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Thanks for removing the downvote option.


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I just want to add once more that Google/Youtube and Disqus don't have downvotes as well. Well, they have it, but nothing happens.

Also, I think if someone gets 15 upvotes it's pretty clear the thread is hot. We will see the average votes, and as far as I could observe, 2-digit means well-approved anyways.

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> @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?


After a few days of using this forum, I'm glad it's gone honestly.


I can even get downvote from just quoting someone's statement.

Also that dps meter thread, bunch of people downvoting every single posts out there, it's just ridiculous.


If you don't agree with someone, just say it out load through your own argument instead of relying on this abusive downvote system.

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> Great, "now you cannot show that you disagree with me, instead you can only agree!" do me a favour and remove the thumb up option, please. I really really dislike the people who don't possess the mental fortitude required to accept that some people just wont agree with them. Do your job Darwinism, PLEASE.


If Downvote is still there, this type of post will get the most downvote.

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> @Aomine.5012 said:

> > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > Great, "now you cannot show that you disagree with me, instead you can only agree!" do me a favour and remove the thumb up option, please. I really really dislike the people who don't possess the mental fortitude required to accept that some people just wont agree with them. Do your job Darwinism, PLEASE.


> If Downvote is still there, this type of post will get the most downvote.


Then at least we get to see the community opinion on it. Sometimes I don't really want to waste my time repeating what others have already said and the downvote/upvote buttons did their job.

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> @Zaraki.5784 said:

> Just like title says, thanks for removing the "Thumb Down" option. It could potentially bring bad consequences if it stayed. :)


I totally agree with this. Instead of being constructive, I can see many members abuse the use of the down vote function as a personal 'right back at you' thingy. Alright admit it, you know who you are :)


Good move Anet.

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> @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?


If someone disagrees with you, they can post a comment that says "I disagree with you" and you and them can discuss it... giving your post a down vote anonymously is the exact opposite of open communication.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> > I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?


> If someone disagrees with you, they can post a comment that says "I disagree with you" and you and them can discuss it... giving your post a down vote anonymously is the exact opposite of open communication.


Is an anonymous up vote the exact opposite of open communication as well?


How about a, "helpful," vote?

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> > @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> > I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?


> If someone disagrees with you, they can post a comment that says "I disagree with you" and you and them can discuss it...


Then they can do the same if they agree with the post.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> There's no question at all that downvoting, when available, tends to not get used appropriately. I'm not sad to see it go.


This, along with many other posts like it. I've experienced several times where a forum with a "down vote" feature is abused _Ad infinitum._ More often than not, they end up creating communities with a hugbox mentality centered around an echo chamber, and chase away anyone with what they call "dissenting view points." These forums would have very quickly devolved into that mess had it stayed. I do not care that someone disagrees with me. But if you disagree, I very much want to hear how or why you do so we can have a rational discussion on those view points. The worst thing that could happen is we obstinately disagree, but public discourse and discussion was able to happen regardless. Who knows, maybe I'd not seen the issue from an angle I had not previously thought of before and I have my opinion changed. This never would happen if someone simply just hit "down vote" and left it at that.


I am glad someone at ANet had the foresight to see where this was going to lead if they had left it.



> then what is it called when the dam same thing happens over on reddit and no one at all even gets excited over it ., kitten not even I get my pantys in bunch over it even . :p


Its called an echo chamber. All the people who don't like that feature no longer post on subreddits that have them. There are subreddits who have down voting completely disabled, and a lot of people feel much more comfortable posting in those subreddits. Generally at large (I visit multiple forums all over the internet), the general consensus from other forums across the internet is that Reddit isn't a place you go if you want to have actual discussions on things. Reddit is a place to go if you want to read stuff you already agree with.

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> @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?


As I already posted on the other thread:


The thumbs down feature would have been a good idea to stay **if** it weren't for all the trolls who abused it. See, when there is an opinion posted, you have the right to disagree, of course. But often, it was used on posts that did not represent an opinion whatsoever, that were 100% neutral and contained mere information (no more, no less), only to troll the poster (and since it was made anonymous it was even easier to troll someone).


You still can disagree on something the old-fashioned way, by simply posting your counter-opinion, and I am certain many people who agree with you will respond with a thumbs up. :) It has the same effect, but is trollproofed. ;)

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> @Aomine.5012 said:

> > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > Great, "now you cannot show that you disagree with me, instead you can only agree!" do me a favour and remove the thumb up option, please. I really really dislike the people who don't possess the mental fortitude required to accept that some people just wont agree with them. Do your job Darwinism, PLEASE.


> If Downvote is still there, this type of post will get the most downvote.


The 7 thumbs up and 0 thumbs down their post have prove you wrong.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> I disagree with the decision made to ensure that only people who agree with a post have the option for a single key response indicating their opinion. The decision to make non-offensively expressed disagreement less convenient than agreement is, in my opinion, an example of moral bankruptcy.


Until you consider the fact that people become emotionally invested in disagreeing way more easily than they become emotionally invested in agreeing, leading to cascading negativity and creating problems in online communities by making it as easy as a single click to disagree.


Seriously, it's not that difficult to see why allowing downvoting is a bad idea that creates more problems than it solves.

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> @Kravick.4906 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > There's no question at all that downvoting, when available, tends to not get used appropriately. I'm not sad to see it go.


> This, along with many other posts like it. I've experienced several times where a forum with a "down vote" feature is abused _Ad infinitum._ More often than not, they end up creating communities with a hugbox mentality centered around an echo chamber, and chase away anyone with what they call "dissenting view points." These forums would have very quickly devolved into that mess had it stayed. I do not care that someone disagrees with me. But if you disagree, I very much want to hear how or why you do so we can have a rational discussion on those view points. The worst thing that could happen is we obstinately disagree, but public discourse and discussion was able to happen regardless. Who knows, maybe I'd not seen the issue from an angle I had not previously thought of before and I have my opinion changed. This never would happen if someone simply just hit "down vote" and left it at that.


> I am glad someone at ANet had the foresight to see where this was going to lead if they had left it.


> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > then what is it called when the dam same thing happens over on reddit and no one at all even gets excited over it ., kitten not even I get my pantys in bunch over it even . :p


> Its called an echo chamber. All the people who don't like that feature no longer post on subreddits that have them. There are subreddits who have down voting completely disabled, and a lot of people feel much more comfortable posting in those subreddits. Generally at large (I visit multiple forums all over the internet), the general consensus from other forums across the internet is that Reddit isn't a place you go if you want to have actual discussions on things. Reddit is a place to go if you want to read stuff you already agree with.


oh that is what it is called now huh . I did not know that sarcasm intended . you sure never been to the guild wars 2 sub reddit they got the down vote and up vote still active their . but I will admit I do find it funny how you put the last part of that . *(Reddit is a place to go if you want to read stuff you already agree with.) now that is too rich thanks for the good laugh on that one . guessing the cub never seen the salt on reddit yet even


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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> > > I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?

> >

> > If someone disagrees with you, they can post a comment that says "I disagree with you" and you and them can discuss it... giving your post a down vote anonymously is the exact opposite of open communication.


> Is an anonymous up vote the exact opposite of open communication as well?


> How about a, "helpful," vote?


be nice to know that answer even tho we all know we never will know that one . they never speak

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > I disagree with the decision made to ensure that only people who agree with a post have the option for a single key response indicating their opinion. The decision to make non-offensively expressed disagreement less convenient than agreement is, in my opinion, an example of moral bankruptcy.


> Until you consider the fact that people become emotionally invested in disagreeing way more easily than they become emotionally invested in agreeing, leading to cascading negativity and creating problems in online communities by making it as easy as a single click to disagree.


> Seriously, it's not that difficult to see why allowing downvoting is a bad idea that creates more problems than it solves.




Only people who have issue with thumb down are bullies and people unable to make good posts.

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> @Mil.3562 said:

> > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > Just like title says, thanks for removing the "Thumb Down" option. It could potentially bring bad consequences if it stayed. :)


> I totally agree with this. Instead of being constructive, I can see many members abuse the use of the down vote function as a personal 'right back at you' thingy. Alright admit it, you know who you are :)


> Good move Anet.


same thing can be said the same thing for the upvote and the helpful vote too . oh yeah right back at you too

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > I disagree with the decision made to ensure that only people who agree with a post have the option for a single key response indicating their opinion. The decision to make non-offensively expressed disagreement less convenient than agreement is, in my opinion, an example of moral bankruptcy.

> >

> > Until you consider the fact that people become emotionally invested in disagreeing way more easily than they become emotionally invested in agreeing, leading to cascading negativity and creating problems in online communities by making it as easy as a single click to disagree.

> >

> > Seriously, it's not that difficult to see why allowing downvoting is a bad idea that creates more problems than it solves.


> :-1:


> Only people who have issue with thumb down are bullies and people unable to make good posts.


and people who try to make a good points post but yet for what ever reason it is . it always goes the other way and they get infracted or banned for it . thus the down vote button at least was a easy fix win win . till they messed that up again today and then topped that off with the storage topic . where they forcing players to buy bag and bank tab slots . till maybe that gets fixed in 3 more years or so maybe

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> > @Kravick.4906 said:

> > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > There's no question at all that downvoting, when available, tends to not get used appropriately. I'm not sad to see it go.

> >

> > This, along with many other posts like it. I've experienced several times where a forum with a "down vote" feature is abused _Ad infinitum._ More often than not, they end up creating communities with a hugbox mentality centered around an echo chamber, and chase away anyone with what they call "dissenting view points." These forums would have very quickly devolved into that mess had it stayed. I do not care that someone disagrees with me. But if you disagree, I very much want to hear how or why you do so we can have a rational discussion on those view points. The worst thing that could happen is we obstinately disagree, but public discourse and discussion was able to happen regardless. Who knows, maybe I'd not seen the issue from an angle I had not previously thought of before and I have my opinion changed. This never would happen if someone simply just hit "down vote" and left it at that.

> >

> > I am glad someone at ANet had the foresight to see where this was going to lead if they had left it.

> >

> > > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > > then what is it called when the dam same thing happens over on reddit and no one at all even gets excited over it ., kitten not even I get my pantys in bunch over it even . :p

> >

> > Its called an echo chamber. All the people who don't like that feature no longer post on subreddits that have them. There are subreddits who have down voting completely disabled, and a lot of people feel much more comfortable posting in those subreddits. Generally at large (I visit multiple forums all over the internet), the general consensus from other forums across the internet is that Reddit isn't a place you go if you want to have actual discussions on things. Reddit is a place to go if you want to read stuff you already agree with.


> oh that is what it is called now huh . I did not know that sarcasm intended . you sure never been to the guild wars 2 sub reddit they got the down vote and up vote still active their . but I will admit I do find it funny how you put the last part of that . *(Reddit is a place to go if you want to read stuff you already agree with.) now that is too rich thanks for the good laugh on that one . guessing the cub never seen the salt on reddit yet even



And it's basically a hivemind like most of reddit because of it.

> > @Mil.3562 said:

> > > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > > Just like title says, thanks for removing the "Thumb Down" option. It could potentially bring bad consequences if it stayed. :)

> >

> > I totally agree with this. Instead of being constructive, I can see many members abuse the use of the down vote function as a personal 'right back at you' thingy. Alright admit it, you know who you are :)

> >

> > Good move Anet.


> same thing can be said the same thing for the upvote and the helpful vote too . oh yeah right back at you too


No, it actually doesn't work that way. Because agreement doesn't run on emotion nearly as much as disagreement does, which is precisely why one-click cascading disagreement shouldn't be a thing in online forums.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> > I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?


> If someone disagrees with you, they can post a comment that says "I disagree with you" and you and them can discuss it... giving your post a down vote anonymously is the exact opposite of open communication.


You're demonstrating exactly what the thumbs down button was good for. No matter how often someone responds with a well worded, respectful and convincing argument that counters your point, you will reply with the exact same countered argument until people stop caring about responding and nothing is gained.


At the very least, you could save time with a singular click.

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