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"Aw, What's his name?" Pet Name Thread


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Pet1: Lynx "Legendary Slacker"

Pet2: Smokescale "I do all the work"



Pet1: Jaguar "I Hate Rangers"

Pet2: Smokescale "Im with stupid"


Other named pets:

Eagle, "Ill Eagle Alien"

Owl, "Angry Turd"

Red Moa, "Chicken Curry"

White Moa,"Iced Chicken"

Black Moa, "Chicken And Beans"

River Drake, "Unprocessed Handbag"

Brown/Black Bear, "Unbearable"

Armord Fish, "Something Fishy"

Jellyfish, "Underwater thingy"

Spyder's, "Website Developer"




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Mine don't have especially creative names, it's usually whatever comes into my head at the time, but here's the list anyway:


Stalker: Kyr

After my GW1 stalker, who was named after my sorcerer's familiar in Neverwinter Nights who was named after another cat companion in another game who was named after a sword my character was given. It actually means 'to cut' or 'slice' in an obscure Elven language.


Black Moa: Slash

After my GW1 black moa. I was listening to Guns N' Roses when I got him, and it seemed to fit.


Black Raven: Quoth

White Raven: Paraphrase

Every so often people will come up and tell me the raven in the poem wasn't called Quoth, then I get to confuse or delight them by saying "No, but the one in Discworld was." (The white raven is somewhat less accurate, and not to be entirely trusted.)


Rainbow jellyfish: Squishy

Because he is mine.


Reef Drake: Dragon

Because I'm not likely to get an actual dragon as a pet.


Fire Wyvern: Vehemoth

After a dragon my character had in a text Role-playing forum I used to visit.


> @Donari.5237 said:

> > @Chrury.4627 said:

> > > @Donari.5237 said:


> > > Blue Moa Fjordpiner (guess!)

> >

> > I appreciate your dedication to a theme! That's quite a list.

> > My only guess on "Fjordpiner" is "Puddle Jumper". Too bad there isn't a Juvenile Frog to tame. {pokes Gaile ;)}


> Hint: He is pining for the fjords ... ;)


He's not pining! He's passed on! That moa is no more! He has ceased to be! He is an ex-moa!

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Drakehound - Marmadukedom

Electric Wyvern - Sparkomatic

Smoke Scale - Smoked Too Much

White Moa - Eat More Beef

Pink Moa - Shes Got Legs

Black Moa - Teriyaki Chicken

Lynx - Slap N Claw

Tiger - Wonderful Thing

Wolf - Doggie Howlser

Salamander Drake - Airmaster(From Gundam X)

Reef Drake - Charmander

White Raven - I Didnt Say It(i.e. the Black Raven did - Nevermore)

Forest Spider - Phobia

Black Widow - Currently Single

Bristleback - Stickles

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I have a ton of names for my pets, and I try to make each of them a joke in some way. My game can't load properly right now for a number of reasons, so I'll just recount the ones I remember:

Pink Moa: Flaming Go

Smokecale: Shroud (the most boring one)

Cheetah: Honesty

Blue Jellyfish: Peanut

Fern Hound: Gully

Tiger: Woods

Lynx: Golf

Blue Moa: Jay

Bristleback: Chad Kroeger

Fire Wyvern: Natsu


Now, my drakes have a theme, but I might have which goes with which confused.

Reef drake: Nathan

Fire drake: Bell

River drake: Sir Francis

I need more names that fit the theme. I'm open to suggestions.

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**The Jungle Book:** Bagheera, Shere Khan, Akela and Baloo

**Lion King:** Shenzi and Pumba, the sand lion will be Simba

**Ghibli:** Moro, Nago, Hauro, cheetah may become Jiji (unless I find something better)

**4x Chocobo**

Wyverns **Stormcloud** and **Caraxes** (thumbs up to you if you get those)

The rest is prett much standard names.

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I named all of mine a long time ago. Even before the names were kept archived and we had to rename them every time we chose a new one.


But I'll just share my main crew so as not to write a novel.


**Smokescale:** Ashes - My goodest boy, my reliable companion, my ferocious little monster.


**Wolf:** Rune

**Tiger:** Violence

**Bristleback:** Barney

**Raven:** Felony

**Snowy Owl:** Polaris

**Jacaranda:** Hickory

**Shark:** Sushi


And these ones, although I don't really use them, I just want to share because I think they're funny.


**Sand Lion:** Sandstorm By Darude

**Pig:** My Ex Boyfriend


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Blue Moa - Unmanned Jackhammer

Brown Bear - Wheeled Anvil

Black Bear - Armor Fabricator

Polar Bear - Mobile Refrigerator

Arctodus - Walking Workbench

Lynx - Springloaded Drill

Jaguar - Pneumatic Holepunch

Tiger - Gaspowered Hammer

Carrion Devourer - Rusty Leafblower

Lashtail Devourer - Motorized Staplegun

Fern Hound - Aspercreme Shooter

Hyena - Replication Device

Wolf - Rickety Woodchipper

Marsh Drake - Automated Tablesaw

River Drake - Robotic Generator

Eagle - Oil Shoe Attachment

Jungle Spider - Tetanus Nailgun

Boar - Slow Charging Taser

Warthog - Compact Septic Tank

Siamoth - Gas Engine Exhaust

Pig - Chemical Scanner

Electric Wyvern - Tungsten Arc Welder

Fire Wyvern - Oxyacetylene Welder

Bristleback - Adjustable Nailgun

Smokescale - Modified Shopvac

Jacaranda - Tangled Power Cords

Rock Gazelle - Spring Boots Addon

Shark - Hydraulic Press


I've got a bit of a theme.

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