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Resistance feels useless


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It does stall condi's but with the already long duration of condi's, and with resistance being shorter duration, it doesn't seem to counter that well.

Also resistance (the boon that counters condi's) can be stripped and turned into chill. Why?? This was meant as a counter and there's a counter to the counter.


So I suggest having stacks of resistance, of upward to 2 or 3 stacks, so that when one stack gets converted there's still one the player can rely on. This would be similar to how CC effects Stability stacks. That way resistance will feel like a solid negation with certain abilities when it is applied, and it would take more than just one strip for it not to be effective. Basically if a player goes all out on resistance it should negate condi pressure, and right now it simply doesn't do that.

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Stacks don't matter in the current way in which boons are stripped and converted.

The full stack is gone.

Wouldn't help.


That is the big issue with stability in wvw atm.

With the amount of corrupt, stability is more a punishment than an actual protection against cc.

Because a big stack of 21 stability is converted into 1sec of fear.


In order to your desire for resistance to stack, we would need an overhaul on how boons and conditions convert respectively.



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I personally think resistance procs should just get changed to cleanse. Especially if anet actually intends to shift to low intensity/stack with ramp up. Resistance is fine when condis are bursts and the boon can nullify the burst, but if the duration is longer than the boon you can't stop ramp-up like a heavy cleanse build can.

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> @"gmmg.9210" said:

> It does stall condi's but with the already long duration of condi's, and with resistance being shorter duration, it doesn't seem to counter that well.

> Also resistance (the boon that counters condi's) can be stripped and turned into chill. Why?? This was meant as a counter and there's a counter to the counter.


It's interesting to see this sentiment when it wasn't too long ago that Spellbreakers were nigh untouchable by conditions due to their Resistance spam. Resistance needs a counter because it negates the effect of ALL conditions. Without being to strip or convert it, condition damage would essentially become completely useless instead; which doesn't really help with balance either.

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> @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> > @"gmmg.9210" said:

> > It does stall condi's but with the already long duration of condi's, and with resistance being shorter duration, it doesn't seem to counter that well.

> > Also resistance (the boon that counters condi's) can be stripped and turned into chill. Why?? This was meant as a counter and there's a counter to the counter.


> It's interesting to see this sentiment when it wasn't too long ago that Spellbreakers were nigh untouchable by conditions due to their Resistance spam. Resistance needs a counter because it negates the effect of ALL conditions. Without being to strip or convert it, condition damage would essentially become completely useless instead; which doesn't really help with balance either.


This just goes to show how bad of a boon Resistance actually is. It's an all-or-nothing kind of boon, and I don't think that's good gameplay at all. ANet has to be very careful where they put this Boon, as too much of it will destroy playstyles on the opposing end.


Frankly I think Resistance should've been a condi variant of Protection from the get-go. Reducing condi damage by let's say 50%. Then there would be space for: A. Warriors getting Resistance on weapon skills, like Guardian has Protection on weapon skills. B. There would be space for an Aegis-like boon that blocks conditions but only once before being consumed.

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As a mirage resistance pretty much stops everything i was about to do and has done on the warrior. Pretty much if u use resistance crap post shatter and axe 3, i gotta go and dance around why you indiscriminately try to kill me. It may not feel like its doing something but trust me to mesmer atleast is a giant fuck you to our main damaging condition since it has such a short duration.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> > > @"gmmg.9210" said:

> > > It does stall condi's but with the already long duration of condi's, and with resistance being shorter duration, it doesn't seem to counter that well.

> > > Also resistance (the boon that counters condi's) can be stripped and turned into chill. Why?? This was meant as a counter and there's a counter to the counter.

> >

> > It's interesting to see this sentiment when it wasn't too long ago that Spellbreakers were nigh untouchable by conditions due to their Resistance spam. Resistance needs a counter because it negates the effect of ALL conditions. Without being to strip or convert it, condition damage would essentially become completely useless instead; which doesn't really help with balance either.


> This just goes to show how bad of a boon Resistance actually is. It's an all-or-nothing kind of boon, and I don't think that's good gameplay at all. ANet has to be very careful where they put this Boon, as too much of it will destroy playstyles on the opposing end.


> Frankly I think Resistance should've been a condi variant of Protection from the get-go. Reducing condi damage by let's say 50%. Then there would be space for: A. Warriors getting Resistance on weapon skills, like Guardian has Protection on weapon skills. B. There would be space for an Aegis-like boon that blocks conditions but only once before being consumed.


Hell, Resistance could honestly still be a 100% damage reduction and be almost balanced as long as it only negated condition damage, and no secondary effects from conditions.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> As a mirage resistance pretty much stops everything i was about to do and has done on the warrior. Pretty much if u use resistance crap post shatter and axe 3, i gotta go and dance around why you indiscriminately try to kill me. It may not feel like its doing something but trust me to mesmer atleast is a giant kitten you to our main damaging condition since it has such a short duration.


Mirage beats Spellbreaker


You shouldn't have any issues fighting them at all. If you are then i suggest practicing 1v1's against them until you figure how you can beat them 90% of the time

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> @"GoZero.9708" said:

> It's extremely unfortunate that the way to hard-counter condition bursts is a boon and the two strongest condition bursters in competitive now are the two classes that have always excelled at boonhate.

This here is why condition is broken , the professions that excel at condi , corrupt and strip boons and heals , and resistance wich is meant to be a defense against conditions is a corruptable boon wich is stupid design


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Resistance was on first place just a bandaid fix for the actual problem: too much condi spam. Then condi spammers cried that condi doesn't stack so now we have even more boonhate. Now resistance is a joke vs classes that have strong condi builds and absolutely broken vs classes that don't have much condi but rely on them to stay alive (e.g. blinds). How to ruin class balance and powercreep everything 101.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> > > > @"gmmg.9210" said:

> > > > It does stall condi's but with the already long duration of condi's, and with resistance being shorter duration, it doesn't seem to counter that well.

> > > > Also resistance (the boon that counters condi's) can be stripped and turned into chill. Why?? This was meant as a counter and there's a counter to the counter.

> > >

> > > It's interesting to see this sentiment when it wasn't too long ago that Spellbreakers were nigh untouchable by conditions due to their Resistance spam. Resistance needs a counter because it negates the effect of ALL conditions. Without being to strip or convert it, condition damage would essentially become completely useless instead; which doesn't really help with balance either.

> >

> > This just goes to show how bad of a boon Resistance actually is. It's an all-or-nothing kind of boon, and I don't think that's good gameplay at all. ANet has to be very careful where they put this Boon, as too much of it will destroy playstyles on the opposing end.

> >

> > Frankly I think Resistance should've been a condi variant of Protection from the get-go. Reducing condi damage by let's say 50%. Then there would be space for: A. Warriors getting Resistance on weapon skills, like Guardian has Protection on weapon skills. B. There would be space for an Aegis-like boon that blocks conditions but only once before being consumed.


> Hell, Resistance could honestly still be a 100% damage reduction and be almost balanced as long as it only negated condition damage, and no secondary effects from conditions.


as long as secondary effects are not handed out like candy on halloween. those conditions have to be toned down. alot.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> Heck theres only two professions with access to resistance anyway, warrio an rev

Engineer and Guardian can get it by converting chill using Elixir C and Contemplation of Purity respectively. In addition Engi has it in the Med Kit (which isn't saying much because _no one_ runs current Mid Kit) and Guardian gets a bit from "Save Yourselves!". I also believe Mesmer has a trait that grants resistance upon using a Glamour skill.

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It's meant to be countered, because the boon in itself is too strong and realistically should either be removed entirely or drastically reduced in uptime (or treated like aegis is).


Too many times I've walked into WvW and went through an entire fight seeing "immune" "immune "immune" "immune" "immune". For a boon to completely block an entire damage with 100% uptime capability with ease, is a bit far fetched. We don't see 100% uptime on physical damage immunity so why do we see it with conditions? It only takes 2 to 3 revs to completely mitigate an entire damage type from an entire zerg for an entire fight.


People talk as if resistance gets corrupted or stripped with ease but it's anything but. If it did, we wouldn't see "immune" during an entire fight more often than not. It doesn't need buffing, it either needs to be removed or a heavy handed nerf.


People also need to tread very very lightly when it comes to talking about toning down conditions. We already saw what the previous "change" did, in extending the main condition culprit, Torment. You want conditions more bursty, you do not want the damage toned down while the tick time is extended. This is where both Torment and Confusion become beyond godlike. You don't want those conditions lingering on you for 20-30 seconds at a time while you run around and cast skills. You'd kiss yourself in less than 10s. The damage can't be toned down because it must be equal to physical damage over "x" period of time.

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Resistance is meant to help deal with condition spikes, but it ends up invalidating so much more and because it's a boon, you can easily boost its duration.


Resistance should be a unique effect that reduces damage taken from conditions, similar to auras. If its not a boon, it can't be stripped OR extended with boon duration and we can actually balance around it.


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> @"Atmaweapon.7345" said:

> Resistance is meant to help deal with condition spikes, but it ends up invalidating so much more and because it's a boon, you can easily boost its duration.


> Resistance should be a unique effect that reduces damage taken from conditions, similar to auras. If its not a boon, it can't be stripped OR extended with boon duration and we can actually balance around it.



I like this idea also grant other professions access to resistance, its stupid that some professions only get resistance by converting chill, double stupid because then it gets converted back into a condition


And some dont even have access to resistance

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> Rework Resistance to work much like Protection and then raise the duration to protection level.


This. I mean what is The point lets say in rune of durability, random resistance proc that last 1 second :D resistance Will be much better If it is 30-40% damage, duration or both reduction with longer boon uptime

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > Rework Resistance to work much like Protection and then raise the duration to protection level.


> This. I mean what is The point lets say in rune of durability, random resistance proc that last 1 second :D resistance Will be much better If it is 30-40% damage, duration or both reduction with longer boon uptime


Duration is irrelevant with re-application and cooldowns being as they are, damage will do.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > Rework Resistance to work much like Protection and then raise the duration to protection level.

> >

> > This. I mean what is The point lets say in rune of durability, random resistance proc that last 1 second :D resistance Will be much better If it is 30-40% damage, duration or both reduction with longer boon uptime


> Duration is irrelevant with re-application and cooldowns being as they are, damage will do.


Duration helps again weakness, cripple, chill etc

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