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WvW weapons are hideous


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Dear Anet,

If you're going to make an "exclusive" skin at least try to make it worth getting. All of these Obsidian skins look like they were made in 5 minutes in blender by an unpaid intern. I could make better weapon designs in my sleep, I would rather not have them at all than have the displeasure of looking at them. If you have time to halfass weapon design then you should spend that time on fixing population and other problems instead.

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Lets at least be constructive. The immediate hate spew that comes after every update to WvW does not exactly make it more appealing for devs to be active on the forums.


The obsidian parts of the skins look fine and I think the colored effect came out well. The base of the weapons and the general theme they give off however appears to be more akin to a circus as opposed to a battle earned tribute to war. I think most people playing WvW that are concerned with skins are going to be put off by the lack of "bite" a skin like these bring.

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> @"Sarge.9730" said:

> Lets at least be constructive. The immediate hate spew that comes after every update to WvW does not exactly make it more appealing for devs to be active on the forums.


> The obsidian parts of the skins look fine and I think the colored effect came out well. The base of the weapons and the general theme they give off however appears to be more akin to a circus as opposed to a battle earned tribute to war. I think most people playing WvW that are concerned with skins are going to be put off by the lack of "bite" a skin like these bring.


I did get that 'carnival' feeling from what I saw, but the slumbering mistforged obsidian dagger was alright, I might get that one.

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No matter how bad you think a skin is, a minimum of 10-30% of players will think it's great. No matter how great you think a skin is, a similar fraction will think it's hideous. Personally, I dislike about 80% of the skins in any game and I can't find a way to use about 80% of the rest. So I'm always happy in GW2 if they manage to release even one set a year that I find worth the effort to obtain.


People like what they like; doesn't mean a skin is of great or poor design.

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> @"szshou.2193" said:

> Dear Anet,

> If you're going to make an "exclusive" skin at least try to make it worth getting. All of these Obsidian skins look like they were made in 5 minutes in blender by an unpaid intern. I could make better weapon designs in my sleep, I would rather not have them at all than have the displeasure of looking at them. If you have time to halfass weapon design then you should spend that time on fixing population and other problems instead.


You appear to confuse your subjective opinion with that of actual objective fact.

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> @"Sarge.9730" said:

> Lets at least be constructive. The immediate hate spew that comes after every update to WvW does not exactly make it more appealing for devs to be active on the forums.


> The obsidian parts of the skins look fine and I think the colored effect came out well. The base of the weapons and the general theme they give off however appears to be more akin to a circus as opposed to a battle earned tribute to war. I think most people playing WvW that are concerned with skins are going to be put off by the lack of "bite" a skin like these bring.


Yeah when I hear obsidian I want black glossy stuff, not the xmasy red and white. That's the only part that wetn wrong for me.

Obsidian makes me think, black, spikey, sharp, hard, fortresses

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Here is a little something:


We can't fix PvP and WvW since:

PvP and WvW have been forgotten by the balance team.

PvP and WvW haven't received new content or new ways to play the game in more than 6 months now.


But you know what, we can make rewards more appealing; so that players endure all the other things that won't be fixed. So why don't we make an "exclusive" weapon set?


PvP and WvW get a Clownish looking weapon set (that is supposed to bring players in). Is this a joke? I've gotten immersed in other game modes to get skins I find to be cool looking, but does Anet really think that these new models will make people grind PvP and WvW?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> No matter how bad you think a skin is, a minimum of 10-30% of players will think it's great. No matter how great you think a skin is, a similar fraction will think it's hideous. Personally, I dislike about 80% of the skins in any game and I can't find a way to use about 80% of the rest. So I'm always happy in GW2 if they manage to release even one set a year that I find worth the effort to obtain.


> People like what they like; doesn't mean a skin is of great or poor design.


I agree with you, but I’m thinking that a good number of people are also looking at these weapons and thinking the theme is off for the modes they are intended for. Also the name, Obsidian, combined with the effects change... created an image of all/mostly black weapons that have either red, green or blue etching or effects depending on your side... These are like the Flames of War curveball the devs threw...


Honestly, this set reminds me of the carnival weapon set from ember bay. I probably would have been happier if the devs recycled the chaos weapon set models and made them black, as opposed to these... just sayin’.


@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

“For rewards, we have a couple things in the pipeline. Please keep in mind, the list below doesn’t include everything we have planned. It’s just what is far enough along that we feel safe talking about.


**Obsidian Weapon set**

This is a new competitive weapon set (shared with WvW). The first four weapons of the set will be available on 12/12. The weapons change effects and some detailing based on what team you’re on. (Red, Blue, Green) The set has 2 tiers. The first tier is exotic, tier 2 is ascended. Tier 2 will require grandmaster marks, the same as other ascended rewards.”


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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> a good number of people are also looking at these weapons and thinking the theme is off for the modes they are intended for. Also the name, Obsidian, combined with the effects change... created an image of all/mostly black weapons that have either red, green or blue etching and effects depending on your side... There are like the Flames of War curveball the devs threw...


Sure, "Obsidian" and "mist weapons" and so on will conjure up specific images in our minds, which affects whether we like (or dislike) the actual implementation. I try not to worry about whether the devs named something "Lyssa's Mirror" or "Obsidian Hammer;" I figure there are enough things I don't like about the standard MMO/RPG tropes of design that I don't need to add the baggage of my personal expectations.


And some people won't care about how stuff looks, they'll just care about the prestige of being able to show off how much WvW currency they've earned.


> Honestly, this set reminds me of the carnival weapon set from ember bay.

I actually think the carnival set is fun. I don't like any of the specific weapons enough to spend the gold to acquire them, but I like how they are designed to appeal strongly to a narrow subset of players; I'd like to see more niche designs. Although, please, don't do that for prestige gear; that should appeal to as many as possible.

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I'm disappointed in these skins to be honest. They don't look sharp.

The only weapon that I particularly like is the T1 Obsidian Dagger.

The name 'Obsidian' instantly reminds me of the old Greatsword from classic WoW which is still a sword which holds up style-wise to this day. If these new weapons were a little closer to that they would be very good.

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I honestly expected something more like the Obsidian Edge from GW1, only in set form and not a single weapon.

Ref: https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/b/be/Obsidian_Edge.jpg


If they just took that original GW1 Obsidian weapon, detailed it up, give it something fancy like a black-glass approach VERY similar to the Priory glass weapons just not as 'slab-like' then released that, I'd have been extremely happy. As it is, this set doesn't feel like it is in the correct place at all.

Glass effect: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/05/Priory%27s_Historical_Sword.jpg


( nb: yes I know obsidian isn't transparent, but it can at least provide a colour/texture to it.. Also it's very possible they took the colour directly from the obsidian knife on this geology page: http://geology.com/rocks/obsidian.shtml )

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