4. Because of death some female character, some male character became a j*rk

> >! 5. Some Goddess turned her back on human problems

> >! 6. Because Anet killed some cool female character in that kitten island.

> >! 7. Because Taimi has more option in wardrobe, while guys have to chose between 3 light armor pants!!!!

> >! 8. Some female character destroyed fountain in Lion's Arch, LA itself and awoke the Elder dragon.

> >! Taimi is carrying the legacy of female characters of Guild Wars 2. May be Rox will do something memorable,(because she did not anything bad/good) so we could argue about how we like or dislike her.

Ya know whats fun?

I LOVE her for the SAME reasons


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> The only thing I don't like about her is how they constantly use her as a ~~Deus~~ Taimi Ex Machina to move the plot forward.


I would say this is the main reason for those that dislike her. The annoying voice lines and jokes are just the cherry on top. It's just lazy writing.


I really hope that in the future she actually screws up REALLY badly, causing someone to die (or many people, like a town). Then she'll have to swallow her ego and become all doom and gloom seeking redemption. Though at the same time I really don't want a character centric chapter unless the rest of them can get something similar.


If only LS was more character driven...


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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > The only thing I don't like about her is how they constantly use her as a ~~Deus~~ Taimi Ex Machina to move the plot forward.


> I would say this is the main reason for those that dislike her. The annoying voice lines and jokes are just the cherry on top. It's just lazy writing.


> I really hope that in the future she actually screws up REALLY badly, causing someone to die (or many people, like a town). Then she'll have to swallow her ego and become all doom and gloom seeking redemption. Though at the same time I really don't want a character centric chapter unless the rest of them can get something similar.


> If only LS was more character driven...



Then she becomes Braham the Asura or something.

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Her VA is terrible, the dialogue is cheesy and irritating, and everything is pushing the player to like her. I shouldn't be made to like a character. If they're well-written (which Taimi isn't) one will like them through interactions and story. Forcing me as a player to like a character will guarantee that I hate the character, and that doubly applies for Kasmeer.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> Her VA is terrible, the dialogue is cheesy and irritating, and everything is pushing the player to like her. I shouldn't be made to like a character. If they're well-written (which Taimi isn't) one will like them through interactions and story. Forcing me as a player to like a character will guarantee that I hate the character, and that doubly applies for Kasmeer.


I'm kind of wondering actually...

Did they ever push to make us like either Rytlock, Marjory (just her as I loathe Kasmeer since I 1st met her), Tybalt, Eir, Logan, Zojja, or Rox?

Because I like those.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > Her VA is terrible, the dialogue is cheesy and irritating, and everything is pushing the player to like her. I shouldn't be made to like a character. If they're well-written (which Taimi isn't) one will like them through interactions and story. Forcing me as a player to like a character will guarantee that I hate the character, and that doubly applies for Kasmeer.


> I'm kind of wondering actually...

> Did they ever push to make us like either Rytlock, Marjory (just her as I loathe Kasmeer since I 1st met her), Tybalt, Eir, Logan, Zojja, or Rox?

> Because I like those.


I don't feel they've pushed us to like any of those as much as Kasmeer or Taimi. I do think they tried with Marjory but then realised it'd be easier to manipulate the players into liking Kasmeer instead (her being the more effeminate one).


They tried to get everyone to feel pity for Eir when she died, but I was sitting at my computer actually shouting "why the kitten can **SHE** not resurrect when so many other NPCs can! THERE ARE NO RULES FOR DEATH IN THIS WORLD!", so I'm still confused as to why she and Belinda can't res. There's no explanation and it honestly pisses me off.


Rox I am neutral towards purely because she doesn't seem to have any personality. She's trampled by Braham's hissy fits and Taimi's "Hey Commander!", so I couldn't get the feel for her even if I wanted to.

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I wonder how she could grow so fast. Before PoF she was so tiny, i literally could miss her all time. Now with PoF she grew and it's like.....What happened? 5 Minute Asura? Add hot water and wait 5 minutes to grow up? It's no hates or trolling or whatever. It just confuses me over and over, whenever i do the story on my army of characters to get them all to Istan.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> They tried to get everyone to feel pity for Eir when she died, but I was sitting at my computer actually shouting "why the kitten can **SHE** not resurrect when so many other NPCs can! THERE ARE NO RULES FOR DEATH IN THIS WORLD!", so I'm still confused as to why she and Belinda can't res. There's no explanation and it honestly pisses me off.


You may not be aware... when we get downed, the next stage is called "defeat," not death. The on-screen message is, iirc, "You have been defeated."


According to the wiki, "During the beta stages this status was referred as 'death' in several descriptions. This change reflects the fact in lore that resurrections are no longer as easy since the Human Gods pulled back their avatars and ceased direct interaction with Tyria. Because of this, defeated players are never considered to be dead in lore."


It's my guess, based on this, that NPC's who can be revived are also defeated. If that is the case, then character death is a plot device.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > They tried to get everyone to feel pity for Eir when she died, but I was sitting at my computer actually shouting "why the kitten can **SHE** not resurrect when so many other NPCs can! THERE ARE NO RULES FOR DEATH IN THIS WORLD!", so I'm still confused as to why she and Belinda can't res. There's no explanation and it honestly pisses me off.


> You may not be aware... when we get downed, the next stage is called "defeat," not death. The on-screen message is, iirc, "You have been defeated."


> According to the wiki, "During the beta stages this status was referred as 'death' in several descriptions. This change reflects the fact in lore that resurrections are no longer as easy since the Human Gods pulled back their avatars and ceased direct interaction with Tyria. Because of this, defeated players are never considered to be dead in lore."


> It's my guess, based on this, that NPC's who can be revived are also defeated. If that is the case, then character death is a plot device.


Yeah that makes sense, but there is still no definitive line between defeated and dead. Is not losing all your health considered death? It certainly is in my book. The fact that it's only used as a *convenient* plot device makes me believe the writers really just don't care.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > They tried to get everyone to feel pity for Eir when she died, but I was sitting at my computer actually shouting "why the kitten can **SHE** not resurrect when so many other NPCs can! THERE ARE NO RULES FOR DEATH IN THIS WORLD!", so I'm still confused as to why she and Belinda can't res. There's no explanation and it honestly pisses me off.

> >

> > You may not be aware... when we get downed, the next stage is called "defeat," not death. The on-screen message is, iirc, "You have been defeated."

> >

> > According to the wiki, "During the beta stages this status was referred as 'death' in several descriptions. This change reflects the fact in lore that resurrections are no longer as easy since the Human Gods pulled back their avatars and ceased direct interaction with Tyria. Because of this, defeated players are never considered to be dead in lore."

> >

> > It's my guess, based on this, that NPC's who can be revived are also defeated. If that is the case, then character death is a plot device.


> Yeah that makes sense, but there is still no definitive line between defeated and dead. Is not losing all your health considered death? It certainly is in my book. The fact that it's only used as a *convenient* plot device makes me believe the writers really just don't care.


Yeah as it seem certain times in events you need to "defeat" an enemy... which is killing them or there's events where you need to "kill" an enemy which is... well... kill the enemy.

I can see characters who were corrupted or turned or something like if they became a Mordrem or Risen or Branded or something as you can't revive out of that.

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