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More Skins like....


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You can post here wich weapons you like and why there should be more skins like it.....


I wish there would be more skins like the touch of madness, it is so completly different than the other torch skins, it is not big or just a stick, it is your hand on fire....

I was hoping to get something like that with snowflakes, or firework on new year.....

I really hope there are more skins that are not big, but beautiful and tiny....


Also i like the last 2 sets from the black lion tickets and hope that there are coming more like this. <3

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I'd like to see more futuristic looking stuff, we have an entire race of highly individualistic magitek experts and somehow an extreamly limited variety of weapons + one set of gem store exclusive skins is all they can do. Like c'mon A-Net, I can't be the only person who would like to have something [like this](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/09/19/32/091932937a0f32568cc21984e62eb65f--rwby-oc-fogo.jpg "like this") for their holosmith.

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More greatsword that look like:


Ebonblade -


Gallant Greatsword -



Swords and greatsword that are more blade then 70% hilt guard, that's not a spanking board or surf board, somthing simple yet elegant design.


And somthing for the mace that dosnt look like a big poop on a stick, have a look at some Chinese mace weapons like this -




Designs like this could open up more ideas to ANets artists rather then always having a ball on a stick. It's hard trying to find a decent looking mace so I use the silly ones like moonshine and that failed abomination.

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