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An idea of a consumable to "convert" the type of ascended or legendary armor.

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I stand by my original opinion on price.

"2,000 gems per ascended piece to change (12,000 for full set) and something in the region of 10,000 gems per legendary piece - perhaps a discount bundle of 55.000 gems for a full set."

The 1 for 1 argument is invalid since the new set is something which has far move value to you, therefore material cost is not the only aspect.

Like mentioned previously - this should be seen as a premium service - the time and effort comparable to months of work condensed to a few simple clicks.

400 gems per legendary piece sounds like a strange joke - that would equate to roughly under 650g for the full set. Depending on individual farming/spend I can see that some people would be able to change sets on a monthly basis.

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I will rephrase the post with the ideas on other post and in game:


As said in the title, a consumable able to change the type of armor Legendary (and only the armor as weapons have totally different recipes).

This consumable via shop (so in gems: example 400 gems per piece of armor) would convert a piece of legendary armor to another type of armor (example of heavy to intermediate or light, at the choice of the player it goes from is).

Of course there could be a kit of 6 "armor converter" with a price in gems adapted of course. (so in gems: example 2200 gems for set)

On the other hand, as in the idea of ​​the recipe for changing the stat via the mystic forge, the improvements on the piece of armor that will be converted will be lost (rune and infusion).


To avoid the problem of success "Legendary Gunsmith" it is simple to make a mechanism "transmuted" for appearances of weapons or armor.

I explain we all have equipment of a type "transmuted" in another, well here it's the same thing but with "converted" (example: "Convert: Heavy")


And to avoid any problem with the wardrobe the legendary armor "Converted" would have a basic skin.

Heavy = Chainmail

Medium = Rawhide

Light = Apprentice

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I had trouble parsing the original post, so I'm going to try to restate what I understood.

> Currently, we can transform the stats of ascended weapons or armor when we find a new build

> The OP suggests that we also have an option to transform the "weight" (the game's jargon term), i.e. from heavy|medium|light to one of the others.

> ...

> Swapping stats is what you do when you go from a power to condi build, so why not swap weights when you go from maining a mesmer to maining a guardian?


One big advantage of the idea is also its biggest weakness: in effect, this would bring the cost of making armor sets equivalent for each weight, within the value of the mats required for weight transformation. That would please a ton of forum posters who have always thought that medium should never cost significantly more than light or heavy (but has often done so). Thus it would have a major impact on the economy... that might turn out to be good, bad, or horribly bad.


(BTW: I think instead of making this for legendary armor, too, you'd just allow people with l-armor to swap the weight.)


Consequently, I think this proposal is a lot more work than OP implies.


Personally, I'm ambivalent about it. If the option existed, I'm sure I'd take advantage of it. On the other hand, we've managed just fine without all these years; I can't remember it being much of an issue for anyone at all (certainly not in the way that stat transformation is essential).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I had trouble parsing the original post, so I'm going to try to restate what I understood.


> @"T E N S H I R O C K.3826" said:

> I will rephrase the post with the ideas on other post and in game:


> As said in the title, a consumable able to change the type of armor Legendary (and only the armor as weapons have totally different recipes).

> This consumable via shop (so in gems: example 400 gems per piece of armor) would convert a piece of legendary armor to another type of armor (example of heavy to intermediate or light, at the choice of the player it goes from is).

> Of course there could be a kit of 6 "armor converter" with a price in gems adapted of course. (so in gems: example 2200 gems for set)

> On the other hand, as in the idea of ​​the recipe for changing the stat via the mystic forge, the improvements on the piece of armor that will be converted will be lost (rune and infusion).


> To avoid the problem of success "Legendary Gunsmith" it is simple to make a mechanism "transmuted" for appearances of weapons or armor.

> I explain we all have equipment of a type "transmuted" in another, well here it's the same thing but with "converted" (example: "Convert: Heavy")


> And to avoid any problem with the wardrobe the legendary armor "Converted" would have a basic skin.

> Heavy = Chainmail

> Medium = Rawhide

> Light = Apprentice


In singles you could change your heavy armor into light or medium

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What is the point? So you could unlock a skin of one weight, but have the utility for another weight? In that case, just go the SPvP/WvW route, they don't have the skins anyway and you can get the desired weight category directly.

Or is it because you'd want to have (in effect) access to all the 3 weight categories at the fraction of cost to craft them? In that case, i don't think it's a good idea.

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> @"T E N S H I R O C K.3826" said:

> 10.000 gems for a legendary = 2537gold...

> At a price there you craft another type armor ...

> The idea is also not to see players go on other games because of an abusive nerf and that class is out of meta ...

> And for example how many players love a warrior but do not like revenant or guardian? (yes it exists a lot)


Implying that being able to spend gold or money would keep people playing.


First off, I have a few problems with your basic assumptions:


1.) I doubt people who have legendary armor lack access to ascended gear. The armor collection alone gives a set of ascended armor extra which if people were careful, would have been for a different armor weight

2.) the time it takes to craft legendary armor is enough resources to to get an extra set of ascended if magnetite shards are spent wisely

3.) if someone was only in for the 1 legendary armor, they would have quit raiding after getting it. They don't need to change armor weight for other parts of the game. They won't be affected by changes to the raid meta.

4.) if people continue to raid, they have a goal to work towards

5.) getting extra ascended precursor armor via LI gives you a fast way to get an extra set of other weight armor

6.) the chance that people play raids and not fractals is very slim. fractals give excellent resources and extra direct drops of ascended gear


I don't see the need for implementing a weight change option.


Now on to the second issue: cost.


This type of change would be massively expensive or should be.


1.) If it's to cheap, what's the point of getting multiple legendary armor sets?

2.) If it's to expensive, what's the point?

3.) If it's gemstore only, it becomes pay to win.

4.) If it unlocks unique perks like the title for owning all 3 sets of legendary armor, it cheapens the effort and work people put in to get all 3 sets.


No thank you.

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At this stage in the thread I still don't think that OP has understood the value of this proposed mechanic. 2200 gems is ridiculously cheap. People who have gone as far as to make legendary armor would agree that this is worth so much more than that. It's not about the skin, its about never needing to obtain gear of that weight **for the rest of your time in game**.

Legendary gear is the end of the line in terms of equipment progression. Regardless of how many expansions are released, extra stat combinations introduced, a player will never need to craft those items for the purpose of usability.

It doesn't matter that this removes previously gained armor, the only current option in game to get to a different weight class is to craft it all over again with the time and effort input repeated.


tldr: paying 650g to avoid waiting 6 months and hours of ingame work is ridiculous even if it removes previously gained assets.

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I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was


* 300 ecto for a single boss.

* 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).


260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.


Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.


You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.


So, a little recap


* Raid cost = 9000g

* Timegate Skip = 1420g

* Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).


* Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.


And you asked 400 per piece.


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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was


> * 300 ecto for a single boss.

> * 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).


> 260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

> So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.


> Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

> So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

> If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.


> You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.


> So, a little recap


> * Raid cost = 9000g

> * Timegate Skip = 1420g

> * Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).


> * Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.


> And you asked 400 per piece.



Minor corrections, there is 17 bosses (3 in wing 1, 3 in wing 2, 3 in wing 3, 4 in wing 4 and 4 in wing 5). Thus your first armor would be 150/17= 8.8 weeks, not calculating in the fact that Dhuum and certain bosses are more expensive.


That's not what you skip though, you skip making a 2nd or 3rd set of armor, which essentially costs 300 LI, so the calculation goes up to 300/17= 17.64 weeks again not factoring in different cost for bosses.


Going by your suggested 800 gems per week, that's now 14,400 gems. So let's redo the math:


Raid cost = 18,000g (not counting higher prices for Dhuum or other wing bosses)

Timegate Skip = 3,708g (at 25.7g per 100 gems)

Time spent = 2,160g


Total price = 23,868 gold


So yes, 400 gems per piece is ludicrous as far as conversion price per item.


EDIT: timegate skip had a decimal mistake, corrected now

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was

> >

> > * 300 ecto for a single boss.

> > * 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).

> >

> > 260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

> > So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.

> >

> > Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

> > So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

> > If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.

> >

> > You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.

> >

> > So, a little recap

> >

> > * Raid cost = 9000g

> > * Timegate Skip = 1420g

> > * Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).

> >

> > * Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.

> >

> > And you asked 400 per piece.

> >


> Minor corrections, there is 17 bosses (3 in wing 1, 3 in wing 2, 3 in wing 3, 4 in wing 4 and 4 in wing 5). Thus your first armor would be 150/17= 8.8 weeks, not calculating in the fact that Dhuum and certain bosses are more expensive.


> That's not what you skip though, you skip making a 2nd or 3rd set of armor, which essentially costs 300 LI, so the calculation goes up to 300/17= 17.64 weeks again not factoring in different cost for bosses.


> Going by your suggested 800 gems per week, that's now 14,400 gems. So let's redo the math:


> Raid cost = 18,000g (not counting higher prices for Dhuum or other wing bosses)

> Timegate Skip = 36,720g (at 25.5g per 100 gems)

> Time spent = 2,160g


> Total price = 56,880 gold


> So yes, 400 gems per piece is ludicrous as far as conversion price per item.


I did count the minor bosses too, thanks for correcting me.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was


> * 300 ecto for a single boss.

> * 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).


> 260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

> So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.


> Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

> So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

> If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.


> You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.


> So, a little recap


> * Raid cost = 9000g

> * Timegate Skip = 1420g

> * Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).


> * Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.


> And you asked 400 per piece.



True but if you read the OP s/he already have the legendary and want to change it to another armor class.

I wouldent be against it if it cost 400 gems for each a total of 2400 gems to go from light armor to medium or heavy aslong as the skins stay in each respective game mode.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was

> >

> > * 300 ecto for a single boss.

> > * 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).

> >

> > 260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

> > So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.

> >

> > Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

> > So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

> > If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.

> >

> > You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.

> >

> > So, a little recap

> >

> > * Raid cost = 9000g

> > * Timegate Skip = 1420g

> > * Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).

> >

> > * Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.

> >

> > And you asked 400 per piece.

> >


> True but if you read the OP s/he already have the legendary and want to change it to another armor class.

> I wouldent be against it if it cost 400 gems for each a total of 2400 gems to go from light armor to medium or heavy aslong as the skins stay in each respective game mode.


But it's the same.

He will obtain an item ( who cares about the skin, as the OP said ) which he couldn't have obtained if not as a long term goal.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was

> >

> > * 300 ecto for a single boss.

> > * 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).

> >

> > 260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

> > So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.

> >

> > Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

> > So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

> > If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.

> >

> > You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.

> >

> > So, a little recap

> >

> > * Raid cost = 9000g

> > * Timegate Skip = 1420g

> > * Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).

> >

> > * Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.

> >

> > And you asked 400 per piece.

> >


> True but if you read the OP s/he already have the legendary and want to change it to another armor class.

> I wouldent be against it if it cost 400 gems for each a total of 2400 gems to go from light armor to medium or heavy aslong as the skins stay in each respective game mode.


Pour éviter le problème du succès "Armurier légendaire" il est simple de faire un mécanisme "transmuté" pour des apparences d'armes ou d'armures.

J'explique que nous avons tous un équipement de type "transmuté" dans un autre, bien ici c'est la même chose mais avec "converti" (exemple: "Convert: Heavy")


Et pour éviter tout problème avec la garde-robe, l'armure légendaire "Converti" aurait une peau de base.

Lourd = Chainmail

Medium = Rawhide

Light = Apprenti

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This is not a good idea for the developer, and for a subset of players.


For the Developer: The entire MMO genre is about getting players to continue paying (whether via sub, buying store items, or both). Generally, games in the genre present players with time-involved tasks. GW2 already does not have the gear-upgrade treadmill. Changes to perceived best profession via balance changes serve a similar purpose, although they are fairly rare. Also, the game's economy depends on the exchange of crafting materials. Reducing demand, even slightly, can mean economic changes.


For some players: Some players like having time-involved goals. Others like an economy in which crafting mats are worth more.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> This is not a good idea for the developer, and for a subset of players.


> For the Developer: The entire MMO genre is about getting players to continue paying (whether via sub, buying store items, or both). Generally, games in the genre present players with time-involved tasks. GW2 already does not have the gear-upgrade treadmill. Changes to perceived best profession via balance changes serve a similar purpose, although they are fairly rare. Also, the game's economy depends on the exchange of crafting materials. Reducing demand, even slightly, can mean economic changes.


> For some players: Some players like having time-involved goals. Others like an economy in which crafting mats are worth more.


To hear you, I have the impression that you believe that my post requires a Legendary armor all made for 400 gems.

And if we follow your logic of economics the Distortion nerf will impact the economy also then ...

Less Mesmer raid PvE replace with Revenant or Guard, suddenly the fabric decreases (less demand) and the metals increases (more request) ...

Must ask Areanet to stop the Nerf to make the economy stable then !!!

This is the life guys econimy goes up and down like everywhere.



Exactly you talk about the purchase of items at the store (just I propose a boutique item) the worst is that ready to bet that those who say "no, no, not good" will be part of these buyers if the object would come to go out, that's what's fun.

Personally I would see more friends from the game because of abusive NERF and other players could reroll easier.

Just look at the nerf "speedclear" raid with the Mesmer and it distortion ...

When the Mesmer can no longer perma quickness and alac because a nerf. Maybe that would interest you to reroll heavy.


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Gem store cost is irrelevant (although I think 400 gems is WAY too low)

Its not technically possible to convert armor types from heavy to medium ect. Its been confirmed many times by devs on old forums that armor weights are extremely complex and coded in unique ways which means trying to change 1 piece to another would break the game. It would be possible for the item to literally remove the legendary armor from your account, and provide a completely new set of armor of a different weight (with no runes in) like support can do, but the cost of developing a system that usually requires manual intervention from the support team itself would be astronomical.


Futhermore, you have to consider that legendary armor weights are tied to achievements, transferring 1 type to another would unlock achievements that you haven't earned. Since achievement points cant be removed from an account unless under extreme circumstances manually by anet, then changing types would again break the game.


Overall its just not worth the time and money it would cost to make this system. And if they did hardly anyone would buy it as it would have to be so expensive.

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> @"T E N S H I R O C K.3826" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > This is not a good idea for the developer, and for a subset of players.

> >

> > For the Developer: The entire MMO genre is about getting players to continue paying (whether via sub, buying store items, or both). Generally, games in the genre present players with time-involved tasks. GW2 already does not have the gear-upgrade treadmill. Changes to perceived best profession via balance changes serve a similar purpose, although they are fairly rare. Also, the game's economy depends on the exchange of crafting materials. Reducing demand, even slightly, can mean economic changes.

> >

> > For some players: Some players like having time-involved goals. Others like an economy in which crafting mats are worth more.


> To hear you, I have the impression that you believe that my post requires a Legendary armor all made for 400 gems.

> And if we follow your logic of economics the Distortion nerf will impact the economy also then ...

> Less Mesmer raid PvE replace with Revenant or Guard, suddenly the fabric decreases (less demand) and the metals increases (more request) ...

> Must ask Areanet to stop the Nerf to make the economy stable then !!!

> This is the life guys econimy goes up and down like everywhere.



> Exactly you talk about the purchase of items at the store (just I propose a boutique item) the worst is that ready to bet that those who say "no, no, not good" will be part of these buyers if the object would come to go out, that's what's fun.

> Personally I would see more friends from the game because of abusive NERF and other players could reroll easier.

> Just look at the nerf "speedclear" raid with the Mesmer and it distortion ...

> When the Mesmer can no longer perma quickness and alac because a nerf. Maybe that would interest you to reroll heavy.

> ;)


No he understood what you were asking for fully correctly. You just don't get his argument.


GW2 doesn't have constant gear progression like almost all other MMOs on the market. This brings benefits and downsides.


The current drastic changes in builds and meta are a direct result of the expansion release. This will subside and get less drastic.


People who leave because their favorite toy got nerfed aren't worth keeping around at this high cost (giving a cheap gem store alternative to change armor weight makes huge parts of the raiding endgame content as well as spvp and wvw grind unnecessary). Better to let a few players go than risk bombing the endgame.


When the mesmer can no longer perma quickness/alacrity you can give his gear to an elementalist and raid on that class. You are literally taking "maybe be in the future arguments" and hypothetical situations as arguments for an unhealthy change now.

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  • 8 months later...

I was about to enter a suggestion about legendary armor being usable on all weight classes. I found this post through a search and I think it's better to revive it than rehash all these ideas in a new ticket.


Personally I don't even want the conversion -- instead I'd prefer that legendary armor work on every weight class.


If that's not possible due to limitations in the software architecture, then I would be almost as happy with a Mystic Forge recipe that performed the conversion. This is not much different than respeccing an ascended item to different stats. The same logic applies -- quality of life for user base.


The amount of effort and expense for legendary armor is large. Time gating alone makes WvW legendary armor at least 21.6 weeks in duration, not including other restrictions.

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I would greatly love a way to convert one weight of Legendary armor to another, my problem beeing, that I am stuck with a set (my only set) that I basically do not need, while having one of another weight type would be really good right now.

I think a price of 400-600 gems per piece would be good maybe with a fitting 6 pieces discount version. At that price it would probably be an instant buy for me, to escape the fact that my current one is in fact useless to me.

Despite all that I think an important point of such a system would be this:

1) The armor piece you get out of it has to retain rarity (e.g. Legendary) obviously.

2) The armor piece would need to either take a random skin you have allready unlocked on your account as apearance or a requirement would need to exist like it will look like crafted ascended armor (even in the case of Legendary rarity) and it is only possible to convert when you have unlocked the crafted ascended skin in question (though the required skins should not be to difficult to get as that would defeat the purpose).

=> The reason for this is simple this is to be a tool to allow players to utilise the expensive gear they gained even after the meta greatly shifts or they greatly change their prefferences in terms of classes played. It should not, no it **must not** be a way to grab Legendary skins of other game modes or weight tiers without gaining them - in this way the danger of completing any achivements with this would also be prevented as those run by unlocking the skins not Legendary armor of some specific weight without the skin in question.


to make a long story short:

I would love to have this featture for at least Legendary armor, at a reasonable price of 400-600 gems per piece, it must provide a piece of armor with an allready unlocked either generalized or random skin, to prevent the unlock of extra skins.


edit: corrected some mistakes I found, changed some sentences to be more understandable

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Correct, the intent is not to gain access to other skins that the Player doesn't currently own. The best solution here is probably just to allow the legendary armor skin on the different weight class... so yeah it would be light legs on heavy toons, and vice versa. The other idea mentioned about grabbing a random skin from the same weight class is also intriguing.


Regarding 400-600g cost, that's not good at all. The armor already costs a lot with regards to gold and time. The price has been paid. This is not an armor duplicator. It just allows using your legendary armor on any of your characters... just like legendary backpack.


I'm not sure there should be a cost at all, but if for whatever reason, ANet needs a sink of some sort, then some purchasable junk from Milani at the mystic toilet would suffice.

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