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My account is completely not working . I cant log in without the error

Build: 84934

Error Code: 11:1001:8008:186

My account doesn't function I can't sign in on the client through the arena net website the forums and when I try to send mail to the account from another it does't even work it just freezes. Also if I try to add the account to the friends list from another account it also doesn't work. Ever since the last patch my account has been totally dis functioning. I sent in a support ticket yesterday morning and no answer. I'm really not gonna be a happy camper if I can't play this weekend so please look into it.

Also all my other accounts work including the one i'm using to write this post.

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Posting on the forum won't help. The Support staff don't read it (because it would take time away from answering tickets) and even if someone from Anet does see it all they can do is ask someone from Support to have a look, which they'll already be doing.


But if you've sent in a ticket they WILL sort it out.

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Error code 11:1001:8008:186 is related to a network issue and or possible password issues, in saying that there are reports of server issues both on EU and NA over the last week or so, have you tried resetting your modem/router and see if that helps, I have had it in the past where certain characters I play I cannot log into but others work great, worth giving it a try to see if it helps.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> and as usual they can take up to 3 days so dont get your hopes up to get it sorted before the weekend ends.

> If you cant send mail or add as friend it sounds to me that its been banned but dont take my word for it.


If it were banned it would say it's banned....

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Error Code: 11:1001:8008:186 Is more to do with network issues the password, I’ve seen this come up on reddit and is usual associated with not connecting to the log in server have you resently change ISPs or gotten a new modem, router, or has someone change the security settings in the router or modem also check your windows firewall setting. It also may be a part forwarding issue, some how the port that the log in server needs is being blocked, Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, 6112 and port 6600 be fully unrestricted and accessible, both inbound and outbound

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