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WvW weapons are hideous


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> @"Visionary.1705" said:

> Bumpelibump!

> Haven´t actually seen anyone with these skins in wvw, which speaks volumes of how unliked they are. Just saying.


Anet wont acknowledge that they suck, instead they will point and say " Look guys we added rewards for you ((giggles)), appreciate our work ((laughs as they hit the ok button))

Seriously though, they knew these weapons were awful when they designed them, they probably all laughed when they were drawing them too, like "lets give them weapons that fits our thoughts of the game mode and the people in it."

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> @"Visionary.1705" said:

> Bumpelibump!

> Haven´t actually seen anyone with these skins in wvw, which speaks volumes of how unliked they are. Just saying.


I got the dagger but mostly because the flame effect covers the pommel some and matches other effects I got going on and as a whole it looks good ignited. The rest of those weapons are so bad they look like unfinished art from a Skyrim mod and you're right, I haven't seen anyone else with them running around. The mention of the Tenebrous weapons is more what I was expecting also, they look awesome and go with more looks.

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What can we expected? It is not gated behind expansion that mean expansion owner, core owner and even free player can access to them.


How dare of them to make the weapons look good and make paid players upset seriously.


Just just just give us some reskin weapon exclusive from RAID will make every exclusive pvp/wvwer happy already.

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i am using the shield Skin j4f right now. After you get used to it, it is somewhat okish. (the only Thing i am really waiting for is the Greatsword anyways) What i expected them to look like: https://wiki-de.guildwars2.com/wiki/Geschmiedeten-Waffe + more flame effects.


Though, i do think they had all weapos finished but released only few. Either because they wanted to test the design or to Stretch out Content. We will see what is Fitting.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> for those praising gemstore items, i have one thing to say to you:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/KhcwtGi.jpg "")



You leave my carrot nose outta this !!!!!



Serious note though, I think more people were comparing the weapons to other released in the BLT

When these weapons were released they also released the glacial skins for tickets..


The slap in the face was audible to galaxies far

far away

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+1 carnival weapons

I really don't like them, there's niche and then there's these.


but detail wise they are poor and I was expecting the obsidian translucent or with red effect or something?

I already 'see' tarmac when I look at these and now the shield face sigh.



what we should have got was something like the borderlands loading screen, ok it's a bit norn, but that's what we see as we go in.

none of those have got weapons based on novelty egg timers.

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