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QoL: drawing on the map


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Since a map is used for the purpose of orientation.. what's stopping us from drawing on it?

Give us a pen, anet, let us draw lines and circles. Let us write text on the map.


Let us draw a big line around the desolation and write "stinky place" on it.


In all seriousness, though. A map pen, or the ability to make my own points of interest on the map is a feature if gladly pay for.



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There are lots of things they could do for the map. Personal pins. Send pins to others.


I had a weird need the other day, and it's mostly because of the Ley-Line fight, but Branstones are a thing too, and that's the ability to toggle chat on the map, as well as a place to put whatever clock time you have selected.

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> @"RICOH.6280" said:

> **Shift+RMB** = draw on map (just hold down shift and RMB and move your mouse)

> **Shift+LMB** = Map pings (not sure what they're actually called, but it's what I call them)

> **Alt+LMB** = Personal marker (or squad marker if in a squad)


Ah, no no no no,

You're right about that, but what i mean is..

For completionists they can write on the map "come back here" because of events or things to do. Role players can write down regions with functions. And gatherers can mark areas that are dense with gathering nodes or the like.


You can draw on the minimap now, but everyone in your squad sees that, and it disappears after a few seconds.

I mean personal, permanent drawing and markings.

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What you're describing sounds more like something an overlay would do for you and your friends/guildies and there might be something like that. I heard TacO has some potential in that aspect.

ANet sure could improve some map functionality, I'd like to set more than one personal marker, or be able to add textboxes to personal markers, reminding me of what I was marking. But anything that let's players leave messages in the open world for other players to find will end in desaster. What's a funny joke for you might be annoying for others, what was helpful for you might hinder or spoil others, and then there's the misinformation that can be spread by a system like thet, not even with bad intentions, just ppl not knowing better telling other ppl who don't know what they're suposed to do...this won't end well ;) Also consider the extra work for ANet removing all the crap ppl plaster the maps with that is either offensive or spam. Really want to explore a marker at an intriguing position, only to find out that "Tommy's stupid! LoLoLoLoLoL XD" or that you should "kjfz BUY GOLD NOW!!! BESTESTEST GOLD!!! vgju"?

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> What you're describing sounds more like something an overlay would do for you and your friends/guildies and there might be something like that. I heard TacO has some potential in that aspect.

> ANet sure could improve some map functionality, I'd like to set more than one personal marker, or be able to add textboxes to personal markers, reminding me of what I was marking. But anything that let's players leave messages in the open world for other players to find will end in desaster. What's a funny joke for you might be annoying for others, what was helpful for you might hinder or spoil others, and then there's the misinformation that can be spread by a system like thet, not even with bad intentions, just ppl not knowing better telling other ppl who don't know what they're suposed to do...this won't end well ;) Also consider the extra work for ANet removing all the crap ppl plaster the maps with that is either offensive or spam. Really want to explore a marker at an intriguing position, only to find out that "Tommy's stupid! LoLoLoLoLoL XD" or that you should "kjfz BUY GOLD NOW!!! BESTESTEST GOLD!!! vgju"?


That's a good thought.

But i really intent client side map drawing. Others wont see it. It's really for personal use.

I dont see how you can troll others with it.

2 million people drawing on a public map would be anarchy at best. But it might be nice to see custom PoIs of people in your party, and even that entirely optional.


And yes, I'm using TacO, but since its an overlay,

It's not foolproof in use. And my pc really notices a frame drop when i use it.

So hence I'm asking anet for an integrated version. Client-side and all

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> @"RICOH.6280" said:

> **Shift+RMB** = draw on map (just hold down shift and RMB and move your mouse)

> **Shift+LMB** = Map pings (not sure what they're actually called, but it's what I call them)

> **Alt+LMB** = Personal marker (or squad marker if in a squad)


Is there any way to rebind those ?

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