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Legendary weapons should be a step above ascended


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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Same goes here.The new skills would either go down the path of racial skills, i.e. being deliberately worse than basic skills and only for flavor. Or, if they were better, you'd find yourself in a GW2 world of "Bannerslave w. Leg. Sword and Horn"-lfg's.

> Define better, like I said there wouldn't be much of a competition if they were different enough to be an alternative and not just "the same but better". Also, there wouldn't be any reason to treat them like racial skills because the same reasoning they used to justifying their poor performance can't be applied here. We basically already have something like this in the form of griffons so it wouldn't be unprecedented either.



The griffons are a movement thing, not a combat thing and they don't work in Fractals or the Raids 1-4, i.e. end content where ppl tend to get picky. So the griffons are'nt actually on the same page as racial skills.

Better in a given situation. If let's say the legenday sword has a skill that deals more bleeding than the basic skill or adds a combo finisher that a class otherwise wouldn't have acces to, the new legendary sword skill will become "the meta", i.e. the BiS skill to use and thus it will be requested by tryhard groups and all groups who want to "play like the proZ". Even if it's just different and not "stricktly better", like the new legendary skill dealing a new kind of condition or buff, it the skill proves to be better for a given encounter, it will become the meta.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

>If let's say the legenday sword has a skill that deals more bleeding than the basic skill or adds a combo finisher that a class otherwise wouldn't have acces to, the new legendary sword skill will become "the meta", i.e. the BiS skill to use and thus it will be requested by tryhard groups and all groups who want to "play like the proZ". Even if it's just different and not "stricktly better", like the new legendary skill dealing a new kind of condition or buff, it the skill proves to be better for a given encounter, it will become the meta.

The same logic can be applied to new elite specializations and yet people can't wait to get new ones. Besides, something being meta viable isn't a bad thing unless it's so much better then everything else that it becomes mandatory in which case the problem isn't the weapon having a unique skill set but the generall ballancing in GW2. For example, if class X needs legendary weapon Y to be viable but wouldn't be otherwise then the problem is with class X and not with legendary weapon Y. They would only be a problem if they're pushing something to the point were only it is viable in which case they could still be nerfed afterwards.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> >If let's say the legenday sword has a skill that deals more bleeding than the basic skill or adds a combo finisher that a class otherwise wouldn't have acces to, the new legendary sword skill will become "the meta", i.e. the BiS skill to use and thus it will be requested by tryhard groups and all groups who want to "play like the proZ". Even if it's just different and not "stricktly better", like the new legendary skill dealing a new kind of condition or buff, it the skill proves to be better for a given encounter, it will become the meta.

> The same logic can be applied to new elite specializations and yet people can't wait to get new ones. Besides, something being meta viable isn't a bad thing unless it's so much better then everything else that it becomes mandatory in which case the problem isn't the weapon having a unique skill set but the generall ballancing in GW2. For example, if class X needs legendary weapon Y to be viable but wouldn't be otherwise then problem is with class X and not with legendary weapon Y. They would only be a problem if they're pushing something to the point were only it is viable in which case they could still be nerfed afterwards.


I think it's pretty obvious that cost of unlocking new spec is incomparable to the cost of legendary weapon :)

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Legendaries already have very impressive feats that other weapons don´t have ;) :

*You can pretend to be a gardener when you leave flowers in your footprints.

*You can ask yourself what is wrong with you when you carry a quaggan in a fishpond that is also a shield with you.

*You can look for your local Christopher street after you use a bow that fires unicorn.

*You can pretend that you´re old and leaking because a fluid is gathering in your footsteps.

*If you´re a guardian you can with the help of your healing skill pretend that you are He Man.

*With the help of bolt you can pretend that you already discovered free energy before Tesla even came close.

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> If none of the skins appeal to you, you don't need a long term goal and just want to have max stats. Don't go for a legendary. It's easy. You don't need them at all. Only if they were in any way better than an ascended weapon of the same category you'd need to get one to be "a pro" or "at max".


I agree with you, and I have no plans to go for a legendary. I'm just saying I would be interested if they offered something extra - and it wouldn't have to be game-changing.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> The last thing this game needs is a gear treadmill and this is a push towards that.


"The last thing this game needs is the elitism of typical raiding communities, and this is a push towards that" (years back when it was suggested they add raids)

"The last thing this game needs is overpowered travel speeds and this is a push towards that" (years back when it was suggested they add mounts)


As history goes with this things, it's difficult to say that Anet would categorically ignore the OP's suggestion.

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Wow, this is a lot of "spirited" discussion over a 5% damage suggestion. I like the current legendary weapon and armor stat set up aside from the high cost. Took 5 years for my first and only legendary weapon. Obtaining another one at the current cost is unreasonable for me. I'm at the point where I will just play the parts of the game I want with what I have till I get bored then log onto a different game. Don't get me wrong, I don't want legendary stat weapons and armor as easily obtainable as top stat gear in other games but it is waaaay too high atm. Completely not worth it.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:


> > If none of the skins appeal to you, you don't need a long term goal and just want to have max stats. Don't go for a legendary. It's easy. You don't need them at all. Only if they were in any way better than an ascended weapon of the same category you'd need to get one to be "a pro" or "at max".


> I agree with you, and I have no plans to go for a legendary. I'm just saying I would be interested if they offered something extra - and it wouldn't have to be game-changing.

They already offer something both extra and not game changing.


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No, legendary gear don't need to be stronger than ascended


If need, just increase the "other stuffs" of legend gear, like freely change sigil, and can use the wardrobe without the cost of transmutation charge (legend gear is beautiful but sometime i just want to use other skins, but im too stingy to use it)

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> Everyone seems to hate the idea. Frankly though, I see absolutely no motivation for pursuing a legendary. A slight cosmetic change over the precursor? Not worth it by any means - especially when you can buy cool looking skins that not many people are using. I understand the objection to making them 'must-have' items, but there needs to be SOME reason to go for them, no? Maybe a karma bonus or something? Not so significant that everyone feels obliged to get it, but some payoff for the guy who grinds it out.


Legendary can stat swap, automatically obtain the latest stat in pool and always be the hightest gear tier make the it the most desirable gear. The skin are filled with effects.


If the feature above is not good enough to convincing enough, congratulations, there are much cheaper option which is called acsended teir.

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> @"Atamazon.7062" said:

> No, legendary gear don't need to be stronger than ascended


> If need, just increase the "other stuffs" of legend gear, like freely change sigil, and can use the wardrobe without the cost of transmutation charge (legend gear is beautiful but sometime i just want to use other skins, but im too stingy to use it)


Lovely suggestion about the transmute charges. That would be 2 nice non-power related changes I'd love to see legendaries get. No transmute cost and sigil swapping, but ESPECIALLY the sigil swapping I cannot stress how awesome it would be to line up with armor legendaries with this novelty.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > Well this suggestion was bound to happen... and no doubt will happen again.. and again.. and again.. until Anet gives in and provides Legendary items a stat boots to placate their players.

> > > >

> > > > Why delay the inevitable.

> > > >

> > > > Do I think this would be a massive train wreck, alienate huge portions of the player base, and cause massive fiscal loss to Anet.. yes.. yes I do.. but, lets get real, this request will never stop... so.. much like anything that is going to end badly., waiting will not improve the situation.

> > >

> > > Serious question

> > >

> > > Do you actually care about the health of the game or just a troll because the cynicism in your post is of the charts.

> > > You probably should get a more positive outlook on life.

> >

> > I think a better use of your time would be directed this kind of question towards those that are always looking for ways to make the game worse overall, like.. the OPs


> Well all the others already pointed out what a stupid idea it would be,

> I don't think their was anything more to ad.

> My question was more why you would go along with such a bad idea while you do love the game.


I have a better idea, as opposed to just parroting the hive mind here, why don't you explain in your own words why you think it is a bad idea.


Then, put your reasons against this idea and compare them to all things that Anet has done to improve the game, and see it your objection is in fact founded.

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> @"Greasy.7609" said:

> Legendary weapons are certainly a huge goal for any player. It wows other players with the visual and sound effects when your hero walks around with the rainbows of the bifrost or seeing firey footfalls of Rodgort.


> To make them even more super they should supply a 5% bump in combo stats and weapon damage above an ascended weapon or armor piece.


> Just something to think about this holiday season.


From my understanding there is a video of stat difference in ascended and legendary. Not that legendary is above but, the stats of legendary are calculated differently. I honestly forgot what made them different in stat wise. But I think you should look it up. But there is a couple videos on the legendary that ether critical calculation durations are longer then ascended. Or some type of dps cryticals duration last longer then ascended.


Honestly I forgot but there is a video showing the difference in stats. It’s not much of noticeable. But only by the numbers that are shown if that makes sense.


But I do agree. If legendaries stats were at least 5 or 10 more percent increase in stats I would happily start crafting to legendary. But since the only thing is you can change stats for legendary armor just lets me craft ascended easier. Once a friend of mine said you gotta do these tasks for legendary I said oh snap, I’ll just craft ascended for all my characters first before I do legendary. Which will be a while.


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