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Not getting credit for the ley-line anomaly

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Sometimes I don't get credit for the kill for no apparent reason. I get the usual loot it drops upon death but not the event chest. If I kill another one later on that day and do manage to get the chest I still don't get my daily mystic coin. This is getting rather annoying as I'm saving up for a legendary.

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  • 5 months later...

Probably bit late to comment. I also have this problem. It has happened quite a few times, and it is starting to annoy me a lot. I only do the event for the mystic coin and when I don't get participation for it, it feels like a lot of time wasted. I don't leech, I do the event as fully as I can and do my best in it. Not getting rewards sucks a lot.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Nina.5706" said:

> Probably bit late to comment. I also have this problem. It has happened quite a few times, and it is starting to annoy me a lot. I only do the event for the mystic coin and when I don't get participation for it, it feels like a lot of time wasted. I don't leech, I do the event as fully as I can and do my best in it. Not getting rewards sucks a lot.


I've been doing it on my main ever since. Hasn't bugged once, excluding Unstable Magics not spawning occasionally after the fight. Might have something to do with the Shadowstone quest(?) chain which I don't have completed on my other characters.


I've also encountered the very same issue on random other boss events like the Forged Demolisher in the Desolation (Maws of Torment meta).

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Nina.5706" said:

> Probably bit late to comment. I also have this problem. It has happened quite a few times, and it is starting to annoy me a lot. I only do the event for the mystic coin and when I don't get participation for it, it feels like a lot of time wasted. I don't leech, I do the event as fully as I can and do my best in it. Not getting rewards sucks a lot.


Same here. Got this problem multiple times and I've only been doing it for a month or so. I do it the same time every weekday because of work, so obviously it's not from accidentally doing it multiple times a day. I got gold reward for it, so clearly I participated enough (even silver reward gets mystic coin). So it's clearly bugged, and I'm surprise it's been so long (original comment was December last year) and there's no fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This has begun happening to me on a regular basis.


> @"Greenlight.9478" said:

> > @"Nina.5706" said:

> > Probably bit late to comment. I also have this problem. It has happened quite a few times, and it is starting to annoy me a lot. I only do the event for the mystic coin and when I don't get participation for it, it feels like a lot of time wasted. I don't leech, I do the event as fully as I can and do my best in it. Not getting rewards sucks a lot.


> Same here. Got this problem multiple times and I've only been doing it for a month or so. I do it the same time every weekday because of work, so obviously it's not from accidentally doing it multiple times a day. I got gold reward for it, so clearly I participated enough (even silver reward gets mystic coin). So it's clearly bugged, and I'm surprise it's been so long (original comment was December last year) and there's no fix.


Like you, this is not happening because I am accidentally doing it multiple times a day.

Like Nina I am doing *FULL* damage rotations.

I get consistently get Silver for the event but I am not getting the bouncy chest where the Mystic Coin hides.

These days this is happening to me about 50% of the time at the reset Leyline Anomaly.

A number of my guildies say this happens to them pretty regularly too.


As I need the coins for legionaries and the like, I have to keep doing the ever-so-silly (I really mean to say *#$&*@#*#%&*@$#!!!) event. But do decently in the event and not get these 1+ gold Mystic Coins is kind of a swift kick to the nads.


Is this a bug that affects a minority of us? Is it a government conspiracy?? An UFO Alien encounter??? ZOMBIES????


Whatever the reason... What... The... H - E - L - L ?!?!?!?!?




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  • 3 months later...

moving this back up. this has been getting worse and worse for me over the last few months. Used to be able to to this no problem, but now just getting worse and worse. I have maybe a 50/50 shot of getting the chest for the event. Yes, I get event credit via a medal (xp/karma). yes I am participating in the entire event. Yes this is the first time during a day (at reset) so event is not even touched during that reset period yet. today is consecutive day 3 currently.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Are you doing any other events with that character? If you leave a character on one of the maps and that is the only event you do then you will run into that issue. It is the same for all events in the game.


That can't be the case since I have a dedicated daily wyvern slayer parked in VB and not once had a similar issue in 2 years or so.

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> @"Kabansky.9160" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Are you doing any other events with that character? If you leave a character on one of the maps and that is the only event you do then you will run into that issue. It is the same for all events in the game.


> That can't be the case since I have a dedicated daily wyvern slayer parked in VB and not once had a similar issue in 2 years or so.


The game's consistent inconsistency really makes hard to make any sort of generalizations but the other thing you can check is that amount of karma you are getting from the event.


I've only encountered this from the bouncing chest type rewards like rare from world bosses and the ley line anomaly or the chest at Rhendak. If I recall correctly the VB reward is from the ground chest and not the bouncing chest. I haven't bothered looking since they implemented the right click to dismiss feature. On the other hand Rhendak's is a ground chest but that is also not an "event reward". Maybe the answer is just "spaghetti code".


The other twist is that the character that ran into the issue DID do other events but it was all in VB. Maybe for some stupid reason it only counts if you do events in core maps. This is like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle while blindfolded and wearing mitten. -_-

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  • 4 months later...

Gonna bump this one cause it just started to happen to me as well a few days ago. Been trying different characters, doing the Ley-line anomaly in different maps, getting gold every time and still no Mystic Coin drop. Very frustrating when that's one of the few things that's supposed to give one.

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> @"darksome.1697" said:

> Gonna bump this one cause it just started to happen to me as well a few days ago. Been trying different characters, doing the Ley-line anomaly in different maps, getting gold every time and still no Mystic Coin drop. Very frustrating when that's one of the few things that's supposed to give one.


It seems you only get one chance at the coin per day. If your first character to do it on that day is somehow disqualified you can't just do it on a different character.


The only safe approach I have found is that the character doing the anomaly event should also do the event daily.


Since I have started doing that I haven't encountered the issue again and the account which has always done that(because I play mostly just one character on the second account) has never had the issue.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"darksome.1697" said:

> > Gonna bump this one cause it just started to happen to me as well a few days ago. Been trying different characters, doing the Ley-line anomaly in different maps, getting gold every time and still no Mystic Coin drop. Very frustrating when that's one of the few things that's supposed to give one.


> It seems you only get one chance at the coin per day. If your first character to do it on that day is somehow disqualified you can't just do it on a different character.


> The only safe approach I have found is that the character doing the anomaly event should also do the event daily.


> Since I have started doing that I haven't encountered the issue again and the account which has always done that(because I play mostly just one character on the second account) has never had the issue.


That would explain some of it, which means it's pointless to try other events if you didn't get one the first time (which if you did, also makes it pointless to try again).

Any idea how a character might get disqualified from getting the coin?

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> @"darksome.1697" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"darksome.1697" said:

> > > Gonna bump this one cause it just started to happen to me as well a few days ago. Been trying different characters, doing the Ley-line anomaly in different maps, getting gold every time and still no Mystic Coin drop. Very frustrating when that's one of the few things that's supposed to give one.

> >

> > It seems you only get one chance at the coin per day. If your first character to do it on that day is somehow disqualified you can't just do it on a different character.

> >

> > The only safe approach I have found is that the character doing the anomaly event should also do the event daily.

> >

> > Since I have started doing that I haven't encountered the issue again and the account which has always done that(because I play mostly just one character on the second account) has never had the issue.


> That would explain some of it, which means it's pointless to try other events if you didn't get one the first time (which if you did, also makes it pointless to try again).

> Any idea how a character might get disqualified from getting the coin?


Can't really say with certainty because I haven't done any testing nor was I keeping careful track of events completed but it seems to related to Diminishing Returns. The character where I ran into the problem was also doing matriarch and treasure mushroom so that was at least two other events. Either two events is not enough(but four is) or non-core maps do not count. However some of the map dailies *are* in expansion maps so that doesn't seem to be the case. On the other hand it takes multiple days for it to trigger the DR for me.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"darksome.1697" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > @"darksome.1697" said:

> > > > Gonna bump this one cause it just started to happen to me as well a few days ago. Been trying different characters, doing the Ley-line anomaly in different maps, getting gold every time and still no Mystic Coin drop. Very frustrating when that's one of the few things that's supposed to give one.

> > >

> > > It seems you only get one chance at the coin per day. If your first character to do it on that day is somehow disqualified you can't just do it on a different character.

> > >

> > > The only safe approach I have found is that the character doing the anomaly event should also do the event daily.

> > >

> > > Since I have started doing that I haven't encountered the issue again and the account which has always done that(because I play mostly just one character on the second account) has never had the issue.

> >

> > That would explain some of it, which means it's pointless to try other events if you didn't get one the first time (which if you did, also makes it pointless to try again).

> > Any idea how a character might get disqualified from getting the coin?


> Can't really say with certainty because I haven't done any testing nor was I keeping careful track of events completed but it seems to related to Diminishing Returns. The character where I ran into the problem was also doing matriarch and treasure mushroom so that was at least two other events. Either two events is not enough(but four is) or non-core maps do not count. However some of the map dailies *are* in expansion maps so that doesn't seem to be the case. On the other hand it takes multiple days for it to trigger the DR for me.


That sounds like a reasonable theory, and one that fits in my case as well. I did get coins from the anomaly event for 4 days, but I didn't do any other event with that character, and then it stopped. Will try to do 4 other events with it now and see if it may unlock it for tomorrow's anomaly. Thanks for taking time trying to figure this out :smiley:

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  • 5 months later...

This happened to me today as in not getting the Mystic Coin. I did LeyLine in Timberline Falls after reset on my Warrior, got Silver Credit for the event, but no coin.

So I tried again later in my morning in Gendarren Fields, I did it on my Ranger, I got Gold credit for the event, but no coin. I would really like to get that 1 Mystic Coin that I am able to pr. day pr. account. I filled in a bug report in-game.


**//Update: Tried again the following day and got my Mystic Coin.**

**//Update: Now I tried again today three times, at 00:20 and 10:20 and 16:20 on 3 different characters, I did not get the Mystic Coin any of the times.**

**//Update: Got my coin at this reset. So far what I can tell is that I am only able to get my Mystic Coin every second day, which should not be the case. Submitted a ticket on the website.**

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> Bronze gets the coin as well (lag at leyline after reset normally means I can't do skill rotations, and sometimes I can't even autoattack). I've not encountered this problem and I routinely do the leyline anomaly immediately after reset Tequatl.


The problem will mainly occur if you leave a character parked on the map doing only that one event. Moving back and forth between it and Teq is probably fine too since Teq probably counts as multiple events.


Not sure about the exact conditions but simply doing the event daily on that character is enough for me to avoid running into the problem.

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