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When Season Ends what should we Expect next from Anet?


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Just make courtyard single elimination of the opposing team/annihilation or a respawn similar to the gw1 snow map that had a priest that works well for arena type games.


With these weak healers tho... chances of fb staying up when one is downed is harder than a monk retreating with his team to the priest.


I thought the territorial gvg is brilliant and puts the already used conquest scoring mechanics into play incase of tiebreakers.


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> @"Scary.8034" said:

> > But it takes a while to get maps made


> Ben buddy, how many do people need to say this ? take a look at obsiian sanctum, recreate that, give it two spawns like any pvp maps, and you're done, you don't have to create mechanics for it, just start with that, see if WvWer enjoy that and don't mind the PvP ruleset, and then from there, you maybe start making a map with mechanics based ont he feedback that you get.



kinda of agree. let players do the reste.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > Quaggan wonders, if you guys decided what you gonna do with Stronghold yet?

> >

> We have a meeting this week to pour over the feedback and match them up against our previous thoughts for redoing it.



Please... if you do something to strong hold don't' just straight ruin it and take the que away. Right now Stronghold is more competitive then conq could ever be and it's the only reason I'm still playing pvp. If it is brought down to the level of un playability like the conquest maps then i may need to quit pvp or gw2....


Bring ranked SH back or keep as is. Please don't ruin it.

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Buffs to all PoF specs

Nerfs to All HoT Specs, including Revenant in general

Nerfs to any viable core build. RIP md core thief ( calling it now. If the balance team does this we will know 100% they aren't balancing honestly ).


Gotta sell that expac somehow.


Will probably look like this:


Increased healing of Firebrand tomes by 25%. Firebrand is in a good spot but some players were still dying under certain circumstances. We feel this change will make the spec more consistent.

Scourge shield now stuns opponents who hit the scourge with a ranged attack. The balance team is very proud of the state of scourge however we found the class was unable to keep up its continued spam when facing ranged opponents.

Revenant staff deals 20% less damage. Staff is meant to be a support weapon and so we have lowered the damage to maintain its identity

pls buy the expansion


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > Quaggan wonders, if you guys decided what you gonna do with Stronghold yet?

> >

> We have a meeting this week to pour over the feedback and match them up against our previous thoughts for redoing it.



I know this isn't likely but can we get access to those high level ap skins in pvp(radiant/hellfire) or some of the pve specific skins or even legendary skins?


I'm sure the legendary back brought in plenty people to pvp that would otherwise not have been interested. That, and the rewards are more than stale in pvp and wvw right now. Simply winning in pvp and wvw is fun as is imo, but I know a lot of people are mainly into the game to chase rewards. For them there is no reason, or it is even counter productive to play pvp and wvw.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > what should we be expecting from Anet when the season ends/new year? I'm hoping for GvG, and some more minor balance changes on the top three tier classes in Spvp.

> >

> > What about ya'll?


> If we decide to do any form of GvG, it's not going to be soon. The current next things are matchmaking improvements, some map changes based on feedback from the discussions. Also some QoL things.


You told us in 5% out of 100.000 matches you have matchmaking behaving weird. Why do I have to be in that 5% every single day? Best example, I was 2 games away from legend and I got a team with a 1305 and 1327 rated players + 2x plat 1. I lost -23 for that game vs a better enemy in general, both comp and skill wise.


Do explain master-Jedi

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > what should we be expecting from Anet when the season ends/new year? I'm hoping for GvG, and some more minor balance changes on the top three tier classes in Spvp.

> > > >

> > > > What about ya'll?

> > >

> > > If we decide to do any form of GvG, it's not going to be soon. The current next things are matchmaking improvements, some map changes based on feedback from the discussions. Also some QoL things.

> >

> > Ben can i ask why are you guys against the idea of a GvG system? Why is it always pushed back or not main focus? thank you for responding.


> We aren't specifically. While, we're not planning to have a GvG queue, I'm hoping once we get an appropriate map for 10v10 or 15v15 into custom arenas, we'll be able to have an occasional GvG special tournament. But it takes a while to get maps made and I want to get Swiss style tournaments in first. Also, 15v15 may need some UI adjustments.


> Even then, I expect a lot of people will be unhappy, as a large segment of those who want GvG want the WvW rule set. Currently, custom arenas and tournaments are only sPvP ruleset.


Have some suggestions here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1601/pve-got-raids-time-for-pvp-to-get-battlegrounds


10v10 would be ideal, and match raid composition. For larger fights, there's already WvW.

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From what I see this is playing to the gw1 gvg idea and spvp community. Its way out of touch with the wvw gvg that was “ruining their game mode”. If you want this to succeed dont push something out behind closed doors with people that have lost the faith of the community and driven most of them away.


And BE CLEAR, is your intention to create your vision of gvg or create the wvw communities version? One will require much less work than the other to satisfy.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> Just make courtyard single elimination of the opposing team/annihilation or a respawn similar to the gw1 snow map that had a priest that works well for arena type games.


Cal I were actually just talking about making a copy of Courtyard for custom arenas using the arena ruleset that we currently use in 2v2's. Basically, round based elimination.


What do you guys think?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"little ceasar.9254" said:

> And BE CLEAR, is your intention to create your vision of gvg or create the wvw communities version? One will require much less work than the other to satisfy.


I never intended to imply that we're doing a full GvG support. What I'm hoping is that we can get a few tools in place to allow 10v10 or 15v15 on a custom arena map. _If we do it_, the map would be similar in size to the Obsidian Sanctum coliseum area and would use the elimination/round based ruleset that the 2v2 maps in custom arenas use. If it seems like people enjoy that, we could run an occasional special tournament on that map.


This is all still hypothetical and would be months away.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> > Just make courtyard single elimination of the opposing team/annihilation or a respawn similar to the gw1 snow map that had a priest that works well for arena type games.

> >

> Cal I were actually just talking about making a copy of Courtyard for custom arenas using the arena ruleset that we currently use in 2v2's. Basically, round based elimination.


> What do you guys think?


As long as it stays in custom arenas. I have played another MMO where they introduced the same concept, were PvP previously was objective based. It became major class balance shenanigans, because classes were balanced for objective play, not elimination. It also ended-up dividing the player base between it and objective based maps. Surely not something we want GW2 sPvP to fall into :'(

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I'll be honest ANET, while it's **great** to hear more about your plans... so far the execution plans for this sound poor.

GvG with sPvP ruleset? Sounds quite unappealing. Little variety with the way amulets work.




You don't even have to worry much about having an amazing map or anything fancy with the UI...

Just that using the sPvP ruleset isn't an attractive idea at all.


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> @"XxsdgxX.8109" said:

> I'll be honest ANET, while it's **great** to hear more about your plans... so far the execution plans for this sound poor.

> GvG with sPvP ruleset? Sounds quite unappealing. Little variety with the way amulets work.


> Staleness


> You don't even have to worry much about having an amazing map or anything fancy with the UI...

> Just that using the sPvP ruleset isn't an attractive idea at all.



i main spvp and i'll have to agree with this statment i think GvG should be focus on how the players do it now in WvW with their rule set.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> > Just make courtyard single elimination of the opposing team/annihilation or a respawn similar to the gw1 snow map that had a priest that works well for arena type games.

> >

> Cal I were actually just talking about making a copy of Courtyard for custom arenas using the arena ruleset that we currently use in 2v2's. Basically, round based elimination.


> What do you guys think?


One complaint I saw was "being farmed" on courtyard. Once you lose you kinda just want to lose. I think this is why it was easier to lose in random arenas on gw1 than courtyard.


I bought a custom arena near release and noone came and I tried to do a few different things. I think unranked should be where stuff goes if it wants chances at being played. We could argue that the matches would be so short in unranked they will play a conquest map in a short amount of time if its not what they wanted.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> > Just make courtyard single elimination of the opposing team/annihilation or a respawn similar to the gw1 snow map that had a priest that works well for arena type games.

> >

> Cal I were actually just talking about making a copy of Courtyard for custom arenas using the arena ruleset that we currently use in 2v2's. Basically, round based elimination.


> What do you guys think?


Quaggan would like to try, where he can sign as tester?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"little ceasar.9254" said:

> > And BE CLEAR, is your intention to create your vision of gvg or create the wvw communities version? One will require much less work than the other to satisfy.


> I never intended to imply that we're doing a full GvG support. What I'm hoping is that we can get a few tools in place to allow 10v10 or 15v15 on a custom arena map. _If we do it_, the map would be similar in size to the Obsidian Sanctum coliseum area and would use the elimination/round based ruleset that the 2v2 maps in custom arenas use. If it seems like people enjoy that, we could run an occasional special tournament on that map.


> This is all still hypothetical and would be months away.


All sounds fun to be honest but I would probably just avoid referring to it as gvg if the goal is to avoid backlash out of the wvw community. You would essentially be trying to rebrand a community created game mode/event that has deep ties in wvw and has been begging for any type of recognition (thats not an apology *cough obs*) since launch.


I know I would personally perceive it as “ look I know you guys think this is how it should be done and you love it buuut..... we think it would work better and you’ll like it better our way” it would go over like telling wvw players if they play wve they like pve (Obviously I don’t speak for everyone)


The idea sounds like it leans heavily toward spvp or gw1 in both concept and size but simply wont be suitable for wvw GvG deathmatch style. There is a reason gvg’s are usually 15 minimum. Beyond that all they require is a space like obs (no smaller), no silly mechanics getting in the way (eotm turrets), and a flat open space (windmill origin, and openfield roots)

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > > Quaggan wonders, if you guys decided what you gonna do with Stronghold yet?

> > >

> > We have a meeting this week to pour over the feedback and match them up against our previous thoughts for redoing it.

> >


> I know this isn't likely but can we get access to those high level ap skins in pvp(radiant/hellfire) or some of the pve specific skins or even legendary skins?


> I'm sure the legendary back brought in plenty people to pvp that would otherwise not have been interested. That, and the rewards are more than stale in pvp and wvw right now. Simply winning in pvp and wvw is fun as is imo, but I know a lot of people are mainly into the game to chase rewards. For them there is no reason, or it is even counter productive to play pvp and wvw.


Sadly this thinking is what started to ruin pvp. back in the days pvp was ment for pvp. Now its more PvE reward hunters playing then actual pvpers.


The best solution would npot be to add more PvE related items but revert back to gloy pts and make pvp items just for pvp only. Like pvp only skins and such. No stat weapons or actual weapons just skins for pvp.


Then all the riff raff players will do their pve reward hunting elsewhere and pvp might just improve a bit.

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > what should we be expecting from Anet when the season ends/new year? I'm hoping for GvG, and some more minor balance changes on the top three tier classes in Spvp.

> > >

> > > What about ya'll?

> >

> > If we decide to do any form of GvG, it's not going to be soon. The current next things are matchmaking improvements, some map changes based on feedback from the discussions. Also some QoL things.


> I had a question regarding thief and the recent change to camera angle not changing distance of attacks. This indirectly changed stealth stacking with black powder and heartseeker on D/P thieves. As I am sure you know that has been in game since the beginning, so why implement a change that was pretty much a feature at this point?




You play a thief and want Anet to leave an exploit in game and call it a feature.


Do you work in politics?

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> @"Orwyn.6104" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > what should we be expecting from Anet when the season ends/new year? I'm hoping for GvG, and some more minor balance changes on the top three tier classes in Spvp.

> > > >

> > > > What about ya'll?

> > >

> > > If we decide to do any form of GvG, it's not going to be soon. The current next things are matchmaking improvements, some map changes based on feedback from the discussions. Also some QoL things.

> >

> > I had a question regarding thief and the recent change to camera angle not changing distance of attacks. This indirectly changed stealth stacking with black powder and heartseeker on D/P thieves. As I am sure you know that has been in game since the beginning, so why implement a change that was pretty much a feature at this point?




> You play a thief and want Anet to leave an exploit in game and call it a feature.


> Do you work in politics?


It isn't really an exploit. It has literally been in the game since day 1. 5 years later they all of a sudden change it. If it was such an exploit that the community felt was unfair it should have been changed years ago.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > what should we be expecting from Anet when the season ends/new year? I'm hoping for GvG, and some more minor balance changes on the top three tier classes in Spvp.

> > > >

> > > > What about ya'll?

> > >

> > > If we decide to do any form of GvG, it's not going to be soon. The current next things are matchmaking improvements, some map changes based on feedback from the discussions. Also some QoL things.

> >

> > Ben can i ask why are you guys against the idea of a GvG system? Why is it always pushed back or not main focus? thank you for responding.


> We aren't specifically. While, we're not planning to have a GvG queue, I'm hoping once we get an appropriate map for 10v10 or 15v15 into custom arenas, we'll be able to have an occasional GvG special tournament. But it takes a while to get maps made and I want to get Swiss style tournaments in first. Also, 15v15 may need some UI adjustments.


> Even then, I expect a lot of people will be unhappy, as a large segment of those who want GvG want the WvW rule set. Currently, custom arenas and tournaments are only sPvP ruleset.


As somebody who GvGed in GW1 for over 7 years, You don't need anything too complicated. Just a few tactical points and what not. You COULD actually look at the original GvG/Guild hall maps and you could see how much could be brought by design. Also, another issue is the game mechanic. The way the professions are more "self sufficient" makes me think it might not properly support GvG. At least to the way I USED to understand it.

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