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Town Clothes Tonics to Outfits

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So as we are all aware. There was Mass outrage over the Town Clothes being made into Tonics. Like, people were livid.

I know many people deleted their tonics because really, they were useless.

NOW. YEARS LATER! You can trade those Tonics in for outfits.

What I want to know, is for those people who deleted them thinking they were useless (Even though they spent real money on them) is Anet going to give any means to recover said deleted tonics?

Because frankly, giving something that only lasts for 15 minutes when they could have just waited and done them as outfits right away (As outfits only came out like a month later) is kind of rage inducing.

Now I don't think there should be additional compensation for the whole headache, but I do think there needs to be a way for those who didn't want their bank tabs eaten up by something useless to now be able to gain back what they paid for.

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Why would anyone have deleted the tonics when they were tradable? Even when the switch first happened and there was very little demand (because clothing tonics are pretty niche) and a lot being sold they were still worth a few gold each.


Support might be able to restore them if you deleted them, although I haven't heard of anyone trying yet, but I assume they wouldn't restore ones that were sold because you got the benefit from selling them - in addition to the gem cost being refunded.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Why would anyone have deleted the tonics when they were tradable? Even when the switch first happened and there was very little demand (because clothing tonics are pretty niche) and a lot being sold they were still worth a few gold each.


> Support might be able to restore them if you deleted them, although I haven't heard of anyone trying yet, but I assume they wouldn't restore ones that were sold because you got the benefit from selling them - in addition to the gem cost being refunded.


A friend of mine deleted them last week to make room for Wintersday; they forget to check the TP first (or check with me for that matter). (And yes, I twisted their arm to create a Support ticket.)


Regardless, it seems likely that ANet wanted to offer an initial source for the outfits and eventually those will disappear from the TP. At that point, either ANet will consider them to be super-prestige items or they'll offer a new supply, perhaps in the gem shop, out of BL chests as a rare drop, via collection (there's precedent for each), or maybe as a choice for birthday #6.


I think it's a little strange that ANet's opening gambit is to reward those who speculated by buying up the tonics, versus those who originally owned them... or just making them gem shop purchases. So I hope whatever their next step is... turns out to be friendlier to the masses (or at least some larger subset of them).

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> @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> Yeah, anet really just needs to unlock the outfit on every account by default as they were available to every character at the launch of the game. To do any less would be both rude and anti-consumer.


> Seriously. Unlock the outfit on every account.


I agree. I have deleted/sold mine long ago to give way for more slots. If I knew that they could be converted to outfits in the future, I would have kept them all :/

I just want that endless dragon emblem tonic back >.<

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I am a pack rat with over 50 characters. As soon as I found out about the Tonics to Outfits I went searching on all my characters and to my great joy I discovered some on a character I do not play. I know I had more different styles than I found but probably deleted them in a fit of kitten rage at them being turned into tonics that I could not dye...so long ago I do not recall.


Hmmm...about the outfit with the shorts...the shirt and shorts use the same dye which is boring. I would really like to have a white shirt and different colored shorts...Christmas Wish Anet :)




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> @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> Yeah, anet really just needs to unlock the outfit on every account by default as they were available to every character at the launch of the game. To do any less would be both rude and anti-consumer.


> Seriously. Unlock the outfit on every account.


They could do that. But it’s only 4 to 5 silver on the trading post and there’s more in various storages across the accounts (One guy said he bought 60k common tonics years ago for no real reason than because and I’m sure others have common tonics stashed away in personal guild banks). Common tonics aren’t going to run out anytime soon or even go up in price much now that the rush is over.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > Yeah, anet really just needs to unlock the outfit on every account by default as they were available to every character at the launch of the game. To do any less would be both rude and anti-consumer.

> >

> > Seriously. Unlock the outfit on every account.


> They could do that. But it’s only 4 to 5 silver on the trading post and there’s more in various storages across the accounts (One guy said he bought 60k common tonics years ago for no real reason than because and I’m sure others have common tonics stashed away in personal guild banks). Common tonics aren’t going to run out anytime soon or even go up in price much now that the rush is over.


The patch note says it's only the endless tonics. They are much much more than 4 to 5 silver.


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> @"Polarfairy.8046" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > > Yeah, anet really just needs to unlock **the outfit on every account by default as they were available to every character at the launch** of the game. To do any less would be both rude and anti-consumer.

> > >

> > > Seriously. Unlock the outfit on every account.

> >

> > They could do that. But it’s only 4 to 5 silver on the trading post and there’s more in various storages across the accounts (One guy said he bought 60k **common tonics** years ago for no real reason than because and I’m sure others have **common tonics** stashed away in personal guild banks). **Common tonics** aren’t going to run out anytime soon or even go up in price much now that the rush is over.


> The patch note says it's only the endless tonics. They are much much more than 4 to 5 silver.



Go back and read what I said and the person I responded to.


The person I responded to was talking about the [common outfit](https://www.gw2tp.com/item/36179-endless-common-clothing-tonic) that everyone got back then and is at the time of this post is less than 4 silver.

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> @"Morsheira.6102" said:

> What I want to know, is for those people who deleted them thinking they were useless (Even though they spent real money on them) is Anet going to give any means to recover said deleted tonics?

>but I do think there needs to be a way for those who didn't want their bank tabs eaten up by something useless to now be able to gain back what they paid for.


But they already got back the gems from the outfits they paid for, the tonics were free, if they/ you deleted them/sold them then that's on you not Anet.

When town clothes were converted to tonics people were refunded the gems on what they paid for any town clothes




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So apparently free accounts cannot buy any of the clothing tonics, even the common clothing version, which surprises me.


I just logged into my free account to get one and found they're all locked on the TP. I don't understand why that would be, since it provides absolutely no benefit. Of course in my case the solution is simply to mail one over from my main account (or not, I never play the free one so I'm not sure it's worth even spending a few silver to unlock the outfit there) but it's a shame that free players without a friend willing to donate a tonic can't get it. (It'd have to be a donation because there's no way for a free account to send out gold or items.)

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> @"Fade.5904" said:

> > @"Morsheira.6102" said:

> > What I want to know, is for those people who deleted them thinking they were useless (Even though they spent real money on them) is Anet going to give any means to recover said deleted tonics?

> >but I do think there needs to be a way for those who didn't want their bank tabs eaten up by something useless to now be able to gain back what they paid for.


> But they already got back the gems from the outfits they paid for, the tonics were free, if they/ you deleted them/sold them then that's on you not Anet.

> When town clothes were converted to tonics people were refunded the gems on what they paid for any town clothes


Did they though? I keep hearing two versions about this. One of them being that you had to create a support ticket to ask the gems back.

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> @"Shard.4791" said:

> > @"Fade.5904" said:

> > > @"Morsheira.6102" said:

> > > What I want to know, is for those people who deleted them thinking they were useless (Even though they spent real money on them) is Anet going to give any means to recover said deleted tonics?

> > >but I do think there needs to be a way for those who didn't want their bank tabs eaten up by something useless to now be able to gain back what they paid for.

> >

> > But they already got back the gems from the outfits they paid for, the tonics were free, if they/ you deleted them/sold them then that's on you not Anet.

> > When town clothes were converted to tonics people were refunded the gems on what they paid for any town clothes


> Did they though? I keep hearing two versions about this. One of them being that you had to create a support ticket to ask the gems back.


Anyone who wanted a refund, got a refund (yes, you had to ask). Some people who chose to keep the tonics later sold them for gold and some people speculated by buying those up in bulk. A very few people bought a few tonics because they figured someday, someday they'd become outfits and that might help.


Regardless, though, the supply of tonics will run out. Either ANet intends for this to be a prestige item that only folks around now can get or they'll introduce a new method. Since ANet has been shying away from "you had to be there" rewards, I would bet that there will be new sources within 12 months, maybe sooner.

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We got refunds (when submitting a ticket during the time window for doing that) but nothing was deleted from our inventories/town clothes panels. An NPC -- who still exists today for people that have old alts and come back to the game -- converted town clothes to the tonics.


My refund was huge. I'd bought every town clothes item (almost -- never ever wanted nor got boxing gloves, for example), some of them several times over so multiple alts could have them. I think I got 19K gems ... not that my mind retains numbers, so it could have been 9K. It was nice having disposable income ... /nostalgia.


While I still resented the loss of my town clothes mix and match for years, and am not terribly happy with the fashion-impaired choices of the tonics compared to what I put together, I can't say they didn't compensate me for the loss. And it's very nice that they made it all acquirable in game instead of requiring more gem purchases to acquire the outfits based on town clothes we once paid cash for.

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Yeah you had to request a refund, it wasn't automated. It was probably easier for Anet to do it that way and I assume they genuinely thought some/most players would be happy with the conversion (especially for the town clothes that got turned into outfits immediately like the chef and pirate costumes) and wouldn't want a refund.


I don't know if I just missed it or if they didn't tell you until afterwards that you got to keep the tonic/outfit but I had to follow up my ticket to ask what I should do with the pirate outfit item after my refund came through. I hadn't used it to add the outfit to the wardrobe in case that invalidated the refund, and because I genuinely didn't intend to use it under the new system. I was quite surprised when I logged in after getting the email that my gems had been refunded and saw it was still there, but they told me I could decide if I wanted to keep the outfit or delete it. (I kept it, but it probably is my most rarely used outfit, it's so difficult to dye nicely now all the dye slots are jumbled together.)

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