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Reddit vs Forum


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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > > > I think the question here is not whether is Reddit or GW2 official forum a better place to seek answers from Anet but rather WHY Anet admin/forum staff chose to reply in Reddit when their own OFFICIAL GW2 FORUM has many topics created by their anxious players seeking for a simple reply but gets none?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One example is the most recent login problem after the patch. I wondered why too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If the argument is a matter of their choices to reply where they wanted to, that is invalid. We are talking about **technical issues** here and not just any queries, like ' when is Wintersday is going to end? '

> > > > >

> > > > > A question for you with regards to your question:

> > > > >

> > > > > How would you respond if certain devs simply answered you by saying they just prefer posting on Reddit? Or that they browse other interests on Reddit?

> > > >

> > > > Then they should abandon this forum completely, and shift to Reddit.

> > >

> > > Are you talking about Anet abandoning this forum or those certain devs that answered?

> >

> > If ANet refuses to respond on their own forums, then they should get rid of them and use Reddit instead.

> >

> > In my opinion, of course. They obviously have different priorities, and they have to have a way to present a unified front. One misplaced "official" comment can generate a firestorm. But, again in my opinion, they are decidedly too quiet, especially here.


> So then you didn't consider what I asked, i.e. what if it's just some devs who prefer posting on reddit or don't like creating whole topics to issues that they resolve if it isn't included in specific update notes (because the devs that work on the actual bugs likely don't create the patch notes that are published) or even that some of their own forum rules forbid necroposting (or at least discourage it) and a question brought up several weeks ago or more that has been resolved likely won't be bothered to necro an old thread.


> The question was, if some devs prefer to read and post on reddit, if that is a problem. Your answer is because of the personal preference of some devs, Anet should just abandon their forums because *you* are supremely inconvenienced by the preferences of some dev posters.


> You don't see a problem with that logic?


If the forums don't feel like a welcome place for the staff of the company to frequent and have open dialogue with the players,, then they fail at their intended task.

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Here is why they prefer reddit, just look at the forum, 90% of the time people are complaining about pointless things. If anet posts here that doesn't mean anything, those same people will keep pointing it out for eternity. Some even go out of their way and turn it into a personal crusade, and anyone that doesn't agree with him is toxic.



But but anet said this on the forum, and they they said that.


Anet said they will do this, and that. When in reality they said they "might look into it"


Just look at the mistake that was manifesto, to this day people still keep bringing it up, to prove that they are right. "But but but, manifesto said this, and that" "Anet lied to us, manifesto said there will be no such thing"


It's like talking to a wall.

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > Actually the forum doesn't exist for solving problems. A forum is just a discussion group. It's a place where people go to discuss things. There's no onus on a company to answer every, many or even some questions. Very often, the people who have the answers are people who aren't great at communicating, or they're people who are too busy to stop and sift through pages and pages of forums.

> >

> > How you define a forum as a place for solving problems, is true when it's solved by other players. That's it's job. Anything else is your own definition.

> >

> > What devs do in their own personal time is not regulated by the company nor should it be.; Think of it another way. If I were a dev and I preferred reddit to the official forum, and the company told me if you have to post it must be on the forums, on my own time, I'd stop posting entirely.

> >

> > Devs who response on reddit are doing it, not because it's their job or obligation, but because they're being nice. Keep going with stuff like this, and why would they keep posting even there?

> >


> It doesnt have any sense ... they are not bunch of guys doing game after work, they are company and selling product, its their job not their hobby, u need to make difference between this. Also nobody talking about presence in every topic, but once they made section "bugs" with title "All bug reports go here" , then there is a place for bug reporting. So you telling me that is not right place to place bug topic ? I dont get what you guys try to tell me.


> About 9 years ago i had my own private server (muonline) with web and forum. Used that for communication with players. So thats why i dont get why company who live from that game, have their own forum, using different platform to communicate.



The bug forum is one way to report bugs and that's what it's for. To give information to the devs to get them to work on them not for a two way conversation. So what percentage of the forums do bug reports represent?


More to the point, there is an in game /bug command to report bugs that's BETTER than reporting on the forums. It takes a snapshot of where you are when you report the bug, so they have an exact location and you can add a screen shot to it. This is the PREFERRED method for reporting bugs and do you know what it says when you use it. You will not be contacted by Anet about this bug, it's just a way of letting them know.


So why would the bug forum here require input from Anet?

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

> >

> > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

> > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

> > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

> >

> > None of those options are really good.

> >

> > If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.

> >

> > And if I were a dev, posting on my own time,. this is the last place I'd be.


> Actually, option C is not only a good one, it's the right thing to do.


I don't know how much experience you have with software development but that's NOT the right thing to do. Devs are not trained in communicating specifically, they don't always know what to say or can't be said, based on the desires of the company and saying the wrong thing can get them in trouble. And they open themselves up to abuse from the forums which frankly isn't what most devs sign on for. No,. this isn't the right option. It's not even an option. Not unless you want to slow down their productivity.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Like so many things.. the new Forums seem to be yet another dead venture.


> If they weren't going to use this to communicate with their players.. why even bother having them at all.


So we could communicate with each other. Where does it say this is a place just for them to communicate with us? Or suggestion that's a primary function? It's listed under community in the pull down menu.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > > As for the devs posting on Reddit, it's simple. More people read Reddit and the way Reddit can be formatted, it's easier to make posts and respond to replies.

> > > > > The point is that the game has an official forum (this is it). The latest posts by Anet staff even scroll across the front page (easy to find).

> > > > > If this is the official game forum (which it says so on the first page of the forums) and a forum is where discussions about a subject/game take place, WHY do they only respond to reddit posts or respond to forum posts ONLY on reddit?

> > > >

> > > > Do they ONLY respond to Reddit?

> > > >

> > > > > This is the problem. I don't want to join reddit. I don't want to have to create additional online accounts to talk about GW2. Since the game has an official game forum, I am not asking too much to have Anet use it to have discussions with us.

> > > >

> > > > Sounds like a personal problem.

> > >

> > > It’s true that ANet doesn’t only respond to Reddit. But I’ll tell you about the incident that chapped my buns.

> > >

> > > Some time back there was a problem with events and Legendaries where if you encountered this problem it would stall your progress. Over a period of time (a month or two) there were several threads and posts on the forum discussing this problem. People were begging ANet to respond, but no official response was given. It was while I was casually reading Reddit one day that I saw an dev answer over there. I remembered all those threads and posts on the official forum begging for help and a response and thought, “they couldn’t be bothered to post that answer on one of the threads here”? “They couldn’t be bothered to just _cross post_ on one of the threads here”?

> > >

> > > They keep on saying how valuable our input is and how they read the official forum posts, but if they can’t even cross post an answer to threads here where people are begging for a response on multiple threads and posts over a month or two, then those words sound pretty hollow.

> >

> > Here's the problem...people think they'r entitled to an answer for every single question posted, well I have news for you cupcake...you're not entitled to an answer. No one is entitled to an answer and as the other person posted about this forum, even though it says this is they official forum for the game...no where does it say that it's the official forum for discussion of the game from the devs...that little tidbit actually refers to discussion about the game between players. The Official Forums give players a place to discuss the game amongst themselves as well as to post suggestions and bugs to Anet...that they can read at their leisure...the devs jobs are to develop content for the game, not respond to posts or questions on the forums, that's what you have a communications department for.


> Welcome to the Guild Wars 2 Official Forums! We hope you enjoy these new forums, with their enhanced functionality and expanded features. Please **join us** to relay your experiences, **ask and answer questions**, share your creations, and support other players! You may post any forum bugs you encounter in this thread and read about the moderation system here.


> It doesn't say ask questions **only** of other players, and telling us to join them in discussions here implies they will do that "here". Yes, people are constantly bombarding other players and staff alike with "questions" that don't deserve or need an answer. There have been issues that DO require some sort of company response though, and for a lot of those it was just a reply on reddit with nothing here. For 2 decades of gaming, that response to important player questions has come from a company official on the "official game forums", not a random other player quoting a company official on a third party site. I don't care if they answer every question or if they do it on reddit, but I do not understand why they do not post those replies on their "own" official forum.


Times of changed, though. Two decades is completely meaningless in a cutthroat business that changes every year. You might as well says 200 years ago we all road horses to work.


You're not thinking of this from a business perspective. Every person who can get an answer to a question from another customer is a question they don't have to answer. And most questions are either easy to answer or inane, not worth the time of an employee when a gamer can do it free.


There are questions like which profession should I pick if I liked Deathknight in WoW? What's the most powerful class. Even some bug questions there are workarounds for that people don't know. If every single one of those questions went to customer service instead of here, they might need to double the size of the customer support sections or the waits would be much, much longer.


You'll see many companies, even larger ones, implementing forums for people to help each other and discuss their product including Microsoft. This isn't back then when there were half a dozen MMOs and they all had a monthly subscription.


If you're going to play computer games, you need to keep up with the times, or you will be left behind.

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > Actually the forum doesn't exist for solving problems. A forum is just a discussion group. It's a place where people go to discuss things. There's no onus on a company to answer every, many or even some questions. Very often, the people who have the answers are people who aren't great at communicating, or they're people who are too busy to stop and sift through pages and pages of forums.

> >

> > How you define a forum as a place for solving problems, is true when it's solved by other players. That's it's job. Anything else is your own definition.

> >

> > What devs do in their own personal time is not regulated by the company nor should it be.; Think of it another way. If I were a dev and I preferred reddit to the official forum, and the company told me if you have to post it must be on the forums, on my own time, I'd stop posting entirely.

> >

> > Devs who response on reddit are doing it, not because it's their job or obligation, but because they're being nice. Keep going with stuff like this, and why would they keep posting even there?

> >


> It doesnt have any sense ... they are not bunch of guys doing game after work, they are company and selling product, its their job not their hobby, u need to make difference between this. Also nobody talking about presence in every topic, but once they made section "bugs" with title "All bug reports go here" , then there is a place for bug reporting. So you telling me that is not right place to place bug topic ? I dont get what you guys try to tell me.


> About 9 years ago i had my own private server (muonline) with web and forum. Used that for communication with players. So thats why i dont get why company who live from that game, have their own forum, using different platform to communicate.



Nope, those devs didn't get hired to talk to you. They got hired to program a game. That's what they're paid for.


I used to run a computer store a long long time ago. I often took it on myself to help customers AFTER regular store hours. Even though it was my job to work at the store, what I did on my own time wasn't some sort of obligation, it was what I did on my own time. I wasn't paid to go to a customer's house to check something out on the way home from work. I did that as a COURTESY. Which meant I didn't have to do it at THEIR convenience, or the way THEY wanted. BY rights, they should have waited till the next day and brought the computer into the store. I did this on my own time. I got no extra pay for it, except the occasional cup of coffee if you count that.


These devs are not doing their job when they reply to threads. They're taking an interest in the game beyond what they're being paid for. Because i'm relatively sure when they were hired, they weren't told your job is to program the game and spend time talking to players. They were hired to work on the game, and talking to players is something they might enjoy or feel is good for the game, or just something they're interested in doing. Again, NOT their job.


However, if this is how you guys feel, then maybe all communication should be official and Anet shouldn't allow these guys to respond at all. Because I know if were them I'd be frustrated.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> I believe the point posters are trying to make is why have a place to discuss certain issues when the actual answers are elsewhere? It's like having a Customer Service counter in a store and then being directed to another place outside the store to have your issues resolved.


> I think that would frustrate anyone.



> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> I believe the point posters are trying to make is why have a place to discuss certain issues when the actual answers are elsewhere? It's like having a Customer Service counter in a store and then being directed to another place outside the store to have your issues resolved.


> I think that would frustrate anyone.



With the exception that online is not "other store" in another location that you have to drive to. It's just as easy for me to go to reddit as the official forum. I could keep them open in two separate windows. And, logically if more answers are found on reddit, I'd just use that. This is just a case of people being stubborn to be stubborn. I'd just be happy I have an answer.


And if I felt strongly enough about it, I'd take the initiative as some have done to post it to the official forums as well.

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It's not a question of being stubborn, but one of convenience and common sense. Posters expect answers on the Official Forums. They don't expect the developers to go to an outside source or website when they have Official Forums. If that were the case, the VN Boards would still be around and there would be no need for anything official.


Again, some posters come here for answers to specific topics. They don't expect those answers to be on Reddit and not here. Not saying I agree or disagree, but I do see the point and the concern.

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After HoT, ArenaNet's activity on reddit tripled, and shortly after, the number of people posting on reddit exceeded the forums. As reddit continued to see growth, the forums fell to less than half of what it was prior.


Some devs do simply prefer reddit, plus it's also easier for them to post there since it's less official, whereas here they have to go through a process. They also have a social media team, which is likely responsible for some of the fluff, but considering the spike in activity, others were likely encouraged to post there. It's simply more important to keep reddit active and growing, since it's basic advertising.


As for answering questions, the actual devs that work on the game are posting on their own time or by request after being forwarded the posts by the ones responsible for reading feedback. A hot topic on reddit is going to be a lot easier to see, especially by someone who may only come by for a few minutes a week to see what's going on in general. It doesn't really matter where they choose to post, since it's always going to be linked by someone else.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> After HoT, ArenaNet's activity on reddit tripled, and shortly after, the number of people posting on reddit exceeded the forums. As reddit continued to see growth, the forums fell to less than half of what it was prior.


Where are you getting your numbers from? The number of people posting about GW2 on any site is generally declining, just as the population is. There have been times with substantial engagement, short bursts of engagement, and no engagement to speak of... on both sites. A while back, on the old forums, one of the devs formally organized roundtable discussions (it even had its own folder) and more recently on the new forums, there were several threads devoted to PvP topics, with a lot of feedback.


Many of the dev responses on Reddit are fluff, e.g. when someone posts a new comic or a cosplay. Similar posts on the forums get dev attention too, but it's less frequent (partly because there's only one r/Guildwars2, but tons of folders for this forum).


The fact is that ANet employees, like those at plenty of other studios, simply don't communicate as often as we'd like. Thus we resent any time they devote to the media we don't frequent, because we feel it's at the expense of not posting where we hang out. The truth is: those who post on Reddit aren't likely to post anywhere, if they didn't post there. We wouldn't have more forum engagement; we'd simply see less posts altogether.


Is this a good thing? Well, as @"Vayne.8563" says, wouldn't most of us prefer that coders spend time coding rather than figuring out how to phrase a post so it won't be misunderstood? On the other hand, as @"Just a flesh wound.3589" asks, why the heck don't they _consistently_ cross-post when it comes to topics that are especially frustrating or heated? (See above: they just don't post as much as we'd like.)


The only way we'd see most regular engagement more consistently is if ANet hired someone whose full-time job included spending much of their day posting here. Anyone who does that job well has to have some serious writing skills, plus be able to communicate effectively with coders and designers and heads of studio. It wouldn't be cheap. So it would come at the cost of losing someone on the production side of things: less QA or less work on new features or rewards or music or ...something.


In short: we'll never see ANet communicate at the level we'd like, so we'll always be frustrated that what little we do see gets divided among Reddit and the forums, among other places.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:


> If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.


Because it's their job, and Anet is the company they work for?

I don't have a reddit account, and don't plan on ever registering for one. I'd like to hear official comments about the game on the OFFICIAL forums for the game.



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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > No one at Anet owes you a response on the forum.


> I think they do.


> But, even if they don't, if they're going to post anywhere, it should be here.


The forum is mainly for users to talk about the game. It's also a place for Anet to place information that they feel is necessary for players. Too many people think that Anet should be forced to respond to their casual conversations. If you have an issue with Anet's product, customer service is where you should go. To require Anet to respond to every person's query is just unreasonable, and in order for ANet to do so, would at least double the cost of the game.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> >

> > If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.

> >

> Because it's their job, and Anet is the company they work for?

> I don't have a reddit account, and don't plan on ever registering for one. I'd like to hear official comments about the game on the OFFICIAL forums for the game.




It is not part of the dev's job to respond to your every whim. That's what slaves are for, maybe you should get one.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> It's not a question of being stubborn, but one of convenience and common sense. Posters expect answers on the Official Forums. They don't expect the developers to go to an outside source or website when they have Official Forums. If that were the case, the VN Boards would still be around and there would be no need for anything official.


> Again, some posters come here for answers to specific topics. They don't expect those answers to be on Reddit and not here. Not saying I agree or disagree, but I do see the point and the concern.


If they expect answers, they should use customer service

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Why would I switch to a 3rd party forum when I can discuss here directly on the official website forums?


Sure, I was active on the[ Guild Wars Guru forum](http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/ " Guild Wars Guru forum") and the [Guild Wars 2 guru forum](http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/ "Guild Wars 2 guru forum"), but they don't look too good nowadays. (I mostly gave up on that "try again in a few minutes" part)

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > Like so many things.. the new Forums seem to be yet another dead venture.

> >

> > If they weren't going to use this to communicate with their players.. why even bother having them at all.


> So we could communicate with each other. Where does it say this is a place just for them to communicate with us? Or suggestion that's a primary function? It's listed under community in the pull down menu.


LOL. The only reason to post here is that the Anet devs are watching. if I just wanted to blow time chatting with gamers, , I have a slew of other options like discord, TS, guild chat, map chat, whispers, Twitter, FaceBook, Reddit, not to mention private forums and public forums like MMORPG where I could talk about not just GW2, but any other game as well.


There is zero advantage or reason to posting here if this is not a place for them to be able to communicate with us.


But by all means.. shout into the void is that is what you feel is worth it.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > > > > I think the question here is not whether is Reddit or GW2 official forum a better place to seek answers from Anet but rather WHY Anet admin/forum staff chose to reply in Reddit when their own OFFICIAL GW2 FORUM has many topics created by their anxious players seeking for a simple reply but gets none?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > One example is the most recent login problem after the patch. I wondered why too.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If the argument is a matter of their choices to reply where they wanted to, that is invalid. We are talking about **technical issues** here and not just any queries, like ' when is Wintersday is going to end? '

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A question for you with regards to your question:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How would you respond if certain devs simply answered you by saying they just prefer posting on Reddit? Or that they browse other interests on Reddit?

> > > > >

> > > > > Then they should abandon this forum completely, and shift to Reddit.

> > > >

> > > > Are you talking about Anet abandoning this forum or those certain devs that answered?

> > >

> > > If ANet refuses to respond on their own forums, then they should get rid of them and use Reddit instead.

> > >

> > > In my opinion, of course. They obviously have different priorities, and they have to have a way to present a unified front. One misplaced "official" comment can generate a firestorm. But, again in my opinion, they are decidedly too quiet, especially here.

> >

> > So then you didn't consider what I asked, i.e. what if it's just some devs who prefer posting on reddit or don't like creating whole topics to issues that they resolve if it isn't included in specific update notes (because the devs that work on the actual bugs likely don't create the patch notes that are published) or even that some of their own forum rules forbid necroposting (or at least discourage it) and a question brought up several weeks ago or more that has been resolved likely won't be bothered to necro an old thread.

> >

> > The question was, if some devs prefer to read and post on reddit, if that is a problem. Your answer is because of the personal preference of some devs, Anet should just abandon their forums because *you* are supremely inconvenienced by the preferences of some dev posters.

> >

> > You don't see a problem with that logic?


> If the forums don't feel like a welcome place for the staff of the company to frequent and have open dialogue with the players,, then they fail at their intended task.


You still didn't answer the question. I'll answer it for you using the intention of your post:


You think the devs' preferences should not matter. You feel their freedom and preferences and actions should be further policed (because the company/studio already polices then to a certain degree). And the way they run their forums is a failure (imo, just like Reddit, this forum has its flaws and strengths).


Why is it so difficult to just say what you mean? You guys can't be kitten to keep up with both Reddit and the forums and someone should make it easier. I'm sure there are some go-getters out there who are willing to put in the effort if enough people ask. But the devs are not obligated to do it for you.

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I said what I meant to say the first time.. Not more.. not less.. and not something else.


I'll say it again.


> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> If the forums don't feel like a welcome place for the staff of the company to frequent and have open dialogue with the players,, then they fail at their intended task.


But watching posters make all kinds of wrong assumptions about a single sentence, does explain why devs would not want to even try to talk with this crowed.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> I said what I meant to say the first time.. Not more.. not less.. and not something else.


> I'll say it again.


> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > If the forums don't feel like a welcome place for the staff of the company to frequent and have open dialogue with the players,, then they fail at their intended task.


> But watching posters make all kinds of wrong assumptions about a single sentence, does explain why devs would not want to even try to talk with this crowed.


You veil your intent with the word "welcoming" but fail to understand something can be welcoming but still not someone's cup of tea. Starbucks can be very welcoming but just because the staff may be welcoming (like they are paid to be) someone may not enjoy the atmosphere or the type of customers that are attracted to it, or disagree with the company's political or social views or just plain and simple don't like coffee or their other products. At that point, why enforce people to go there?


And if I'm wrong in interpreting your post, then what's your solution to this perceived problem? Is there a problem? If there is, should it be solved? At what costs?

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > Like so many things.. the new Forums seem to be yet another dead venture.

> > >

> > > If they weren't going to use this to communicate with their players.. why even bother having them at all.

> >

> > So we could communicate with each other. Where does it say this is a place just for them to communicate with us? Or suggestion that's a primary function? It's listed under community in the pull down menu.


> LOL. The only reason to post here is that the Anet devs are watching. if I just wanted to blow time chatting with gamers, , I have a slew of other options like discord, TS, guild chat, map chat, whispers, Twitter, FaceBook, Reddit, not to mention private forums and public forums like MMORPG where I could talk about not just GW2, but any other game as well.


> There is zero advantage or reason to posting here if this is not a place for them to be able to communicate with us.


> But by all means.. shout into the void is that is what you feel is worth it.


Actually this may very well be true for you, but anyway you look at it, it's a fool's errand. Posting on an official forum that received thousands of posts in hopes a dev that can do something about what you're posting about might see it is just wishful thinking in my opinion. However, I talk in guild chat all the time. But map chat, twitter, face book won't give you the same kind of response that you'd get from people in a dedicated forum, or reddit or something similar. Because not everyone is in map chat to have that discussion. Twitter gives you limited response time. A tweet doesn't really lend well to a real conversation. This is a watering hole for conversations about the game. It's what it's designed for, it's the function it servers and all the denial in the world on anyone's part isn't going to change that.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > I said what I meant to say the first time.. Not more.. not less.. and not something else.

> >

> > I'll say it again.

> >

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > If the forums don't feel like a welcome place for the staff of the company to frequent and have open dialogue with the players,, then they fail at their intended task.

> >

> > But watching posters make all kinds of wrong assumptions about a single sentence, does explain why devs would not want to even try to talk with this crowed.


> You veil your intent with the word "welcoming" but fail to understand something can be welcoming but still not someone's cup of tea. Starbucks can be very welcoming but just because the staff may be welcoming (like they are paid to be) someone may not enjoy the atmosphere or the type of customers that are attracted to it, or disagree with the company's political or social views or just plain and simple don't like coffee or their other products. At that point, why enforce people to go there?


> And if I'm wrong in interpreting your post, then what's your solution to this perceived problem? Is there a problem? If there is, should it be solved? At what costs?


I don't veil anything, I am saying this very bluntly, and now for the 3rd time, This is **their** forums, their personal private playground for them and their clients. If it does not have the atmosphere, features, and set up, so that the Dev team/Staff feels that this is the best most conductive comfortable place to talk with their community, them these forums have failed at the very task they exist for.

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