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How many characters do you have World Completion on?


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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> This is a conscious choice - many of my characters hang on 90%+ world completion, and have most waypoints unlocked. The issue is that I just don't want to have to store all of the Exploration Gifts, as I have no plans for any T1 legendries.


Don't wory, opposing to some others, these stack ;)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > None.. HoT was simply not fun for me, as such none of my characters have all maps completed. And never will.


> Isn't the OP asking about World Completion, which is strictly core Tyria (not including WvW or the LS2 maps)


I just saw the "all maps" and was like.. Nope.. next question.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > None.. HoT was simply not fun for me, as such none of my characters have all maps completed. And never will.


> Isn't the OP asking about World Completion, which is strictly core Tyria (not including WvW or the LS2 maps)


I think OP was asking about Core Tyria mainly though to optionally chime in if you've done maps outside of Core Tyria.


I have to agree with STIHL though. HoT was not fun to map complete at all. It's why I've only done all of HoT on two of my eighteen characters. HoT, in my opinion, is very alt unfriendly.

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Currently seeing as I have gift of exploration x8 in my bank, then it's 4 characters I've done it with so far.

But that's just on my account.

I've 100% 2 other characters on my friend's account to help him a bit and I'm also working on another 3 or so to get to 100%.


So by a month or 2 the total as a whole would be like 8 or 9 or maybe even 10.

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  • 4 months later...

None for me... the highest percent I have is ~60% on my old necro main.


I think that unlike the majority of people who play this game, I actually enjoy just running around and exploring the open world of Tyria. Having things undone in world completion gives me the excuse to roam around and see what's over that next hill and experience part of Tyria I haven't seen before. So I do enjoy doing it and checking off the list, but I don't ever want to actually complete it because that would mean I've seen it all (if that makes any sense :P)

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One. the reason i did it was not because of gift of exploration, but i had a feeling one day they were gonna make us run around to collect things for a rare item, and i was right. they did do that for aurora and some 2nd gen legendaries.


unless there are better incentives/rewards for completing a map... i would never do it again... simply because i hate doing hearts... i hate doing things that don't require brain cells.

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