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What race would you most like to see playable and why?


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Greetings all!


Before we get into this the purpose of this post is not to try to push Anet to make a certain race it is more to just see what race people would like to play as and why as the title suggests. It's just for the fun of it! So let's hear your thoughts.

For me personally I would love to be able to play as a Centaur as well they have always been one of my favourite mythological creatures and you have to admit, how could would it be running around as a Centaur? (I know this would not be possible due to mounts etc but once again this is just for fun)

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Largos, skritt and tengu are my favorites. Why not even quaggan, and kodan or another to make five more playable races. Or more!


I would not care if they had no more race focused story involvement outside of their starter map (level 1-10 for existing races) since I only care to know about them and their cultures, which starter areas would do nicely. And it would bring so many different awesome cities/towns.

And neither do I care if armors are just made for three or four different sets of skins for the new races at the beginning, say fine/masterwork has one look, and rare/exotic another, what have you. Compare to cultural. As long as there's some possibility of customization.

Thinking of like sort of side characters, as opposed to main characters.


_Well, I just want to make more different looking characters!_

Actually I wouldn't make new characters anymore, but the possibility of it could still exist.


(I'd pay 800 gems for a race unlock. Not a gem more! Yes, I was a LotRO player.)


Yes I know it takes effort to make cities/character models/armor models/NPCs/cultures. Expand the _world_ too, not only game progression features/story.

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Kodan. They have a pretty well developed culture already but I'd love to get an 'insiders' perspective on it. Plus I'd like to see more of the far north and I think they'd be a fun race to play as.


(I always thought the kodan and tengu seemed set up to be future playable races - well developed culture, homelands adjacent to explorable areas but currently closed off so perfect for new low level maps, humanoid enough that they could wear the same armour with a bit of adjustment and they seem to use a lot of the same weapons and professions.)

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> @AngelDiscarnate.5489 said:

> I'd like to see Largos playable by the time we go and face Steve...


"Steve"? Is that your name for the Deep Sea Dragon? ;)


> @AngelDiscarnate.5489 said:

> but I've pretty well given up on there being more playable races. It's just too difficult to implement now with Fashion Wars and all the armor and outfits we have access to.


Excuse me, but with those ridiculously high prices for Ultimate Editions, and the amount of money people pump into the Gem Store, "too difficult" is just an excuse. It's an extra load of work, yes, but people will gladly pay for that sort of quality content rather than having repetitive quantity-based content.

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I would like to see Largos playable. The thought of having an entire racial capital under water seems fascinating. Though I'm painfully aware that this would require finally fixing / finishing underwater mechanics, which equals a complete underwater overhaul. So my hopes are on an expansion that focuses on underwater content mainly, which would make perfect sense when we're facing Steve.


Annotation: The underwater dragon was first dubbed Bubbles by the community, but when ANet revealed that the first Letter of his name is an 'S', he was renamed to Steve.

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Tengu: i was hopeful by holding off playing guardian and necro so that i could play them as a tengu. I rolled a guard a few months ago but still holding out hope for a tengu necro. I have a cool plague doctor theme for one.


Skritt: i think they can be cute but they have limited custom options. If they were made playable, that would increase their cute factor and Engineer would be the 1st Skritt i make.

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Tengu or Kodan, as well as Undead, seem like the best candidates for anet to make a playable race.


As for previous answers, Quaggans playable would be reason enough for many people to quit gw2 as its consider a joke/comedy-relief race by many. Introduction of them into the main populace would complete destroy immersion for many. Skritt have this same problem to some extens, but less.



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Have to admit that my first choices would also be Tengu, Dwarf and Kodan... The first two especially because of the tie-ins to GW1. Yes, Centaurs would be nice as well, but like others who've commented, that seems a much less likely option for several reasons. Although, it would also present some interesting variations such as since they couldn't realistically ride mounts there would have to be a different advanced movement mechanic for balance.... Perhaps a new race-specific teleport skill that had to be unlocked and improved through masteries the same way the mount skills are?

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> @Zephiera.9804 said:

> Have to admit that my first choices would also be Tengu, Dwarf and Kodan... The first two especially because of the tie-ins to GW1. Yes, Centaurs would be nice as well, but like others who've commented, that seems a much less likely option for several reasons. Although, it would also present some interesting variations such as since they couldn't realistically ride mounts there would have to be a different advanced movement mechanic for balance.... Perhaps a new race-specific teleport skill that had to be unlocked and improved through masteries the same way the mount skills are?


I haven't put much to any thought into how they would realistically be implemented into the game as once again this is all just for fun. Just for the purpose of seeing what people think would be cool and why. I mean honestly I'm surprised I've only seen one person say Quaggan!

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Love to see Tengu.

But lately something came to my mind, with potential Unending Ocean expansion, Largos is the most probable race.

It is also the easiest for devs to implement as for armor pieces.

They're humanoid elvish-like, they body figure is similar to Sylvari the most. The "wings" is only part of their suit.

And they don't have anything that would clip through armor, except pointy ears I guess, but it should be minor issue.


IMO they seem a little bit boring (another generic humanoid) but easiest to get.

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