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Wintersday Balance Update: Feedback Thread

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > If you think Condi engi on any iteration is mindless I don't know what to say. Condi engi is the hardest class to play rotation and awareness wise in PvE.


> Sorry to break it to you, PvE isnt the ONLY part of this game. I am talkign where balance matters the MOST PvP and WvW. Condi builds ARE the easiest in these modes and have been dominating for FAR too long.




Yes, I understand it's just a part of the game but it is by far the biggest, most played part. If you don't specify in your post what mode you're referring too I can just assume you're referring to the most important one, logically.



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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> Yes, I understand it's just a part of the game but it is by far the biggest, most played part. If you don't specify in your post what mode you're referring too I can just assume you're referring to the most important one, logically.


When it comes to balance. In a game with PvP. PvE is ALWAYS bottom in terms of importance of Balance. The problem is. Having such a sgame with all 3 modes being SO different, yet all 3 modes balanced to change something that has HUGE impact on the other modes. The Condition changes for PvE weren't really needed, but HUGELY broke PvP and WvW.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > The Condition changes for PvE weren't really needed

> If you are on about stacking and stack cap then you are wrong. There were needed for PvE since condition builds were for the most part completely irrelevant.


As they SHOULD have stayed. Only Anet would make conditions be a SUPPLEMENT to damage and effects and then just buff the crap out of them all. The condition meta is because Anet didnt think that they SHOULD have redesigned the WHOLE condition system if they wanted to have a build type that is all about Conditions. Its flawed because they didnt do anything about application or anything and just thought mindless damage increase would be enough...

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Simeonus.9237" said:

> > I would love bleeding or burning on holosmith's sword auto attack, even if it can only apply after overheat. You don't use it for power anyways, cause shield OH is useless and Sword/Pistol combo bleeding/burning condi engi would be really funny to play.


> Yeah what we need is MORE mindless condition builds :/


U want to tell me power mesmer isnt mindless? Pressing 4 buttons and any enemy dies? Seems legit

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> U want to tell me power mesmer isnt mindless? Pressing 4 buttons and any enemy dies? Seems legit


Nowhere did i say that Power Mesmer isnt mindless. So dont go doing that. This game has MANY mindless broken builds that players use because it is SO easy to play. Too much spam the hell out of everything you have and then run if they dont die, to return 3seconds later and do it all over again because the burst has brokenly short cool down Vs that of defense cool downs.


This game IS made for bad players, IS targeted for bad players and IS balanced for bad players. Its a real shame asit could have been great if they tried to push more of a skill based gameplay. Rather than being Build Wars.



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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > U want to tell me power mesmer isnt mindless? Pressing 4 buttons and any enemy dies? Seems legit


> Nowhere did i say that Power Mesmer isnt mindless. So dont go doing that. This game has MANY mindless broken builds that players use because it is SO easy to play. Too much spam the hell out of everything you have and then run if they dont die, to return 3seconds later and do it all over again because the burst has brokenly short cool down Vs that of defense cool downs.


> This game IS made for bad players, IS targeted for bad players and IS balanced for bad players. Its a real shame asit could have been great if they tried to push more of a skill based gameplay. Rather than being Build Wars.




Ah yeah i see.


Same i was wondering about. Pof story was way to easy.

But still poeple crying that they are too bad to do it. So anet makes it even less difficult, so that everyone can play with one finger.


Thats not they way i want the gane going :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Regarding the whole Patch history ...


- it's a pity that you changed the core- necro traitlines to fit scourge. Cause thats a nerf for core.

- the Lich rework was not adressing the main issue ( lack of stabi/Resistence and the autoattack).

- the rework of plague lost it's usage with scourges condi/corruption/cc aoe spam

- as "the wild crinn" mentioned in one of his youtube-vids ... the power of necro lays in it'S elite-specs (Traitline, Shroud, Weapons) ... thats why core-necro is dumb and scourge over the top

- what necro really needs is rework of core-shroud, bloodmagic (last change made it worse) and Deathmagic


Start to improve the game by adding more different combofields or -finisher to the professions and force TEAMPLAY and interaction with it! ..... NOT multiplying the dmg, boons, conditions, healing, dodges, blocks , cooldownreduction on every profession to make it that boring.


- Regarding WvW or PvE... why is there even a difference in Cast-range/aoe of Necro Wells and Sand-Shades ???

- Is there anyone that has a clue how to set skill-values or who is aware of future changes that dont negate the hard work of recent (last year) Patches (Plague rework, Lich rework, Core-Shroud 5 adding reveal ?! .... invested time of balance team thats lost/wasted cause almost no one uses that stuff)


just to mention some things

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> @"wwDefuser.2056" said:


> Start to improve the game by adding more different combofields or -finisher to the professions and force TEAMPLAY and interaction with it!


Firstly. No. The LAST thing this game needs is more fields and finishers. They need to actually be trimmed down, some are just SO pointless and secondly you can NOT force teamplay. Thats not how it works. Teamplay will work if those involved WANT to. You cant force people to do something they dont want to do.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"wwDefuser.2056" said:


> > Start to improve the game by adding more different combofields or -finisher to the professions and force TEAMPLAY and interaction with it!


> Firstly. No. The LAST thing this game needs is more fields and finishers. They need to actually be trimmed down, some are just SO pointless and secondly you can NOT force teamplay. Thats not how it works. Teamplay will work if those involved WANT to. You cant force people to do something they dont want to do.


Well overall there are maybe a lot... but regarding single professions ... there are almost just 1 or 2 types of combofields you have acces to (part of a viable skill). Regarding Necro or power-Rev you have barely acces to combofields. Necro has only spectral wall and wells... reaper has some more but why only dark-fields ? ... Healing well is not viable and spectral wall is a joke regarding the amount of stabi/resistance and ports.

If you remove some block/evade skills like full counter and give acces to some small icefields or light it would be more fun .


So actually i want some variation in the first place. The Decision who to give what and how many is a Question of Balance. I dont like to see more Hammer-Engi combo-action-spam.

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