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12.12 patch note


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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> You are confusing two things here. Condi mirage in pvp was not buffed. Noone uses axe there, the change solely impacts PvE.


Axe is almost always used for Condi Mirage in WvW and it was one of the stronger roaming/small group builds in that mode before they buffed it.

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> @"psizone.8437" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > You are confusing two things here. Condi mirage in pvp was not buffed. Noone uses axe there, the change solely impacts PvE.


> Axe is almost always used for Condi Mirage in WvW and it was one of the stronger roaming/small group builds in that mode before they buffed it.

I'm not considering WvW as PvP, but I did not know that


> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > You are confusing two things here. Condi mirage in pvp was not buffed. Noone uses axe there, the change solely impacts PvE.


> staff is getting less common. a few builds do use axe. the ones focused more on burst

In Spvp? I have never seen any in platinum. Axe is just simply too squishy for proper pvp use.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > You are confusing two things here. Condi mirage in pvp was not buffed. Noone uses axe there, the change solely impacts PvE.


> staff is getting less common. a few builds do use axe. the ones focused more on burst


the game mode that's not even supposed to be balanced around 1v1 .


mirage should stay bursty

if anet wants to nerf anything , they should look at elusive mind , sword ambush . janut 3 stack of confusion . and some icd for riddle of sand , burn stack from torch 4

axe is no where close to op even in wvw .

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> Change Sword Ambush into a powerful cleave attack with clones doing damage, leave Jaunt alone.

No way. Interrupt mechanic = reward for higher skill level. Maybe lower the range, but that's it, don't touch the interrupt part at all.


Jaunt could be one or two less stack of confusion, idc. It's main usage is for mobility and condi removal.


Elusive Mind is slightly too powerful right now. Also agree with musu that Riddle of Sand should be changed (easy way is ICD)

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > Change Sword Ambush into a powerful cleave attack with clones doing damage, leave Jaunt alone.

> No way. Interrupt mechanic = reward for higher skill level. Maybe lower the range, but that's it, don't touch the interrupt part at all.


> Jaunt could be one or two less stack of confusion, idc. It's main usage is for mobility and condi removal.


> Elusive Mind is slightly too powerful right now. Also agree with musu that Riddle of Sand should be changed (easy way is ICD)


No way. Change Sword Ambush into a powerful cleave attack with clones doing damage, leave Jaunt alone.

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > Change Sword Ambush into a powerful cleave attack with clones doing damage, leave Jaunt alone.

> > No way. Interrupt mechanic = reward for higher skill level. Maybe lower the range, but that's it, don't touch the interrupt part at all.

> >

> > Jaunt could be one or two less stack of confusion, idc. It's main usage is for mobility and condi removal.

> >

> > Elusive Mind is slightly too powerful right now. Also agree with musu that Riddle of Sand should be changed (easy way is ICD)


> No way. Change Sword Ambush into a powerful cleave attack with clones doing damage, leave Jaunt alone.


Sword ambush and IH makes for a really fun interrupt build, stop trying to take fun away?


Sound familiar? They could reduce jaunt to 2 stacks for 6s and it will be fine the game doesn’t become less fun for those playing condi, it cuts the burst down a little. Removing the daze and leap on sword though, that completely ruins most interrupt builds which while aren’t meta are tons of fun.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Could just reduce sword ambush range to 400 so you can't fly all over the place with it.


> That or make it require a target (so it functions as a gap closer only) and keep 600 range.


Remove clone generation and remove daze from clones version of the skill and its actually in a perfect spot right now.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Could just reduce sword ambush range to 400 so you can't fly all over the place with it.

> >

> > That or make it require a target (so it functions as a gap closer only) and keep 600 range.


> Remove clone generation and remove daze from clones version of the skill and its actually in a perfect spot right now.


I'd be ok with that.


On a related note if we ever get any further underwater content, trident ambush is insane with IH and could do with similar treatment.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Could just reduce sword ambush range to 400 so you can't fly all over the place with it.

> >

> > That or make it require a target (so it functions as a gap closer only) and keep 600 range.


> Remove clone generation and remove daze from clones version of the skill and its actually in a perfect spot right now.


Removing the daze makes IH with sword mostly pointless though as it becomes the only weapon where the ambush does little to nothing. Sure they all leap to your target but without any damage or daze it screams “I will shatter in your face” which only telegraphs your intent more.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> @"apharma.3741" I really don't have a problem with that. Not every trait will be useful in every situation and in every build, nor should every trait be useful in every single build. But do you really think that the daze spam is balanced on a clone ambush attack?


You’re missing the point, use IH on any other weapon and your clones inflict varying amounts of conditions which for condition builds is damage but if you remove the daze from clone swords then sword becomes the only weapon where not only do they have no damage but they have no effect either.


The daze spam is strong but you can range and kill the clones, stab also works really well and generally the clones leaping is well telegraphed so 1 dodge will negate all the ambush which cannot be said about most other ambush skills and IH as they travel slow or attack for quite a while.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Could just reduce sword ambush range to 400 so you can't fly all over the place with it.


> That or make it require a target (so it functions as a gap closer only) and keep 600 range.


Or cut down the busted burst of the condtions mirage can stack and live sword alone all together?

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> @"apharma.3741" I really don't have a problem with that. Not every trait will be useful in every situation and in every build, nor should every trait be useful in every single build. But do you really think that the daze spam is balanced on a clone ambush attack?


Obviously everyone had a problem with that when pof launched and called sword ambush a useless skill. A say nerf the out of of condition on the trait that works with interupts while also tweaking the overall usage of confusion within mirage and mesmer in general.

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Remember, daze does not stack! So I really doubt a chain of 1/4sec dazes is the issue. It’s more the clone generation in combination with Maim the Disillusioned stacking confusion on every shatter.


That’s also why Condi Chrono is strong, the ability to maximize shatters AND apply confusion on every shatter.

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I'm not worried about stackng dazes. The problem comes from having the clones able to daze, which allows you to get a free daze off on enemies whenever you dodge with a sword clone out. You don't even have to interrupt your other skills to do so at this point. That's why I find it to be bothersome. Not having to interrupt your own skills in order to get a clone, who mind you is invuln at the moment, to daze the opponents, interrupting the enemy is the problem.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> I'm not worried about stackng dazes. The problem comes from having the clones able to daze, which allows you to get a free daze off on enemies whenever you dodge with a sword clone out. You don't even have to interrupt your other skills to do so at this point. That's why I find it to be bothersome. Not having to interrupt your own skills in order to get a clone, who mind you is invuln at the moment, to daze the opponents, interrupting the enemy is the problem.


Just to note the clone you spawn from mirage thrust won’t actually execute mirage thrust as they didn’t exist when you got mirage cloak so don’t get it. The clone spawned from mirage thrust is completely vulnerable and isn’t executing any daze. Yes with DE, self deception and mirage thrust you can keep at least a clone up at all times but at this point if you’re heavily reliant on the 1/4s daze then you’re playing interrupt (whether condi or power) which hasn’t really been that viable for a very long time.

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Prob torment and confusion should be further skill split from pve. As situational conditions they should be on a smaller dur but with much stronger effects and said effect will aply only when the condition is met.


Torment when they move they take large dmg for x amounts of sec and with confusion they take large dmg when they use a skill. But only when they move or use a skill. I understand this change was made to make them better for pve but for pvp/wvw it was rather meh.

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