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Wintersday Rewards Update

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  • ArenaNet Staff

A message from Alexander Youngblood:


Three years ago I made it my mission to make Wintersday rewards much more simple, straightforward, and fun. The objective was to remove the excessive number of items that were hard to get rid of in favor of items that were either fun to use or were actually useful in some way. I'm proud of the improvements we’ve made in the past, but snowflakes continued to bother me. As you’re probably aware, we started improving snowflakes by making them upgradeable through a double-click. That simplified a few things, but it also created some inventory annoyance. This year we have made even more improvements that will help you spend much less time managing your inventory and more time having fun: There now will be just two types of snowflakes which will mirror the way candy corn works. All snowflakes acquired previously now convert into the common Snowflake, and you can convert 1000 Snowflakes into the new Snow Diamond.


Thank you all for your support and I hope you have a wonderful Wintersday.


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> @"Knight In Shining Armor.1708" said:

> Question about high tier old snowflakes: at what rate do they down convert? Do we get more new snowflakes per higher tier old snowflakes? Or is it 1:1 conversion for any old snowflake?


I sent a note to Alexander. Either he or I should be able to answer that pretty soon.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Knight In Shining Armor.1708" said:

> Question about high tier old snowflakes: at what rate do they down convert? Do we get more new snowflakes per higher tier old snowflakes? Or is it 1:1 conversion for any old snowflake?


The old high tiers give you more of the new currency. One Flawless Snowflake, for example, converts into 10 of the new Snowflake.

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What about all the runes, insignias and foods that use all the different snowflakes? I mean snowflakes are more closely related to trophies than candy corn. How are you going to handle the different tiers of Givers gear?

I'd rather see this go the Unidentified Gear route (as in an item you can open for random stuff or salvage for snowflakes). Sounds like a safer bet. Because after seeing Aether fractal stand in for Volcanic at T2 yesterday, i'm suddenly not comfortable with sweeping changes.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> What about all the runes, insignias and foods that use all the different snowflakes? I mean snowflakes are more closely related to trophies than candy corn. How are you going to handle the different tiers of Givers gear?


Everything has been converted to use the new Snowflake in different amounts.

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> @"Alexander Youngblood II.9341" said:

> > @"Knight In Shining Armor.1708" said:

> > Question about high tier old snowflakes: at what rate do they down convert? Do we get more new snowflakes per higher tier old snowflakes? Or is it 1:1 conversion for any old snowflake?


> The old high tiers give you more of the new currency. One Flawless Snowflake, for example, converts into 10 of the new Snowflake.


A Flawless Snowflake was equal to 32 Tiny Snowflakes. Does this mean it takes 3 Tiny Snowflakes to make one of the new Snowflakes, or will I be losing snowflakes by trading in the higher tier ones?

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> @"Alexander Youngblood II.9341" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > What about all the runes, insignias and foods that use all the different snowflakes? I mean snowflakes are more closely related to trophies than candy corn. How are you going to handle the different tiers of Givers gear?


> Everything has been converted to use the new Snowflake in different amounts.


I have a super important question for you that totally involves snowflakes.


Is that your real name? Because that's fantastic if so. Also, Snowflakes?

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Alexander Youngblood II.9341" said:

> > > @"Knight In Shining Armor.1708" said:

> > > Question about high tier old snowflakes: at what rate do they down convert? Do we get more new snowflakes per higher tier old snowflakes? Or is it 1:1 conversion for any old snowflake?

> >

> > The old high tiers give you more of the new currency. One Flawless Snowflake, for example, converts into 10 of the new Snowflake.


> A Flawless Snowflake was equal to 32 Tiny Snowflakes. Does this mean it takes 3 Tiny Snowflakes to make one of the new Snowflakes, or will I be losing snowflakes by trading in the higher tier ones?


You can no longer trade in tiny to pristine, so it's moot. Whatever you have now converts at the the new rates, which means those of us who saved space by converting tinies to pristines lost out on 60% of our potential ordinary snowflakes. :(

(Could have been worse.)

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Hi all,

there are some recipes in mystic forge that use different snowflakes for crafting Winter Presence:

[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winter%27s_Presence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winter%27s_Presence "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winter%27s_Presence")

There is a new recipe for those elements that are needed to be crafted in Mystic Forge?


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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"mtpelion.4562" said:


> A Flawless Snowflake was equal to 32 Tiny Snowflakes. Does this mean it takes 3 Tiny Snowflakes to make one of the new Snowflakes, or will I be losing snowflakes by trading in the higher tier ones?


Tiny Snowflakes convert into the new Snowflake 1 to 1.


> @"Sojourner.4621" said:


> Is that your real name? Because that's fantastic if so. Also, Snowflakes?



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