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Nerf Spellbreaker winds.


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WoD is the only thing that keeps the META game from moving towards hardcore pirate shipping. It would be almost impossible to come anywhere close to a squad of scourge/heralds/firebrands otherwise. Unless you'd actually prefer that. I, for one, am pretty happy to see the game reward proper squad movement and well timed pushes myself.

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As a warrior commander, i do see the difference when there are spell breakers. My team normally is less than the enemy so those bubbles allow us to penetrate their def.


But so far, if your team is mobile, you should have no problems.


I ran a group of nothing but dh. We fought off scourges, heralds, spell breakers. Sometimes, its about guts.

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> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > Spell-breakers need something to help themselves vs scourges :)

> >

> > Maybe remove reflect?


> Nerf Winds of Disenchantment Radius is better


WoD: Create an area of calm where foes cannot receive boons and lose boons every interval. **Projectiles entering this area are destroyed.**


> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> Don't know why Anet dodge our feedback :'(


Anet "dodges" players feedback because players apparently don't know how WoD even works.

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> @"alcopaul.2156" said:

> condi aids necros are more of a problem than this


It's not he condi damage that's hurting you it's the boon corruption.


I'm actually finding in arcdps that Scourge condition damage has been brought back to the pack after the nerfs.


Firebrands and Weavers are very often beating Scourge in the DPS ranks.


It's a "boon hate" meta and it's likely to be that way for a years into the future. So if you're going to run a build that is heavily reliant on boons then you're going to have a bad time.


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WoD is an imbalance in skills , not any skill can like it have Number of Targets of 10 / Boons Removed 2 per 1sec / Blocks Missiles / Duration 10s / Radius: 360 /Unblockable


but Recharge just 90s ?


No other profession elite skill like it can have complex effect but only short recharge time


at least remove most effect or reduce Number of Targets or increase Recharge time till >150 s

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the skill comparison has been done loads of times.

anet havent nerfed so its working as intended. the fact its hated shows how much people rely on boons.

I run fb (aswell~) and boon spam, dodge, boon spam its not the end of the world.

if the radius was reduced I'd not have to dodge

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> @"arenta.2953" said:

> as much as i want this skill nerfed.........theres a bigger issue


> AoE Hell. aka the Scourge spam.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/9Nkt7Wn.jpg "")



But that is the PoF meta, scourge+spambrand, and next expac will ad more aoe spam , they will keep adding more AOE spam over and over, it makes bad players look good... rather than know what and whom they need to hit.


For the player who say gw2 gameplay is good, they are new to mmo's or just plain bad that need this kind of AOE spam to feel good :astonished:


Game was made for bad players ;)



ANet need to remove some AOE from the game, and aoe that does direct damage cant condi, within some exceptions like Metor Shower and alike skills, if AOE could be reduced, gameplay would be better and some skills like MS could have it's number of targets increased.


TDLR: Less AOE and cleaves spam overall, but stronger aoe's, this is the main issue on class design and balance and in what game balance is lacking, Classes are being designed with to much spam and aoe due the nature of the bad pve of this game.

That is hurting the pvp gamemodes.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"arenta.2953" said:

> > as much as i want this skill nerfed.........theres a bigger issue

> >

> > AoE Hell. aka the Scourge spam.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/9Nkt7Wn.jpg "")

> >


> But that is the PoF meta, scourge+spambrand, and next expac will ad more aoe spam , they will keep adding more AOE spam over and over, it makes bad players look good... rather than know what and whom they need to hit.


> For the player who say gw2 gameplay is good, they are new to mmo's or just plain bad that need this kind of AOE spam to feel good :astonished:


> Game was made for bad players ;)


> Tip;

> ANet need to remove some AOE from the game, and aoe that does direct damage cant condi, within some exceptions like Metor Shower and alike skills, if AOE could be reduced, gameplay would be better and some skills like MS could have it's number of targets increased.


> TDLR: Less AOE and cleaves spam overall, but stronger aoe's, this is the main issue on class design and balance and in what game balance is lacking, Classes are being designed with to much spam and aoe due the nature of the bad pve of this game.

> That is hurting the pvp gamemodes.


they defenitly need to trim down the AoE to make single target more viable again.


as well as make some way to reduce condition dmg. like maybe the healing stat also reduces condition dmg.

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> @"arenta.2953" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"arenta.2953" said:

> > > as much as i want this skill nerfed.........theres a bigger issue

> > >

> > > AoE Hell. aka the Scourge spam.

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/9Nkt7Wn.jpg "")

> > >

> >

> > But that is the PoF meta, scourge+spambrand, and next expac will ad more aoe spam , they will keep adding more AOE spam over and over, it makes bad players look good... rather than know what and whom they need to hit.

> >

> > For the player who say gw2 gameplay is good, they are new to mmo's or just plain bad that need this kind of AOE spam to feel good :astonished:

> >

> > Game was made for bad players ;)

> >

> > Tip;

> > ANet need to remove some AOE from the game, and aoe that does direct damage cant condi, within some exceptions like Metor Shower and alike skills, if AOE could be reduced, gameplay would be better and some skills like MS could have it's number of targets increased.

> >

> > TDLR: Less AOE and cleaves spam overall, but stronger aoe's, this is the main issue on class design and balance and in what game balance is lacking, Classes are being designed with to much spam and aoe due the nature of the bad pve of this game.

> > That is hurting the pvp gamemodes.


> they defenitly need to trim down the AoE to make single target more viable again.


> as well as make some way to reduce condition dmg. like maybe the healing stat also reduces condition dmg.


I think the issue with conditions is the cleaves spam and aoe's not the conditions base values, all the dumb offensive stacking happening, i would not want ANet to touch condi before they tone down the spam or the aoe/cleave spamming.

If u notice, and this one thing i have been complaning alot, its that everythign is boon and condi stacking, this is the worst u can make it happen in a game where everything is aoe/cleave spam based...

And the boon stacking is.. well.. 10+ spambrands with 10+ scourges stacking everything.... broken skills like a traited Winds must exist..

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Unpopular opinion here: As much as I hate SB bubble, it is the one thing that makes the boonbrand and boomspam tolerable. It is also the one thing that makes warrior essential in zergs, as essential as FB-scourge-revs. No, do not nerf it, in my opinion. If it does get nerfed, so should boonspamming. WoD has a cast time of 1.5 secs, it is usually easy to tell WHEN a SB will yolo and cast it, and if one pays attention to own and enemy zerg's movement, it is predictable to tell where the second one will be cast as well. Leave it as it is, please. It is the only thing that makes this pirateship mindless boonspam thing playable.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> Spell-breakers need something to help themselves vs scourges :)



And that's exactly what the problem is with scourges and the whole balancing in wvw and pvp. Scourge is pretty much a bad designed class. Should it be nerfed? Yes, but how?

Scourge is more than easy to play because of AoE. You don't need a working brain to put down your fields and this dumbs down the class to positioning yourself correctly.

Most other builds need to play actively and still check positioning. So, you just stack a ton of Scourges, create a zone of instagib and move on.

I really don't know how to change that or make it harder to play without destroying Scourges completely.

Next step:

If Scourges are no longer a problem we still have a heavy boon spreading meta. Without scourges the whole meta shifts into unstoppable zergs with permanent might, stability, protection, resistance, etc.

Is that any better? With the actual power builds I'd say no, not at all. You either have two equal good zergs running around each other without anything going down or a good zerg fighting a bad one and the bad one getting annihilated. Damage in this meta is by far too high for condition damage and power.


So, what to do to fix that?


There is no fix without completely reworking boon and condition design and separate it from pve stuff. In pve it makes sense to have AoE on a not so long cd and it makes sense to spam boons into your raid group and have enough damage vs bosses with millions of hp.

For wvw every decision in your gameplay inside your group should be important. You blow your stab to early, you die, you put down a condi field without thinking, you deal zero damage, you blindly press 1-5, nothing good happens except for shiny effects.

Nerf Scourges in wvw and while at it, do the same to Revenants, Guardians, Spellbreaker, Mesmer, Elementalist. You can't nerf one of those without having to rebalance the whole game.






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