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Legendary weapons should be a step above ascended


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> @"Zhaveh.6801" said:

> I could see the raid parties now.. no legendary no party... makes sense. Actually, no don't do this.


Hummm I don't see the down side.


**Edit added**: Wouldn't this fit perfectly the paradigm of Raids in general, where you need "Legendary" gear to farm raids to get more "Legendary" gear so you can farm more raids, and with Legendary Armor and now a Ring, being Raid gear, it would thematically be perfect.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> The gap between legendary and ascended crafting is too big to justify this. Casuals would cry.


> Legendaries are fine as an optional end-game adventure. It does not need to be something that everyone is forced to get in order to remain competitive.


People do raids in Exotics, Ascended is not even needed to play this game unless you want to do Fractals, which have a huge gear grind attached to them, so, anyone that wants to do that, wants a gear grind.


As for Casuals Crying.


They Cried when Ascended was first introduced.

They Cried when Vipers (and other HoT stats) was introduced. (come to think of it, they cried in general when HoT was released, soo.. )

They Cried when Legendary Armor was Raids exclusive.


They can cry again.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > The gap between legendary and ascended crafting is too big to justify this. Casuals would cry.

> >

> > Legendaries are fine as an optional end-game adventure. It does not need to be something that everyone is forced to get in order to remain competitive.


> People do raids in Exotics, Ascended is not even needed to play this game unless you want to do Fractals, which have a huge gear grind attached to them, so, anyone that wants to do that, wants a gear grind.


> As for Casuals Crying.


> They Cried when Ascended was first introduced.

> They Cried when Vipers (and other HoT stats) was introduced. (come to think of it, they cried in general when HoT was released, soo.. )

> They Cried when Legendary Armor was Raids exclusive.


> They can cry again.


The biggest upside of GW2 arguably has always been how casual friendly the game is. People can play casually and even quit for months only to come back without being left too far behind the item gears.


The way you refer to "casuals" is a bit disturbing and makes me think that you're one of the elitists who min-max everything. The type of people who'd only want people on optimal gears (which are usually the best gears available) when playing newly released raid content. Honestly, you'll be better off in a gear grind MMO if you really want to hold gear advantage over other players since GW2 will probably never cater to that idea as a large chunk of its playerbase are mere "casuals".

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> @"lucatri.7945" said:

> What's stranger than the fact that someone even made this request in the first place is the fact that there's a guy on the first page of this thread claiming it's "inevitable" that Anet will move ahead with this change


> Yeah, no.


If you follow these forums at all, you see that the request to buff Legendary weapons happens periodically. and has been happening since legendary weapons were in the game, in fact given how much more a time sink legendary items are then ascended, I am rather amazed this does not happen more often. But none the less, there is nothing new or even remotely strange about this request. Stick around, and you will see it happen again.


Now, what you may also no know,is that this request has been granted a few times already in the past. As, Legendary weapons were at one time ,Just Exotic. They were buffed to Ascended, and then also given Stat Swapping abilities to make them just a little better. .


So, it's not unreasonable to expect them to at some point, get buffed again. In fact thinking they will never get buffed ever again is actually quite strange all things said and done.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:


> Now, what you may also no know,is that this request has been granted a few times already in the past. As, Legendary weapons were at one time ,Just Exotic. They were buffed to Ascended, and then also given Stat Swapping abilities to make them just a little better. .


> So, it's not unreasonable to expect them to at some point, get buffed again. In fact thinking they will never get buffed ever again is actually quite strange all things said and done.


The increase of Legendary stats from Exotic caps to Ascended caps occurred when Ascended weapons were _first_ added to the game. This was done to fulfill ANet's original intent that Legendary weapons would have BiS stats. They added better stats via Ascended, so L. weapons were increased to _remain_ BiS. No one had to complain to make this happen (though doubtless some did complain, ignorant of the facts). So, the increase from Exotic to Ascended stat levels does not establish a precedent that ANet will buff L. stats _unless they add a new tier above Ascended_.


Stat swapping is a feature added, not a stat buff like the OP is requesting. As a precedent, all it says is that Anet might add another feature to L. items going forward, like sigil swap, for instance.


Were you not the Stihl who was complaining not that long ago about HoT not being to your liking because you self-identify as casual? Have you become so disenchanted with ANet that your posts have changed tone?

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> >

> > Now, what you may also no know,is that this request has been granted a few times already in the past. As, Legendary weapons were at one time ,Just Exotic. They were buffed to Ascended, and then also given Stat Swapping abilities to make them just a little better. .

> >

> > So, it's not unreasonable to expect them to at some point, get buffed again. In fact thinking they will never get buffed ever again is actually quite strange all things said and done.


> The increase of Legendary stats from Exotic caps to Ascended caps occurred when Ascended weapons were _first_ added to the game. This was done to fulfill ANet's original intent that Legendary weapons would have BiS stats. They added better stats via Ascended, so L. weapons were increased to _remain_ BiS. No one had to complain to make this happen (though doubtless some did complain, ignorant of the facts). So, the increase from Exotic to Ascended stat levels does not establish a precedent that ANet will buff L. stats _unless they add a new tier above Ascended_.


> Stat swapping is a feature added, not a stat buff like the OP is requesting. As a precedent, all it says is that Anet might add another feature to L. items going forward, like sigil swap, for instance.


> Were you not the Stihl who was complaining not that long ago about HoT not being to your liking because you self-identify as casual? Have you become so disenchanted with ANet that your posts have changed tone?


Well know each other, so we can spare with with baseless assumptions, and I am sure you realize I am just playing devils advocate on this one.


So I shall continue,. IF.. and I say IF, because, honestly, I don't know what Anet said, and I am not going to look it up, but.. again.. IF, Legendary items are supposed to be BiS, it stands to reason they should be at least.. a **little** better then Ascended right? Otherwise.. they are not really BiS, but more Equal to what else is out there.


Also, you have got to admit, you have not seen one good reason why this is a bad idea, sure, plenty of people parroting a hive mind kind of response, but, has anyone given a good reason why it is bad? Lets be real, the game can be payed in Exotics, anything above that (unless you do Fractals) is not needed to fully enjoy this game, in fact people Raid in exotics, So.. not even Ascended is needed, (this elimination any of the Gear Grind/Treadmill excuses)


So tel me, what's the real problem here?


(I have my own answers as to why it would be bad, but I am gonna bet, no one really has given it much thought, which is why they resort to addressing the poster, and not the idea)

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> So I shall continue,. IF.. and I say IF, because, honestly, I don't know what Anet said, and I am not going to look it up, but.. again.. IF, Legendary items are supposed to be BiS, it stands to reason they should be at least.. a **little** better then Ascended right? Otherwise.. they are not really BiS, but more Equal to what else is out there.


An interesting point. but the intent was that Legendary would never be less than BiS, not that it would be BIS alone. That has been the consistent application since launch.


> Also, you have got to admit, you have not seen one good reason why this is a bad idea, sure, plenty of people parroting a hive mind kind of response, but, has anyone given a good reason why it is bad? Lets be real, the game can be payed in Exotics, anything above that (unless you do Fractals) is not needed to fully enjoy this game, in fact people Raid in exotics, So.. not even Ascended is needed, (this elimination any of the Gear Grind/Treadmill excuses)


One definition of the word "need" is, "Something wanted or deemed necessary." I find that different peoples' take on "need" is rarely going to be based on an absolute like the underlying numbers.


> So tel me, what's the real problem here?


> (I have my own answers as to why it would be bad, but I am gonna bet, no one really has given it much thought, which is why they resort to addressing the poster, and not the idea)


Appeasing the stat-chasing MMO fan is a never-ending task. They are never going to be happy long-term without the full treadmill. They'll be happy with a stat increase, but only until they have the best stats. Then, they will be asking for the next tier with the same complaints of. "Nothing to do." Adding 5% to L. Items would be nothing but a stop-gap, with the obvious risks of alienating fans who like the game as is.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:


> Also, you have got to admit, you have not seen one good reason why this is a bad idea, sure, plenty of people parroting a hive mind kind of response, but, has anyone given a good reason why it is bad? Lets be real, the game can be payed in Exotics, anything above that (unless you do Fractals) is not needed to fully enjoy this game, in fact people Raid in exotics, So.. not even Ascended is needed, (this elimination any of the Gear Grind/Treadmill excuses)


> So tel me, what's the real problem here?


> (I have my own answers as to why it would be bad, but I am gonna bet, no one really has given it much thought, which is why they resort to addressing the poster, and not the idea)


WvW. The imbalance between exotics and ascended is already there (especially when factoring in infusions with the ascended), regardless of what people say, its a difference. If they increase the legendary stats above ascended, this would place and even more signficant imbalance between exotic and legendary in terms of stats. And since Legendary is such a long term 'rich mans' goal, this would effectively say 'new players/poor players, players with alts, don't even bother, you cannot compete'.


To use this analogy, WvW would become like Eotm in the old days: only instead of uplevels, you have folks in exotic gear against vets in legendary gear. And since folks who can can afford legendary gear are long term/rich players, not only do they have a skill/experience advantage for playing longer, they would also have a gear advantage.



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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> >

> > Also, you have got to admit, you have not seen one good reason why this is a bad idea, sure, plenty of people parroting a hive mind kind of response, but, has anyone given a good reason why it is bad? Lets be real, the game can be payed in Exotics, anything above that (unless you do Fractals) is not needed to fully enjoy this game, in fact people Raid in exotics, So.. not even Ascended is needed, (this elimination any of the Gear Grind/Treadmill excuses)

> >

> > So tel me, what's the real problem here?

> >

> > (I have my own answers as to why it would be bad, but I am gonna bet, no one really has given it much thought, which is why they resort to addressing the poster, and not the idea)


> WvW. The imbalance between exotics and ascended is already there (especially when factoring in infusions with the ascended), regardless of what people say, its a difference. If they increase the legendary stats above ascended, this would place and even more signficant imbalance between exotic and legendary in terms of stats.


Beautifully said.... if I could give you more then one helpful.. I would.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Zhaveh.6801" said:

> > I could see the raid parties now.. no legendary no party... makes sense. Actually, no don't do this.


> Hummm I don't see the down side.


> **Edit added**: Wouldn't this fit perfectly the paradigm of Raids in general, where you need "Legendary" gear to farm raids to get more "Legendary" gear so you can farm more raids, and with Legendary Armor and now a Ring, being Raid gear, it would thematically be perfect.


I'm saying its hard enough, right now I can still find a raiding group in exotics. however if they make legendary gear a step above ascended the odds of you getting a into a party without ascended gets even smaller. Obviously this is if you want to PUG.

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They are, you get free stat changes on a whim. Good luck getting that with ascended. Unless you want to lower stats on all other gear, you are asking for more, obvious power creep. I enjoy this game for what it is now, not what I want it to be.


> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > @"Bogy.2953" said:

> > holy kitten no , the whole deal with gw2 is that item grind for stats is kept at a minimal and you only grind for cosmetics , please op never post again


> Well, the item grind isn't really minimal in any way but ok...

> Still. I agree, OP's suggestion is really bad for a variety of reasons.


If you consider every other MMORPG out there, and the fact that once you get you zerker, viper, whatever stats you want, you won't have to get the same gear with slightly higher stats every 2 months, yeah it's pretty minimal. I have celestial gear from 3 years ago, and I won't need to replace it, ever.


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> @"Zhaveh.6801" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Zhaveh.6801" said:

> > > I could see the raid parties now.. no legendary no party... makes sense. Actually, no don't do this.

> >

> > Hummm I don't see the down side.

> >

> > **Edit added**: Wouldn't this fit perfectly the paradigm of Raids in general, where you need "Legendary" gear to farm raids to get more "Legendary" gear so you can farm more raids, and with Legendary Armor and now a Ring, being Raid gear, it would thematically be perfect.


> I'm saying its hard enough, right now I can still find a raiding group in exotics. however if they make legendary gear a step above ascended the odds of you getting a into a party without ascended gets even smaller. Obviously this is if you want to PUG.


I've read hat you said, but for the life of me, I have no idea how making Legendary's stronger makes it harder to get into groups with Exotics, I'll just write this off as _gamer logic_.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> The last thing this game needs is a gear treadmill and this is a push towards that.


But theres already some useless gear threadmill.. from white to ascended... lawl..

Crafting and gear tiers in this game were/are another bad stuff that went awfully implemented.... just another nail in the foot like many many others.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > The last thing this game needs is a gear treadmill and this is a push towards that.


> But theres already some useless gear threadmill.. from white to ascended... lawl..

> Crafting and gear tiers in this game were/are another bad stuff that went awfully implemented.... just another nail in the foot like many many others.


By the time you hit level 80, you're mostly finished with this "treadmill", even if you're power-leveling with tomes. Ascended is the closest the game has, and it's not hard to get. It gives you a goal, you do it, done, over. Then you're into the endgame forever. No catching up, no penalties for going on vacation or taking a break, no other stupid things like that.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > The last thing this game needs is a gear treadmill and this is a push towards that.

> >

> > But theres already some useless gear threadmill.. from white to ascended... lawl..

> > Crafting and gear tiers in this game were/are another bad stuff that went awfully implemented.... just another nail in the foot like many many others.


> By the time you hit level 80, you're mostly finished with this "treadmill", even if you're power-leveling with tomes. Ascended is the closest the game has, and it's not hard to get. It gives you a goal, you do it, done, over. Then you're into the endgame forever. No catching up, no penalties for going on vacation or taking a break, no other stupid things like that.


yeah i know :/, i went fro white and green direct to to exotic, didnt even bothered to switch gear while playing the game, until late, and nowadays exitic gear is free on wvw.

IMO ascended was a pain to get, every day i had to pray to the RNG lords and make a sacrifice, since i dont do pve here nor crafting.

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