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Which class would you recommend to someone just starting off and would like to focus mostly on PvE?


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Hello guys


So I have just purchased both the DLC for the game and started downloading, I have seen the classes on the wikipedia page but it looks so complex with each class having a dozen of weapons and there is also something at level 80 that changes your class so here I am asking for some advise since I didn't fully understand it.


Which class would you recommend me to start as mostly for PvE content? if that would help to tell a little about my preferred play style I do enjoy playing tanks/healers in overwatch and play control decks in hearthstone.

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play warrior, its a tank heals it self constantly and will wreck through PvE content like a idiot.


tho, in gw2 it really doesnt matter much what you play PvE wise if u ask me any class can be setup to get through PvE content.


did thief,warrior,guardian,elementalist,necro all classes did fine :D

thief was fast but squeezy

warrior is like smashing everything no problems.

Guardian well i used it as tag toon in events with staff it used be a loot stick.

ele i dunno why i did this one

necro more or less like a warrior if u ask me doesnt really have any problems but i couldnt stand the play style in PvE outside Reapers Form(which requires HoT)



think warrior is bit like soldier in Overwatch.

soldier can heal quite good, its good DD.



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I don't want to say "don't start with elementalist" but... probably don't start with elementalist. Instead of weapon swaps (of which you get two), you have (four) attunements, and each attunement gives you a different skill set so you might be overwhelmed in learning all of them (two sets of five skills as opposed to four sets of five skills for an ele). It's certainly a fun class and I definitely recommend giving it a try once you're comfortable with the basic controls in the game.


Warriors or necromancers sound like a match for your playstyle. Necro minions make for some pretty good meat shields and the class itself holds up surprisingly well for a light-armor class (have a friend who once dubbed himself a "Tank-omancer"). You can use the death shroud to get yourself out of a pinch when your health is low.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> play warrior, its a tank heals it self constantly and will wreck through PvE content like a idiot.


Someone who's never played a Warrior and who's only experience is getting their butt wooped in PvP by one spotted.


Warriors in this game is anythíng but tanks. Especially in PvE.


If you want a self-sustaining tank, roll a Guardian. Or if you want an uncoventional tank (no heavy armour visuals and the like) pick Necromancer.

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Warriors are extremely durable. Just having heal sig running will make you nearly unkillable in core Tyria.


One of my first memories of GW2 is a warrior holding up an event because he went AFK with heal sig running in a path of enemies. They were all just standing there whacking away at him while he made a sandwhich. =)


Source: Am champion legionnaire.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> Warriors are extremely durable. Just having heal sig running will make you nearly unkillable in core Tyria.


> One of my first memories of GW2 is a warrior holding up an event because he went AFK with heal sig running in a path of enemies. They were all just standing there whacking away at him while he made a sandwhich. =)


> Source: Am champion legionnaire.


Again, Warriors are not durable. Our high healthpool is deceptive in that regard, as is the heavy armour.


20K health is a lot less than what you'd expect.


The way you survive most encounters as a Warrior is like that of a Thief: kill things before they kill you. Try going against something other than trash mobs. Try soloing a Champion or two. Your healthpool vanishes quickly without any real sustain and Warriors little healing signet crumbles quickly under sustained fire.


Meanwhile Necromancers can be built like actual tanks thanks to self-healing and the second healthbar in Deathshroud. Really, I'd highly recommend Necromancer if you want a beefy character. Or Ranger. Between pets tanking for you and the sustain from Druid, they can also be built fairly unkillable and capable of soloing Champions and such shenanigans.



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Ranger is a fun class and is fairly friendly for new players. While Rangers can play pretty basic, they also can be very complex, so you shouldn't get bored with it. You can tame a wide variety of pets to assist you in your adventures. Pets range from extremely tanky / low damage to high dps / squishy and any where in between. The pets also have a wide range of special abilities and or buffs.


Heart of Thorns expansion introduced what are called elite specializations. As your third specialization you can unlock an elite at level 80. They are not intended to be more powerful but are intended to change the play style. Rangers can choose Druid from the HoT spec. and Soulbeast from Path of Fire. Druids can be one of the best healers in the game and are generally wanted in all endgame content.


I would also suggest you try out a couple classes that sound good to you. You can create a class and go to the pvp lobby and have access to all level 80 skills and such. Whatever you choose, just have fun and don't get in a big rush. There is a lot to see and explore along the way.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > Warriors are extremely durable. Just having heal sig running will make you nearly unkillable in core Tyria.

> >

> > One of my first memories of GW2 is a warrior holding up an event because he went AFK with heal sig running in a path of enemies. They were all just standing there whacking away at him while he made a sandwhich. =)

> >

> > Source: Am champion legionnaire.


> Again, Warriors are not durable. Our high healthpool is deceptive in that regard, as is the heavy armour.


> 20K health is a lot less than what you'd expect.


> The way you survive most encounters as a Warrior is like that of a Thief: kill things before they kill you. Try going against something other than trash mobs. Try soloing a Champion or two. Your healthpool vanishes quickly without any real sustain and Warriors little healing signet crumbles quickly under sustained fire.


> Meanwhile Necromancers can be built like actual tanks thanks to self-healing and the second healthbar in Deathshroud. Really, I'd highly recommend Necromancer if you want a beefy character. Or Ranger. Between pets tanking for you and the sustain from Druid, they can also be built fairly unkillable and capable of soloing Champions and such shenanigans.






I've got quite a lot of time on warrior in full ascended glass gear with both elite specs unlocked. It is VERY durable until you get to the expacs, and even though I feel totally fine face tanking most things. When I leveled her five years ago, I was consistently doing zones and story missions ten or more levels above me, whereve the cutoff point is where you can't damage enemies at all. Melee is fine even in things like dragon's stand. Add in non "optimal" things like invulns or shield and etc, and it gets insanely tanky.


But we're talking about someone who asked about an build for low level PvE. You're out of your gourd if you think a warrior isn't one of the most survivable classes at low skill levels in low level PvE. Heal sig, high health, and heavy armor will _easily_ dominate Kessex Hills. :)



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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > > Warriors are extremely durable. Just having heal sig running will make you nearly unkillable in core Tyria.

> > >

> > > One of my first memories of GW2 is a warrior holding up an event because he went AFK with heal sig running in a path of enemies. They were all just standing there whacking away at him while he made a sandwhich. =)

> > >

> > > Source: Am champion legionnaire.

> >

> > Again, Warriors are not durable. Our high healthpool is deceptive in that regard, as is the heavy armour.

> >

> > 20K health is a lot less than what you'd expect.

> >

> > The way you survive most encounters as a Warrior is like that of a Thief: kill things before they kill you. Try going against something other than trash mobs. Try soloing a Champion or two. Your healthpool vanishes quickly without any real sustain and Warriors little healing signet crumbles quickly under sustained fire.

> >

> > Meanwhile Necromancers can be built like actual tanks thanks to self-healing and the second healthbar in Deathshroud. Really, I'd highly recommend Necromancer if you want a beefy character. Or Ranger. Between pets tanking for you and the sustain from Druid, they can also be built fairly unkillable and capable of soloing Champions and such shenanigans.

> >

> But we're talking about someone who asked about an build for low level PvE. You're out of your gourd if you think a warrior isn't one of the most survivable classes at low skill levels in low level PvE. Heal sig, high health, and heavy armor will _easily_ dominate Kessex Hills. :)




As will any other class. All classes are prefectly capable of doing the majority of open world PvE. This doesn't in any shape or form make Warrior a durable tank character. Healing Signet is decent, but it can easily be overwhelmed if you bite off more than you can chew and then you will go down as a Warrior. As I said, the best way to play Warrior in open world PvE is to kill things before they kill you.


Stop trying to sell him a false idea of what the Warrior is. It is NOT a tank, not by a long stretch.


As I said, try doing the things the actual tank classes are capable of (such as solo Champions and the like) and the Warrior falls flat on his butt.


Now, Warrior has been my main since launch. I love the class. Which is why I hate seeing you guys giving this new guy false info like this. I would whole-heartedly recommend the class in general, but not as a "durable tank".



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We're going to have to agree to disagree. I feel like you're trying to defend the image of warrior more than you're trying to help a newbie.


A warrior is one of the easiest classes to use in low level PvE because of its durability in my opinion (and apparently a lot of others since it's usually listed as the go-to class for newbies.)



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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> Warrior also can be very tanky without zerker Gear ^^


Yes. I wouldn't recommend it to someone, but in reality no new player is going to be running full zerk gear while they level. You use whatever the newest best piece of gear you find is, and it's natural to aim for balanced stats.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > play warrior, its a tank heals it self constantly and will wreck through PvE content like a idiot.


> Someone who's never played a Warrior and who's only experience is getting their butt wooped in PvP by one spotted.


> Warriors in this game is anythíng but tanks. Especially in PvE.


> If you want a self-sustaining tank, roll a Guardian. Or if you want an uncoventional tank (no heavy armour visuals and the like) pick Necromancer.


dont know what your playing but my warrior will never die in PvE content, i dont even do sPvP only WvW and sometimes PvE i play warrior/thief in WvW nothing else.

dunno how u cant tank as warrior..

a guardian doesnt even have half of warrior DPS unless u call Conditions DPS but for me im talking about wacking something with sword is DPS not some shitty dots.


tho i dont have anything to proof here if the guy wants play guardian play guardian at the end all classes shine its just the way u play em.


btw just fast in between, this game has no tanks according to your opinion.

guardian is a tank, but i dont see how guardian can down a boss solo.

only classes that can down a boss solo are the classes far from tanks and get almost wrecked in 1 hit from the boss.


well played warrior is perfectly capable of tanking shit in this game. but game doesnt really require tanking it just requires some dodges and dont stand in X spot.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > play warrior, its a tank heals it self constantly and will wreck through PvE content like a idiot.

> >

> > Someone who's never played a Warrior and who's only experience is getting their butt wooped in PvP by one spotted.

> >

> > Warriors in this game is anythíng but tanks. Especially in PvE.

> >

> > If you want a self-sustaining tank, roll a Guardian. Or if you want an uncoventional tank (no heavy armour visuals and the like) pick Necromancer.


> dunno how u cant tank as warrior..


No sustain (No, Healing Signet is not nearly enough) no Protection. No extra healthbar or anything.


As I said, trash PvE mobs do not qualify.


Try to solo a Champion.


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > > play warrior, its a tank heals it self constantly and will wreck through PvE content like a idiot.

> > >

> > > Someone who's never played a Warrior and who's only experience is getting their butt wooped in PvP by one spotted.

> > >

> > > Warriors in this game is anythíng but tanks. Especially in PvE.

> > >

> > > If you want a self-sustaining tank, roll a Guardian. Or if you want an uncoventional tank (no heavy armour visuals and the like) pick Necromancer.

> >

> > dunno how u cant tank as warrior..


> No sustain (No, Healing Signet is not nearly enough) no Protection. No extra healthbar or anything.


> As I said, trash PvE mobs do not qualify.


> Try to solo a Champion.



Why is a new player soloing champs in berseker gear? He asked what an easy intro to PvE was. No one is saying warriors are a brain dead class, we're saying it's extremely easy to get into PvE with. We're talking Queensdale here. Mesmer or ele can do fine as well, but they're not as simple to use in Queensdale.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > > > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > > > play warrior, its a tank heals it self constantly and will wreck through PvE content like a idiot.

> > > >

> > > > Someone who's never played a Warrior and who's only experience is getting their butt wooped in PvP by one spotted.

> > > >

> > > > Warriors in this game is anythíng but tanks. Especially in PvE.

> > > >

> > > > If you want a self-sustaining tank, roll a Guardian. Or if you want an uncoventional tank (no heavy armour visuals and the like) pick Necromancer.

> > >

> > > dunno how u cant tank as warrior..

> >

> > No sustain (No, Healing Signet is not nearly enough) no Protection. No extra healthbar or anything.

> >

> > As I said, trash PvE mobs do not qualify.

> >

> > Try to solo a Champion.

> >


> Why is a new player soloing champs in berseker gear? He asked what an easy intro to PvE was. No one is saying warriors are a brain dead class, we're saying it's extremely easy to get into PvE with. We're talking Queensdale here. Mesmer or ele can do fine as well, but they're not as simple to use in Queensdale.




Because you're trying to tell him that a Warrior is a tank because he can survive PvE trash mobs - any class can do that, with any build. Warrior is not any more "durable" against trash than most other classes. The high healthpool is a trap because of the lack of sustain and damage reduction.


As I said, that is not the ruler we measure against when comparing tankiness of a build - but something like soloing a Champion by face-tanking would be.


Let's say any new player reads this thread and want to play a tank Warrior based on your false words. Then he hits 80 and wants to tank raids. Talk about him being laughed out of town and having wasted his time!

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I'd like to add another vote for Ranger.


The value of a pet for a new player can't be overstated. While you are figuring out what button to press, your pet is already attacking. When you are sorting out your inventory and get randomly attacked, you pet is defending you before you realize what's going on. When you get knocked down by your enemies, your pet can revive you, if you hold on long enough. When there's an enemy who can crush you, your pet runs up and engages them while you safely shoot them full of arrows from a distance.


Plus, rangers can equip two weapon sets at once and switch between them in the middle of battle, if your current weapon does not seem right for the situation. (Usually great sword for melee and longbow for ranged, but anything goes!) Not all classes have that ability.


Rangers have lots of good survival skills, too. The one I found absolutely essential when I was a noob was Muddy Terrain, which cuts your falling damage in half. Saved my life many times. I think that was under the Wilderness Survival skill set.


Welcome to the game, I hope you have a great time!

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Seconding ranger and **especially** warrior.


Warrior with the Spellbreaker elite spec is my go-to class for doing anything open-world related. 19K health in Berserker gear, with a 12k heal on a reasonably short cooldown, incredible self-sustain from a combination of traits as well as access to kick & bull's charge completely trivialise a lot of fights that my other characters (especially my elementalist) had issues with. If you become good enough at it, you can also use this spec to solo champions (there's some videos floating around on youtube). [The Spellbreaker build in this Build Compilation is what I'm running.](



Granted, the Spellbreaker part won't be coming into effect until you reach level 80, but even before warrior is mostly smooth sailing through leveling content. Just grab "Might Makes Right" in the Strength traitline and then you'll heal yourself whenever you apply might (which you can do a lot as a warrior!) and keep your gear reasonably up-to-date (goes for any class).


Other than that, as others have said, Rangers are great for solo stuff. Enemies tend to focus your pets a lot, and if they don't there is a trait that makes your pet gain an actual taunt ability.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> On the other hand it might be better to start with learning good habits rather than having to learn bad ones later.


Ah, finally a solid piece of advice. Trying to make the Warrior a tank when leveling is actually very bad because end-game PvE is all about Berserker or Viper gear and - as I've been saying over and over by now - killing things before they kill you. Same thing goes with the role of Warriors in raids and fractals.


Learning to play in squishy damage gear from the very get-go will serve and new player well in the long run. This is not really exclusive to Warriors either since all classes do have the potential to rune all-out offensive setups as well and outside of raids, there is no content in the game that requires a tank either (people who tank in raids usually have a whole seperate set of gear they only use when tanking, the rest of the time they play with damage gear on anyway).


> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

>Warrior is a good intro to PvE because it's far more durable


Necromancer is far more durable than Warrior since it not only has a second lifebar in Deathshroud AND life-stealing. AND pets. Heavy armour? Hah, armour is exclusively for fashion wars in this game. Heavy armour barely makes a difference in the long run.


Guardian is even more durable still. Sure they have lower healthpool than Warriors and Necromancer, but their ability to spam boons such as Protection and Regeneration makes their effective health a lot higher than Warriors. As I was saying, the high health pool of Warriors is deceptive.


Also, we both know this isn't about "intro PvE" anymore. It is about you guys claiming that Warrior is a tank when it is not.


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