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Are you satisfied with the armor designs of your race/gender?


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> @"seinka.4823" said:

> > @"Dashiva.6149" said:

> > (seriously, what would Sylvari desert garb look like?).


> Like a cactus? Yes, cactus armour woud be epic!


What I thought at first too. [Although there is some variation to choose from](https://www.google.se/search?q=desert+plants&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFyYyT3YHYAhWlK5oKHTIKDDsQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=1069#imgrc=_ "https://google.se/search?q=desert+plants&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4sc223IHYAhXHJZoKHUVZBhoQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=1069#imgrc=_").



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I'm always going to support new armour options, potentially with my wallet if it breaks the conventional norm. Things that are overly bulky, edgelordy, glow like a fairy or are overdesigned simply hold no interest for me.


I don't have any data to back this up, but surely making medium armour shirts (without buttcapes), heavy armour chainmail bikini's and light armour pants would be cheaper to design than mounts, and would sell like hotcakes in the gem store.

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Sylvari I can live with; if you pick the right body type, face, and hairdo, the females can be almost attractive. They have some good looking outfits to choose from.

Charr and Asura, however, are horrible. Male or female, their outfits just do not satisfy for a fantasy game...

There are issues with heavy armor for Norn and Human; they are most notable in story-mode where the character is zoomed in. Males and females both have ridiculous spaulders; and females seem to be wearing an extremely thick belt around their waists that looks worse than ridiculous.

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Female Norn- much/most medium and heavy armor makes even the slenderest bodies look like cows, with huge behinds. Most light armor doesn't seem as bad. Heavy armor has the added bonus of making the arms of the more slender bodies look like noodles.


Male Sylvari- any body that doesn't look like it's made of twigs gets way out of proportion-sized shoulders. This extends to females, but to a much lesser degree.


Male Humans- much armor makes them look like they have spare tires. That's not a fit or appealing look to me. Also the issue of shoulders scaling up too much the stockier the build.


I would LOVE to see more cultural armor. What we have has grown pretty stale.

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I play charrs, both genders, and it's extremely frustrating to find armors that looks good for all the weight classes. Racial armors are something that needs some rework/Love! They clip, the tail looks wrong, and nobody else can use that armor. Why do Cultural Armor for Charrs looks so wrong?? I kinda get it if you get an armor for humans and translate it into charr bodies might looks silly, but armor made specific for them? I would love a rework for those otherwise beautiful pieces.


Also yes for more cultural armor, or cross species cultural armor! I love that human heavy armor that Logan wears, would look so good on my guardian charr <3

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I really dislike that most of the light armor make my human female characters look like strippers. I understand that it's light armor, but could it cover at least 70% of the body, please? Also, I don't see how high heels are practical. I mean, armor is supposed to protect, not to impress mobs by showing as much of naked body as possible (without making the game 18+).

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> No.

> I play Charr.

> That alone should be telling enough.


I have 3 Charrs and i like how most stuff look on them besides the helms but i saw that issue coming from a million miles when i made my first character (Charr Thief) from past experiences in another game so i learned to accept it.

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I would love to see more cultural armors for each race, something more exclusive and unique styles such as the Tier cultural armors.

I'd love to see more tiers after so many years of having the same armor for all the races.


Also, please turn down the flashy, supercolourful armor and auras, there is too much going on there with big wings and shit like that.

Create normal looking Tyrian armor and not these asian-MMO flashy stuff.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> More pants, less buttcapes.


Thank you, that is exactly correct.


I think heavy armor pains me the most. Most of the lower armor parts are just skirt things and are rediculously stiff. I get that a few are supposed to be plates (how that doesn't slice up an characters legs as they run is beyond me). But every single piece is super stiff. Only the kodan leggings has soft parts. I get it, they are trying to convey heavy armor. But what about chain? It should hang and move like cloth. But fit the heavy idea.


And then the shoulder guards for Charr. I play primarily Charr and most are Ash. How am I supposed to sneak through anything without getting wedged with 90% of shoulder guards? They are too massive. Need some lean ones to balance out.

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I voted no because:


Most armor is really good for humans,

BUT: I play as Sylvari and i really like plant armor.....but since the 9 cultural sets are locked to the 3 armor types i only can use 3 sets, and of course that one from the dungeon (but that is no cultural armor..., i like it anyway) and i just like one of the tops BUT: i dont like these long leaves that are on the back (orchid coat), also i really like what they have done to the cook and wedding outfit for cultural theme, since they change depending on what race wearing it...why can´t they make some armor that does the same? Changing the look depending on what race is wearing it....


We got....sooo many new maps with soo many new materials and not one of the races had the idea of making some cool armor ( after we saved the day of course)?

I would be happy when they make some more cultural outfits (hint: cook, wedding) that change the look depending on what race is wearing it....


Also i am tired of wearing ( as light armor class) just long skirts...i mean we got one short skirt (the starter one), and...well 2 pants.....

have i mentioned that i am sylvari? I really like the glow, but most armor hides that.....


I also dont like the fact that medium armor has mostly trenchcoats....i mean i like trenchcoats, but having just the option to wear everyday a trenchcoat...or a trenchcoat is not really much of a different selection....


But i really like the style of the design what they make here in the game, it looks really good, just the different selection is limited....

(would be cool when we get a winter / christmas / new year outfit that change the look for each race...

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No, the Asuras are supposed to be high tech but there's barely any futuristic looking gear this game and it's even worse when it comes to weapons. Asuran guns still have gunpowder animations / old school bullet sounds despite their looks and the only gun that actually fits the bill was invented by some tribalistic frogs...

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Some of the armor designs are really nice, but some issues:

-Light Armor females need more PANTS. Not buttcapes, skirts, or panties, but PANTS

-Medium armor needs more SHIRTS. Not buttcapes, trenchcoats, or dresses, but SHIRTS, so we can actually see our character's PANTS

-Heavy armor seems pretty OK

-For the love of Tyria, FIX LIGHT T3 CHARR CULTURAL! Cultural armor shouldn't have such horrendous tail clipping.

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I should probably preface this by saying I am a fan of mix and match. Only one of my characters is wearing an entire set of armor that doesn't have mixed pieces.


To me, my satisfaction depends on gender and race and type.


My light armor users are female humans, and I'm pretty happy with both of their looks.


Dressing a male, Norn druid? That to me was absolutely PAINFUL, due to 'Wow my butt looks BIG in this' syndrome. When it comes down to it, I have only liked two armor tops for medium Norn male, Sneakthief coat (which just didn't feel 'druidy' to me) and Wolf cultural armor mostly because his Butt doesn't look like its the size of Texas! Considering he was my main for 2 1/2 years I had a looong time of staring at said Butt and thinking about the problem.


I actually feel kind of the same way about dressing my female Norn warrior. I have never actually found a combo of pieces that I completely 'love', for her. I kind of settled on mostly Vigil pieces for her. But really the only thing I like about her gear is Shooshadoo.


My female Norn Soulbeast (who has recently become my main) is the one character I am the happiest with, I actually think she looks pretty darned perfect... and she's wearing pieces from four different sets of armor that just manage to blend into a cohesive whole.


What bothers me the most is that its all outfits, outfits, outfits now, and i am just not big on them. I have a few for special occasions, like the Bo-Peep winter party dress for Wintersday. I would love to see more actual armor sets to allow more possibilities for mix and match.




TLDR: More armor sets, less outfits, and most medium male armor makes Norn butts look too big.

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I forgot to say that i also would like to see some more cultural themed weapons....

annnd some dragon related outfits...also why not make some miniatures based on cultural theme?

I mean: asura have the golems, charrs the devourer, sylvari the fern hounds (ok what humans and norn have i dont really know, i dont play them often)....

but i think there are more options: other colours, other plants, other materials, other ages (puppies <3).


And i forgot that hevy armor must not be every time metal, hard wood, bones.....some differences would be cool...

(also i am still waiting for new hairstyles for norn, sylvari, asura and charr, since the last 2 updates on hairstyles were just for human players...)

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> @"Peacock.6412" said:

> I should probably preface this by saying I am a fan of mix and match. Only one of my characters is wearing an entire set of armor that doesn't have mixed pieces.


> To me, my satisfaction depends on gender and race and type.


> My light armor users are female humans, and I'm pretty happy with both of their looks.


> Dressing a male, Norn druid? That to me was absolutely PAINFUL, due to 'Wow my butt looks BIG in this' syndrome. When it comes down to it, I have only liked two armor tops for medium Norn male, Sneakthief coat (which just didn't feel 'druidy' to me) and Wolf cultural armor mostly because his Butt doesn't look like its the size of Texas! Considering he was my main for 2 1/2 years I had a looong time of staring at said Butt and thinking about the problem.


> I actually feel kind of the same way about dressing my female Norn warrior. I have never actually found a combo of pieces that I completely 'love', for her. I kind of settled on mostly Vigil pieces for her. But really the only thing I like about her gear is Shooshadoo.


> My female Norn Soulbeast (who has recently become my main) is the one character I am the happiest with, I actually think she looks pretty darned perfect... and she's wearing pieces from four different sets of armor that just manage to blend into a cohesive whole.


> What bothers me the most is that its all outfits, outfits, outfits now, and i am just not big on them. I have a few for special occasions, like the Bo-Peep winter party dress for Wintersday. I would love to see more actual armor sets to allow more possibilities for mix and match.




> TLDR: More armor sets, less outfits, and most medium male armor makes Norn butts look too big.


Now I'm curious about your characters, especially the Soulbeast. Mind sharing some pics?

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This poll needs a much stronger NO option ("#$%@ No!", etc)


The armor designs in this game continue to be my biggest complaint. There's a glaring lack of armor diversity. A proper armor variety should appeal to each possible player's taste(s) at the ends of each spectrum and the ranges in between: [Realistic <-> Fantasy-based], [Very Conservative <-> Very Skimpy], [Grotesque/Ugly <-> Aesthetic/Sexy], [spiky/Bulky <-> Tight/Form-fitting], [buttcape/Trenchcoat <-> Non-buttcape/trenchcoat], etc Instead, the GW2 armors tend to pigeonhole us toward the middle and/or left side of each of those spectrums. Players looking for armors in the right side of any of those spectrums are basically being told "Go away! We don't want your kind here."

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> This poll needs a much stronger NO option ("#$%@ No!", etc)


> The armor designs in this game continue to be my biggest complaint. There's a glaring lack of armor diversity. A proper armor variety should appeal to each possible player's taste(s) at the ends of each spectrum and the ranges in between: [Realistic <-> Fantasy-based], [Very Conservative <-> Very Skimpy], [Grotesque/Ugly <-> Aesthetic/Sexy], [spiky/Bulky <-> Tight/Form-fitting], [buttcape/Trenchcoat <-> Non-buttcape/trenchcoat], etc Instead, the GW2 armors tend to pigeonhole us toward the middle and/or left side of each of those spectrums. Players looking for armors in the right side of any of those spectrums are basically being told "Go away! We don't want your kind here."



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