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Wintersday Bell Choir - Please remove "Free to Play"


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It is just pointless. Everytime I want to join the Bell Choir i have to skip up to five maps where the main event is over and only the "Free to Play" round is active. It does not add any achievement progress or contribution to the daylies.


If it cannot be removed then at least don´t let new player join it.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Have you tried *not* skipping around and wait for the next event?


It's not particularly bad. But when you play several rounds in a row the free play section is getting to you.

I think after the second round has started, the instance should be locked. So when you enter the instance you're always up for the first or second round

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Well considering that various choir bells drop like candy in the game, having this free to play segment in bell choir is redundant. Just jump out of the bell choir instance, equip a bell and go to town. Don't have a bell? Spend 5 copper on the market place and grab one, no need to have a free to play segment in bell choir slowing everything down.

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Agreed but I think the whole system needs a rework entirely. For this event it would be a great start to remove the free play especially since people don't have a reason to do it so they leave making space for other people trying to enter bell choir that also don't want to do free play. I entered bell choir 5 times today, until I could play a song.

In this case free play is a big part of the problem since if I understand it correctly it clears out all the active players making the area take in new players instead of closing. Also I'm not entirely sure on this but all the bell choir instances Ive joined seem to be under 10 minutes duration and at about 4 minutes free play starts making it a very small window of actual bellchoir gameplay.

If I understand it correctly, removing free play and extending the timer for the event would be a good solution, but if anyone bothers to put work into it I suggest either removing the timer from these events all together or atleast making it so that you can't join an instance that will close within the next 5 minutes since it's also (but less) frustrating in the jumping puzzle, or the halloween jumping puzzle.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Have you tried *not* skipping around and wait for the next event?

> Have you? It kicks you out...




No it doesn't? It hasn't kicked me, and I've waited more than 3 times now, today. Every time I got a fresh instance after the timer was over.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Have you tried *not* skipping around and wait for the next event?

> Have you? It kicks you out...




If it doesn't take you into a new instance it's extremely rare, and I can say that with 100% certainty. The *only* time I haven't been able to join a bell choir instance this year was once. *ONCE*. I've played many *many* games as well, sinking at least 4h/day into the bells alone since Wintersday started. I have not been kicked out to DR, nor have I been kicked out to character select. I'd suggest having your settings on potato graphics to increase load speed if you're having that much of an issue.


Note all that said with an average ping of 300. If you're having issues I'd be inclined to say it's on your end.

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I think that Bell Choir should take a page from Toypocalypse and split it into two modes. One which is the standard 6 song contest, and one which is just an endless free play mode for musicians to play their hearts out. Make it so you can enter with a 3 man team too so you can have your own bell choir with friends.

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