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Reddit vs Forum


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I don't know if this is the case or not, yet it really does seem to me as though that all employees, whether a developer, or a CSR, or what have you, are highly restricted when it comes to posting on these forums, as though they need to go through some sort of approval process or the like.


Again, I don't know if it's true or not, yet that's the way it seems. It -seems- like it's easier for them to post on Reddit than it is here. That's the most viable reason I can think of that most of the people who work on the game whom also take time to post about bugs and the like don't always post that critical information here.


It's nice to know they're looking into changing this, however.

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Yeah, I shouldn’t have to go to X,Y and Z website to know about any upcoming changes/ bug fixes etc.


Anything of the sort, should be posted on these forums (The *Official* forum for Gw2) first and foremost, I don’t care wherever else it’s posted/discussed, but I read these forums for this game. I don’t use reddit, nor do I plan to either.

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* Reddit --> casual conversation and general discussion

* Forum --> discussions more detailed (scope is larger than the general consensus and therefore benefiting from a full blown discussion thread)

* Reddit posts resulting in "oh, I'll look into that, as it's not intended to be that way" --> known issue tracker or dedicated thread for detailed discussion

* Reddit posts resulting in "working as intended" --> Forum announcement under news and announcements or within applicable section, company's call (maybe format so all such announcements appear as "Clarification: xxxxx" ? Then, you could still have it come out on reddit but the applicable team could provide an announcement that would last a bit longer, be official, and honestly if it hasn't hit the wiki shortly after that it probably isn't vital so I'd advocate these kinds of announcements be hidden after a given amount of time.


That's my condensed guideline that I think might help differentiate these things and enhance communication without too much additional strain on dev/comm teams.



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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> Frankly, for most purposes I'd prefer if the subreddit were the "official" channel of feedback. It has a few key upsides:


> * Dark mode via Reddit Enhancement Suite. This forum sears my eyes with it's color scheme.

> * Tree-style for comments allows multiple discussions to branch off from a single topic and run in parallel without making each other unreadable. On these forums you need to do the usual old-school thing of always reminding everyone to please not go off-topic or make a separate thread.

> * Mixed content with filter-able tags. If these forums were Discourse it'd be alright, but I don't like the subforum-based views any longer. I prefer everything in one giant forum and being able to filter as I want.

> * Both a pro (for the players) and a con (for the devs), on reddit posts will not be easily removed. That is to say, if community reactions are majorly negative, the thread won't end up neutered with everyone's opinion removed. Sure, in theory it'd be nicer if everyone behaves and post their opinion in a constructive manner, but I feel the information how much "non-civil" feedback there was is still important. At the very least, you can always see the (removed) on reddit. Something you cannot see here, you can't know how many posts were purged from a thread.


Agreed, we definitely could use a nite-mode as an option. Regarding the tree-style format, I feel it's good and bad for certain things. Once you start branching a bit too far, it gets difficult to follow the exact train of thought but then it's much easier to just ignore a spat between a pair of posters.


I always thought it would have been a better idea to put the style of the thread in the hands of the thread creator so we can have the best of both worlds. Wouldn't it be nice to have the option to have a tree-branched thread with thumbs-up/down disabled, a poll thread with single, multi selection options or an option for posters to add more selections to the poll if approved by the thread creator? Or just a regular sequential thread with thumbs-up/down enabled? Not sure if there is a forum that exists where you could customize the features of threads and posts like that but it seems like a great idea on paper.

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