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Patch notes... let the bloodbath begin lol


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Merciful Intervention: This skill now revives allies in the target area for 20% of their downed health upon impact in addition to its healing component.


also destroyed warrior strength line, and buffed mesmer, alongside rev and ele nerfs *facepalm*


still think anet is making good changes @"Chaith.8256" ? lol




I'm done, I quit. uninstalling now. this balance patch is too retarded for words. gonna play BDO full time now

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> Quaggan would like to give you advice - if you're going to complain, do it in [official thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20457/wintersday-balance-update-feedback-thread#latest "official thread").


Professions is a place almost no one looks. This IS the right place for it for the community as a whole. Also no one asked for your advice.

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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > Quaggan would like to give you advice - if you're going to complain, do it in [official thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20457/wintersday-balance-update-feedback-thread#latest "official thread").


> Professions is a place almost no one looks. This IS the right place for it for the community as a whole.


Foooo? Balance team does, that should be more than enough. Unless, you want stay mad and continue talking to the wall.

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Yawn keep on shilling and toeing the company line lol... Anyhow the "balance team" is doing a real bang up job aren't they? lol Who cares if they see this. This posting is for the community to have discussion. So, stop trying to discourage that. If you have such a big issue with people talking about this patch then please feel free to go elsewhere. Also who are you to judge what is enough? Arrogant much?

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Anyhow.... overall a very poor job again of balance. The strong got stronger and the weak got weaker overall. The Firebrand buffs make no sense in slightest and Scourge did not get significantly weaker. Elementalist which already is in the trashcan got even worse. And Revenant? I really feel bad for you guys... I really actually do. What they have done to you guys for so long is criminal.


Who knows what they will do next balance patch in 3-4 months if they bother ;)

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everyone cried about Scourge dmg being too bursty, but with access to 1 Stab skill and 2 SBs with no defensive skills other than barrier they get nerfed. Was definitely a LTP issue as all shroud skills are LOS... All while Mirage was always top in DMG, defensive skills, mobility..... they get buffed with no nerfs to the 16 stacks of confusion + 16 stacks of torment they can inflict instantly, all while being invulnerable to damage the entire burst with the ability to disengage a fight with ease. ANET needs to understand that confusion + torment = their active dmg values as you are going to move and cast skills just to survive their dmg..


oo well...

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Finally finished going through it, and while it clearly missed the boat, it's not so bad. I actually like some of the changes to ranger (sword buffs finally). But I'll never understand why they thought buffing firebrand was a good idea? I'm sure they don't play the game, and in their eyes, having the healing over time sounds like a nerf, but with the aoe covering the whole point, and firebrand's role being bunker support, it's actually a huge buff... bleh.


Scourge changes seem minor, but it might be enough. I'll have to test it. I don't feel like ele got nerfed. The fury now comes from air. It's a change, but not a nerf per se.


Worst part in my mind is how they buffed firebrand, and nerfed nothing on it. There are only two meta classes right now, firebrand and scourge. Everything else on the team can be swapped into various levels of competitiveness. (except renegade, we hardly knew ye.... Glad they nerfed the Renegade shortbow, that thing had some amazing burst...)



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Basically, all none condi scourge and mirage builds got nerfed, of which none was meta. Everything else is the same. FB around the same.


> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > @"Halikus.1406" said:

> > I just saw a mirage stack 35 confusion on someone in a match...

> > Perfect balance rofl



> I hope you are just messing with us...


* Imaginary Axes: Increased the confusion stacks applied by the player from 2 to 3. Increased the duration of confusion stacks applied by both the player and clones from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

* Phantasmal Seeking Axe: Increased torment duration from 3 seconds to 4.5 seconds.


He is not :angry: At this point it is just Anet trolling

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