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Did Anet just endorse GvG?


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> We aren't specifically. While, we're not planning to have a GvG queue, **I'm** hoping once we get an appropriate map for 10v10 or 15v15 into custom arenas, we'll be able to have an occasional GvG special tournament. But it takes a while to get maps made and I want to get Swiss style tournaments in first. Also, 15v15 may need some UI adjustments. Even then, I expect a lot of people will be unhappy, as a large segment of those who want GvG want the WvW rule set. Currently, custom arenas and tournaments are only sPvP ruleset.



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This is something we are looking into and not something that has a set release date at all. Ben is still looking into the feasibility of this kind of change so I'd stop throwing coal in the hype train for now. The WvW team is also looking into a better option for GvG fights but we are in the preliminary stages of the investigation just like the PvP team. I just want you guys to temper your excitement until we know more about these ideas.

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The gw2 gvg will feel dammn strange... gw2 classes dont need tthat much team work, besides leech from condi and boon stacking... and there way to much aoe and cleaves as well, if most of 5vs5 already look a mess of skills being spammed..



@Raymond Lukes.6305Raymond Lukes.6305, port/fork Gw1 classes with their skills ...into gw2 xD.. and call them the coluseum classes.


Current gw2 weapon skill's and utilities are not tuned nor that good for that gamemode.. :\


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+1 For the Anet answer .. +1 for it was real fast .. +1 for it is by far not as vague as answeres used to be +1 because i can and want to do so !

Am i allowed to guess the changes in the quality of answers on forums and the quantity has to do with the new lead game design ? :) If so : THANKS a LOT .. if not .. it´s ok to me too ^^

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> @"jul.7602" said:

> > We aren't specifically. While, we're not planning to have a GvG queue, **I'm** hoping once we get an appropriate map for 10v10 or 15v15 into custom arenas, we'll be able to have an occasional GvG special tournament. But it takes a while to get maps made and I want to get Swiss style tournaments in first. Also, 15v15 may need some UI adjustments. Even then, I expect a lot of people will be unhappy, **as a large segment of those who want GvG want the WvW rule set.** Currently, custom arenas and tournaments are only sPvP ruleset.


> -Ben


I still wanted to see the data behind this claim...alas. Coal for me this wintersday!

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> The gw2 gvg will feel dammn strange... gw2 classes dont need tthat much team work, besides leech from condi and boon stacking... and there way to much aoe and cleaves as well, if most of 5vs5 already look a mess of skills being spammed..



> @Raymond Lukes.6305Raymond Lukes.6305, port/fork Gw1 classes with their skills ...into gw2 xD.. and call them the coluseum classes.


> Current gw2 weapon skill's and utilities are not tuned nor that good for that gamemode.. :\



we've been doing 15v15 and 20v20 for the past 5 years already and it's just fine


if you just spam skills and hope for the best then your group will simply wipe to the first half organized enemy and this is both for 5v5 or 60v60

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> This is something we are looking into and not something that has a set release date at all. Ben is still looking into the feasibility of this kind of change so I'd stop throwing coal in the hype train for now. The WvW team is also looking into a better option for GvG fights but we are in the preliminary stages of the investigation just like the PvP team. I just want you guys to temper your excitement until we know more about these ideas.


You see though how many people are actully getting exited to something like this? it was even more 5 years ago. This would be the best opportunity to make the competitive side of wvw shiny again.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> This is something we are looking into and not something that has a set release date at all. Ben is still looking into the feasibility of this kind of change so I'd stop throwing coal in the hype train for now. The WvW team is also looking into a better option for GvG fights but we are in the preliminary stages of the investigation just like the PvP team. I just want you guys to temper your excitement until we know more about these ideas.


An easy solution to solving the WvW GvG scene issue, is to allow the the arena to have the rulesets of WvW and for your next iterations of Guild Hall designs, base the ideal environment of the Arena on the WvW game mode. Increase the size for one. Design it in away to make all angles easily view able. For people viewing inside the area, make the teams appear with a (RGB) shader so that spectators can identify the difference in teams.

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Well, the last time they fully supported it, was with the OS arena back in 2013, which was a long time ago.


The Guild arenas are and still too small, also they have the same issues as they had after HoT. (PVE damage multipliers and problems inviting other guilds).


They should just put the OS Arena on the megaserver, if they want to support it, but their priorities are obviously different after PoF.


HoT was a good opportunity to bring everyone back, but balance changes and the new borderlands, were also a issue.

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Is nobody else here blown by the fact that a wvw thread got an Anet response in _5 minutes_? Entire server/matchup threads come and go without being closed these days.

Anywho, it'd be neat to have the _guild_ put back in Guild Wars 2. I hope these updates extend to the wvw rules set.


~ Kovu

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > The phrase "Shut the stable door after the horse has bolted" springs to mind.

> >

> > There was a horse?!


> Well, truth be told it was actually a donkey with a lot of ambition.


I thought it was just a legend! There are tales that generations ago there was a horse ...

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > Ben is still looking into the feasibility of this kind of change so I'd stop throwing coal in the hype train for now.


> You should have more faith in Ben. :lol:


The sPvP one would be using sPvP ruleset and gear, also there is a chance it would be the old GW1 GvG and not the GvG GW2 wants.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> Be aware that the spvp option will be using the spvp ruleset ie not WvW gear. For that reason alone its almost certainly a non starter.


Yes. Workload wise, it is probably easier to start there. Maybe (yeah maybe I'm delusional too) they will watch the use of it, see if there is a significant enough audience for it, before maybe they expand the options with a larger guild hall arena space (not like the guild halls don't have volumes of space to use) or making OS instance based.


If they allow inter and intra server GvG, and allow people from multiple servers to work together (as many guilds have been split across servers) it would be a start.


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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> This is something we are looking into and not something that has a set release date at all. Ben is still looking into the feasibility of this kind of change so I'd stop throwing coal in the hype train for now. The WvW team is also looking into a better option for GvG fights but we are in the preliminary stages of the investigation just like the PvP team. I just want you guys to temper your excitement until we know more about these ideas.


Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?


Organizing GvG's is usually the most difficult part of GvG; in that players schedules don't always pony up and at least a queue system would allow a guild who's looking to queue that day a chance to at least fight something, even if its 10-15 randoms who queued in to GvG.


I remember GvG'ing against bots in GW1 and 8vG in HA & HoH. Even if the matches were a little lop-sided at least we were still able to participate in that 8v8 or that GvG.


Also, I'm an advocate for the sPvP rules for GvG > WvW rules because it's a lot more balanced and guilds won't be required to constantly spend hundreds of gold when metas shift and it also allows guilds to hot-swap builds to counter.

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> @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > The gw2 gvg will feel dammn strange... gw2 classes dont need tthat much team work, besides leech from condi and boon stacking... and there way to much aoe and cleaves as well, if most of 5vs5 already look a mess of skills being spammed..

> >

> >

> > @Raymond Lukes.6305Raymond Lukes.6305, port/fork Gw1 classes with their skills ...into gw2 xD.. and call them the coluseum classes.

> >

> > Current gw2 weapon skill's and utilities are not tuned nor that good for that gamemode.. :\

> >


> we've been doing 15v15 and 20v20 for the past 5 years already and it's just fine


> if you just spam skills and hope for the best then your group will simply wipe to the first half organized enemy and this is both for 5v5 or 60v60


i know ive been there and in both games, i dont fully agree with your"it's just fine" , cause isnt has skillfull has anything in gw1... gvg mainly.. and gw2 design does not hep with that as well.

It isnt that simple of a comparison with a real GvG game mode... it will be totally diferent from stacking 10 20 30 40(shame on those guilds that reach this number...shame on u, lol ).. more than 10 is already shamefull....btw...


And u guys ended stacking and spamming against each other no matter what... that.. it just dumb.. to called GvG, moust of the stackers dont even know how skillfull GvG from gw1 was.,..if not all.


If they do anything and call it GvG, it feels like it will be like conquest but with a larger team... and with that theres an issue, all it will be needed will be stack aoe n rush, due aoe and spam gw2 classes ared developed for the pve eviroment.


**Classes need to be tweaked for better combat on pvp before it...** And the actually combat feels more balanced towards 3 vs 3 than the 5, wich is already a mess of combat and ugly to observe, if they had more to the equation.... will easilly be broken.


Anet needs to reformat skill and class design arround PVP only and tune the pve arround PVP, what they are doing is the oposite..


ill leave this here.... this is what WvW should be to start... but with several maps... to conquer....

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